Croix, Garibay, Mayorga |
Croix recommends Garibay for promotion, including increased salary and inclusion in 'plana mayor de Mexico.' |
03-10-1780 |
Croix, Prestamero, Mayorga |
Croix requests return of 'expedientes' dealing with establishment of 'caxas reales' and 'tributos.' |
07-00-1773 |
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. |
08-18-1780 |
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. |
08-18-1780 |
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. |
08-18-1780 |
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon |
Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. |
08-18-1780 |
Croix, Posada, Mayorga, Prestamero, Carrillo, Mesia, Campo Marin, Trebuesta, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Valle, Lopez Murto, Fernandez Carrera, Cerecedo, Avabza |
Croix defends actions and decisions related to mission administration in Sonora. |
09-00-1770 |
Croix, Posada, Mayorga, Prestamero, Carrillo, Mesia, Campo Marin, Trebuesta, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Valle, Lopez Murto, Fernandez Carrera, Cerecedo, Avabza |
Croix defends actions and decisions related to mission administration in Sonora. |
09-00-1770 |
Fages, Mayorga, Croix |
Consulta regarding 2000 pesos given to Fages for guiding Catalan families to Sonora. |
06-22-1780 |
Lumbreras, Bonilla, Croix, Mayorga |
Conflict concerning whether presidio captain Lumbreras should collect full final month of salary. |
03-06-1779 |
Croix, Mayorga, Campo Marin, Escorza |
Croix repays 'caxas de los Alamos' money lent to 'tercera compania Volante de Sonora.' |
02-17-1780 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Garzes, Croix, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Mayorga, Ybanes, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Villaurrutia, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Azedo, Guevara, Merino, Beserra, Luyando, Bautista de Arisa, Diaz, Martinez Chaves, Dongo |
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. |
08-22-1776 |
Garzes, Croix, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Mayorga, Ybanes, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Villaurrutia, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Azedo, Guevara, Merino, Beserra, Luyando, Bautista de Arisa, Diaz, Martinez Chaves, Dongo |
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. |
08-22-1776 |
Garzes, Croix, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Mayorga, Ybanes, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Villaurrutia, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Azedo, Guevara, Merino, Beserra, Luyando, Bautista de Arisa, Diaz, Martinez Chaves, Dongo |
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. |
08-22-1776 |
Garzes, Croix, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Mayorga, Ybanes, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Villaurrutia, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Azedo, Guevara, Merino, Beserra, Luyando, Bautista de Arisa, Diaz, Martinez Chaves, Dongo |
Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. |
08-22-1776 |
Mendoza, Ruiz, Zapata, Rio, Quiroga, Alias |
Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. |
09-18-1807 |
Cresencio de Enderica, Morales, Barrera, Enderica, Gutierrez, Reyes |
Calleja notes granting of licencias y ascensos to various members of milicias provinciales of Nuevo Santander. |
08-21-1807 |
Cordero, Vedia y Pinto, Covarrubias, Garza, Flores, Gomez de Castro, Mascorro |
Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. |
08-11-1807 |
Calleja, Larumbe, Montes |
Ajuste de cuentas made by cuerpos milicianos of Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon. |
08-12-1807 |
Perez Florez, Diaz de Bustamante, Ugalde, Lorano, Berjer, Merino, Ugarte y Loyola |
Perez Florez requests retirement because of illness and old age. |
08-04-1807 |
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria |
Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. |
02-17-1807 |
Pena, Montanes, Belange, Recio, Herrera, Basaldia, Ribera, Santos, Fernandez, Perez, Garcia, Nepomuceno de la Garza, Cardenas, Amaya, Trevino, Garza, Ibarra, Ibabe, Garcia, Tijerina, Cvantu, Leal de Leon, Venavides, Trevino, Arispe, Benites, Cantu, Munos, Gomes, Torrea, Benites, Perez, Escamilla, Nolan, Cantu, Garza, Gomes, Mendiola, Garza, Ynojosa, Guerra |
Individuals from companies of Leon, Linares, Cadereyra, and Lampazos recommended to fill vacant posts of teniente and Alferez. |
02-02-1807 |
Pena, Montanes, Belange, Recio, Herrera, Basaldia, Ribera, Santos, Fernandez, Perez, Garcia, Nepomuceno de la Garza, Cardenas, Amaya, Trevino, Garza, Ibarra, Ibabe, Garcia, Tijerina, Cvantu, Leal de Leon, Venavides, Trevino, Arispe, Benites, Cantu, Munos, Gomes, Torrea, Benites, Perez, Escamilla, Nolan, Cantu, Garza, Gomes, Mendiola, Garza, Ynojosa, Guerra |
Individuals from companies of Leon, Linares, Cadereyra, and Lampazos recommended to fill vacant posts of teniente and Alferez. |
02-02-1807 |
Pena, Montanes, Belange, Recio, Herrera, Basaldia, Ribera, Santos, Fernandez, Perez, Garcia, Nepomuceno de la Garza, Cardenas, Amaya, Trevino, Garza, Ibarra, Ibabe, Garcia, Tijerina, Cvantu, Leal de Leon, Venavides, Trevino, Arispe, Benites, Cantu, Munos, Gomes, Torrea, Benites, Perez, Escamilla, Nolan, Cantu, Garza, Gomes, Mendiola, Garza, Ynojosa, Guerra |
Individuals from companies of Leon, Linares, Cadereyra, and Lampazos recommended to fill vacant posts of teniente and Alferez. |
02-02-1807 |
Mazcorro, Calleja, Iturbe E Yraeta |
Mazcorro requests retirement from milicias provinciales of Nuevo Santander. |
09-26-1806 |
Calleja, Vidal de Lorca, Perea, Llanos, Delgado, Alba, Bujones, Velasco, Garcia, Murgier, Barragan, Barbarena, Suarez, Galban, Falamantes, Sanchez, Orozco, Gresencio Enderica, Diaz de Bustamante, Venavidez |
Candidates recommended to occupy vacant official posts of 1a, 2a, and 3a companias Volantes de Nuevo Santander. |
04-21-1806 |
Diaz, Rios, Enriques, Valero, Maldonado, Segovia, Castaneda, Iturbe E Yraeta, Vidal de Lorca, Benavides, Salames, Sanches, Diaz de Bustamante, Diaz, Sanchez, Borrego, Borrego, Enriquez, Morales, Martin, Vascan, Vascan, Andavesde, Andavesde, Santiago, Trevino, Sanches, Garza, Reyes, Galvan, Cruz, Gil, Gonzales, Cruz, Guevara, Rodrigues, Guajardo Jose Maria, Bisnero, Flores, Garzia, Guevara, Cardenas, Cavazos, Cavazos, Cerda, Cerda, Ojeada, Ojeada, Votello, Votello, San Miguel, San Miguel, Palacio, Palacio, Tijerina, Tijerina, Chapa, Chapa, Peres, Peres, Garcia, Garcia, Quintanilla, Quintanilla, Florez, Riojas, Flores, Flores, Villareal, Villareal, Garcia, Huerta, Perales, Albares, Gonzales, Quintanilla, San Juan Guevara, San Juan Guevara, Martinez, Martinez, Flores, Flores, Llanos, Bargas, Bargas, Olibares, Olibares |
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. |
12-31-1803 |
Diaz, Rios, Enriques, Valero, Maldonado, Segovia, Castaneda, Iturbe E Yraeta, Vidal de Lorca, Benavides, Salames, Sanches, Diaz de Bustamante, Diaz, Sanchez, Borrego, Borrego, Enriquez, Morales, Martin, Vascan, Vascan, Andavesde, Andavesde, Santiago, Trevino, Sanches, Garza, Reyes, Galvan, Cruz, Gil, Gonzales, Cruz, Guevara, Rodrigues, Guajardo Jose Maria, Bisnero, Flores, Garzia, Guevara, Cardenas, Cavazos, Cavazos, Cerda, Cerda, Ojeada, Ojeada, Votello, Votello, San Miguel, San Miguel, Palacio, Palacio, Tijerina, Tijerina, Chapa, Chapa, Peres, Peres, Garcia, Garcia, Quintanilla, Quintanilla, Florez, Riojas, Flores, Flores, Villareal, Villareal, Garcia, Huerta, Perales, Albares, Gonzales, Quintanilla, San Juan Guevara, San Juan Guevara, Martinez, Martinez, Flores, Flores, Llanos, Bargas, Bargas, Olibares, Olibares |
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. |
12-31-1803 |
Diaz, Rios, Enriques, Valero, Maldonado, Segovia, Castaneda, Iturbe E Yraeta, Vidal de Lorca, Benavides, Salames, Sanches, Diaz de Bustamante, Diaz, Sanchez, Borrego, Borrego, Enriquez, Morales, Martin, Vascan, Vascan, Andavesde, Andavesde, Santiago, Trevino, Sanches, Garza, Reyes, Galvan, Cruz, Gil, Gonzales, Cruz, Guevara, Rodrigues, Guajardo Jose Maria, Bisnero, Flores, Garzia, Guevara, Cardenas, Cavazos, Cavazos, Cerda, Cerda, Ojeada, Ojeada, Votello, Votello, San Miguel, San Miguel, Palacio, Palacio, Tijerina, Tijerina, Chapa, Chapa, Peres, Peres, Garcia, Garcia, Quintanilla, Quintanilla, Florez, Riojas, Flores, Flores, Villareal, Villareal, Garcia, Huerta, Perales, Albares, Gonzales, Quintanilla, San Juan Guevara, San Juan Guevara, Martinez, Martinez, Flores, Flores, Llanos, Bargas, Bargas, Olibares, Olibares |
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. |
12-31-1803 |
Diaz, Rios, Enriques, Valero, Maldonado, Segovia, Castaneda, Iturbe E Yraeta, Vidal de Lorca, Benavides, Salames, Sanches, Diaz de Bustamante, Diaz, Sanchez, Borrego, Borrego, Enriquez, Morales, Martin, Vascan, Vascan, Andavesde, Andavesde, Santiago, Trevino, Sanches, Garza, Reyes, Galvan, Cruz, Gil, Gonzales, Cruz, Guevara, Rodrigues, Guajardo Jose Maria, Bisnero, Flores, Garzia, Guevara, Cardenas, Cavazos, Cavazos, Cerda, Cerda, Ojeada, Ojeada, Votello, Votello, San Miguel, San Miguel, Palacio, Palacio, Tijerina, Tijerina, Chapa, Chapa, Peres, Peres, Garcia, Garcia, Quintanilla, Quintanilla, Florez, Riojas, Flores, Flores, Villareal, Villareal, Garcia, Huerta, Perales, Albares, Gonzales, Quintanilla, San Juan Guevara, San Juan Guevara, Martinez, Martinez, Flores, Flores, Llanos, Bargas, Bargas, Olibares, Olibares |
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. |
12-31-1803 |
Diaz, Rios, Enriques, Valero, Maldonado, Segovia, Castaneda, Iturbe E Yraeta, Vidal de Lorca, Benavides, Salames, Sanches, Diaz de Bustamante, Diaz, Sanchez, Borrego, Borrego, Enriquez, Morales, Martin, Vascan, Vascan, Andavesde, Andavesde, Santiago, Trevino, Sanches, Garza, Reyes, Galvan, Cruz, Gil, Gonzales, Cruz, Guevara, Rodrigues, Guajardo Jose Maria, Bisnero, Flores, Garzia, Guevara, Cardenas, Cavazos, Cavazos, Cerda, Cerda, Ojeada, Ojeada, Votello, Votello, San Miguel, San Miguel, Palacio, Palacio, Tijerina, Tijerina, Chapa, Chapa, Peres, Peres, Garcia, Garcia, Quintanilla, Quintanilla, Florez, Riojas, Flores, Flores, Villareal, Villareal, Garcia, Huerta, Perales, Albares, Gonzales, Quintanilla, San Juan Guevara, San Juan Guevara, Martinez, Martinez, Flores, Flores, Llanos, Bargas, Bargas, Olibares, Olibares |
Relaciones of premios and filicianes of soldiers and sub-officials assigned to the milicias of Nuevo Santander. |
12-31-1803 |
Hormaechea, Altamirano, Ximenez, Barragan, Ortiz de Larate, Modesto Corona, Ojeda, Argomanis, Ysara |
Barragan proposes candidates to fill vacant posts of 5a compania del cuerpo de caballeria de fronteras. |
12-31-1805 |
Morelos, Calleja |
Morelos requests retirement with right of fuero militar. |
05-05-1806 |
Llanos, Moreno, Calleja, Rojas, Rojas, Tavares, Trajo, Ximenez, Marques, Segovia |
Service records, biographies, and status of invalids of soldiers and cavos of primera and segunda companias Volantes de Nueva Santander. |
12-31-1805 |
Llanos, Moreno, Calleja, Rojas, Rojas, Tavares, Trajo, Ximenez, Marques, Segovia |
Service records, biographies, and status of invalids of soldiers and cavos of primera and segunda companias Volantes de Nueva Santander. |
12-31-1805 |
Garcia, Montes |
Montes requests retirement from compania presidial de San Buenaventura |
02-01-1820 |
Galdames, Galdames, Ochoa, Zambrano, Rangel, Rayon, Rojales, Bonavia, Muns |
Domingo Antonio Galdames of segunda compania de patriotas de San Juan del rio requests retirement with fuero militar. |
10-04-1819 |
Garcia, Casanova, Bautista Romero, Hermosillo, Narbona, Muno, Lopez, Moreno |
Request for military retirement by Casanova and Bautista Romero due to illness and old age. |
06-13-1818 |
Garcia, Casanova, Bautista Romero, Hermosillo, Narbona, Muno, Lopez, Moreno |
Request for military retirement by Casanova and Bautista Romero due to illness and old age. |
06-13-1818 |
Delgado, Alibes, Adriano, Lamelas, Provenio, Provenio, Rarin, Manrriques, Hernandez, Hernandez, Ochoa, Ortiz, Quintanilla, Malgares, Sabledo, Granado, Orosco, Pena, Dias, Perez, Rangel |
Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. |
08-31-1818 |
Delgado, Alibes, Adriano, Lamelas, Provenio, Provenio, Rarin, Manrriques, Hernandez, Hernandez, Ochoa, Ortiz, Quintanilla, Malgares, Sabledo, Granado, Orosco, Pena, Dias, Perez, Rangel |
Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. |
08-31-1818 |
Gomez, Arredondo, Perez, Martel |
Request by Francisco Gomez, teniente de escuadrones de caballeria de Nuevo Santander, for retirement. |
12-31-1818 |
Reyes, Urias, Delgado, Gutierres, Perez, Zuniga, Albares, Urias, Maynes, Delgado, Contreras, Valles, Valles, Leyba |
Service records, biographies, and honors of four soldiers of the primera compania Volante de Huajoquilla and of one soldier of the compania de caballeria de Carrizal. |
10-31-1817 |