Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Ugarte y Loyola Restrictions on ecclesiastical refuge for criminals. 09-06-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Extension of circulation of old money to December 1787. 12-14-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Monetary affairs 04-16-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Appeal to military deserters for their Voluntary return. 09-24-1787
Ulloa Request for summary of natural resources in viceroyalty. 01-22-1777
Melgares, Salaices, Pacheco, Rivera, Tajolla, Urioste, Lopes, Chaves, Gallego Melgares, Facundo. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for service premiums. 07-01-1820
Lopez, Melgares, Ortiz, Ortiz, Delgado, Lopes, Lazo, Garcia, Zubia, Chaves, Ponce de Leon, Peres Serrano, Baca, Armendaris, Velasquez, Vijil, Gallego, Sanches, Telles, Baca, Urioste, Rey, Esquivel, Maldonado, Sena, Baca, Salaises, Garcia, Tenorio, Larranaga, Sandoval, Esquivel, Barela, Sandoval, Sandoval, Campos, Martines, Sandoval, Baca, Lopes, Martin, Prada, Gonsales, Campos, Montoya, Torres, Gonsales, O, Hernandes, Elias, Arze, Oritz, Abreu, Madrid Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Pacheco, Uriorte, Gallego, Bernal Mariano Bernal. Receipt for arms provided to three individuals. 10-09-1819
Melgares, Salaices, Pacheco, Rivera, Tajolla, Urione Facundo Melgares. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for service premiums. 09-01-1819
Lucero, Rael, Duran, Mais, Lujan, Urito, Tapia Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). 08-23-1819
Dominguez, Garcia Conde, Urango Dominguez, Jesus. Petition requesting appointment to military position. 07-19-1819
Penon, Melgares, Baca, Valverde, Urrivali, Chaves, Truxillo, Aragon, Sanchez Mariano Penon-to-Facundo Melgares. 01-31-1819
Ulubari, Penon, Chavez, Pena, Ortis Pedro Maria de Allande-to-Manuel Uluburi. 06-10-1818
Arze, Uriarte Francisco Osollo Uriarte. An account of goods purchased by Santa Fee presidio abilitado Jose Maria de Arze. 02-13-1818
Ortiz, Ulibarri, Luzero, Aragon, Gallego, Padilla, Esquivel, Padilla, Marquez, Martinez, Martinez, Padilla, Vigil, Baca, Garcia del Valle, Vigil Serio, Marquez, Montoya . Re: census in San Miguel del Vado. 00-00-1813
Moreno, Manrrique, Alari, Rey, Elias Gonzales, Sena, Ximenez de Sandobal, Padilla, Castaneda, Puelles, Basquez, Fernandez, Mier, Diaz, Matey, Lopez, Ortigosa, Urribarry, Vriondo, Gonzales Cosio, Calbo, Raso, Hernandez, Rodriguez, Trillo, Vigil, Vial, Jarbay, Mestas, Planchillas, Martin Moreno, Valentin. Accounts of expenditures on gifts to Indian allies. 01-30-1812
Salcedo, Urtado, Albarez Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: death of a priest and his replacement. 12-21-1810
Garcia de la Mora, Lopes, Garcia, Tatolla, Tatolla, Mestas, Umabel, Salasar, Ortis, Tafoya, Tafoya, Lovato, Real Alencaster Garcia de la Mora, Manuel. Santiago Tatolla charged with stealing cattle and sentenced to three months in shackles. 12-16-1805
Real Alencaster, Alari, Umiane, Delgado, Sandoval, Rodrigues, Sena, Garcia, Villanueba, Baca, Vigil, Ulibari, Lucero, Pablo, Guerrero, Sandoval, Cruz Arias, Botas, Maldonado, Rafael, Ximenes, Garcia de la Mora, Tapia, Cruillas, Dios Pena, Sanches, Chavez, Zubiran, Pina, Martin Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Criminal case against Felipe Sandoval for treason and iniciting rebellion. 12-06-1805
Real Alencaster, Alari, Umiane, Delgado, Sandoval, Rodrigues, Sena, Garcia, Villanueba, Baca, Vigil, Ulibari, Lucero, Pablo, Guerrero, Sandoval, Cruz Arias, Botas, Maldonado, Rafael, Ximenes, Garcia de la Mora, Tapia, Cruillas, Dios Pena, Sanches, Chavez, Zubiran, Pina, Martin Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Criminal case against Felipe Sandoval for treason and iniciting rebellion. 12-06-1805
Tafoya, El Comanche, El Az, Gurvile, Maria, Alari, Reyes Vigil, Martin, Tenorio, Real Alencaster, Garzia, Billanueba, Ullibarri, Sandoval, Esquibel, Marques, Archibeque, Sandoval, Tenorio, Salcedo Tafoya, Jose Miguel. 12-09-1805
Gutierres, Arteaga, Baca, Tinan, Real Alencaster, Fernandez, Ubaldo, Fernandez, Montoia Gutierres, Juan. Diego Baca charged with adultery and sentenced to three months in jail and on public works. 09-29-1805
Fernandez, Ulibari, Abreu, Baca, Miera, Silva, Villa Nueba, Garcia, Vial, Moro, Real Alencaster, Montoya, Montoya, Romero, Romero, Torres, Garcia, Garcia, Perea, Gonzales, Montoya, Luis, Frances Fernandez, Bartolome. Criminal action against Josef Antonio Ulibari for theft. 08-06-1805
Fernandes, Baca, Guerrero, Ulibari, Sandoval, Fragoso, Baca, Duran, Jaramillo, Martin, Vigil, Montano, Martin, Trujillo Fernandes, Bartolome. Criminal case against Reyes Vigil. 07-28-1805
Real Alencaster, Sotelo, Gutierres, Tapia, Griego, Yrigoyen, Aguea, Bargas, Tapia, Diaz de Bustamante, Castro, Vegil, Tafoya, Maire, Armendrarez, Baca, Puche, Bernal, Arze, Arregui, Mamitigo, Alari, Ortiz, Bernal, Rey, Gonsales, Montoya, Sanches, Esquibel, Griego, Venavides, Pacheco, Bustamante, Pacheco, Lucero, Larranaga, Dominguez, Lujan, Urioste, Venavides, Dominguez, Lopez, Salaices, Chaves, Romero, Salazar, Cavallero, Salacedo, Hinojo, Abrego, Masquia, Pena, Rodriguez, Sandoval, Romero, Montoya, Dominguez, Vizcarra, Tapia, Marti, Ronquillo, Sena Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Detailed account book of common funds of the Santa Fee presidio from April, 1805 to December, 1836. 04-30-1805
Real Alencaster, Ortis Petlari, Garuisu, Aibera, Baca, Urioste, Esquibel, Esquibel, Pena, Pena, Martin Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. List of soldiers from the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for retirement and a pension. 04-20-1805
Salcedo, Sanches, Alari, Rivera, Baca, Urioste, Esquivel, Romero, Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. A letter concerning benefits for corporals and other soldiers serving in the Santa Fee presidio company. 04-18-1804
Alari, Portillo, Sandoval, Sanches, Alari, Garbino, Ribera, Baca, Venavides, Urioste, Torres, Esquibel, Alari, Trujillo . notice of the seniority and circumstances of the sargeants and corporals of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-29-1804
Chacon, Mari, Umblari, Gallego, Mendez, Pacheco, Baca, Salcedo, Ahumada Chacon, Fernando to Ahumada, Rafael de. Draft of a letter concerning the payment of military premiums. 03-26-1804
Chacon, Tajoya, Baca, Pena, Citabando, Sanches, Alari, Baca, Ribera, Urioje, Esquibel, Romero Chacon, Fernando. Draft of a report on soldiers of the Santa Fee presidio eligible for 15, 20 and 25 year service premiums. 00-00-1804
Ugarte, Nava, Gonzalez, Bernal, Garcia, Garcia, Truxillo Joseph Joaquin Ugarte (comandante)-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante- general). Report on bridge project at El Paso. 07-07-1802
Chacon, Esquivel, Serna, Baca, Cavallero, Padilla, Bernal, Ugarte Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to comandante general acknowledging that reports and correspondence have been forwarded and noting transferral of criminal Pablo serna with recommendation of harsh sentence for robbery. 07-14-1802
Chacon, Ugarte Fernando Chacon (?)-to-Joaquin Ugarte. Instructions-re: timber for bridge at El Paso. 06-14-1802
Ochoa, Chacon, Portillo, Baca, Brito, Colchividichade, Cara Negra, Arrieta, Manrrique, Ugarte, Granados, Zarrasina Joseph Manuel de Ochoa to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Delivery of Apache & Spanish prisoners. 06-10-1801
Nava, Chacon, Cornel, Urequijo Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Communication of royal order conferring status of senoria on real junta de gobierno. 12-01-1800
Cavallero, Nava, Chacon, Chacon, Ruiz de Apodaca, Gonzalez de Mendoza, Jordan, Sorondo, Benazar, Urtezabel Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Communication of royal order re: sentences of officers who surrendered Trinidad to british. 03-20-1800
Sanchez, Sarracino, Saavedra, Santos Dominguez, Mateos, Ruiz y Moscoso, Ugarte y Loyola, Chacon Audiencia real de Guadalajara to Chacon, Fernando 10-00-1797
Nava, Bernal, Chacon, Uranga, Abrego, Merino Nava, Pedro de (comandante general) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Order regarding transportation of wood into New Mexico for building of bridge across Rio Grande. 06-01-1797
Trujillo, Trujillortiz, Martin, Beytia, Campo Redondo, Chauarria, Lopez, Blea, Baca, Maese, Francisco, Canuelas, Garcia, Garcia, Dominguez, Unanue, Bustos, Baca, Chacon Trujillo, Manuel. Proceedings against Manuel Trujillo and son for horse stealing. 07-00-1797
Chacon, Vial, Rendon, Pineda, Escorsa, Urigoyen, Campo Redondo, Ortiz Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Account of expenses in gifts to allied Indian nations. 01-00-1797
Chacon, Nava, Uranga Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Draft of letter to comandante general acknowledging receipt of copy of note sent to commander of El Paso. no information. 05-18-1796
Borrego, Borrego, Armenta, Uranga, Pena Borrego, Diego Antonio. Civil suit by Mariano de la Pena 05-10-1796
Baca, Chacon, Muniz, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Aliri, Aliri, Ortiz, Carados, Sanchez, Roybal, Unanue Baca, Juan Francisco. Criminal case against Juan Francisco Baca for robbery he is found guilty and sentenced to six years labor on a hacienda. 04-13-1795
Uranga, Nava, Chacon, Bernal, Cordova Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Bando to public announcing appointment of Fernando Chacon as new governor of New Mexico. 07-31-1794
Garcia, Concha, Sanchez, Urisote, Trujillo, Sanchez, Fernandez, Leiva, Garcia, Rodriguez, Gutierrez Garcia, Juan Francisco (OFM). Certificate acknowledging confession and communion for governor Fernando de la Concha and his party of soldiers and officials. 04-29-1794
Nava, Urioste, Concha Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him that authorization for pension for soldier Juan de Urioste is being forwarded. 11-20-1793
Concha, Nava, Vial, Ugarte y Loyola Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Letter to comandante general reviewing report submitted by Pedro Vial on possibility of opening a road to St. Louis, and request for promotion for vial for his good work. 12-04-1793
Uranga, Ortiz, Baca, Sanchez Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Travel permit for captain Thomas Ortiz to escort the prisoners Luis Baca and Marcos Sanchez to the comandante general. 10-17-1793
Uranga, Rodriguez, Jaramillo, Ortiz, Concha Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that the prisoners Rodriguez and Jaramillo have arrived in El Paso. 10-04-1793
Nava, Umaran, Sandoval, Torres, Concha Pedro de Nava (comandante general). note to governor agreeing with his decision to award law suit for pesos to Juan Ventura Umaran. 08-23-1793