Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Balencia, Rivera, Ortiz, Mondragon, Trugillo, Mestas, Melgares, Cordova, Lucero, Madrid, Varela, Madrid, Crespina, Esquibel, Sena, Romero, Mondragon, Trugillo, Munis, Lopes, Archuleta, Archuleta |
Balencia, Francisco. Suit challenging a sentence given in a criminal case. |
09-22-1819 |
Melgares, Salaices, Pacheco, Rivera, Tajolla, Urione |
Facundo Melgares. Report on members of the Santa Fee presidio company eligible for service premiums. |
09-01-1819 |
Melgares, Vigil, Truxillo, Espinosa, Quintana, Baca, Duran y Chaves, Quintana, Martin, Martin, Ortiz, Tajoya |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Melgares, Vigil, Truxillo, Espinosa, Quintana, Baca, Duran y Chaves, Quintana, Martin, Martin, Ortiz, Tajoya |
Melgares, Facundo. Case of criminal assault. |
09-09-1819 |
Tapia, Ortiz, Lujan, Maes, Arias, Guerrero, Chama |
Rafael Tapia. List of arms stored in an unspecified warehouse by order of the governor. |
08-28-1819 |
Lucero, Rael, Duran, Mais, Lujan, Urito, Tapia |
Rafael Tapia. Report on arms stored in an unspecified warehouse (Santa Fe presidio)(?). |
08-23-1819 |
Sanches Vergara, Vigil, Melgares, Alvares, Osio, Chaves, Martines de Arellano, Montes, Montoya, Boival, Fernandez, Peres Serrano, Mestas, Castro, Sena, Garcia, Gallego, Mansanares, Carabajal, Mestas, Lucero, Lopes, Montoya, Totoya, Garcia, Baca, Garcia, Padilla |
Sanches Vergara, Ygnacio Maria. Criminal case of adultery. |
07-25-1819 |
Garcia, Melgares, Tapia |
Garcia, Francisco to Melgares, Facundo. Reporting on arrival of militiamen. |
06-21-1819 |
Duran, Garcia, Melgares, Ortis, Martin, Para, Duran, Trujillo |
Jose Francisco Duran. |
04-29-1819 |
Gutierres, Ortis, Peres Serrano, Montoya, Moguino, Paxarito, Melgares, Luxan, Gonsales, Miera, Griego, Villanueva, Aragon, Romero Andres, Moquino, Moquino, Carriso, Tajola, Roque, Moquino, De Arce, De Madariaga |
Facundo Melgares. |
04-02-1819 |
Jaramillo, Lopez, De la Pena, Armijo, Melgares, Armijo, Armijo, Sandoval, Chaves, Sanches, Baca, Beita, Tapia, Ravi, Sedillo, Galbadon, Sedio, Anallo, Garsia, Baca |
Agustin Taramillo. Civil suit for debts. |
03-15-1819 |
Penon, Melgares, Baca, Valverde, Urrivali, Chaves, Truxillo, Aragon, Sanchez |
Mariano Penon-to-Facundo Melgares. |
01-31-1819 |
Tenorio, Sanudo, Cavallero |
Jose Cavallero and Andres Sanudo. A receipt for cloth supplied to Julian Tenorio. |
01-22-1819 |
Melgares, Auchand, Terraras |
Facundo Melgares-to-Rafael Auchand. Incomplete draft of a letter concerning a debt. Reverse side deals with gunpowder accounts. |
12-20-1818 |
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Silva, Tatoya |
Alexo Garcia Conde-to-Facundo Melgares. Concerning the eligibility of two Santa Fe presidio soldiers for service premiums. |
11-17-1818 |
Silba, Tajolla |
Report on two soldiers, Jose Silba and Jose Tajolla, eligible for service premium. |
10-18-1818 |
Ortis, Truxio |
Matias Ortis-to-Facundo Melgares. |
10-09-1818 |
Ortis, Trujillo |
Antonio Maria Trujillo-to-Matias Ortis. Transmittal of letter from lt Olguin concerning navajo raids & discussing the Apache, Chacon. |
10-08-1818 |
Truxillo, Melgares, Baca, Pino |
Agustin Truxillo. Acknowledging receipt of arms for the defense of Socorro. |
10-03-1818 |
Truxio, Olgin, Lusero |
Antonio Olgin-to-Antonio Maria Truxio. Concerning navajo depredations. |
10-06-1818 |
Madariaga, Melbares, Ortis, Garcia, Vigil, Mestas, Casaure, Pena, Sena, Montoya, Lovato, Ortis, Montoya, Flores, Delgado, Ortis, Tapia, Garsia, Lovato, Sandoval, Garcia, Armijo, Ortis, Quintana, Segura, Arze, Roybal, Vigil, Chaves, Guevara, Segura, Esquivel, Brito, Pacheco, Analla, Bustamante, Griego |
Francisco Ygnacio de Madariaga. Criminal case against Jose Felipe Ortis for wife beating. no verdict. Document incomplete. |
09-28-1818 |
Apodaca, Pena, Chaves, Apodaca, Chaves, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Armijo, Chabes, Valensuela, Lovato, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Montolla, Ferrer Castorena, Baca, Lovato, Ravi, Lopes, Tajola, Romeros, Griego, Martines, Padia, Vijil, Candelaria |
Apodaca, Miguel. Dispute over ownership of livestock. |
09-04-1818 |
Moya, Marquez y Melo, Teran, Solis, Dias, Nava, Moya, Balcayo, Gomez, Lopez |
Carlos de Moya-and-Manuel Marquez y Melo. Commercial partnership. |
07-30-1818 |
Allande, Trujillo, Garcia, Archuleta |
Pedro Maria de Allande. Asking for a report on any navajo hostilities. |
07-17-1818 |
Allande, Ortiz, Torres, Gallego |
Pedro Maria de Allande. A report on three soldiers eligible for service premiums. Francisco Ortiz, Jose Torres and Jose Gallego. |
03-10-1818 |
Cuentas, Tatoya, Gurciaga, Griego, Archuleta, Lujan, Sandoval |
(?)-to-Rafael Cuentas. Reporting on the prisoners in jail in Santa Fee. |
01-18-1818 |
Flores, Pereda, Tirado y Priego, Ris y Garnica |
. Holy edict prohibiting the circulation of certain books and works because of various (anti-church) reasons, applied to those with and without license. |
06-07-1817 |
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar |
Severino Martines. |
09-24-1816 |
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar |
Severino Martines. |
09-24-1816 |
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar |
Severino Martines. |
09-24-1816 |
Murga, Tapia, Alallande |
Murga, Laureano de to Alallande, Pedro Maria de. Discusses debts claimed by Jose Tapia; murga sends accounts to justify costs charged against Tapia. |
06-29-1816 |
Mier y Campillo, Cos y Vivero, Tirado y Priego, Chavarri y Ugalde, Flores |
Mier y Campillo, Francisco Javier. Concerns inquisition |
01-13-1816 |
Salazar, Martin, Martin, Quintana, Trugillo, Lopes, Garcia, Vigil, Gallego, Montoya |
Salazar, Francisco. Administrative documents. |
06-13-1815 |
Baca, Truxillo, Cavallero, Maines |
. Two letters: first concerns appointment of Baca as alcalde, second asks for help in dividing lands belonging to the Indians. |
04-15-1815 |
Aguilar, Tapia |
. Diary of events between April 8, 1815 and December 1815. |
04-00-1815 |
Quinones, Manrrique, Rascon, Terragas, Bernal, Bernal, Miranda, Orcasitas, Martinez |
Quinones, Pedro (teniente gobernador) (presidente). Proposition by extraordinary session of constitutional ayuntamiento for measures to raise money to create a public fund, through import taxes and personal charges. |
08-21-1814 |
Sanchez Vergara, Montoya, Sandoval, Gonzoles, Truxillo |
Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Sandoval, Tomas. Banishment of Jose Estanislao Truxillo, vezino of Xemez for disturbing the peace. |
08-01-1814 |
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia |
Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. |
06-08-1814 |
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia |
Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. |
06-08-1814 |
Lao, Delgado, Ortiz, Sarracino, Tenorio, Manrrique, Abreu, Aconta, Galindo, Angulo, Moya, Moreno, Baca, Ortiz, Caballero Ferdon, Martin, Delgado, Fernandez, Tafoya |
Lao, Soledad de. Suit for recovery of debt. |
03-21-1814 |
Lao, Delgado, Ortiz, Sarracino, Tenorio, Manrrique, Abreu, Aconta, Galindo, Angulo, Moya, Moreno, Baca, Ortiz, Caballero Ferdon, Martin, Delgado, Fernandez, Tafoya |
Lao, Soledad de. Suit for recovery of debt. |
03-21-1814 |
Chavez, Guerra, Ortiz, Pena, Torrez, Chavez, Manrrique |
Chavez, Jose Antonio to Manrrique, Jose. Re: elections. |
02-14-1814 |
Pino, Romero, Aragon, Gutierres, Gutierres, Gonzales, Montoya, Garcia de Noriega, Cordova, Romero, Trugillo, Cordova, Montoya, Lagos Garcia |
. Election records. |
01-30-1814 |
Garcia, Arze, Garcia, Thenorio, Gomes, Quintana, Velazquez, Vejil, Baldes, Tariz, Guasache, Manrrique |
Garcia, Manuel to Manrrique, Josef. Declarations and sworn statements taken in the investigation of a trip to the yutas, taken by a number of residents. |
09-06-1813 |
Garcia, Arze, Garcia, Thenorio, Gomes, Quintana, Velazquez, Vejil, Baldes, Tariz, Guasache, Manrrique |
Garcia, Manuel to Manrrique, Josef. Declarations and sworn statements taken in the investigation of a trip to the yutas, taken by a number of residents. |
09-06-1813 |
Manrrique, Perea, Gonzalez, Miera, Elias Gonzalez, Sanchez Vergara, Sandobal, Riega, Tafoya, Garcia, Alarid, Gurule, Armijo, Catarina, Garcia, Archiveque |
Manrrique, Jose to Elias Gonzalez, Ygnacio. Re: abuses inflicted on Indians by residents and the appointment of a defender and protector of the Indians. |
09-06-1813 |
Trujillo, Lopes |
Trujillo, Juan to Lopes, Vysente, Re: a mare taken by the nabajos. |
08-24-1813 |
Calleja del Rey, Chavez de la Rosa, Ramirez, Navas, Moreno, Quintana, Bauza, Llano, Tapia, Sancho, Lallave, Rebollo, Acevedo, Castillo, Rus, Goyanes, Negreyros y Soria |
Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria. Royal decree on the suprema junta de censura. |
06-22-1813 |
Pino, Baca, Sanchez, Chaves, Chaves, Baca, Garcia, Garcia, Montano, Sedillo, Baca, Montolla, Sanches, Aragon, Torres, Pena, Torres, Chaves, Chaves, Baca, Garcia, Chaves, Garcia, Torres, Luna, Tafolla, Gabaldon, Aragon, Ballejos, Candelaria, Chaves, Samora, Garcia, Chaves, Tores, Sanches, Varela, Aragon, Garcia, Torres, Candelaria, Sedillo, Balencia, Montano, Arias, Armijo, Martin, Padilla, Barela, Candelaria, Taramillo, Trujillo, Gabaldon, Gutieres, Armijo, Griego, Naranjo, Gallego, Gabaldon, Griego, Ortega, Rey Lente, Baca, Sanches, Villa, Garcia, Sedillo, Chaves, Otere |
Pino, Jose. List of soldiers, arms and equipment of compania Voluntaria de cavalleria de Alburquerque. |
06-11-1813 |