Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and other government officials, regarding the administration of new presidios in Californias and canal de Santa Barbara.

Serial Number
Neve, Felipe de (Gobernador)
Croix, Teodoro de (Comandante)
End date
Mexico, Arispe, San Gabriel, Monterrey, San Diego. December 27, 1779-October 3, 1781. Aproximately 212 pages. Letters, informes, charts. Originals, signed.
Concern establishment of a Pueblo called reyna de los Angeles and another one called san Joseph de Guadalupe; construction of three missions in California; arrangements of how new presidios would be provided with horses, cloth, security, and population; estimated number of families to inhabit new presidios; inhabitants for new presidios are required to be in good health. A carpenter and blacksmith are needed so they can make tools and ploughs; recruits for new presidios are required to be married. Part of the army of new presidios is celibate due to lack of Spanish women in area; corn and barley is produced in new presidios to feed the horses; fabric and some garments for boys, girls, women and soldiers is sent to new presidios. (garments include socks, shoes, skirts etc.. Chart in ff.36 and 42 include list of families and inhabitants of new presidios). Index of carpetas de documentos sent to the governor of California (documents are not in here). List of supplies for soldiers in new presidios (saddles, underwears, coats, shoes, cartucheras, frenos de caballo; list of military officials in each of new presidios (ff. 28-29; 60-61); governor of California to send new guidelines for administration of new presidios. (M. Marroquin, October 1988)
Neve, Felipe de (Gobernador)
Rivera y Moncada, Fernando de (Capitan)
Gonzalez, Diego
Villaverde, Alonso (Alferez)
Garcia, Manuel (Cadete)
Laso de la Vega, Ramon (Cadete)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacinto
Corvalan, Pedro (Gobernador Interino)
Ruiz, Manuel (Alferez)
Croix, Teodoro de (Comandante)
Canete, Joaquin (Teniente)
Alvarez Osorio, Francisco
Velazquez, Jose (Alferez)
Goya, Manuel Ramon de
Lasaga, Diego de
Vidal de Lorca, Melchor
Cierragorda, Conde de
Carrillo, Mariano
Guadalupe (Rio)
California (Provincia)
Monterrey (Presidio)
San Diego (Presidio)
Santa Barbara (Presidio)
Horcasitas (Presidio)
Ostimuri (Provincia)
Colorado (Rio)
Gila (Rio)
San Blas
San Buenaventura (Mision)
Loreto (Presidio)
Capistrano, San Juan (Mision)
San Gabriel (Mision)
Angeles, Reyna de los (Pueblo)
Guadalupe, San Joseph de (Pueblo)
Porcumula (Rio)
Santa Barbara (Canal)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 122 ff. 001-058 exp. 1 (Approx)
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 122 ff. 001-058 exp. 1
Documents are numbered but those numbers do not really represents the true number of each folio. Document contains folios labeled as carpetas which bear no information.
Reference Number
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