Letters written by Vaamonde and the virrey to each other the first in this group beginning with Haviendo dirigido mi instancia concerning a promotion and a tax imposed.

Serial Number
Vaamonde Villamil, Manuel
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Beginning date
End date
Monterrey. September 24, 1791-October 8, 1791. 16p.(Approximate) letters. Originals.
A Series of letters written by Vaamonde and virrey concerning a promotion sought by Vaamonde and a dispute over a tax (Media with the way his petition for promotion was subverted by rumors and innuendos, his feeling that the dishonor caused to him and his family by his continuation in his current post may be the cause of his resignation, virrey's response that no action can be taken until the legal proceedings related to the case are concluded, Vaamonde's procurement of inspector Nava to conduct thorough investigation of their allegations of impropriety and thus clear his name, the impossibility of his being able to provide for family and other obligations if he is not exempted from the, media annata tax imposed on his salary, cites his predecessors exemption from tax and seeks the Same, virrey's response that his request is reasonable but that the matter is not within his domain, Vaamonde's contention that the area under his control is unproductive and does not provide a supplement to finances of Nuevo Leon. (O. Velez, November 1988)
Gonzales Santianez, Vicente (Coronel)
Vaamonde Villamil, Manuel (Governador)
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
San Luis Potosi
Nuevo Leon
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 117 ff. 050-058 (Approx) exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 117 ff. 050-058 (Appro
Reference Number
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