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Person Last Name Title Date
Nava, Benavides, Gallego, Canuelas, Trujillo, Sandoval Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico congratulating him on successful raids against Indian raiding parties. 03-13-1795
Nava, Sandoval, Canuelas, Garcia Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico criticizing actions taken by an Alburquerque militia unit against yuta and xicarilla Indians who are allies of the Spanish. 01-31-1795
Nava, Sandoval, Abrego, Abreu Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico authorizing retirement of Pablo Sandoval and his replacement by Juan Abrego. 02-10-1795
Chacon, Arze, Canuelas, Sanchez Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). notes to the comandante general requesting review and decision in unspecified case against an indian; notice that financial records of the presidio are being forwarded and that cedula on foundlings has been published. 11-12-1794
Nava, Canuelas, Sarracino, Tronosco Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico requesting him to investigate claims that Miguel Canuelas owes over 500 pesos to the estate of Vicente Tronosco. 10-17-1794
Garcia, Concha, Sanchez, Urisote, Trujillo, Sanchez, Fernandez, Leiva, Garcia, Rodriguez, Gutierrez Garcia, Juan Francisco (OFM). Certificate acknowledging confession and communion for governor Fernando de la Concha and his party of soldiers and officials. 04-29-1794
Garcia, Concha, Sanchez, Urisote, Trujillo, Sanchez, Fernandez, Leiva, Garcia, Rodriguez, Gutierrez Garcia, Juan Francisco (OFM). Certificate acknowledging confession and communion for governor Fernando de la Concha and his party of soldiers and officials. 04-29-1794
Concha, Beregana, Canuelas, Guerrero, Sandoval, Abrego, Delgado . Adjustment of accounts of wages for presidio of Santa Fe for year 1793. 04-22-1794
Nava, Suarez, Concha, Chacon Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Paso. 10-19-1793
Nava, Baca, Sanchez, Delgado Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico informing him that the criminal Luis Baca and Marcos Sanchez have been transferred in custody to serve their sentences. 10-05-1793
Uranga, Ortiz, Baca, Sanchez Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Travel permit for captain Thomas Ortiz to escort the prisoners Luis Baca and Marcos Sanchez to the comandante general. 10-17-1793
Baca, Concha, Navarro, Sanchez Baca, Luis Maria. Legal decision against Luis Maria Baca for illegal use of Indians for personal service. 09-13-1793
Nava, Umaran, Sandoval, Torres, Concha Pedro de Nava (comandante general). note to governor agreeing with his decision to award law suit for pesos to Juan Ventura Umaran. 08-23-1793
Sanchez, Concha, Arteaga, Pino, Jaramillo, Gabaldon, Sedillo, Sedillo, Mestas, Maldonado, Bernal, Carrillo, Lucero Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Sanchez, Concha, Arteaga, Pino, Jaramillo, Gabaldon, Sedillo, Sedillo, Mestas, Maldonado, Bernal, Carrillo, Lucero Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Sanchez, Concha, Arteaga, Pino, Jaramillo, Gabaldon, Sedillo, Sedillo, Mestas, Maldonado, Bernal, Carrillo, Lucero Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Concha, Nava, Sandoval, Leiba, Guerrero Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Draft of relation to comandante general about Apache attack on Acoma and retaliatory expedition by presidio forces. 04-30-1793
Beregana, Gonzalez, Trujillo, Concha, Canuelas, Troncoso, Guerrero, Sandoval Beregana, Domingo. Treasury account sheet of wages and salaries paid for Santa Fe presidio. 02-28-1793
Concha, Canuelas, Sandoval, Fernandez Sierra, Munoz, Ortiz . List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. 00-00-1793
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Cabrera, Sanchez de Tagle, Barrera y Andonaegui . Royal cedula prohibiting college students from marrying during the course of their studies. 06-11-1792
Carlos IV, Salcedo, Nava, Cornel, Trujillo Carlos IV (rey). Real cedula commissioning Nemisio Salcedo as comandante general. 04-16-1792
Tristan, Osio, Sanchez, Sandoval, Moreno Tristan, Esteban Lorenzo de (obispo). Auto of bishop ordering third banns for Juan Cristobal Sanchez and Rosa Sandoval and if no protest, authorizing marriage. 12-27-1791
Tristan, Osio, Sanchez, Sandoval, Moreno Tristan, Esteban Lorenzo de (obispo). Auto of bishop ordering third banns for Juan Cristobal Sanchez and Rosa Sandoval and if no protest, authorizing marriage. 12-27-1791
Carlos IV, Chacon, Cadelo, Saavedra, Camacho, Martinez, Cruz Oedo, Ruiz y Moscoso . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha, Sandoval Revilla Gigedo to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of restocking of horse and mules of the Santa Fe presidio and high prices for such animals. 11-01-1791
Concha, Nava, Sandoval Concha, Fernando de la (?) to Nava, Pedro de. Report of condition of flocks and herds; births, deaths, etc. 11-01-1791
Concha, Delgado, Sandoval, Abrego, Ocio, Guerrero, Troncoso Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of retirement of first lieutenant Manuel Delgado and promotion of several lieutenant Vicente Troncoso as paymaster. 10-12-1791
Nava, Concha, Sanchez Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Receipt of documents pertaining to the marriage of a soldier of the presidio. 07-12-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha, Sandoval Revilla Gigedo (conde de) to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledge of successful campaign against notage Apaches. 07-01-1791
Concha, Nava, Sandoval Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Copy of previous draft regarding Indian attack and counterattack by Spanish at the pueblo of Tomes. 05-28-1791
Abila, Garcia de la Mora, Sais, Martin Abila, Pedro. note of transfer of land from Pedro Abila to Santiago Sais witnessed by alcalde mayor Garcia de la Mora. 01-02-1791
Santisteban, Garcia Abril Santisteban, Manuel Antonio de. Transmittance of papers about Santiago Garcia Abril for case of his children after his death. 11-01-1790
Sisneros, Saldivar, Sanches Sisneros, Juan Pedro (alcalde mayor). Census of all the people of the town of Zuni. 10-23-1790
Sisneros, Saldivar, Sanches Sisneros, Juan Pedro (alcalde mayor). Census of all the people of the town of Zuni. 10-23-1790
Sisneros, Saldivar, Sanches Sisneros, Juan Pedro (alcalde mayor). Census of all the people of the town of Zuni. 10-23-1790
Baca, Carrillo, Barreras, Chaves, Moya, Salazar, Lucero, Moya, Baca, Sedillo, Sanchez, Luna, Concha, Arteaga, Castillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Baca, Carrillo, Barreras, Chaves, Moya, Salazar, Lucero, Moya, Baca, Sedillo, Sanchez, Luna, Concha, Arteaga, Castillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Baca, Carrillo, Barreras, Chaves, Moya, Salazar, Lucero, Moya, Baca, Sedillo, Sanchez, Luna, Concha, Arteaga, Castillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Ramos Sedillo, Gallego, Trugillo, Arteagas, Saez, Rodriguez Ramos Sedillo, Juan Jose. Case against Juan Jose Ramos Sedillo for attempted murder. 07-10-1790
Nava, Concha, Rivera, Sandoval Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of retirement of one corporal and the appointment of another. 01-16-1790
Concha, Tronosco, Hozio, Delgado, Guerrero, Sandoval . Census of Santa Fe company, men, wives, children and servants. 198 listings. 00-00-1790
Ugarte y Loyola, Revilla Gigedo, Flores, Concha, Salas Bohorquca, Ugalde Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Copy of letter from Revilla Gigedo (virrey) concerning relation with Apaches. 10-24-1789
Santiesteban, Garcia Abril, Garcia Abril Santiesteban, Manuel Antonio de (consejo de Castilla) to gobernador (el paso de rio del norte). Intestate settlement. 10-27-1789
Uranga, Cordero, Sartorio, Ugarte Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. Report from El Paso about Indian activities during a six-month period. 07-29-1789
Blanc, Vial, Martin, Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Sandenis Blanc, Luis de. Cover letter and document it introduces. Letter concerns trading with Indians, opening of road. 01-26-1789
Borica, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Ribera, Sandoval, Concha Borica, Diego de to Concha, Fernando de la. Announcement of retirement of Alferez aand replacement. 01-14-1789
Concha, Delgado, Troncoso, Guerrero, Sandoval Concha, Fernando de la. Account of expenses incurred in the construction of the new quartel for presidio de Santa Fe. 00-00-1789