Serial Number
Campo, Francisco Javier del
Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe
Plo y Aldrian, Pedro
and others
End date
Chihuahua, Durango, Mexico. October 18, 1787-December 20, 1787. 51p. Letters, table, autos. Originals, copies, signed.
F. D011 is cover sheet for ff.e001-e027 which are documents concerning status of treasury at Chihuahua. F.e004 contains table of accounts from treasury at Durango for 1786-1787. Ff.e003-e006 are letters from Durango concerning status of treasury there. Ff.e007-e012 are copies of several documents concerning status of treasury at Durango. F.e009v includes auto concerning internal activity at Durango. Mention of shortage of funds at Durango. Mention of meetings treasury deficits and policy. Includes letter from merchants to intendente concerning payment of additional taxes. Mention of need for funds to pay troops. F.e013 is letter from Hortega to superintendent-general of real hacienda concerning acquisition of funds. Ff.e014-e025 are group of copies of documents regarding payments to royal treasury. Most are autos concerning completion of required payments. Mention of military expedition into Nueva Mexico. F.e026 is letter from Hortega concerning receipt of payments. (W. Copas, March 1988)
Campo, Francisco Javier del
Diaz de Hortega, Felipe (Intendente)
Olvera, Jose Antonio de (Escrivano)
Guizarnotequi, Francisco de (Apoderado)
Plo y Aldrian, Pedro
Baques y Marco, Ramiro
Torre, Fernando Antonio de la
Prado, Jose Augustin del
Villaverde, Visente de
Ruis, Manuel
Yribarren, Jose Antonio de
Ventura Marquez, Diego
Ortegosa, Thomas de
Ventura Do Porto
Martinez, Andres Manuel
Velarde, Pedro Antonio
Ramos de Verea, Pedro
Ochoa, Pablo de
Morales, Alonso
Ugarte, Juaquin de
Gonsales, Ygnacio Antonio
Suares, Jose
Yrigoyen, Pedro Ygnacio de
Elguea(?), Francisco Manuel de
Beregana, Domingo de
Garcia de Guinea, Jose
Extrada, Jose Julian de
Pastor de Madariaga, Justo
Nuevo Mexico
Military Groups
Companias Volantes
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 046 ff. C11-D27
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 046 ff. C11-D27
Continued from preceding folios. Folios renumbered or begin new sequence several times; each new sequence is here denoted by letter before number. The 4th and 5th foliation sequences of this Volume are denoted by d and e. Foliation follows previous sequences. Sequence e begins after f.d011. Ff.e001-e007, e014-e025 are partially illegible due to faulty exposure. Ff. E007-e012, e014-e025 are groups of copies clumped together. Folios after f. E026 are not numbered; foliation used here follows previous sequence.
Reference Number
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