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Person Last Name Title Date
Dominguez, Antonio, Espinosa de los Monteros, Suares Pereda, Yturbide, Barcena, Yanes, Velasquez de Leon, Negrete, Garcia Conde, Velasco Dominguez, Jose. Circular from imperial regency confirming all officials in their positions. 10-05-1821
Melgares, Garcia Conde, Armendaris, Yturbide, Chaves, Cordero . Set of copies of circulars, orders, etc. 10-06-1821
Yturbide, Ortis Junta provincional gubernativa del ymperio mejicano. Copy of the act of independence and other documents related to the change of government in Mexico. 09-28-1821
Yturbide, O'donoju, Barcina, Yanez, Velasquez de Leon, Perez . On naming of Yturbide as head of military and organization of regency. 09-29-1821
Yturbide, O'donoju, Barcina, Yanez, Velasquez de Leon, Perez . On naming of Yturbide as head of military and organization of regency. 09-29-1821
Yturbido, O'donoju, Melgares, Ortis Yturbide. Transmitting royal order to implement measures to restore order in America, and the plan de yguala as a local measure to restore order in New Spain. 09-21-1821
Melgares, Ruiz, Yrizonis, Armijo, Ruiz, Ortiz, Armijo, Matines, Griego, Pino Ayuntamiento of Alburquerque to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting publication of Pino's proclamation and compliance with Melgares' order. 08-26-1821
Fernando VII, Melgares, Paula, Carlota, Ysabel, Varea Fernando VII. Royal decree announcing royal marriage. 06-19-1819
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Bonavia, Roque, Ygnacio, Pino Bonavia, Bernardo. Remittance of complaint by Manuel Ygnacio and pertinent documents. 10-20-1815
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Montoya, Ydalgo Montoya, Felipe. Sentence passed on Felipe Montoya. 03-04-1812
Espinosa, Soto, Miranda, Vazquez Franco, Apiriquera, Dias, Zubia, Quintero, Acuna, Asperiquera, Ribera, Aro, Gonzales, Canedo, Sabori, Cupu, Velarde, Lopes, Burrola, Portari, Ybarrola, Yeicas, Albares, Arbiri, Villaescusa, Velasco, Manrrique Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. 11-07-1811
Espinosa, Soto, Miranda, Vazquez Franco, Apiriquera, Dias, Zubia, Quintero, Acuna, Asperiquera, Ribera, Aro, Gonzales, Canedo, Sabori, Cupu, Velarde, Lopes, Burrola, Portari, Ybarrola, Yeicas, Albares, Arbiri, Villaescusa, Velasco, Manrrique Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. 11-07-1811
Vial, Yarbay, Mestas, Martin . List of recipients of pensions from war and peace fund for outstanding service to crown. 11-00-1811
Venegas, Calleja, Fernando Septimo, Lazaro Don, Perez de Castro, Duscan, Saavedra, Castanos, Escano, Lardizabal y Uribe, Sierra, Ydalgo, Allende, Negreiros y Soria Venegas, Francisco Xavier. Proclamation regarding the rebellion, and the offer of a conditional pardon to some rebels. 02-11-1811
Manrrique, Pereyro, Venavides, Ygles, Garcia de la Mora, Carbajal Joseph Manrrique (gobernador)-to-Jose Benito Pereyro. Letter to fray Jose Benito Pereyro announcing death sentences ordered by Guadalajara tribunal for murderers Antonio Carbajal and Mariano Venavides. 07-23-1809
Maynez, Ret, Padilla, Ydoyaha Ysidro Rey. Two notes to governor acknowledging receipt of comandante general naming Maynez new governor and receipt of papers on case against Juan Martin Padilla. 08-31-1808
Real Alencaster, Padilla, Ydoyaga, Garcia Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Letter to audiencia of Guadalajara notifying them of fowarding of case against Juan Martin Padilla and Josefa Ydoyaga for murder. 11-02-1807
Real Alencaster, Abalos, Ydoyaga, Garcia Joaqin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Two letters to lieutenant governor in El Paso, acknowledging receipt of documents for crminial cases. 11-20-1807
Salcedo, Yturigari Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante general). Publication of bando of audiencia of Mexico ordering cultivation of all good land to insure supplies of grain. 10-22-1807
Rey, Padilla, Ydoyada, Garcia Ysidro Rey. Three short letters to governor of New Mexico acknowledging the cancellation of the visita to El Paso and notifying governor of forwarding of papers for legal cases against Nicolas Abalos and Juan Martin Padilla. 10-10-1807
Rey, Padilla, Yrollaga, Barcena, Velarde, Provencio, Soliman, Garcia, Garcia Ysidro Rey. Report to governor about minor legal matters in El Paso including cases pending, travelers with passports and lawyers activities. 01-25-1807
Abalos, Andres, Fuentes, Carbajal, Venavides, Ygles, Real Alencaster Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Three letters to audiencia of Guadalajara acknowledging receipt of sentence against Indian Juan Andres... 11-20-1806
Real Alencaster, Salcedo, Yrigoyen, Santiago Real Alencaster, Joaquin del to Salcedo, Nemesio. 09-01-1805
Rey, Barcena, Martin Padilla, Real Alencaster, Yrollaga, Abalos, Velarde, Provencio, Bernal, Abalos, Chacon Rey, Ysidro to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Informing the governor of criminal cases pending against several people in Durango, and people in jail at El Passo. 08-31-1805
Real Alencaster, Sotelo, Gutierres, Tapia, Griego, Yrigoyen, Aguea, Bargas, Tapia, Diaz de Bustamante, Castro, Vegil, Tafoya, Maire, Armendrarez, Baca, Puche, Bernal, Arze, Arregui, Mamitigo, Alari, Ortiz, Bernal, Rey, Gonsales, Montoya, Sanches, Esquibel, Griego, Venavides, Pacheco, Bustamante, Pacheco, Lucero, Larranaga, Dominguez, Lujan, Urioste, Venavides, Dominguez, Lopez, Salaices, Chaves, Romero, Salazar, Cavallero, Salacedo, Hinojo, Abrego, Masquia, Pena, Rodriguez, Sandoval, Romero, Montoya, Dominguez, Vizcarra, Tapia, Marti, Ronquillo, Sena Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Detailed account book of common funds of the Santa Fee presidio from April, 1805 to December, 1836. 04-30-1805
Salcedo, Ybanez de la Sienteria, Caballero Salcedo, Nemesio. Transmission of a royal resolution for publication granting a pardon to the prisoners in Madrid jails and Spain because of royal marriage. 06-04-1803
Chacon, Gutierrez de la Cueba, Cordero, Yrigoyen Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Letter to audiencia of Guadalajara explaining that he will not be able to serve as residencia judge for review of governor of Coahuila as the comandante general refused to grant him license to travel. 08-30-1802
Cordero, Yrigoyen, Cueba Pedro de Nava. Letter to governor of New Mexico Fernando Chacon acknowledging Chacon's appointment... 08-11-1802
Chacon, Nava, Cornel, Marin, Arroba, Yozobo Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Involving militia men. 05-04-1794
Bonica, Ymbarren Bonica, Diego. Letter concerning duties paid and deposited. 03-31-1789
Ugarte y Loyola, Pinto, Ypara Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Navajo auxiliaries defense, extraordinary Indian leader. 11-12-1788
Croix, Ansa, Bonilla, Troncoso, Bermejo, Perez Serrano, Menchero, Ynojosa, Gutierrez, Garcia, Quintana, Cuellas, Burgo, Medrano, Prada, Ajro, Davila, Bernalo, Palacio, Fernandez, Munoz Jurado, Gonzalez, Fernandez de la Sierra, Caavallero, Hozio, Larranaga Croix (Cavallero de). expediente concerning church ornaments collected for a proposed navajo mission. 09-01-1781
Munos Jurado, Busto, Ynopas, Chaves, Baldes, Azuela, Medrano, Mestas, Baca, Baca, Anza, Garzia, Troncoso, Perez Serran Munos Jurado, Diego. A case involving charges made against a Franciscan acting as a parish priest. 01-02-1781
Ysorza, Madrid, Anza Ysorza, Manuel Antonio de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the retirement of a presidio officer. 09-15-1780
Yribarren Yribarren, Jose Antonio de. Receipt for arms shipped from Chiguagua to Santa Fe. 01-06-1780
Ynojosa, Mendinueta, Pino, Pino Ynojosa, Juan Joseph de (OFM). Certification of Pedro Pino to represent his father Matheo Pino in negotiations with fray Ynojosa. 09-14-1770
Ortega, Mendinueta, Tafoya, Martin, Trujillo, Villapando, Cordova, Ortiz, Martin, Gonzalez, Yendo Ortega, Gabriel de. Criminal suit against Joseph Trujillo, Pablo Francisco de Villapando and Joseph Yendo for cattle theft. 01-23-1769
Gonzalez, Mendinueta, Yldefonso, Ortiz, Guerrero, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Vega Gonzalez, Pedro. Investigation into suicide of Pedro Gonzalez. 11-06-1767
Garcia, Mendinueta, Ytturbieta, Sanchez Garcia, Toribio. Criminal case against Pedro Ytturbieta for assaulting and wounding Toribio Garcia in dispute over debt. 04-24-1767
Mestas, Baca, Mendinueta, Mestas, Duran, Albear y Collado, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Baca, Gutierres, Treval Navarro, Vorica, Villa, Baca, Ybarra, Perez Serrano, Larranaga, Arguello, Garzia, Garzia, Pino, Maldonado, Rodriguez, Ortiz, Garsia Pareja, Ortiz, Baca, Baca, Miera, Sandoval, Prado, Torres, Campo Redondo, Pino, Trucillo, Truxillo, Gurule, Baca, Rodriguez, Armijo, Sedi, Duran Chaves, Duran, Ortiz, Ortiz, Garcia, Anton, Eleutherio, Medrano Mestas, Juan Ygnacio. Diligencias seguidas a peticion del theniente de caballeria don Juan Ygnacio Mestas contra dona Barbara Baca. 01-27-1754
Menchero, Yachica, Velez Cachupin, Ortiz, Alvear y Collado Fray Juan Miguel Menchero. Testimonio de una representacion del reverendo padre fray Juan Miguel Menchero sobre moqui y nacion coninas. 02-00-1752
Lovato, Atienza, Atienza, Yrigoien, Chaves, Sopena, Atienza, Ortiz, Ortiz, Abeita, Bustamante, Arias de Quiros, Mora, Mora, Geronimo, Martinez, Montoya, Antonio, Apodaca, Bega, Trujillo, Benavides, Valdes y Bustamante, Rodrigues, Miraba, Moya, Garduno, Atienza, Velez Cachupin Maria Chaves. A memoria dealing with the disposition of the estate of Joseph Atienza. 07-13-1752
Chaves, Sanches, Chaves, Montoya, Padilla, Velez Cachupin, Chaves, Baca, Yrigoyen, Martines, Lusero, Gonsales Ursula de Chaves. A petition claiming goods from the estate of the mother of Ursula de Chaves. 07-07-1750
Duran y Chaves, Duran y Chaves, Yturrieta, Baca, Padilla, Yturrieta, Lusero, Montoia, Garzia Jurado, Sanz de Gariuzu, Salazar, Martines, Balleso, Lucero, Barera Eduarda Yturrieta. Diligencias sobre una dote ofrecido por Nicolas Duran y Chaves a Eduarda Yturrieta. 04-15-1747
Duran y Chaves, Duran y Chaves, Yturrieta, Baca, Padilla, Yturrieta, Lusero, Montoia, Garzia Jurado, Sanz de Gariuzu, Salazar, Martines, Balleso, Lucero, Barera Eduarda Yturrieta. Diligencias sobre una dote ofrecido por Nicolas Duran y Chaves a Eduarda Yturrieta. 04-15-1747
Delgado, Yrigoyen, Toledo, Sanchez, Codallos y Rabal, Roa y Carrillo, Aramburu Carlos Delgado (OFM). Peticion de los rr pp friar Carlos Delgado, friar Joseph de Yrigoyen y friar Juan Joseph Roledo, para entrar a la prov. de Moqui. 09-14-1745
Delgado, Yrigoyen, Codallos y Rabal Friar Carlos Delgado and friar Joseph de Yrigoyen. Consulta que se remitio al superior govierno del...senor virrey, en razon de lo que dijeron los rr pp friar Carlos Delgado y friar Joseph de Yrigoyen. 06-16-1744
Paez Hurtado, Bustamonte, Baca, Marques, Montoia, Guerrero, Duran Armijo, Anaya, Montoia, Mendoza, Ugarte, Terreas, Ortis, Ysabel, Veytta, Maria, Mantoya, Baca, Apodaca, Esquibel, Herrera, Parduno, Antonia, Tafoya, Orbe, Venabides, Pena, Valdes, Baca, Baca, Baca, Martin, Moreno, Ribera, Torres, Chisinos, Chaves, Sabedra, Martines Juan Paez Hurtado. Causa criminal contra Juan Marques y Francisco Javier sobre la muerte de Maria Magdalena Baca, mujer de dicho Juan Marques. 02-22-1741