Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Ortiz, Baca, Allande, Vigil, Peres Serrano, Melgares Juan Rafael Ortis. Index of the documents helb by the alcalde mayor of Santa Fe prepared at a change of administration, and at the beginning of the next two years. 05-10-1818
Narbonna, Peres Joseph Peres-to-Antonio Narbonna. Concerning problems that Narbonna had with his luggage at a customs post. 05-27-1818
Ortiz, Parela Tamaris Juan Rafael Ortiz. Receipt for goods to be transported by Ortiz to Santa Fee for the governor of New Mexico for distribution to allied Indians. 03-28-1818
Allande, Cavallero, Cabesa de Bacca, Petronilo, Pena, Aragon Pedro Maria de Allande. Concerning defense measures taken against ute 03-02-1818
Allande, Cavallero, Cabesa de Bacca, Petronilo, Pena, Aragon Pedro Maria de Allande. Concerning defense measures taken against ute 03-02-1818
Velasco, Elias, Penon, Ruga, Aluna, Albarez, Correo, Pereyro Velasco. Priests involved in gambling. 11-15-1817
Velasco, Elias, Penon, Ruga, Aluna, Albarez, Correo, Pereyro Velasco. Priests involved in gambling. 11-15-1817
Dias, Nanbona, Pesqueira, Comaduran . nominations for second alferes. 10-31-1817
Vigil, Gonzalez, Pena, Salazar, Vigil, Martin, Vigil Vigil, Juan Ygnacio. Proceedings of claims by Juan Ygnacio Vigil and his uncle Miguel Vigil against estate of Antonio Jose Vigil and against each others claim. 09-12-1817
Ximenes, Ortis, Melgares, Carrio, Beyta, Ravi, Pena, Ruiz, Juipe, Ruiz, Zaenz, Sanches Vergara, Pena, Sanches, Fernando Septimo, Cruz Beita, Aragon, Aragon, Vigil, Serrasino Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. 10-17-1817
Ximenes, Ortis, Melgares, Carrio, Beyta, Ravi, Pena, Ruiz, Juipe, Ruiz, Zaenz, Sanches Vergara, Pena, Sanches, Fernando Septimo, Cruz Beita, Aragon, Aragon, Vigil, Serrasino Ximenes, Antonio. Civil suit concerning sheep. 10-17-1817
Flores, Pereda, Tirado y Priego, Ris y Garnica . Holy edict prohibiting the circulation of certain books and works because of various (anti-church) reasons, applied to those with and without license. 06-07-1817
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Martines, Vigil, Pena, Padinja, Otero, Trugillo, Pereyro, Allande, Torres, Ortis, Truxillo, Gonsales, Lusero, Sandoval, Sanches, Salazar, Achuleta, Sanches, Cortes, Gonsales, Vigil, Ygar Severino Martines. 09-24-1816
Pena, Baca, Allande Pena, Josef Mariano de la. Attack by navajos threatened and passes on request for assistance. 08-20-1816
Martin, Martin, Luna, Pena, Allande Martin, Roque. Attempt to recover money. 03-30-1816
Armijo, Pena, Allande, Guerra, Duran, Ruiz, Pino Armijo, Francisco. Case against Armijo for cruelty to his wife. 03-25-1816
Armijo, Pena, Allande, Guerra, Duran, Ruiz, Pino Armijo, Francisco. Case against Armijo for cruelty to his wife. 03-25-1816
Gallego, Penon, Ortiz, Maynes Gallego, Francisco Roman to Maynes, Alberto. Discussion of transfer of alcaldia to Josef Ortiz and of problems with fray Penon. 03-07-1816
Martin, Pena, Maynas, Luna, Montolla, Pereyro, Allande, Vejil Martin, Pedro. Suit concerning failure to pay a royal tax. 03-16-1816
Martin, Pena, Maynas, Luna, Montolla, Pereyro, Allande, Vejil Martin, Pedro. Suit concerning failure to pay a royal tax. 03-16-1816
Penon Penon, Mariano (OFM). Petition for punishment of alcalde for improper actions and lack of religiousity. 02-04-1816
Montes, Bonavia, Fernando VII, Sotero, Ponse de Leon, Rascon, Bernal, Ponce Montes, Rafael. Report of ceremony proclaiming fidelity to king Ferdinand VII. 10-15-1815
Montes, Bonavia, Fernando VII, Sotero, Ponse de Leon, Rascon, Bernal, Ponce Montes, Rafael. Report of ceremony proclaiming fidelity to king Ferdinand VII. 10-15-1815
Bonavia, Roque, Ygnacio, Pino Bonavia, Bernardo. Remittance of complaint by Manuel Ygnacio and pertinent documents. 10-20-1815
Chaves, Chaves, Pino, Maynez, Pino, Olona, Bustamante, Baca, Arteaga, Sanchez Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Chaves, Chaves, Pino, Maynez, Pino, Olona, Bustamante, Baca, Arteaga, Sanchez Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Bonavia y Zapata, Ponce de Leon, Sotero Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Proclamation of comandante general denouncing rebel representatives to so called national congress and ordering their arrest. 07-26-1815
Pena, Maynez Pena, Josef Mariano de la. Letter to governor informing him that list of contributions to crown has been sent and supplies for local troops has been paid for. 05-23-1815
Martin, Pereyro, Maynez Martin, Pedro/Pereyra, Jose Benito to governor. Boundary dispute. 05-13-1815
Varea, Pino Varea, Esteban. Need for new bishopric. 01-27-1815
Pena, Ruis Pena, Josef Mariano de la. General census of citizens in the jurisdiction of Alburquerque for 1814. 12-10-1814
Pena Pena, Jose Mariano de la. Account of expenses of ayuntamiento of Alburquerque for June-July, 1814. 06-05-1814
Gonzales, Cordero, Ortiz, Chacon, Bizente, Manrrique, Pino, Larranaga, Truxillo, Baca, Romero, Quegue, Salazar, Romero, Angel, Rubi, Chaves, Sanches, Torres, Maese, Manuel, Griego, Valencia, Montoya, Baca, Romero, Majada, Motoya, Aragon, Romero, Bonavia Gonzales, Josef Manuel/Cordero, Juan Domingo to Manrrique, animals from the comanches. 06-08-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Ruis, Itteita, Zuni, Ansana, Abeita, Abeita, Chaves, Chaves Baca, Chaves, Yturnieta, Chaves, Chaves, Padilla, Montoya, PadillaBorego, Maese, Padilla, Padilla, Sanchez, Chaves, Apodaca, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Sarrasino, Gist, Pena Ruis (?), Manuel. Records of contributions to the navajos. 06-30-1814
Garcia Conde, Velasco, Porcel, Perez, Ostoloza, Gazate Garcia Conde, Alejo. Publishing a decree of the Cortes authorizing the construction of a canal in Tehuantepec. 04-30-1814
Garcia Conde, Velasco, Porcel, Perez, Ostoloza, Gazate Garcia Conde, Alejo. Publishing a decree of the Cortes authorizing the construction of a canal in Tehuantepec. 04-30-1814
Chirinos, Chaves, Sangre, Apodaca, Rosa, Ruiz, Olguin, Cachilla, Pena, Ruiz, Manrrique Chirinos, Juan Pedro. Re: dispute over inherited property. 03-07-1814
Chavez, Guerra, Ortiz, Pena, Torrez, Chavez, Manrrique Chavez, Jose Antonio to Manrrique, Jose. Re: elections. 02-14-1814
Pino, Romero, Aragon, Gutierres, Gutierres, Gonzales, Montoya, Garcia de Noriega, Cordova, Romero, Trugillo, Cordova, Montoya, Lagos Garcia . Election records. 01-30-1814
Bonavia, Fernando Septimo, Zunia, Castillo, Herrera, Villavicencio, Mosquera y Figueros, Rodriguez de Rivas, Perez Villamil, Cano Manuel Bonavia, Bernardo. Royal order: concerning uniform of military lawyers. 12-07-1813
Sais, Ortiz, Esquivel, Barela, Pacheco, Manrrique Sais, Josef Maria. Accusation of theft. 11-02-1813