Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ortiz, Garcia Pareja, Duran, Duran, Zaenz, Olana, Montoya, Luzero, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Guerrero, Sandoval, Lopez, Fernandez, Bustamante, Azuela, Sena, Garcia Pares, Herrera, Romero, Tajallo, Alire, Alire, Garzia de la Noriega, Sena, Baca, Garcia, Garcia de Noriega, Rael de Aguilar, Mesta, Anza, Bernal, Troncoso, Domingues, Ortiz, Rael, Armijo, Rael, Rivera, Unanue, Pena, Baca, Sandobal, Sandobal, Sandoval, Pena, Sandoval, Roybal, Torres, Ortega, Larranaga, Vegil, Apcheca, Sandoval, Mares Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Ansa, Ortis, Cordero y Bustamante, Azuela, Maldonado, Ribera, Bermejo Anza, Juan Baptista de. Extracto de revista executada por mi, el theniente coronel don Juan Baptista de Anza del real presidio de Santa Fe. 04-10-1781
Anza, Galvez, Perez Serrano, Troncoso, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Vegil, Armenta, Montoya, Arteaga, Lobera, Fernandez, Morales, Uliranda, Velasco, Candelaria, Candelaria, Borrego, Espinosa, Espinosa, Duran, Alcerete, Duran, Lopes, Archuleta, Barela Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Croix, Anza, Cordero, Ortiz Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. Letters related to military matters. 07-15-1780
Carlos, Carlos II, Pio VI, Pio VII, Mendinueta y Musquix, Vilches, Alarcon Lozano, Puente, Conga Arguelles, Morales Gusman y Tovar, Febrer, Espinosa, Orellana, Garcia Herreros, Caballero Joseph Perez, Pinuela, Cuesta Gregorio de la, Isla, Pozo, Lopez Altamirano, Alegre, Truxillo Carlos iv (rey). Real pragmatica sancion, regarding issuance of vales to finance royal expenditures. 00-00-1780
Croix, Anzate, Anza, Ortiz Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Bando announcing general amnesty for all deserters from royal navy if they turn themselves in within six month period. 04-14-1778
Ortiz, Bonillo . Royal cedula upholding archbishop of Santa Fe's publication of order of council of indies supporting expenditure of public funds for church holiday celebrations. 11-23-1777
Anza, Perez Serrano, Troncoso, Armenta, Montoya, Arteaga, Lobera, Villegas Ruis, Rael, Guneros, Fernandez, Miranda, Morales, Candelaria, Candelaria, Velasco, Borrego, Espinosa, Espinosa, Duran, Duran, Alderete, Lopes, Barela, Archuleta, Ortiz, Ortiz, Martinez, Campo Redondo, Baca, Truxillo, Vigil, Leal, Cruz Vigil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Anza, Perez Serrano, Troncoso, Armenta, Montoya, Arteaga, Lobera, Villegas Ruis, Rael, Guneros, Fernandez, Miranda, Morales, Candelaria, Candelaria, Velasco, Borrego, Espinosa, Espinosa, Duran, Duran, Alderete, Lopes, Barela, Archuleta, Ortiz, Ortiz, Martinez, Campo Redondo, Baca, Truxillo, Vigil, Leal, Cruz Vigil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Croix, Galvez, Ortiz, Bellido, Bonilla, Ansa Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Croix to governor of New Mexico authorizing pension for retiring captain Francisco Bellido and reviewing various procedures concerning money for pensions. 06-23-1777
Croix, Ansa, Galvez, Corvalan, Peres Serrano, Troncoso, Ortiz, Armijo, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Garcia, Garcia de la Mesa, Vegil, Leal, Mesta, Baca, Montano, Ulibari, Montoya, Garzia, Martin, Baca, Montano Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning Arispe. 08-22-1776
Croix, Ansa, Galvez, Corvalan, Peres Serrano, Troncoso, Ortiz, Armijo, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Garcia, Garcia de la Mesa, Vegil, Leal, Mesta, Baca, Montano, Ulibari, Montoya, Garzia, Martin, Baca, Montano Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning Arispe. 08-22-1776
Nava, Chacon, Cornet, Oquendo, Ginessierre Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Committed by military and political officials in current war. 09-07-1776
Olona, Morales, Trebol Navarro, Mendinueta, Bustamante Olona, Miguel de/Morales, Miguel. Civil suit of Miguel de Olona against Miguel Morales for collection of debt. 03-26-1776
Croix, Corvalan, Ansa, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Labadia, Oritz Croix (Caballero de). A bando concerning Arispe. 08-22-1776
Croix, Corvalan, Ansa, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Labadia, Oritz Croix (Caballero de). A bando concerning Arispe. 08-22-1776
Garcia Pareja, Armenta, Ortega, Buitamante, Blea, Cruz Garcia Pareja, Manuel (alcalde mayor). Proceedings recording the identification and death of Domingo Blea, a servant to Josepha de Buitamante, from unknown causes. 09-10-1774
Pena, Fernandes, Anza, Berde, Bolteada, Borica, Oconor, Concha, Ortis, Rengel, Ribera, Maldonado, Guerrero, Canuelos Pena, Juan de Dios. 09-22-1770
Pena, Fernandes, Anza, Berde, Bolteada, Borica, Oconor, Concha, Ortis, Rengel, Ribera, Maldonado, Guerrero, Canuelos Pena, Juan de Dios. 09-22-1770
Luna, Mendinueta, Martin, Ortiz, Garcia Luna, Margarita de. Petition to governor complaining that her legal access to irrigation ditch has been cut off by the Salazars. 02-15-1770
Basquez Borrego, Mendinueta, Trujillo, Ortiz, Martin Basquez Borrego, Diego. Criminal case against Juan Esteban Trujillo for wounding Diego Basquez Borrego. 06-01-1769
Ortega, Mendinueta, Tafoya, Martin, Trujillo, Villapando, Cordova, Ortiz, Martin, Gonzalez, Yendo Ortega, Gabriel de. Criminal suit against Joseph Trujillo, Pablo Francisco de Villapando and Joseph Yendo for cattle theft. 01-23-1769
Ortega, Mendinueta, Tafoya, Martin, Trujillo, Villapando, Cordova, Ortiz, Martin, Gonzalez, Yendo Ortega, Gabriel de. Criminal suit against Joseph Trujillo, Pablo Francisco de Villapando and Joseph Yendo for cattle theft. 01-23-1769
Garcia de la Mora, Mendinueta, Ortiz, Loreto Ortiz Garcia de la Mora, Joseph. Civil suit against Thoribio Ortiz for cattle owed in payment of a dowery. 07-09-1768
Gonzalez, Mendinueta, Yldefonso, Ortiz, Guerrero, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Vega Gonzalez, Pedro. Investigation into suicide of Pedro Gonzalez. 11-06-1767
Mendinueta, Guerrero, Garcia, Pena, Fernandez, Saenz, Moya, Moya, Archibeque, Sandobal, Ortiz, Armijo Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Criminal case against Pedro and Manuel Moya for robbery of presidio warehouse. 10-05-1767
Ortiz, Guerrero, Ortiz Ortiz, Juan Estevan. Promissory note for cattle purchased from Ana Maria Ortiz. 03-20-1767
Ortiz, Guerrero, Ortiz Ortiz, Juan Estevan. Promissory note for cattle purchased from Ana Maria Ortiz. 03-20-1767
Gutierrez, Baca, Ortiz, Velez Cachupin, Sanchez, Perea Gutierrez, Juan/Baca, Antonio. Ortiz brings suit to collect on contract defaulted on by Gutierrez. Contract dealt with sale of sheep. 07-09-1766
Velez Cachupin, Thorisa y Leri, Lujana, Sanchez, Luzero, Ortiz Thomas Velez Cachupin. Velez Cachupin settles land dispute between heirs of Juana Lujan and Indians of San Ildephonso. 04-12-1766
Truxillo, Ortiz, Medina, Ortiz, Martin, Duran, Tafolla, Rael, Guerrero, Velez Cachupin Truxillo, Maricio. Proceedings in charges for theft of cattle, Truxillo has to pay six pesos/month to Ortiz to stay out of prison. 06-20-1765
Truxillo, Ortiz, Medina, Ortiz, Martin, Duran, Tafolla, Rael, Guerrero, Velez Cachupin Truxillo, Maricio. Proceedings in charges for theft of cattle, Truxillo has to pay six pesos/month to Ortiz to stay out of prison. 06-20-1765
Armixo, Velez Cachupin, Olguin, Narango, Garcia Armixo, Julian de. Armixo complied with order to turn over mule to Olguin, but now wants his side of story heard and the mule returned to him until judgement is made. 09-17-1765
Baca, Martin, Garzia Parejas, Velez Cachupin, Ortiz, Moca Reymundo Baca, proceedings in investigating the charge of mistreatment and insults for no reason by Baca against wife complaints of scarcity of food and obligatory order to collect 03-18-1765
Sena, Armenta, Ortis, Maese, Tafolla Vicente de Sena. Outline of casts of proceedings, concerning attack, by Sena, of Armenta. Testimony of individuals is included. 10-17-1764
Ortiz, Baca, Mestas, Sanchez, Ortiz, Naranjo Thoribio Ortiz. Proceedings in suit over hides. 10-20-1764
Ortiz, Baca, Mestas, Sanchez, Ortiz, Naranjo Thoribio Ortiz. Proceedings in suit over hides. 10-20-1764
Tafoya, Moreno, Ortis, Guerrero, Marin del Valle, Velez Cachupin Phelipe Tafoya. Asks for damages for the quilt loaned to Mareno, which his wife had intended to sell, but was damaged and needed washing. 07-19-1764
Armixo, Olguin, Ortiz, Velez Cachupin Julian de Armixo. Petition against Olguin concerning g sale of mule, wheat. 09-10-1764
Armixo, Olguin, Ortiz, Velez Cachupin Julian de Armixo. Petition against Olguin concerning g sale of mule, wheat. 09-10-1764
Olguin, Martin, Herrera Bartolome Olguin. Proceedings concerning inheritance to which Olguin believes he is entitled. 12-20-1763
Gonzales, Griego, Olguin Joseph Gonzales, request review of sentence passed down by Griego concerning failure to fulfill contract. 08-11-1763
Ortis, Recano, Gutierrez, Bustamante, Quijano, Velez Cachupin, Ortiz, Gallego Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763
Ortis, Recano, Gutierrez, Bustamante, Quijano, Velez Cachupin, Ortiz, Gallego Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763