Martinez Pacheco, Arocha, Navarro, Zepeda, Urena, Perez, Flores, Santa, Amondarain |
Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment of Cabildo elections and critically reviewing his administration. |
01-01-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Calbillo, Zepeda, Flores, Delgado |
Citizens at San Fernando to gobernador Martinez Pacheco. Letter of citizens of San Fernando to governor protesting the order to round up all stray cattle and brand them, on grounds that there are not sufficient horses or supplies to do the job. |
05-24-1789 |
Martinez Pacheco, Arocha, Zepeda, Saucedo |
Ayuntamiento at San Fernando to comandante general letter concerning presidial supplies. |
05-22-1789 |
Zuniga, Martinez Pacheco, Barrera, Arocha, Amondarain |
Santiago de Zuniga. Documents of case Zuniga brings against Simon de Arocha for pesos promised. |
05-14-1788 |
Zapato Sax, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports no further evidence of attack on lipanes by other tribes. |
01-17-1788 |
Zapato Sal, Casaca, Curvelo, Martinez Pacheco, Urrutia |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco, Manuel Urrutia. Correspondence concerning lipan refusal to be reduced to the missions. |
09-21-1787 |
Chiguito, Urrutia, Zapatosas, Perez, Casaca, Curvelo, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jose Antonio Curbelo. Correspondence discussing lipan refusal to go to missions. |
09-19-1787 |
Zapato Sas, Cabello, Ugarte y Loyola |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Lipan chief's proposition for peace. |
07-02-1786 |
Trabieso, Cabello, Amangual, Urrutia, Enrriques, Gonzales, Losoya, Serda, Martines, Martines, Manzolo, Peces, Flores, Andres, Zepeda, Flores, Duran, Dames, Santa, Jarias, Delgado, Games, Castro, Travieso, Travieso, Flores, Xavier, Canario, Sanches, Arocha, Hernandez, Sambrano, Flores, Ripperda, Martos, Sambrano, Peres, Rodrigues, Camacho, Arocha, Fuente, Lozano de la Pena, Fernandez, Fernandez de Aguiar |
Domingo Cabello. |
02-14-1782 |
Tejada, Peres, Hernandez, Seguro Tapado, Zerda, Silvestre, Manuel, Aguilar, Sombrano, Romero, Mata de Medina, Arocha, Sanches, Valle, Curbelo |
Pedro Joseph Tejada. Adultery case. |
01-04-1782 |
Cabello, Menchaca, Lopez Peres, Fernandes, Valdes, Amangual, Garza, Zepeda, Montes |
Domingo Cabello. Monthly report of cavalry division at Bexar. |
12-31-1781 |
Montes de Oca, Sambrano, Riperda, Salinas, Fuente, Menchaca, Santa, Leal, Aguilar, Zepeda, Portaro, Plazido de Monzon, Cabello, Dias del Castillo, Agreda, Arocha |
Juan Jose Montes de Oca. Water rights dispute. |
07-23-1781 |
Ranjel, Garza, Menchaca, Caravajal, Menchaca, Baldes, Agreda, Zepeda, Flores y Valdes, Aguilar, Martinez, Serisera, Martines, Cereceda y Valdes, Perez, Manselino, Vermeo, Cadena, Tigerina, Aguilar, Santa, Flores, Fernandes, Trevino, Trevino, Tirevina |
Legal proceedings to recover a mule. |
05-01-1781 |
Cabello, Zepeda, Peres |
Domingo Cabello and Marcos Zepeda. Proceedings concerning bringing cattle to San Fernando. |
04-21-1781 |
Luna, Peres, Ramires, Casabajal, Baquero, Cabello, Dias del Castillo, Placido de Monzon, Mechaca, Arocha, Seguin, Ecay y Musquiz, Justo, Fernandez, Zepeda |
Felipe de Luna. Proceedings steming from death of Felipe de Luna. |
11-05-1779 |
Zambrano, Cordoba, Santoja, Cabello |
Jose Santoja. Carta al gobernador sobre la llegada de algunos indios xaranames a la mision de La Bahia. |
02-02-1779 |
Rodriguez, Sanchez, Castro, Zepeda |
Rosalia Rodriquez. Segunda peticion al gobernador para un sitio de quince baras de tierra. |
07-29-1777 |
Arocha, Tejada, Zertucha, Salas, Angeles |
Simon de Arocha (teniente general). Publicacion de un bando del virrey. |
01-28-1773 |
Vidal, Tremino, Orandy, Migelera, Ruiz, Gutierrez, Zepeda |
Marcos Vidal. Libro de cuentas. |
00-00-1773 |
Cruz del Valle, Chirinos, Carabajal, Menchaca, Valverde, Seguna, Delgado, Rodrigues, Martinez Pacheco, Zepeda, Suazedo, Rodriguez Baca, Ripperda |
Juan Chirinos (soludo). Pleito sobre la muerte de Christobal Carabajal por Juan Chirinos, soldados del presidio de Bexar. |
01-16-1772 |
Hidalgo, Gonzalez, Cruz, Benero, Rodriguez, Flores, Gonzalez, Mansolo, Pena, Jorin, Granados, Casanova, Oneali, Lana, Zepeda, Chirinos, Gutierrez, Argreda, De los Santos, Boraz, Baca, Rodriguez, Ruiz, Camano, Flores |
Libro de cuentas de las tropas del presidio de Bexar. |
01-01-1771 |
Menchaca, Oconor, Zedano |
Luis Antonio Manchaca (capitan). Carta sobre compra de tobaco del mision. |
08-10-1768 |
Martos y Navarrete, Chirinos, Gonzales, Ruiz, Zedano |
Angel de Martos y Navarrete (gobernador). Diligencias sobre aprehension de contrabando. |
11-19-1766 |
Martos y Navarrete, Abad de Jesus Maria, Zerbantes, Gallardo, Rio, Manso, Granda, Sierra, Losoya, Ydalgo, Esparsa, Perez |
Angel de Martos y Navarrete. Transfer of San Augustin de Ahumada to Trinity river. |
05-20-1760 |
Barrios y Jauregui, Rada, Soria Villaroel, Ochaga, Fernandez, Castilla y Theran, Ruiz, Zepeda, Losoya, Perez, Garzia, Sierra, Sierra, Gaymizquis, Gonzalez, Casafuerte, Piszina, Munoz de Mora, Morayn, Ybanez, Rio |
Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi. Residencia of Jacinto de Barrios y Jaurequi, governor of Texas. |
07-00-1757 |
Ramirez de la Piszina, Amarillas, Garzabal, Andres, Gutierrez, Sanchez, Rabago y Theran, Yruegas, Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Santos, Martinez, Zevallos, Gomez, Gomez, Flores, Ramon, Martinez, Flores, Minon, Carranco, Arosamena |
Manuel Ramirez de la Pizina and to Cabildo, justice, town council and regiment of San Fernando. Documents relating to apprehension and remission of murderers at San Xavier (Texas). |
02-03-1757 |
Barrios y Jauregui, Fernandez, Morain, Bustillos, Ravago y Theran, Flores, Munoz de Mora, Urrutia, Urrutia, Zepeda, Garzia, Garza, Hernandez, Cadena, Fernandez, Santa Cruz, Miranda |
Documents concerning moving San Xavier presidio. |
11-03-1756 |
Guemes y Horcasitas, Carbajal, Morin, Rio, Barios y Jauregui, Llora, Castro, Yarza y Ascona, Cordobes, Mederos, Santa Cruz, Lara, Barrio, Zerda, Gonzales, Chirinos, Soto Bermudez, Cordoba, Calahorra, Mora, San Dionizio, Sanchez, Lozosa, Ramirez, Vallejo, Ruiz, Chacaivchia, Ybarbo, Sierra |
Juan Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas (conde de Revillagigedo). Acts of inquiry and resolutions relative to the French trade with the Indians, the new presidio and mission of San Xavier and other matters. |
02-10-1751 |
Sanchez, Saldana y Uruia, Silba, Rodriguez Mederos, Zoralva, Baloes, Vlanco |
Francisco Sanchez y Maria Saldana y Urvia. Documents concerning concubinage of Francisco Sanchez and Maria Saldana y Uruia. |
10-04-1745 |
Gumendio Urrutia, Orobio Bazterra, Calletano de Vergara, Tomalles, Losoyos, Bermudes, Villareal, Cordobes, Sanches, Sanches de Tobar, Sanches, Zerda, Sandobal, Barrio Junco y Espriella, Martinez, Napoles, Fiones, Dominguez, Arocha, Granados, Cordova, Ojeda, Cordobes, Hernandez, Peres, Santa Cruz |
Fifteen powers of attorney from officers and soldiers for collection of annual salaries and allotment of gunpowder. |
03-08-1738 |
Cabello, Zepeda |
Requesting change of rules and enforcement so that everyone aids in cleaning and maintaining irrigation canals. |
00-00-0000 |
Zepeda, Santa, Ybreo, Gortari, Albares Trabieso, Liel, Aguilar, Flores, Montes de Oca, Flores, Pens |
Cabildo of San Fernando to governador. Request notification of commandant general of the conditions of presidios. |
00-00-0000 |
Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza |
Virrey Balthazar de Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor y Mendoza. Decreto ordering reduction Tejas Indians. |
01-02-1717 |
Zavala, Guzman |
Virrey Luis Henriquez de Guzman. Para que se pongan dos presidios en el Nuevo Reino de Leon. |
08-14-1652 |
Cedallos y Rabal, Montoia, Unanue, Baca, Romero, Bejil, Sisneros, Martin, Armijo, Lobato, Romo de Vera Joseph, Beitia, Bustamante, Garcia, Sanz de Garvizu, Zevallos, Ribera, Garduno, Uilbarri, Thenorio, Ortiz, Baca, Guerrero, Garcia de Noriega, Rendon |
Testimony by various citizens and Indians charging conspiracy against nine Indians of various pueblos for secret meetings with enemy Indians. |
04-30-1748 |
Zuniga y Guzman Sotomayor, Martinez, Valverde |
Order to governor Martinez to return to Mexico City and Martinez's acknowledgement and compliance. |
09-30-1716 |
Gilthomey, Florez Mogollon, Hurtado, Sanchez, Rodriquez, Tapia, Roque Gutierrez, Montoya, Zapata, Medina, Vargas, Pacheco, Silva |
Registration of land grants before Cabildo of Santa Fe. |
07-21-1713 |
Zuniga y Guzman |
Administration of trials of thieves and other criminals |
None Given |
Rey, Lopes, Zuluaga, Tenorio, Granillo, Renteria, Albidres, Armendaris |
Rey, Ysidro to Melgares, Facundo. |
10-10-1821 |
Melgares, Yturribarria, Quinones, Gutierrez, Ortis, Zubiria |
Melgares, Facundo. Copy of a September 9, 1821 bando from the diputation of Durango concerning the need to maintain newly won liberties. |
10-28-1821 |
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Zubiria |
Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Authorizing the use of funds collected to send Pino to the 1820 - 1823 Cortes and not used for the 1822 - 1823 deputy. |
07-10-1821 |
Garcia Conde, Garcia Conde, Francisco, Laurenzana, Velez, Ortiz, Lopez Negrete, Zubiria, Manriquez |
Garcia Conde, Diego. Instructions for the election of delegates to provincial junta based upon instructions published on June 6, 1820 in the gaceta del gobierno de Mexico. |
07-05-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Francisco, Zubiria, Velez, Baca y Ortis, Melgares |
Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Cover letter for instructions for election of deputy (s) to Cortes drawn up by junta in Durango. |
07-05-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Francisco, Zubiria, Lopez Negrete, Baca y Ortiz, Velez |
. Instructions for the election of deputies for the Cortes prepared by a junta held in Durango. |
07-05-1820 |
Lopez, Melgares, Ortiz, Ortiz, Delgado, Lopes, Lazo, Garcia, Zubia, Chaves, Ponce de Leon, Peres Serrano, Baca, Armendaris, Velasquez, Vijil, Gallego, Sanches, Telles, Baca, Urioste, Rey, Esquivel, Maldonado, Sena, Baca, Salaises, Garcia, Tenorio, Larranaga, Sandoval, Esquivel, Barela, Sandoval, Sandoval, Campos, Martines, Sandoval, Baca, Lopes, Martin, Prada, Gonsales, Campos, Montoya, Torres, Gonsales, O, Hernandes, Elias, Arze, Oritz, Abreu, Madrid |
Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. |
06-17-1820 |
Sanches, Tajoya, Zel |
Sanches, Roman. Receipt for supplies provided to three Santa Fee presidio soldiers. |
03-01-1820 |
Ximenes, Ortis, Melgares, Carrio, Beyta, Ravi, Pena, Ruiz, Juipe, Ruiz, Zaenz, Sanches Vergara, Pena, Sanches, Fernando Septimo, Cruz Beita, Aragon, Aragon, Vigil, Serrasino |
Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. |
10-17-1817 |
Zuniga y Ontiveros, Maria, Quiros |
. Outlines functions of consejo and camara de guerra. |
02-12-1816 |
Ruiz, Sandoval, Chaves, Chaves, Chaves, Garzia, Zedillo, Maynez |
Ruiz, Manuel to Maynez, Alberto. Letters discussing appointment of mail carrier and about the debt owed by Antonio Sandoval and attempts to collect it. |
04-15-1815 |
Salasar, Martin, Garcia, Zisneros |
Salazar, Francisco. Service records of officers and sergeants of the militia of la Canada. |
11-31-1814 |