Plo y Alduan, Revilla Gigedo, Dias, Marrujo, Munos, Garcia, Salcido, Montes, Naranjo, Enrriques |
Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Santa Barbara and Papasquiano in February and March. |
04-20-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Gonzales, Tellez, Munoz, Matos, Martinez, Martinez |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in San Buenaventura, Papasquiano, and Chihuahua. |
02-22-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Calvo y Muro, Percinas, Bonilla, Bautista, Diaz de Bustamante, Bejarano, Soto, Fernandez, Martinez, Servando, Munoz, Tobar |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Julimes, Guanacebi, and Conchos. |
02-01-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Arcan, Barrasa, Martinez, Perica, Olguin, Siloria |
Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Apache raids in Guanacevi and real del Oro. |
01-11-1790 |
Diaz de Ortega, Revilla Gigedo, Moreno, Armenta, Valle, Chaves, Pena, Lucia, Yribarren, Laoya |
Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Indian attacks in Santa Barbara, Chihuahua and Olivos. |
12-31-1789 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Florez |
Correspondence between Diaz and viceroy concerning separation between civil and military offices in Durango. |
10-14-1787 |
Martinez de Soria, Villar Gutierrez, Bucareli y Ursua, Valcarcel, Rodriguez del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Puente, Sarachaga, Gonzalez del Campillo, Benites, Saucedo, Gorospe y Padilla, Vivanco |
Series of document on organization of militias in Nayarit and Bolanos arguing the need to protect Spanish assets and maritime transportation. |
11-22-1777 |
Martinez de Soria, Villar Gutierrez, Bucareli y Ursua, Valcarcel, Rodriguez del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Puente, Sarachaga, Gonzalez del Campillo, Benites, Saucedo, Gorospe y Padilla, Vivanco |
Series of document on organization of militias in Nayarit and Bolanos arguing the need to protect Spanish assets and maritime transportation. |
11-22-1777 |
Arriaga, Gorospe, Saucedo, Revilla Gigedo, Martinez de Soria, Mayorga, Cisneros, Sorachaga, Vivanco, Rodriguez del Valle, Amat |
Administrative correspondence dealing with organization of military strategies in Bolanos. Comparison with south american countries made alluding Englishmen ramsacking those countries in search for paper raw material. |
04-20-1780 |
Arriaga, Gorospe, Saucedo, Revilla Gigedo, Martinez de Soria, Mayorga, Cisneros, Sorachaga, Vivanco, Rodriguez del Valle, Amat |
Administrative correspondence dealing with organization of military strategies in Bolanos. Comparison with south american countries made alluding Englishmen ramsacking those countries in search for paper raw material. |
04-20-1780 |
Martinez de Soria, Vivanco, Villar Gutierrez, Bucareli y Ursua, Frelles Villa de Moros, Gorospe y Padilla, Soranchaga, Revilla Gigedo |
Series of autos on the creation of militias in Colotlan and Nayarit to protect presidios and silver shipments to Spain |
11-22-1777 |
Martinez de Soria, Vivanco, Villar Gutierrez, Bucareli y Ursua, Valcarcel, Frelles Villa de Moros, Martinez de Soria, Rodriguez del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Gorospe y Padilla, Arredondo, Puente, Arriaga, Alvarez, Villasenor, Sarachaga, Gonzalez de Campillo, Benitez, Saucedo |
Series of letters sent to viceroy explaining need for militia creation in Colotlan and Nayarit. |
11-22-1777 |
Martinez de Soria, Vivanco, Villar Gutierrez, Bucareli y Ursua, Valcarcel, Frelles Villa de Moros, Martinez de Soria, Rodriguez del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Gorospe y Padilla, Arredondo, Puente, Arriaga, Alvarez, Villasenor, Sarachaga, Gonzalez de Campillo, Benitez, Saucedo |
Series of letters sent to viceroy explaining need for militia creation in Colotlan and Nayarit. |
11-22-1777 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Rueda, Camacho, Barbero, Garcia, Ruiz, Lara, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Mata, Mata, Flores, Palencia, Anzila, Estrada, Paz, Rueda y Morales, Pedro Marcelo, Garcia, Ramirez, Gonzalez, Reyes |
Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his orders in missions of Sichu. |
08-11-1780 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Rueda, Camacho, Barbero, Garcia, Ruiz, Lara, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Mata, Mata, Flores, Palencia, Anzila, Estrada, Paz, Rueda y Morales, Pedro Marcelo, Garcia, Ramirez, Gonzalez, Reyes |
Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his orders in missions of Sichu. |
08-11-1780 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Rueda, Camacho, Barbero, Garcia, Ruiz, Lara, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Mata, Mata, Flores, Palencia, Anzila, Estrada, Paz, Rueda y Morales, Pedro Marcelo, Garcia, Ramirez, Gonzalez, Reyes |
Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his orders in missions of Sichu. |
08-11-1780 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Rueda, Camacho, Barbero, Garcia, Ruiz, Lara, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Mata, Mata, Flores, Palencia, Anzila, Estrada, Paz, Rueda y Morales, Pedro Marcelo, Garcia, Ramirez, Gonzalez, Reyes |
Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his orders in missions of Sichu. |
08-11-1780 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Rueda, Camacho, Barbero, Garcia, Ruiz, Lara, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Mata, Mata, Flores, Palencia, Anzila, Estrada, Paz, Rueda y Morales, Pedro Marcelo, Garcia, Ramirez, Gonzalez, Reyes |
Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his orders in missions of Sichu. |
08-11-1780 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Rueda, Camacho, Barbero, Garcia, Ruiz, Lara, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Mata, Mata, Flores, Palencia, Anzila, Estrada, Paz, Rueda y Morales, Pedro Marcelo, Garcia, Ramirez, Gonzalez, Reyes |
Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his orders in missions of Sichu. |
08-11-1780 |
Santa Anna, Ramirez, Cayetano, Diego Felipe, Valderas, Anzila, Mata, Palencia, Santiago, Barbero, Lara, Belazquez |
Series of documents dealing with conflict created due to mistreatment of Indians by caudillo Leonardo Ramirez. Case against Indian leader is dismissed. |
09-10-1780 |
Ramirez, Lora, Barbero, Gonzales Vecerra, Rueda y Morales, Yturbide, Conde |
Documents dealing with accountings in trial of caudillo Leonardo Ramirez accused of mistreating Indians from missions. |
03-23-1781 |
Ramirez, Lora, Barbero, Gonzales Vecerra, Rueda y Morales, Yturbide, Conde |
Documents dealing with accountings in trial of caudillo Leonardo Ramirez accused of mistreating Indians from missions. |
03-23-1781 |
Ramirez, Lara, Diego, Chirino, Silva, Lara, Balderon, Cayetano, Mata, Arias, Thadeo, Alonso, Martinez, Santiago, Medina, Baeza, Lorenzo, Garcia, Barbero, Rengel, Angel, Camacho, Garcia, Amaya |
Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. |
07-19-1775 |
Ramirez, Lara, Diego, Chirino, Silva, Lara, Balderon, Cayetano, Mata, Arias, Thadeo, Alonso, Martinez, Santiago, Medina, Baeza, Lorenzo, Garcia, Barbero, Rengel, Angel, Camacho, Garcia, Amaya |
Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. |
07-19-1775 |
Barbero, Ramirez, Lara, Camacho, Cayetano, Arias, Thorivio Santiago, Garcia, Annatta, Pasqual Balthasar, Contreras, Cruz, Camacho, Palencia, Juana Maria, Ramirez, Lopez, Juna Nicolas, Cardenas, Alviso, Camacho, Santa Anna, Anaya |
Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. |
11-03-1779 |
Barbero, Ramirez, Lara, Camacho, Cayetano, Arias, Thorivio Santiago, Garcia, Annatta, Pasqual Balthasar, Contreras, Cruz, Camacho, Palencia, Juana Maria, Ramirez, Lopez, Juna Nicolas, Cardenas, Alviso, Camacho, Santa Anna, Anaya |
Series of autos and testimonies dealing with prosecution of Indian caudillo Leonardo Ramires. |
11-03-1779 |
Hurtado de Mendoza, Pasqual, Mendez de Lievana, Lugardo, Muniz, Rodriguez, Lopez Padilla, Bucareli y Ursua, Garcia Mayoral, Areche, Croix, Ventura de Taranco, Mayorga, Sanchez |
Series of autos on the jurisdictional conflict raised between Guadalaxara and Bolanos because of estupro committed against Muniz. |
02-17-1774 |
Thoraya, Canencia, Velazco, Monterrey, Revilla Gigedo, Vivanco, Hurtado, Areche, Salcedo, Muniz, Cobarrubias, Lopez, Flores, Lopez Padilla, Infante, Aviles, Juan Esteban, Gatuno, Martinez, Santos, Aguilar, Fernandez Lechuga, Cueba, Mendez de Liebana, Davalos y Toledo, Blanco de Velazco, Fernandez de Cordova |
Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against Indian Pasqual accused of estupro. |
03-05-1773 |
Pasqual, Hurtado de Mendoza, Avalos y Toledo, Bucareli y Ursua, Mendoza Lievana, Lugardo, Muniz, Velazco, Monterrey, Revilla Gigedo, Gorospe y Padilla, Alvarez |
Series of autos dealing with conflict between government officials over the handling of the estupro case raised against Pasqual. |
09-30-1773 |
Flores, Aleman, Fernandez de Madrigal, Salinas, Perez Briceno, Albuquerque, Pozo Calvento, Rico, Flores de San Pedro, Valderama, Romero, Hernandez, Andrade, Fernandez de Cordova, Ocampo, Cueva y Villasenor, Lozano, Serralvo, Chavez Vanuelos |
Report to the viceroy about Indians building church who wants to be declared free. Land grants are also petitioned by Indians from Teul. |
05-10-1775 |
Flores, Aleman, Fernandez de Madrigal, Salinas, Perez Briceno, Albuquerque, Pozo Calvento, Rico, Flores de San Pedro, Valderama, Romero, Hernandez, Andrade, Fernandez de Cordova, Ocampo, Cueva y Villasenor, Lozano, Serralvo, Chavez Vanuelos |
Report to the viceroy about Indians building church who wants to be declared free. Land grants are also petitioned by Indians from Teul. |
05-10-1775 |
Pasqual, Thoraya, Mendez, Hurtado de Mendoza, Josepha, Juana, Gatuno, Juan Esteban, Camilo, Reyes, Aviles, Bucareli y Ursua, Muniz, Lopez Padilla, Lopez, Urena, Muniz, Cobarrubias |
Series of testimonies and autos dealing with sexual assault committed by an Indian. Petition for release from jail of some soldiers. |
04-02-1773 |
Gatuno, Romero, Velazco, Cordova, Pacheco, Mendez de Lievana, Silba, Inesqua, Romero, Mata, Villasenor y Acuna, Ascarraga, Polanco, Camarena, Cruz Pacheco, Gonzalez de Rueda, Camino Alonso, Hurtado de Mendoza, Pasqual, Lugardo, Carballo, Xara, Tinaxero, Christerna |
Series of autos on charges brought against Indians accused of theft by the corregidor of Bolanos. |
02-09-1771 |
Gatuno, Romero, Velazco, Cordova, Pacheco, Mendez de Lievana, Silba, Inesqua, Romero, Mata, Villasenor y Acuna, Ascarraga, Polanco, Camarena, Cruz Pacheco, Gonzalez de Rueda, Camino Alonso, Hurtado de Mendoza, Pasqual, Lugardo, Carballo, Xara, Tinaxero, Christerna |
Series of autos on charges brought against Indians accused of theft by the corregidor of Bolanos. |
02-09-1771 |
Mendez de Liebana, Romero, Bucareli y Ursua |
Documents dealing with conflict between government officials over case of Luis Romero, Indian who is accused of theft. |
03-03-1775 |
Peramaz, Romero, Mescua, Sylva, Sylva, Romero, Cruz, Luna, Reyes, Mendez de Liebana, Gatuno, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Villasenor to viceroy, about jurisdiction over the case of Indian Romero accused of theft. |
04-25-1775 |
Peramaz, Romero, Mescua, Sylva, Sylva, Romero, Cruz, Luna, Reyes, Mendez de Liebana, Gatuno, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Villasenor to viceroy, about jurisdiction over the case of Indian Romero accused of theft. |
04-25-1775 |
Peramaz, Romero, Mescua, Sylva, Sylva, Romero, Cruz, Luna, Reyes, Mendez de Liebana, Gatuno, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Villasenor to viceroy, about jurisdiction over the case of Indian Romero accused of theft. |
04-25-1775 |
Ramirez, Fernandez de Cordova, Parra, Ramirez, Toro, Sierragorda, Galvez, Soriano, Amarillas |
Administrative correspondence. Documents dealing with annual difficulties elicited by election in Huexucar. |
11-04-1775 |
Ramirez, Fernandez de Cordova, Parra, Ramirez, Toro, Sierragorda, Galvez, Soriano, Amarillas |
Administrative correspondence. Documents dealing with annual difficulties elicited by election in Huexucar. |
11-04-1775 |
Cruz, Ximenez, Caldera, Aparicio, Delgado, Alverto, Santos, Torre, Garcia, Galicia, Joseph, Gatuno, Cordova, Domingo, Cruz, Graviel, Martin, Madrid, Caldera, Mitala, Ordinola, Ogala, Miguel, Ramos, Calvo, Roque, Revolledo, Carrillo, Catarina, Salinas, Juan Ramon, Roque, Cuienali, Camacho, Hernando, Rosa Arguelles, Fernandez de Estrada, Gonzalez, Pacheco, Ordonez, Serratos, Duval del Valle, Ruvi, Jacobo, Cortez |
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
05-22-1758 |
Cruz, Ximenez, Caldera, Aparicio, Delgado, Alverto, Santos, Torre, Garcia, Galicia, Joseph, Gatuno, Cordova, Domingo, Cruz, Graviel, Martin, Madrid, Caldera, Mitala, Ordinola, Ogala, Miguel, Ramos, Calvo, Roque, Revolledo, Carrillo, Catarina, Salinas, Juan Ramon, Roque, Cuienali, Camacho, Hernando, Rosa Arguelles, Fernandez de Estrada, Gonzalez, Pacheco, Ordonez, Serratos, Duval del Valle, Ruvi, Jacobo, Cortez |
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
05-22-1758 |
Cruz, Ximenez, Caldera, Aparicio, Delgado, Alverto, Santos, Torre, Garcia, Galicia, Joseph, Gatuno, Cordova, Domingo, Cruz, Graviel, Martin, Madrid, Caldera, Mitala, Ordinola, Ogala, Miguel, Ramos, Calvo, Roque, Revolledo, Carrillo, Catarina, Salinas, Juan Ramon, Roque, Cuienali, Camacho, Hernando, Rosa Arguelles, Fernandez de Estrada, Gonzalez, Pacheco, Ordonez, Serratos, Duval del Valle, Ruvi, Jacobo, Cortez |
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
05-22-1758 |
Cruz, Ximenez, Caldera, Aparicio, Delgado, Alverto, Santos, Torre, Garcia, Galicia, Joseph, Gatuno, Cordova, Domingo, Cruz, Graviel, Martin, Madrid, Caldera, Mitala, Ordinola, Ogala, Miguel, Ramos, Calvo, Roque, Revolledo, Carrillo, Catarina, Salinas, Juan Ramon, Roque, Cuienali, Camacho, Hernando, Rosa Arguelles, Fernandez de Estrada, Gonzalez, Pacheco, Ordonez, Serratos, Duval del Valle, Ruvi, Jacobo, Cortez |
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
05-22-1758 |
Cruz, Ximenez, Caldera, Aparicio, Delgado, Alverto, Santos, Torre, Garcia, Galicia, Joseph, Gatuno, Cordova, Domingo, Cruz, Graviel, Martin, Madrid, Caldera, Mitala, Ordinola, Ogala, Miguel, Ramos, Calvo, Roque, Revolledo, Carrillo, Catarina, Salinas, Juan Ramon, Roque, Cuienali, Camacho, Hernando, Rosa Arguelles, Fernandez de Estrada, Gonzalez, Pacheco, Ordonez, Serratos, Duval del Valle, Ruvi, Jacobo, Cortez |
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
05-22-1758 |
Cruz, Ximenez, Caldera, Aparicio, Delgado, Alverto, Santos, Torre, Garcia, Galicia, Joseph, Gatuno, Cordova, Domingo, Cruz, Graviel, Martin, Madrid, Caldera, Mitala, Ordinola, Ogala, Miguel, Ramos, Calvo, Roque, Revolledo, Carrillo, Catarina, Salinas, Juan Ramon, Roque, Cuienali, Camacho, Hernando, Rosa Arguelles, Fernandez de Estrada, Gonzalez, Pacheco, Ordonez, Serratos, Duval del Valle, Ruvi, Jacobo, Cortez |
Series of autos and testimonies of military operations in the area of Guejuquilla jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
05-22-1758 |
Victoriano, Ortega, Davila Maldonado, Flores de San Pedro, Baptista Lopes, Gonzalez Montes de Oca, Sanchez, Torre, Flores de Valdez, Arias, Gomez, Revilla, Olivar Revolledo, Santos, Verdugo, Gatuno, Covarrubias |
Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
03-24-1724 |
Thorre Valdez y Gamboa, Sanchez de Santan Ana, Verdugo de Aro y Davila, Mathias, Escovedo, Calera, Carranza, Ramos, Francisco, Avila, Santiago, Sebastian, Lopez, Leon, Ordas, Lopez, Esteban, Josef Gregorio, Geronimo, Hernandez, Gimenez, Gimenes, Mesa, Gatuno, Mesa |
Documents explaining services to the king in Guezucar, by military and auxiliary troops under jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
12-02-1721 |
Reyna Narvaes, Thorre, Aiala, Flores de San Pedro, Astillero Monte de Escovedo, Sanches, Espinosa, Carrillo, Reyes, Cruz, Mathias, Verdugo de Aro y Davila, Baldez, Flores de San Pedro, Arias, Perez Cavesa, Fernando de Villa, Coronado, Sanchez de Santana, Errada, Guevara |
Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of Mesquitic, jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
11-16-1721 |
Reyna Narvaes, Thorre, Aiala, Flores de San Pedro, Astillero Monte de Escovedo, Sanches, Espinosa, Carrillo, Reyes, Cruz, Mathias, Verdugo de Aro y Davila, Baldez, Flores de San Pedro, Arias, Perez Cavesa, Fernando de Villa, Coronado, Sanchez de Santana, Errada, Guevara |
Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of Mesquitic, jurisdiction of Colotlan. |
11-16-1721 |