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Person Last Name Title Date
Gorraez, Gomez de Castro, Castillo de Aisa, Sanchez de la Moza, Valle, Gutierrez, Garcia, Rios y Calbillo, Baptista de Arriaga, Silguero, Deramora, Mora, Ruis, Mansilla, Rueda, Barrera, Barbadillo, Altamira, Garzia Letters, testigos, autos between Gomezde Castro, Castillo de ? An Altamira about Chichimec reducciones in Guadalcazar 1742-3. 05-27-1743
Gorraez, Gomez de Castro, Castillo de Aisa, Sanchez de la Moza, Valle, Gutierrez, Garcia, Rios y Calbillo, Baptista de Arriaga, Silguero, Deramora, Mora, Ruis, Mansilla, Rueda, Barrera, Barbadillo, Altamira, Garzia Letters, testigos, autos between Gomezde Castro, Castillo de ? An Altamira about Chichimec reducciones in Guadalcazar 1742-3. 05-27-1743
Gorraez, Gomez de Castro, Castillo de Aisa, Sanchez de la Moza, Valle, Gutierrez, Garcia, Rios y Calbillo, Baptista de Arriaga, Silguero, Deramora, Mora, Ruis, Mansilla, Rueda, Barrera, Barbadillo, Altamira, Garzia Letters, testigos, autos between Gomezde Castro, Castillo de ? An Altamira about Chichimec reducciones in Guadalcazar 1742-3. 05-27-1743
Mata Binolas, Moraga, Saenz Rico, Antel, Equeracapa, Tovar, Carrasco, Valdez, Ochoa, Rengel, Echegaray, Tadiya, Revilla Gigedo, Urrea, Bichase, Tudesna, Merino Concerns summary of military actions and hostilities occurring west Provincias Internas. Also other military incursions against Indian rebels are accounted. 01-27-1793
Mata Binolas, Moraga, Saenz Rico, Antel, Equeracapa, Tovar, Carrasco, Valdez, Ochoa, Rengel, Echegaray, Tadiya, Revilla Gigedo, Urrea, Bichase, Tudesna, Merino Concerns summary of military actions and hostilities occurring west Provincias Internas. Also other military incursions against Indian rebels are accounted. 01-27-1793
Escandon, Gorraez, Albarez, Unzaga, Aldaco, Rivera, Revilla Gigedo, Guevara, Ruiz Junco, Unzaga y Barrota Letters by Escandon and Ruiz to Revilla Gigedo about Saca de Agua at Hoyos; tanambre rebels 12-08-1773
Escandon, Gorraez, Albarez, Unzaga, Aldaco, Rivera, Revilla Gigedo, Guevara, Ruiz Junco, Unzaga y Barrota Letters by Escandon and Ruiz to Revilla Gigedo about Saca de Agua at Hoyos; tanambre rebels 12-08-1773
Escandon, Gorraez, Albarez, Unzaga, Aldaco, Rivera, Revilla Gigedo, Guevara, Ruiz Junco, Unzaga y Barrota Letters by Escandon and Ruiz to Revilla Gigedo about Saca de Agua at Hoyos; tanambre rebels 12-08-1773
Revilla Gigedo, Norbana, Velez Escalante, Moraga, Saenz Rico, Arbizu, Medina, Urrea, Rivero, Villaescusa, Merino, Fernandez, Mata, Fadilla, Almanza, Manrique, Gonzales Silvestre, Granados, Rengel, Francisco, Borica, Bigotes, Jose, Diaz, Vidal de Lorca, Rodriguez, Villarroel, Abreu, Desmolado, Carrazco, Ochoa, Nautilnice, Nava Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with reports sent to the viceroy on the status of the provinces of Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. 12-31-1792
Revilla Gigedo, Norbana, Velez Escalante, Moraga, Saenz Rico, Arbizu, Medina, Urrea, Rivero, Villaescusa, Merino, Fernandez, Mata, Fadilla, Almanza, Manrique, Gonzales Silvestre, Granados, Rengel, Francisco, Borica, Bigotes, Jose, Diaz, Vidal de Lorca, Rodriguez, Villarroel, Abreu, Desmolado, Carrazco, Ochoa, Nautilnice, Nava Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with reports sent to the viceroy on the status of the provinces of Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. 12-31-1792
Revilla Gigedo, Norbana, Velez Escalante, Moraga, Saenz Rico, Arbizu, Medina, Urrea, Rivero, Villaescusa, Merino, Fernandez, Mata, Fadilla, Almanza, Manrique, Gonzales Silvestre, Granados, Rengel, Francisco, Borica, Bigotes, Jose, Diaz, Vidal de Lorca, Rodriguez, Villarroel, Abreu, Desmolado, Carrazco, Ochoa, Nautilnice, Nava Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with reports sent to the viceroy on the status of the provinces of Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. 12-31-1792
Revilla Gigedo, Norbana, Velez Escalante, Moraga, Saenz Rico, Arbizu, Medina, Urrea, Rivero, Villaescusa, Merino, Fernandez, Mata, Fadilla, Almanza, Manrique, Gonzales Silvestre, Granados, Rengel, Francisco, Borica, Bigotes, Jose, Diaz, Vidal de Lorca, Rodriguez, Villarroel, Abreu, Desmolado, Carrazco, Ochoa, Nautilnice, Nava Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with reports sent to the viceroy on the status of the provinces of Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. 12-31-1792
Vinictinines, Nautilnice, Nava, Echegaray, Corvalan, Revilla Gigedo, Moraga, Marquez, Merino, Equeracapa, Concha, Carrasco, Valles, Fernandez, Rengel, Granados, Ronquillo, Tarin, Mesa, Sotelo, Gabalden Military administrative correspondence dealing with military actions against Indians and other Indian affairs. 01-24-1793
Vinictinines, Nautilnice, Nava, Echegaray, Corvalan, Revilla Gigedo, Moraga, Marquez, Merino, Equeracapa, Concha, Carrasco, Valles, Fernandez, Rengel, Granados, Ronquillo, Tarin, Mesa, Sotelo, Gabalden Military administrative correspondence dealing with military actions against Indians and other Indian affairs. 01-24-1793
Vinictinines, Nautilnice, Nava, Echegaray, Corvalan, Revilla Gigedo, Moraga, Marquez, Merino, Equeracapa, Concha, Carrasco, Valles, Fernandez, Rengel, Granados, Ronquillo, Tarin, Mesa, Sotelo, Gabalden Military administrative correspondence dealing with military actions against Indians and other Indian affairs. 01-24-1793
Alvarez, Padilla, Pluma Blanca, Villaescusa, Revilla Gegedo, Grimarest, Barbastro, Echegaray, Nava, Castillo Gubernatorial correspondence regarding military actions against Indians, between intendente Grimarest and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 19-22-1791
Casanova, Montano, Madril, Gonzales, Luna, Rengel, Borica, Tovar, Vizente, Diaz, Olguin, Joseph, Vidal de Lorca, Arambulo, Licano, Rodriguez, Gutierrez, Mena, Trujillo, Marrufo, Montes, Diaz de Bustamante, Quinonez, Sotelo, Ochoa, Limon, Delgado Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792
Casanova, Montano, Madril, Gonzales, Luna, Rengel, Borica, Tovar, Vizente, Diaz, Olguin, Joseph, Vidal de Lorca, Arambulo, Licano, Rodriguez, Gutierrez, Mena, Trujillo, Marrufo, Montes, Diaz de Bustamante, Quinonez, Sotelo, Ochoa, Limon, Delgado Gubernatorial correspondence concerning reports on the status of the provincias del poniente. 11-00-1792
Potau de Portugal, Revilla Gigedo, Soto, Mesa, Rodriguez, Baxar, Alvarez Prendes, Fierro, Silva, Melendez, Blanco, Sanchez, Carrasco, Fierro, Fierro, Gastembide, Camorro, Olvera, Maynes Concerns reports from Potau to Revilla Gigedo about military actions against Indians. Also some Indians hostilities and other Indians affairs. 11-02-1792
Potau de Portugal, Revilla Gigedo, Soto, Mesa, Rodriguez, Baxar, Alvarez Prendes, Fierro, Silva, Melendez, Blanco, Sanchez, Carrasco, Fierro, Fierro, Gastembide, Camorro, Olvera, Maynes Concerns reports from Potau to Revilla Gigedo about military actions against Indians. Also some Indians hostilities and other Indians affairs. 11-02-1792
Concha, Brazo de Fierro, Revilla Gigedo, Theilde, Picax Ande Ynx-Intle, Jaschelna, Josef, Campanita, Equeracapa, Martin, Guerrero, Canuelas Gubernatorial correspondence between the governor of New Mexico and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo concerning military actions and operations against Indian rebels. 04-14-1792
Echegaray, Mata Binolas, Chiquito, Escogeda, Antel, Nava, Guegoca, Revilla Gigedo, Carrasco, Casanova, Messa, Diaz, Maynez, Limon, Jose, Fuentes Paniagua, Almendariz, Borica, Anteojos, Alegre, Tovar, Perez, Pino Blanco, Rengel, Cavallero, Meras Gubernatorial correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning the situation of Indians who have surrendered and come to work in the presidios. Account of some military actions. 10-18-1792
Echegaray, Mata Binolas, Chiquito, Escogeda, Antel, Nava, Guegoca, Revilla Gigedo, Carrasco, Casanova, Messa, Diaz, Maynez, Limon, Jose, Fuentes Paniagua, Almendariz, Borica, Anteojos, Alegre, Tovar, Perez, Pino Blanco, Rengel, Cavallero, Meras Gubernatorial correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning the situation of Indians who have surrendered and come to work in the presidios. Account of some military actions. 10-18-1792
Grimarrest, Borica, Revilla Gigedo, Saenz Rico, Carrete, Pereyra, Potau de Portugal, Arbera, Mendieta, Pereda Zeballos, Sanches, Alvarez Prendes, Gutierrez, Paniagua, Carrasco, Urquidi, Maynes, Palacios, Mesa, Llama, Lopez Negrete, Quinonez, Arrillaga, Bustamante, Banegas, Aragon, Gonzales, Arbisuri, Fierro, Lopez, Olivera, Vidal de Lorca, Hernandez, Mexas, Chavez, Gomez, Aguilera Gubernatorial administrative correspondence reporting on several Indian affairs and some military actions. 02-01-1792
Belderan, Urrea, Limon, Mata Binolas, Grijalva, Casanova, Ramirez, Cordero, Ochoa, Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Diaz, Joseph, Merino, Concha, Equexacapa, Calvo, Escogeda Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. 02-01-1792
Belderan, Urrea, Limon, Mata Binolas, Grijalva, Casanova, Ramirez, Cordero, Ochoa, Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Diaz, Joseph, Merino, Concha, Equexacapa, Calvo, Escogeda Series of documents and summary reports of hostilities carried out in west Provincias Internas against Indians and other military actions. 02-01-1792
Borica, Nava, Casanova, Revilla Gigedo, Saenz, Tona, Villaescusa, Echegaray, Grimaresa, Albarez, Padilla, Pluma Blanca, Concha, Seiba, Griego, Ruiz Pascual, Ojos Colorados, Bicanneti, Brazo de Hierro, Diaz, Calvo, Theilde, Mata, Grijalva, Limon, Moraga, Mata Binolas, Demoscan, Chiquito, Grimarest Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs and other war operations in Sonora provinces of El norte. 01-06-1792
Borica, Nava, Casanova, Revilla Gigedo, Saenz, Tona, Villaescusa, Echegaray, Grimaresa, Albarez, Padilla, Pluma Blanca, Concha, Seiba, Griego, Ruiz Pascual, Ojos Colorados, Bicanneti, Brazo de Hierro, Diaz, Calvo, Theilde, Mata, Grijalva, Limon, Moraga, Mata Binolas, Demoscan, Chiquito, Grimarest Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs and other war operations in Sonora provinces of El norte. 01-06-1792
Chiquito, Ugalde, Nava, Munoz, Jose Antonio, Malave, Cavello Largo, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Canoso, Zapato Sax, Lombrana, Cierragorda, Juarez, Gutierrez, Garza, Nolasco Rodriguez, Rivera, Martinez Pacheco, Aga, Fernandez, Amangual, Puente, Urrutia, Castro, Cortez, Arrambide, Espada, Guiscate, Cabezon, Calvillo, Mariano, Pedraro, Cruz, Lopez, Revilla Gigedo Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian issues and affairs. 02-09-1791
Chiquito, Ugalde, Nava, Munoz, Jose Antonio, Malave, Cavello Largo, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Canoso, Zapato Sax, Lombrana, Cierragorda, Juarez, Gutierrez, Garza, Nolasco Rodriguez, Rivera, Martinez Pacheco, Aga, Fernandez, Amangual, Puente, Urrutia, Castro, Cortez, Arrambide, Espada, Guiscate, Cabezon, Calvillo, Mariano, Pedraro, Cruz, Lopez, Revilla Gigedo Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian issues and affairs. 02-09-1791
Cierragorda, Revilla Gigedo, Canoso, Cortez, Arocha, Puente, Jose Antonio, Castro, Menchaca, Vasquez, Cortez, Zapato Sax, Bautista, Cardenas, Nandin, Arambide, Alva, Nolasco Carrasco, Elquezabal, Valdez, Echegaray, Fernandez Carmona, Gonzalez, Garcia de Trio, Valdez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with a variety of Indian affairs and other military administrative events. 06-18-1792
Trevino, Diaz de Bustamante, Galvan, Echegaray, Maxent, Bustamante, Serna, Rivas, Ortiz, Arizpe, Valdez, Nolasco Carrasco, Garza, Alva, Elquezabal, Aga, Carmona, Garcia, Maldonado, Canoso, Jacinto, Revilla Gigedo, Castro, Trio, Zoraya, Arispe Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
Trevino, Diaz de Bustamante, Galvan, Echegaray, Maxent, Bustamante, Serna, Rivas, Ortiz, Arizpe, Valdez, Nolasco Carrasco, Garza, Alva, Elquezabal, Aga, Carmona, Garcia, Maldonado, Canoso, Jacinto, Revilla Gigedo, Castro, Trio, Zoraya, Arispe Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
Elquezabal, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Zapato Sax, Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Ximenez, Rodriguez, Samath, Rodriguez, Menchaca, Lopez, Sacuina, Soxar, Castro, Cierragorda, Ugarte y Loyola, Nava, Lopez, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Laragate, Aga, Arocha, Menchaca, Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Elquezabal, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Zapato Sax, Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Ximenez, Rodriguez, Samath, Rodriguez, Menchaca, Lopez, Sacuina, Soxar, Castro, Cierragorda, Ugarte y Loyola, Nava, Lopez, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Laragate, Aga, Arocha, Menchaca, Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Elquezabal, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Zapato Sax, Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Ximenez, Rodriguez, Samath, Rodriguez, Menchaca, Lopez, Sacuina, Soxar, Castro, Cierragorda, Ugarte y Loyola, Nava, Lopez, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Laragate, Aga, Arocha, Menchaca, Gutierrez Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs. 11-24-1790
Timoteo, Ugalde, Revilla Gigedo, Soguina, Soxa, Munoz, Cuellar, Cierragorda, Zapato Sax, Echegaray, Lerma, Talamantes, Chiquito, Chiapa, Castro, Diaz de Bustamante, Tovar, Arocha, Zepeda, Diaz, Hernandez, Menchaca, Pena, Delgado, Gil Ybarbo, Garza, Serna, Bujanos, Guadiana Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Castro, Revilla Gigedo, Latino, Emparan, Dias de Bustamante, Nolasco Carrasco, Serna, Yermo, Munoz, Jose Antonio, Cierragorda, Arocha, Cardenas, Cortez, Vasquez, Dominguez, Polonio, Norteno, Gomez de Montenegro Gubernatorial administrative correspondence between the governor and the viceroy. 05-29-1792
Potau, Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Castro, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Alegre, Joseph, Esquin-Yoet, Cuernoverde, Concha, Vigotes, Merino el extracto que remiti a v.e. en carta numero 599 de 24 del mes ultimo comprehende quantas hostilidades . . . . 02-14-1793
Castro, Pacheco, Bautista, Revilla Gigedo, Martinez, Chiquito, Xavielillo, Cabello Largo, Bocatuerta, Gutierres, Elquezabal, Martinez, Gutierrez, Ecaymurgui, Hernandez, Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Gutierrez de la Cueva Administrative correspondence between governor and viceroy dealing with reports on war operation and Indian affairs. 03-14-1792
Castro, Pacheco, Bautista, Revilla Gigedo, Martinez, Chiquito, Xavielillo, Cabello Largo, Bocatuerta, Gutierres, Elquezabal, Martinez, Gutierrez, Ecaymurgui, Hernandez, Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Gutierrez de la Cueva Administrative correspondence between governor and viceroy dealing with reports on war operation and Indian affairs. 03-14-1792
Castro, Pacheco, Bautista, Revilla Gigedo, Martinez, Chiquito, Xavielillo, Cabello Largo, Bocatuerta, Gutierres, Elquezabal, Martinez, Gutierrez, Ecaymurgui, Hernandez, Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Gutierrez de la Cueva Administrative correspondence between governor and viceroy dealing with reports on war operation and Indian affairs. 03-14-1792
Aga, Galvez, Gutierrez de la Cueba, Castro, Bucarely, Ugalde, Nava, Mesa, Borica, Carrasco, Revilla Gigedo por la carta de v.e. de 28 de noviembre proximo pasado veo se ha servido aprovar las determinaciones que tome . . . . 12-27-1792
Castro, Sanchez, Revilla Gigedo, Carrasco, Leyba, Nava, Diaz, Natage, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Borica, Cabrera, Rengel, Merino, Mesa por la adjunta copia se hara cargo v.e. del parte que me ha pasado el sargento Reymundo Sanchez comandante del puesto del Alamo. 01-02-1793
Castro, Sanchez, Revilla Gigedo, Carrasco, Leyba, Nava, Diaz, Natage, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Borica, Cabrera, Rengel, Merino, Mesa por la adjunta copia se hara cargo v.e. del parte que me ha pasado el sargento Reymundo Sanchez comandante del puesto del Alamo. 01-02-1793
Volante, Alegre, Pino Blanco, Diaz, Calvo, Nava, Borica, Castro, Borica, Munoz, Chabes, Elquezaval, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Aga, Casimiro, Canoso, Gil Ybarbo, Martinez Pacheco, Fernandes, Menchaca, Soxas, Soquina, Gomez Moreno, Pacheco, Guerra, Valle, Cortes, Revilla Gigedo por la carta de v.m. de 21 de noviembre ultimo y documentos que la acompanan que . . . . 11-04-1792
Rengel, Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Carrasco, Castro, Concha, Diaz, Brazo de Fierro, El Calbo, Sagape, Cabrera, Valles, Sanudo, Potau en vista de noticias que a mi arrivo a este presidio he tenido relativas a que los enemigos que ultimamente . . . . 11-08-1792
Rengel, Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Carrasco, Castro, Concha, Diaz, Brazo de Fierro, El Calbo, Sagape, Cabrera, Valles, Sanudo, Potau en vista de noticias que a mi arrivo a este presidio he tenido relativas a que los enemigos que ultimamente . . . . 11-08-1792
Nava, Diaz, Volante, Alegre, Josef, Borica, Pino Blanco, Calvo, Natage, Picax-Ande, Concha, Castro, Munoz, Revilla Gigedo, Merino el pronto regreso del coreo extraordinario que dirigi al senor comandante general de esas provincias don Pedro de Nava . . . 10-29-1792
Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Castro, Volante, Alegre, Jose, Pino Blanco, Aga, Leeme, Ruiz de Carramendi, Rios, Pacheco, Elquezabal, Nandin, Galvez, Gutierrez de la Cueva he dado las ordenes convenientes (con arreglo a las de v.e.) para que de los presidios de Rio Grande y Aguaverde . . . . 11-05-1792