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Person Last Name Title Date
Chacon, Rengel, Apodaca, Garcia Chacon, Fernando to Rengel Manuel. Letter - re: transfer of soldiers' wives to El Paso. 03-07-1799
Nava, Chacon, Roybal, Maldonado Nava Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Order transferring two soldiers from active to disabled list. 01-01-1799
Olivares y Benito, Tafoya, Rodriguez, Nava, Merino Olivares y Benito, Francisco Gabriel (obispo de Durango). Order- re: right of disabled of Santa Fe presidio to remain under ecclesiastical-military jurisdiction. 12-24-1798
Nava, Roybal, Chacon Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Transmittal of certificate of disability. 11-18-1798
Maldonado, Roibal, Canuelas . List of two soldiers entitled to invalid status. 11-18-1798
Chacon, Nava, Maldonado, Roybal Chacon, Fernando to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Acknowledgement of receipt of bonus and disabled pension certificates. 09-19-1798
Rodriguez, Concha, Chacon, Rengel Fernando Chacon -to- Pedro de Nava (comandante). Information regarding probable comanche imposter. 03-29-1798
Rodriguez, Concha, Chacon, Rengel Fernando Chacon -to- Pedro de Nava (comandante). Information regarding probable comanche imposter. 03-29-1798
Chacon, Rendon, Abreu, Flores, Rendon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Account of expenses for maintaining friendly relations with allied Indians. 11-01-1797
Chacon, Rendon, Abreu, Flores, Rendon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Account of expenses for maintaining friendly relations with allied Indians. 11-01-1797
Sanchez, Sarracino, Saavedra, Santos Dominguez, Mateos, Ruiz y Moscoso, Ugarte y Loyola, Chacon Audiencia real de Guadalajara to Chacon, Fernando 10-00-1797
Chacon, Nava, Ribera Chacon, Fernando (?) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Draft giving notice of death of Salvador Ribera. 09-08-1797
Chacon, Vial, Rendon, Pineda, Escorsa, Urigoyen, Campo Redondo, Ortiz Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Account of expenses in gifts to allied Indian nations. 01-00-1797
Chacon, Nava, Rengel, Arteaga Chacon, Fernando (gobernador) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Draft of letter re: military Cordon, Apaches, and Indian campaigns. 11-20-1796
Nava, Rengel, Parra Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Three notes to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of report on Indian hostilities; authorization for extra supply of gunpowder and notice received of soldier deserting to church of villa of la Canada. 12-21-1796
Cornel, Rosete, Nava, Chacon Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Of urban militia. 06-30-1796
Montoya, Baca, Ruiz, Arteaga, Lopez Montoya, Antonio Maria/Baca, Antonio. Criminal case against Antonio Maria Montoya and Antonio Baca for stealing cattle from Vicente Lopez. They are found guilty and sentenced to six years labor on hacienda Encinillas. 05-12-1796
Velarde, Tigua, Moquino, Miera y Pacheco, Candelaria, Rodriguez, Chacon, Arze, Redondo Indian officials (Sandia pueblo). Case against Sandia officials re: death of alleged brujo. 00-00-1796
Velarde, Tigua, Moquino, Miera y Pacheco, Candelaria, Rodriguez, Chacon, Arze, Redondo Indian officials (Sandia pueblo). Case against Sandia officials re: death of alleged brujo. 00-00-1796
Duran, Miera, Mares, Torres, Roybal, Esquival, Pacheco, Griego, Rael, Romero, Duran, Madrid, Santisteban . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Duran, Miera, Mares, Torres, Roybal, Esquival, Pacheco, Griego, Rael, Romero, Duran, Madrid, Santisteban . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Duran, Miera, Mares, Torres, Roybal, Esquival, Pacheco, Griego, Rael, Romero, Duran, Madrid, Santisteban . List of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to receive pensions including their ages and years in service. 11-28-1795
Bernal, Chacon, Cordova, Garcia de la Mora, Rubio, Aumatelli, Medina Bernal, Juan Antonio. Criminal case against Juan Antonio Bernal for abuse of his wife Juliana Cordova. Governor Chacon orders that if abuse is reported one more time Bernal is to be arrested and sent to the presidio. 07-08-1795
Nava, Sandoval, Rosete, Armenta Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Order to governor of New Mexico that fray Joseph Mariano Rosete... 07-04-1795
Baca, Chacon, Muniz, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Aliri, Aliri, Ortiz, Carados, Sanchez, Roybal, Unanue Baca, Juan Francisco. Criminal case against Juan Francisco Baca for robbery he is found guilty and sentenced to six years labor on a hacienda. 04-13-1795
Nava, Chacon, Roman, Concha Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico informing him that the escort that accompanied ex-governor Concha to chihuagua is returning to Santa Fe. 10-21-1794
Nava, Chacon, Rivera, Mestas, Lucero, Marques, Concha Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to Fernando Chacon to check into validity of complaints by various citizens against the ex-governor Fernando de la Concha. no details. 09-02-1794
Garcia, Concha, Sanchez, Urisote, Trujillo, Sanchez, Fernandez, Leiva, Garcia, Rodriguez, Gutierrez Garcia, Juan Francisco (OFM). Certificate acknowledging confession and communion for governor Fernando de la Concha and his party of soldiers and officials. 04-29-1794
Uranga, Rodriguez, Jaramillo, Ortiz, Concha Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that the prisoners Rodriguez and Jaramillo have arrived in El Paso. 10-04-1793
Rodriguez, Nava, Canuelas, Jaramillo, Ortiz, Concha, Ortiz, Rodriguez, Carbajal, Trujillo, Escudero, Beitia Rodriguez, Josef Manuel. Criminal case against Josef Manuel Rodriguez for stealing cattle, mules and other goods from captain Manuel Canuelas. 09-08-1793
Rodriguez, Nava, Canuelas, Jaramillo, Ortiz, Concha, Ortiz, Rodriguez, Carbajal, Trujillo, Escudero, Beitia Rodriguez, Josef Manuel. Criminal case against Josef Manuel Rodriguez for stealing cattle, mules and other goods from captain Manuel Canuelas. 09-08-1793
Concha, Canuelas, Ruiz Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Draft up letter reviewing charges and actions against Teguas Indians for holding secret juntas. 08-22-1793
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Viceroy acknowledges having received governor's letters stating that Indian relations are continuing peacefully. 06-12-1793
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). note to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of unidentified letters. 06-11-1793
Revilla Gigedo Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). notice to governor of New Mexico of transmission of royal cedula prohibiting coinage from leaving New Spain and territories. 11-07-1792
Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Vial, Ugarte, Concha, Chavez, Munoz Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Four letters to the governor of New Mexico on Indian affairs. 08-06-1792
Revilla Gigedo, Concha, Guerrero, Canuelas Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Letter to governor of New Mexico authorizing expedition against some Apaches who stole horses at Acoma. 09-04-1792
Ruedas, Concha, Garcia, Fernandez, Canuelas, Larranga Ruedas, Juan Jose. Criminal case against Juan Jose Ruedas for wounding a soldier, Jose Antonio Garcia, in a fight. 09-21-1792
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). note to governor of New Mexico Fernando de la Concha acknowledging receipt of report that grain supplies for Apaches and mumbres are being distributed. 05-26-1792
Nava, Concha, Revilla Gigedo, Diaz Nava, Pedro de to Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Letter reviews relations with Indians on frontier. 05-10-1792
Revilla Gigedo, Aguilar Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Transmission of printed auto permitting Indians to travel to Spain to commerce in grain. 05-16-1792
Revilla Gigedo Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Drafts of two letters stating that the distribution of grains to the Indians has proceeded without problem and in general indian-Spanish relations are good. 04-14-1792
Carlos IV, Merino, Revilla Gigedo, Potau Carlos iv (rey). Real cedula requiring that oath of office be taken in traditional way and that media anata be paid. 12-30-1791
Revilla y Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) to Concha, Fernando de la. Permission given to Concha for leave of absence for medical treatment; maintenance of peaceful relations with Indian nations requested. 12-14-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of peaceful relations with the four allied Indian nations. 12-14-1791
Carlos IV, Chacon, Cadelo, Saavedra, Camacho, Martinez, Cruz Oedo, Ruiz y Moscoso . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha, Sandoval Revilla Gigedo to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of restocking of horse and mules of the Santa Fe presidio and high prices for such animals. 11-01-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of progress on settling of Apaches de Gila y Mimbres in permanent settlements. 07-12-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) to Concha, Fernando de la. noting good state of peaceful relations with the four allied nations. 07-12-1791
Revilla Gigedo, Concha Revilla Gigedo (conde de) to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of routing of Apaches gilenos by navajos and expression of hope for more. 07-12-1791