Serial Number
Diaz de Bustamante, Joseph Ramon
Lacomba, Claudio (Capitan)
San Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano del
and others
Beginning date
End date
Nuevo Santander. March 1791-February 28, 1793. 154p. Diarios, estados de fuerza, exposiciones. Originals, copies, signed.
Diarios de novedades (1791, 1792, part 0f 1793) from segunda and tercera companias in which significant occurrences relating to Indians recorded, some months without; Diaz de Bustamante of tercera compania includes more detail of administration and organization than other authors, including San Maxent of segunda compania, but provides succinct Margin notes stating whether contact with Indians occurred that month. Diaz de Bustamante's detail concerns Messages sent regarding Indians, men and horses dispatched to investigate situations or to fight, number of Indians, soldiers killed, where, by whom, soldiers dispatched to purchase food and other supplies, granting of licencias, also several exposiciones describing military conflict with Indians (folios 389-392); Estados de fuerza of both companias, number of individuals in each post, where located in, special assignments or missions involved in. Footnotes explaining data; relacion listing number of horses, mules belonging to companias, quantity and type of armamento and vestuario. (L. Kerr, July 1988)
Diaz de Bustamante, Joseph Ramon (Capitan)
Augustin Campos, Joseph (Soldado)
Lacomba, Claudio (Capitan)
Arranvide, Juan de (Teniente)
Murgier, Miguel (Alferez)
Talamantes, Mathes (Sargento)
Lazaro, Joseph
Segovia, Victor (Cavo)
Llanos, Juan Joseph (Cadete)
Navayra, Jose (Soldado)
Salamia, Juan Jose (Recluta)
Bujanos, Manuel (Alferez)
San Maxent, Francisco Maximiliano del
Cosio, Nicolas (Teniente)
Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin
Sierra Gorda, Conde de la
Galban, Manuel (Alferez)
Fernandez Carmona, Juan (Capitan)
Dovalina, Manuel (Sargento)
Lemee(?), Nicolas (Alferez)
Garcia de Trio, Joaquin (Alferez)
Avendano, Nicolas (Sargento)
Trevino, Antonio (Alferez)
Bexar, Juan Antonio de
Baptista (Indio)
Tazinto y Curbelo (Indio)
Orozco, Joseph Antonio (Cavo)
Servantes, Antonio (Soldado)
Trevino, Manuel (Segundo Alferez)
Ximenes, Ygnacio
Gonzalez, Antonio
Gonzales, Pedro
Gil, Miguel
Valle (Sargento)
Rio Grande
Noczes (Rio)
Carrizitos (Rancho)
Santa Rosa
Lampazos (Punta)
San Bernardo (Mision)
Texas (Misiones)
Llera (Villa) (Quartel)
Reynoza (Villa)
Camargo (Villa)
Palo Blanco (Arroyo)
Coahuila (Provincia)
Rio Grande (Presidio)
San Antonio
Parrita (Paraje)
Agua Grande
Aguayo (Villa)
Laredo (Villa)
Ethnic Groups
Military Groups
San Antonio, Compania de
Nuevo Santander, Tercera Compania Volante de la Colonia del
Nuevo Santander, Segunda Compania Volante de la Colonia del
Bahia, Compania de La
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 052 ff. 335-412 exp. 3
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 052 ff. 335-412 exp. 3
Some copies very light, not in strict chronological order, some margins cut, referred to as expediente 1 in indice del ramo, which also gives incorrect page total (412 folios, not 402)
Reference Number
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