Letters to and from Aguero concerning civil administration.

Serial Number
Aguero, Joseph Carlos (Gobernador)
Beginning date
Durango. February 25, 1767-June 10, 1767. 24p. Letters. Copies. Autos signed
Letters from Aguero to Croix concerning administration; a letter about some autos that will clear a missunderstanding related to the administration of a Hospital. A petition to protect two persons that have to pass thru Durango. A letter to Aguero asking for help on a military injustice, (people have been sent to Obraje). A letter from an obrero in the Obraje relating terrible conditions that they are suffering, Aguero answers he can't take part in military affairs being a civil servant and remits the letters to Croix. Letters to and from Aguero in which he and some other citizens complain about the injustice done by Lope de Cuellar, a capitan in charge of everything. Aguero has been stripped from any authority by the viceroy himself. These letters, Aguero complains, are not delivered either. Finally he is going back to Castilla but he can't get Croix to sign his papers in time to catch the ship from Veracruz, because of some discrepancies in his title and salary, he refuses to pay for his residencia while Croix keeps finding new acusations; such as depriving him of authority over administrators of the Hospital in Durango. Aguero is reduced to poverty, living with his family in a hacienda owned by some friends. Aguero defends himself with letters, which Croix refuses to answer. He is granted permission to leave for Spain only after he pays for his residencia. (T. Kahana. October 1988)
Lanzon, Leoncio de (Fray)
Aguero, Joseph Carlos (Gobernador)
Croix, Marquez de (Virrey)
Galvez, Bernardo de
Cunon, Pedro
Lascano, Antonio
Cuellar, Lope de (Capitan)
Gijon, Franco
Abuares, Sirildo
Zuniga, Ramon de
Tapia, Manuel (General)
Blancul, Joseph
Barela, Joseph
Campeon, Juan (Escribano)
Aluares, Marcial
Sanchez, Marcos Patricio (Capitan)
Sanchez, Petra Antonia
Albarez, Marcial Antonio
Robles, Joseph
Basterrechea, Joseph Ignacio (Cura)
Noriega, Joachin de
Campeon, Juan
Fayni, Joseph (Gobernador)
Arriaga, Julian de
Aesilona, Juan Antonio de
Arango, Diego de
Mendoza, Matheo Antonio de (Gobernador)
Velez Cachupin, Thomas (Gobernador)
Infante, Antonio (Fray)
San Diego (Minas)
Analco, San Juan de (Pueblo)
Dolores (Puesto)
San Pedro (Pueblo)
Encinillas (Obraje)
Chichimaquilla (Hacienda)
Conchos, Francisco de (Pueblo)
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 094 ff. 134-187 exp. 2
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 094 ff. 134-187 exp. 2
Letters out of order.
Reference Number
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