Ano de 1792 correspondencia con el gobernador de Nuevo Leon Manuel Vaamonde begins with acavo de recivir el superior.

Serial Number
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
End date
Monterrey. October 3, 1793-October 25, 1793. 24p. Approximate letters/indice de correspondencia. Originals.
A Series of indexes of letters with short descriptions of the contents and occasionally a complete letter included such as number 15 which relates how Gracia and others did not fulfill their obligations to protect effectively against Indians, index of letters 71-73, 71 concerns the seizure of Nata's goods, 72 concerns power given to virreys and gobernadores to allow conscripts and others the permision to travel to Spain, 73 concern the application for promotion of Ramon and hiring of Castaneda; index of letters 68-69, 68 concerns reports filed by Giral and his expeditious processing of these matters, 69 concerns money spent by Dufay in combating Indians at mision of San Christobal; index of letters 65-67, 65 concerns the account of Dufay, 66 concerns the correspondence sent to intendiente de Potosi, 67 concerns a royal decree and its circulation; index of letters 60-63, 60 concerns a report on Indians of San Esptoval, 61 concerns the work of Dufay in capturing Indians, 62 concerns criminal Cases of Indians and 63 concerns Garcia. (O. Velez, November 1988)
Gracia, Domingo (Sargento)
Gonzales Huerto, Tomas (Alferez)
Trevino, Antonio (Alferez)
Guarardo, Jose Andres (Teniente)
Natas Dominguez de, Juan
Ramon, Juan Ignacio (Capitan)
Giral, Jose Maria (Contador Real de Diezmos)
Dufay, Guillermo (Alferez)
Garcia, Jose Antonio (Alferez)
Castaneda, Juan (Teniente)
Vaamonde, Manuel (Gobernador)
Villa de Hoyos
San Esptoval (Mision)
San Christobal (Mision)
San Juan Bauptista de la Punta de Lamparos
Rio Blanco
Military Groups
Punta de Lampazos, Compania de La
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 117 ff. 089-101 (Approx) exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 117 ff. 089-101 (Appro
Unnumbered folio this sequence begins with phrase found above in title.
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