Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato regarding various military and economic matters.

Serial Number
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier)
and others
End date
Chihuahua, Mexico. May 25-August 2, 1786. 30p. Letter. Signed, original.
Ugarte y Loyola reports various military and administrative with report of killing and taking prisoner several Indians to which number Echeagaray has added. Certain orders have been promulgated concerning privileges of registrants of Marina. Acknowledgement of receipt of letter concerning person to be named to substitute in intervention of extracts of reviews pertaining to troops of California. Compliance with royal ordinance of June 15, 1784 about alternative of Accidental command in Plazas, no further elaboration. Virreynato communicates to Ugarte y Loyola various administrative suitable company. Notification that ordinance has been issued concerning liquidation of investments saved in Texas and Sonora; to be reintigrated into population and friendship of Luisiana Indians. Request that administrator of tobacco send unspecified amount of tobacco monthly to Santoja to pay debt. Mangino to be in charge of mining and commerce. Notification of receipt of extracts of reviews of presidios of California. Request to return certified copy of royal title which king deemed necessary in comandancia general. Notice that it is up to royal officials to decide on substitutes to review lists of presidios of California. Diaz to receive certain amount of Matamoros' failure to support wife; surgeon Comaduran is not to receive salary prior to arrival at post. (D. J. McClelland, December 1987)
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Brigadier)
Galvez, Conde de
Rengel, Jose Antonio (Coronel)
Echeagaray, Manuel de (Capitan)
Ponze, Felix Joseph (Padre)
Diaz de Lima, Miguel (Cadete)
Navarro, Juan Martin (Intendiente)
Santoja, Jose (Teniente)
Mangino, Fernando Jose (Subdelegado Administrador de Real Azogues)
Beregana, Domingo
Diaz, Domingo (Capitan)
Matamoros, Francisco
Carranque, Francisca de Paula
Morales, Nicolas de
Comaduran, Antonio (Cirujano)
Chihuagua (Villa)
Santa Cruz (Presidio)
Luisiana (Provincia)
Veracruz (Puerto)
Bexar, San Antonio de (Presidio)
Zelaya (Ciudad)
Espiritu Santo, Bahia del (Presidio)
California (Provincia)
Marina (Departamento)
Loreto (Departamento)
Guadalupe, San Jose de (Pueblo)
California (Peninsula)
Nueva Vizcaya
Malaga (Ciudad)
Military Groups
Servicio de las Armas(?)
Espana, Regimento de Dragones de
Espiritu Santo, Compania del Presidio del
Nueva Vizcaya, Volante de la expedicion de
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 078 ff. 277-291
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 078 ff. 277-291
Reference Number
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