Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Padilla, Concha, Ortiz, Montoya, Martin Padilla, Diego Antonio. Criminal case against Diego Antonio Padilla, Antonio Lorenzo Montoya and Juan Esteban Martin for stealing sheep. 10-26-1792
Ortiz, Concha, Troncoso, Ortiz, Ortiz, Pino Ortiz, Dolores Josefa. Legal settlement of will of Alejandro Ortiz acknowledged by Pedro Baptista Pino. 10-08-1792
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Lobera, Gutierrez, Artegas, Pino Lobera, Francisco (alcalde mayor). Investigation into illegal activities of Francisco Lobera including charges of giving a gun to some Indians. 05-06-1792
Baca, Concha, Ortiz, Tafoya, Armijo, Armenta, Pena, Garcia, Mitro, Guerrero Baca, Luis. Fragment of proceedings against Luis Baca for mistreatment and poor pay of Indians of the Santo Domingo mission. 02-02-1792
Nava, Marino, Trevol Navarro, Baca, Plazas Nava, Pedro de. Letter to governor of New Mexico recognizing as legitimate claims against the estate of Francisco Trevol Navarro. 01-18-1792
Carlos IV, Merino, Revilla Gigedo, Potau Carlos iv (rey). Real cedula requiring that oath of office be taken in traditional way and that media anata be paid. 12-30-1791
Nava, Concha, Pena Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Acknowledgement of Concha's recommendations regarding Indian policy. 12-17-1791
Montoya, Concha, Perea, Belarde, Ortiz Montoya, Nerio Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Nerio Antonio Montoya (alcalde mayor) complains of disrespect by two citizens of Alburquerque. 09-30-1791
Nava, Concha, Porlier Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Confirmation of castilian title of Marques de Bajamar on the secretary Antonio de Polier. 03-04-1791
Nava, Diaz, Perez Nava, Pedro de/Diaz, Domingo to Concha, Fernando de la. Details for proper response to mescalero attack on comanches. 12-19-1790
Paiz, Concha, Duenas Paiz, Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Petition requesting replacement of fray Duenas with fray Bermejo as Duenas does not allowed certain native customs and traditions. Conchas orders retirement. 00-00-1791
Ortiz, Patezo Ortiz, Antonio Jose (alcalde mayor). Census of the villa de Santa Fe for 1790. 11-09-1790
Nava, Concha, Perez Serrano Nava, Pedro de (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Return of petition of Francisco Perez Serrano asking for a clearer statement of circumstances. 11-06-1790
Ugarte y Loyola, Galvez, Posada, Revilla Gigedo, Concha Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Review and detailed explanation of viceregal orders regulating travel, issue of passports and prohibitions on Indians whishing to travel through provinces. 07-02-1790
Gallego, Baca, Prada, Baldez, Baca, Merino, Quintana, Baca, Romero, Chacon, Gallego, Arce Gallego, Pedro Ignacio. Civil suit against Gallego by Maria Magdalena Baca for failure to fulfill promise of marriage. 10-23-1789
Perea, Perea, Armenta, Lorenzo Martinez, Garcia, Rodriguez, Ortiz, Concha, Perea Perea, Miguel/Perea, Benito. Proceedings in case of stolen comanche horses - defendents confess - alcalde passes the documents to the governor who will decide punishment. 02-19-1789
Perea, Perea, Armenta, Lorenzo Martinez, Garcia, Rodriguez, Ortiz, Concha, Perea Perea, Miguel/Perea, Benito. Proceedings in case of stolen comanche horses - defendents confess - alcalde passes the documents to the governor who will decide punishment. 02-19-1789
Perea, Perea, Armenta, Lorenzo Martinez, Garcia, Rodriguez, Ortiz, Concha, Perea Perea, Miguel/Perea, Benito. Proceedings in case of stolen comanche horses - defendents confess - alcalde passes the documents to the governor who will decide punishment. 02-19-1789
Carlos IV, Liners, Porcel, Truxillo Carlos IV. Copy of a royal order concerning importation of slaves to the americas. 02-28-1789
Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Peralta Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Approves suspended sentence of Geronimo Peralta. 01-28-1789
Ugarte y Loyola, Pinto, Ypara Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Navajo auxiliaries defense, extraordinary Indian leader. 11-12-1788
Palomatris, Velarde, Perez, Rivera . Draft letter regarding soldiers who remained in El Paso. 06-10-1788
Palomatris, Velarde, Perez, Rivera . Draft letter regarding soldiers who remained in El Paso. 06-10-1788
Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Paxarito, Anza Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Congratulations on report of Indian relations. 01-23-1788
Ugarte y Loyola, Peralta, Anza, Concha Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Asking for extradition of prisoner. 01-14-1788
Nava, Concha, Palafox y Mendoza Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmittal of royal cedula allowing offerings towards beautification of Juan de Palafox y Mendoza. 12-27-1787
Rengel, Concha, Gutierrez, Palomares Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter concerning the disposition of the property of the deceased soldier, Phelipe Gutierrez. 12-10-1787
Concha, Baptista de Anza, Visente, Troncoso, Romero, Ortis, Maria, Bial, Serra, Pineda, Villarpando, Romero, Fernandez, Maldonado, Bartolo, Paris, Pineda, Rendon Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Relation formed and signed by the governor of the disbursements divided in gratification of the allies comanches yutas xicarillas and navajoes. 08-28-1787
Concha, Baptista de Anza, Visente, Troncoso, Romero, Ortis, Maria, Bial, Serra, Pineda, Villarpando, Romero, Fernandez, Maldonado, Bartolo, Paris, Pineda, Rendon Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Relation formed and signed by the governor of the disbursements divided in gratification of the allies comanches yutas xicarillas and navajoes. 08-28-1787
Concha, Baptista de Anza, Visente, Troncoso, Romero, Ortis, Maria, Bial, Serra, Pineda, Villarpando, Romero, Fernandez, Maldonado, Bartolo, Paris, Pineda, Rendon Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Relation formed and signed by the governor of the disbursements divided in gratification of the allies comanches yutas xicarillas and navajoes. 08-28-1787
Romero, Ortega, Urban, Ortis, Hortiz, Ortiz, Baca, Zael, Ortiz, Concha, Anza, Romero, Baca, Abrego, Delgado, Santiesteban, Martines, Romero, Rael, Troncoso, Ortiz, Villarpando, Guerrero, Sandoval, Garsia, Bueno, Baca, Armijo, Bustos, Sanches, Romero, Roibal, Garcia de la Mora, Sisneros, Garcia, Pacheco, Begil, Mestas, Madrid, Pablo, Montoya, Armijo Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. 08-22-1787
Romero, Ortega, Urban, Ortis, Hortiz, Ortiz, Baca, Zael, Ortiz, Concha, Anza, Romero, Baca, Abrego, Delgado, Santiesteban, Martines, Romero, Rael, Troncoso, Ortiz, Villarpando, Guerrero, Sandoval, Garsia, Bueno, Baca, Armijo, Bustos, Sanches, Romero, Roibal, Garcia de la Mora, Sisneros, Garcia, Pacheco, Begil, Mestas, Madrid, Pablo, Montoya, Armijo Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. 08-22-1787
Padilla, Garzia, Padilla, Maldonado, Garcia, Sandoval, Sisneros, Gonzales, Romero, Garcia, Chaves, Anza, Arteaga, Lopez, Pena, Guevara, Rodriguez, Concha, Muniz Padilla, Maria rita. A legal action begun by Maria Padilla to recover a mule. 06-26-1787
Padilla, Garzia, Padilla, Maldonado, Garcia, Sandoval, Sisneros, Gonzales, Romero, Garcia, Chaves, Anza, Arteaga, Lopez, Pena, Guevara, Rodriguez, Concha, Muniz Padilla, Maria rita. A legal action begun by Maria Padilla to recover a mule. 06-26-1787
Padilla, Garzia, Padilla, Maldonado, Garcia, Sandoval, Sisneros, Gonzales, Romero, Garcia, Chaves, Anza, Arteaga, Lopez, Pena, Guevara, Rodriguez, Concha, Muniz Padilla, Maria rita. A legal action begun by Maria Padilla to recover a mule. 06-26-1787
Lobera, Flores, Portiyo, Saroyo, Renos, Garcia, Fresquis, Ortiz, Mascarenas, Anza, Peres Serrano, Lorranaga, Ortiz, Fernandes, Pena, Munos, Bustos, Fresques, Baldes, Carenas, Baca, Sisneros, Jurado, Garcia Lobera, Francisco. Legal action taken against Cristoval Mascarenas on charges that he showed a lack of respect for Francisco Lobera. 06-23-1787
Lobera, Flores, Portiyo, Saroyo, Renos, Garcia, Fresquis, Ortiz, Mascarenas, Anza, Peres Serrano, Lorranaga, Ortiz, Fernandes, Pena, Munos, Bustos, Fresques, Baldes, Carenas, Baca, Sisneros, Jurado, Garcia Lobera, Francisco. Legal action taken against Cristoval Mascarenas on charges that he showed a lack of respect for Francisco Lobera. 06-23-1787
Lobera, Flores, Portiyo, Saroyo, Renos, Garcia, Fresquis, Ortiz, Mascarenas, Anza, Peres Serrano, Lorranaga, Ortiz, Fernandes, Pena, Munos, Bustos, Fresques, Baldes, Carenas, Baca, Sisneros, Jurado, Garcia Lobera, Francisco. Legal action taken against Cristoval Mascarenas on charges that he showed a lack of respect for Francisco Lobera. 06-23-1787
Anza, Maldonado, Neve, Ugarte y Loyola, Bermejo, Baca, Liagoso, Peres Serrano, Larranaga Anza, Juan Baptista de. Power of attorney for presidio company of Santa Fe for payment of diezmos. 05-15-1787
Gutierrez, Tronosco, Pena . Fragment of inquiry concerning distribution of estate of Clemente Gutierrez. 00-00-1787
Ansa, Barela, Baldez, Garcia de Noriega, Peres Serrano, Larranaga Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando appointing Antonio Baldez to the position of theniente politico y comandante de los milicianos of Abiquiu. 12-11-1786
Anza, Ugarte y Loyola, Neve, Galvez, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Armenta, Montoya, Candelaria, Aragon, Lobera, Candelaria, Guerra, Duran, Lopez Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the Provincias Internas. 08-14-1786
Ansa, Galvez, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Lovato, Ortis, Armenta, Montoya, Aragon, Lobera, Fernandez, Candelaria, Guerra, Duran, Lopez Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando limiting the amount of tobacco that passengers can take on board of ships during voyages. 08-19-1786
Ansa, Guerrero, Gallego, Dominguez, Gallego, Pacheco Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Census of Santa Fe presidio. 02-01-1786
Rengel, Ansa, Pena, Sarracino Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A discussion of a payment of money by Jose de la Pena to Jose Sarracino, and a request for information. 02-02-1786
Nava, Binolas, Vaca, Vaca, Abreu, Garcia, Froncoso, Chacon, Pena, Tapia, Delgado, Abrego, Tenorio, Santisteban, Ortiz, Veitia, Truxillo, Sandoval, Manrrique, Alario, Ahumada Rafael de Ahumada. Treasurer's report for cavalry company of Santa Fe presidio. 09-21-1785
Ansa, Manujo, Tatoya, Calles, Peres Serrano, Griego, Morquecho, Bacca, Trujillo, Martin, Paseno, Abalos, Guadalupe Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Criminal charge against Josef Antonio Manujo for assaulting a woman. 12-05-1785
Ansa, Manujo, Tatoya, Calles, Peres Serrano, Griego, Morquecho, Bacca, Trujillo, Martin, Paseno, Abalos, Guadalupe Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Criminal charge against Josef Antonio Manujo for assaulting a woman. 12-05-1785
Campo Redondo, Mansanares, Garcia, Sandobal, Salasar, Garcia de la Mora, Garcia Noriega, Anza, Pacheco, Peres Serrano, Troncoso Campo Redondo, Joseph. Criminal action against Vicente Garcia, Miguel Sandobal and Christoval Salazar for illegal trade with utes. Each fined twelve pesos. 04-10-1785