Communications regarding status of royal treasuries.

Serial Number
Rio, Manuel del
Castillo, Augustin del
San Sebastian, Jose de
and others
End date
Arispe, Mexico, Guadalajara, others. July 7, 1783-August 31, 1785. 203p. Informe, auto. Signed, copies.
Various documents regarding remission of contents of royal treasuries and taxes to Arispe in response to orders from comandante general. Mention of shortage of muleteers in Guadalajara to convey payment to Arispe. Mention of Nava's succession to comandancy general after Neve's death. Folios 29, 30 are manifests of contents of royal treasuries, payments to civil officials from September 1784. Includes informe notifying viceroy of Neve's death. Folios 38, 45, 46 mention use of tax money for military expeditions; folio 47 refers to formation of new company of presidial dragoons from Saltillo. folio 56 is partial list of payments received in Mexico dated 13 November 1784. folio 58 provides summary of contents of military treasury at Chihuahua and royal treasuries at Durango, Rosario, Guanajuato, and San Luis Potosi in response to orders from Mexico. Several autos from local officials regarding use of royal funds. Much anxiety and debate occurs as to dates and amounts of payments throughout. folio 76 is review of taxes on gunpowder and playing cards from 1781-1784. Mention of Rengel's succession to comandante general in 1784/1785. Mention of great drought and shortage of food for animals to transport money to Mexico. Mention of famine in Sombrerete in June 1785, in which wealthy estates were forced to post guards. folio 118 presents inventory of contents of royal treasury at Durango and payments to troops in Chihuahua dated 15 September 1785.folios 127-130 present tabular summary of annual revenues and payments from royal treasuries to officials, clergy, and military throughout Provincias Internas as of 20 August 1785. (W. Copas, June 1987)
Neve, Phelipe de (Comandante General)
Galvez, Matias de (Virrey)
Frigo, Jose de
Rio, Manuel del
Castillo, Augustin del (Escrivano Real)
San Sebastian, Jose de
Elias, Juan Jose de
Navarro, Garcia
Fernandez, Antonio
Fernandez de Madrid, Felipe
Fernandez de Cordova
Cano y Mar, Augustin Antonio de (Administrador de Rentas)
Garcia, Pedro
Corbalan, Pedro
Gach, Esteban
Mayorga, Martin de
Ximenez de Arenal, Manuel
Mugarrieta, Juan Phelipe de
Lopez de la Paliza, Juan Antonio
Ximenez, Adrian
Gonzales del Castillo, Alonzo
Martinez Cavezon, Francisco
Perez, Joseph
Santibanez, Manuel Antonio de
Gutierrez, Joseph Valerio
Somoza y Torres, Pedro Maria de
Martinez de Vargas, Augustin
Gutierrez, Luis
Sales Carillo, Francisco de
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General)
Hierro, Phelipe del
Riva, Joseph de la
Rengel, Jose Antonio (Inspector)
Navarro, Juan
Dias de la Vega, Silvestre
Rodrigo, Diego Joseph
Cirizo, Francisco (Administrador de Rentas)
Casorla, Luis (Capitan)
Ugarte, Juan Baptista de (Factor)
Muro, Vizente de
Corres, Horberto de
Torres, Juan Jose de
Campo, Francisco Xavier del
Herrera, Vicente de
Barela, Joseph Manuel
Castro, Joseph de
Carpizo, Joseph Manuel
Vos y Monfort, Rafael
Escorza, Manuel Antonio de
Beregana, Domingo de (Tesorero Militar)
Ribera, Salvador (Sargento)
Amezqueta, Joaquin de
Rubio, Manuel
Arrospide, Miguel Francisco de
Pereyra, Manuela Nicolasa
Serrano, Joseph Antonio
Saenz de Escobosa, Diego Ignacio
Salazar, Estevan
Lombardini, Vicente Domingo
Galvez, Conde de (Virrey)
Garcia, Agustin
Marquina, Manuel Maria
Baques y Marco, Ramiro
Saltillo, Santiago del
Parras, Carlos de
Martinez de Abal, Rafael
Granados, Bernardo (Arriero)
Villanueva, Antonio (Arriero)
Garcia de Guinea, Jose (Oficial Mayor de Tesoreria)
San Blas
San Luis
San Miguel El Grande
Alamo (Pueblo)
Nueva Vizcaya
San Luis Potosi
Carmen, Hacienda del (Villa)
San Juan
San Juan del Rio
San Bartolome
Janos (Presidio)
San Buenavista (Presidio)
Carrizal (Presidio)
San Elezeario (Presidio)
Principe (Presidio)
San Carlos (Presidio)
Ethnic Groups
Pimas Gilenos
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 046 ff. A12-A132
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 046 ff. A12-A132
Numerous authors; folios 67-72 are incomplete document, missing at least 1 page at beginning, as are folios 101-103. After first 119 folios, Volume has been re-numbered; foliation used here is the older, crossed-out numbers. Where the old numbers cease at 246, the new foliation is used. For the purpose of indexing, the letter a is used here with the old foliation
Reference Number
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