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Person Last Name Title Date
Martinez, Dominguez, Montoya, Romero Petitions of three criminals to governor requesting pardon of crimes in return for service in the moqui campaign. 08-03-1716
Martinez, Dominguez, Montoya, Romero Petitions of three criminals to governor requesting pardon of crimes in return for service in the moqui campaign. 08-03-1716
Montes Vigil, Casados, Romero, Garcia, Truxillo, Montoya, Lujan, Moran, Truxillo Pedro Montes Vigil. Refutation of charges against his character 08-11-1716
Montes Vigil, Casados, Romero, Garcia, Truxillo, Montoya, Lujan, Moran, Truxillo Pedro Montes Vigil. Refutation of charges against his character 08-11-1716
Montes Vigil, Casados, Romero, Garcia, Truxillo, Montoya, Lujan, Moran, Truxillo Pedro Montes Vigil. Refutation of charges against his character 08-11-1716
Martinez, Garcia de la Rivas, Trujillo, Trujillo, Marquez, Martin Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter to alcalde mayor of Santa Cruz informing him of date of start of campaign into moqui territory. 07-18-1716
Martinez, Garcia de la Rivas, Trujillo, Trujillo, Marquez, Martin Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter to alcalde mayor of Santa Cruz informing him of date of start of campaign into moqui territory. 07-18-1716
Martinez, Garcia de la Rivas, Trujillo, Trujillo, Marquez, Martin Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter to alcalde mayor of Santa Cruz informing him of date of start of campaign into moqui territory. 07-18-1716
Martinez, Holgin, Alva Felix Martinez (gobernador). Testimony of capture of one of maestro de campo Thomas Holguin's Indian servants by Apaches. 07-21-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Auto ordering escort of troops and citizens of Santa Cruz to collect salt supply. 07-08-1716
Martinez, Flores Mogollon, Pinto, Quiroz, Medina Cabildo of Santa Fe. Testimony regarding conditions of royal palace in Santa Fe. 07-13-1716
Martinez, Flores Mogollon, Pinto, Quiroz, Medina Cabildo of Santa Fe. Testimony regarding conditions of royal palace in Santa Fe. 07-13-1716
Martinez, Garcia, Garcia, Lopez, Gonzalez, Izamillo Felix Martinez (gobernador). Letter of governor Martinez announcing his planned departure date of expeditions into moqui territory. 07-16-1716
Martinez, Cassados, Arellano Francisco Lorenzo de Cassados. Petition for justice to governor against Felipe de Arellano for 155 peso debt. 05-23-1716
Martinez, Baca, Atienza Felix Martinez (gobernador). Bando ordering proper observance of corpus christi day celebrations. 05-29-1716
Martinez, Lopez Tello, Otero Bermudez, Otero Bermudez Soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. Letter of power of attorney granted to captain Pedro de Otero Bermudez to collect the wages of the presidio and certain monies due the missions. 03-17-1716
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Order for roads of Santa Fe to be repaired to decreases incidence of Indians ambushes. 04-16-1716
Martinez, Garcia de la Riva, Nicolas, Yrazaval, Arellano, Alba, Camargo, Montes Vigil, Holguin, Garcia Felix Martinez (gobernador). Journal of entrada into moqui territory. 05-10-1716
Martinez, Garcia de la Riva, Nicolas, Yrazaval, Arellano, Alba, Camargo, Montes Vigil, Holguin, Garcia Felix Martinez (gobernador). Journal of entrada into moqui territory. 05-10-1716
Martinez, Tagle, Gutierrez, Garcia de la Riva Phelix Martinez (gobernador)(capitan). Auto ordering publication and public display of edicts of the faith. 05-23-1716
Martinez, Otero Bermudez Soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. Letter granting power of attorney to adjust accounts of the funds of the presidio to governor Felix Martinez. 01-28-1716
Alva, Lobato, Madrid Bartolome Labato to governor. Petition for payment of debt of 40 pesos owed to Bartolome Labato by Roque Madrid. 01-17-1716
Miranda, Lopez Tello, Otero Bermudez, Martinez, Aguilar, Flores Mogollon Soldiers and officers of Santa Fe presidio. Oficio of the presidio granting power of attorney to Pedro Otero Bermudez to collect wages and handle presidio finances. 12-20-1715
Miranda, Lopez Tello, Otero Bermudez, Martinez, Aguilar, Flores Mogollon Soldiers and officers of Santa Fe presidio. Oficio of the presidio granting power of attorney to Pedro Otero Bermudez to collect wages and handle presidio finances. 12-20-1715
Martinez, Paez Hurtado, Garcia de la Riva, Pinto, Casado, Montolla, Chaves Cabildo of Santa Fe. Informe to governor Martinez from Cabildo of Santa Fe naming new officials elected to office. 01-01-1716
Martinez, Paez Hurtado, Garcia de la Riva, Pinto, Casado, Montolla, Chaves Cabildo of Santa Fe. Informe to governor Martinez from Cabildo of Santa Fe naming new officials elected to office. 01-01-1716
Madrid, Luxan, Lopes Joseph Madrid to governor. Petition to governor requesting payment for a horse taken by captain Pedro Luxan. 01-08-1716
Martinez, Velasco, Rivas, Rivas, Cuerbo y Valdes, Aguilar, Alvas Maria Francesca de la Rivas. Petition to current governor for claims against ex-governor Francisco Cuerbo y Valdes, for ten thousand pesos as part of promise to marry her, which was broken. 01-14-1716
Flores Mogollon, Martines, Chirinos Cabildo of Santa Fe. Certificate to crown announcing governor Mogollon's retirement and assumption of office by captain Felix Martinez. 11-23-1715
Martinez Felix Martinez (gobernador). Bando outlawing civilian possession of guns and knives. 12-14-1715
Martinez, Miranda, Paez Hurtado, Enriquez de Rivera, Tamaris, Duran, Rael de Aguilar, Garcia Carnero Alfonso Rael de Aguilar (capitan). Incomplete court proceedings charging capitan Aguilar with deaths of two soldiers in quarrel. 12-14-1715
Martinez, Miranda, Paez Hurtado, Enriquez de Rivera, Tamaris, Duran, Rael de Aguilar, Garcia Carnero Alfonso Rael de Aguilar (capitan). Incomplete court proceedings charging capitan Aguilar with deaths of two soldiers in quarrel. 12-14-1715
Paez Hurtado, Martinez, Otero Bermudez Soldiers of presidio of Santa Fe. Petition of soldiers of Santa Fe presidio to governor regarding their pay. 11-17-1715
Flores Mogollon, Yrarabal, Torres, Miranda, Pinto Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Appointment of fray Antonio de Miranda to Alona pueblo. 11-02-1715
Flores Mogollon, Duran, Trujillo, Aguilar, Martinez Antonia Duran. Petition to governor requesting wages of her deceased husband who was soldier of Santa Fe presidio. 11-02-1715
Flores Mogollon, Ramirez, Fresqui, Paez Hurtado, Pintto, Martinez Maria Fresqui. Widow of dead soldier Gregorio Ramirez petitions governor for back pay for her support and that of her nine children. 11-11-1715
Linares, Martinez, Miranda, Lopez Tello Acheal, Otero Bermudes, Otero Bermudes Linares (duque de)(virrey). Auto of the viceroy reaffirms and relates support of crown for rights of presidial soldiers to choose own representatives to exercise their power of attorney. 10-05-1715
Linares, Martinez, Miranda, Lopez Tello Acheal, Otero Bermudes, Otero Bermudes Linares (duque de)(virrey). Auto of the viceroy reaffirms and relates support of crown for rights of presidial soldiers to choose own representatives to exercise their power of attorney. 10-05-1715
Flores Mogollon, Canzeco, Ramos, Balverde, Martinez, Martin, Paez Hurtado, Ramos Maria Canzeco and Manuela Ramos. Settlement of estate of dead soldier Juan Antonio Ramos outlining payments to his widow and daughter. 10-22-1715
Flores Mogollon, Canzeco, Ramos, Balverde, Martinez, Martin, Paez Hurtado, Ramos Maria Canzeco and Manuela Ramos. Settlement of estate of dead soldier Juan Antonio Ramos outlining payments to his widow and daughter. 10-22-1715
Flores Mogollon, Pintto, Martinez, Montes Vigil, Lovato Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Auto and response concerning order to give arms to Juan Lovanto and captain Felix Martinez's refusal to do so. 09-16-1715
Flores Mogollon, Pintto, Martinez, Montes Vigil, Lovato Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Auto and response concerning order to give arms to Juan Lovanto and captain Felix Martinez's refusal to do so. 09-16-1715
Flores Mogollon, Mestas, Montoya Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Receipts of arms given to various citizens of Santa Fe. 09-28-1715
Flores Mogollon, Mestas, Montoya Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Receipts of arms given to various citizens of Santa Fe. 09-28-1715
Martinez, Gurerro, Lorenso, Romero, Romero, Monroy, Vasquez, Flores Mogollon, Pinto, Valverde, Abenbua, Trujillo Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Proceedings and testimony against Spaniards for killing cattle of Indian governor of Pujuaque. 08-26-1715
Martinez, Gurerro, Lorenso, Romero, Romero, Monroy, Vasquez, Flores Mogollon, Pinto, Valverde, Abenbua, Trujillo Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Proceedings and testimony against Spaniards for killing cattle of Indian governor of Pujuaque. 08-26-1715
Moraga, Trujillo, Madrid, Basques Diego Martin Moraga. Criminal case against Joseph Basques for assualt. 07-27-1715
Moraga, Trujillo, Madrid, Basques Diego Martin Moraga. Criminal case against Joseph Basques for assualt. 07-27-1715
Flores Mogollon, Pinto, Real de Aguilar, Ramos, Gallegos, Montano, Dios Martinez, Vargas, Selva, Archinegue, Loraes, Casados, Benavides, Garcia de la Ruia, Chaves, Sanchez, Garcia, Garcia, Valverde, Holguin Tomas, Martinez, Paez Hurtado Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Discussions of councils of war and negotiations with Apache Indians concerning robbery of cattle and horses and capture of young boy. 06-16-1715
Flores Mogollon, Pinto, Real de Aguilar, Ramos, Gallegos, Montano, Dios Martinez, Vargas, Selva, Archinegue, Loraes, Casados, Benavides, Garcia de la Ruia, Chaves, Sanchez, Garcia, Garcia, Valverde, Holguin Tomas, Martinez, Paez Hurtado Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Discussions of councils of war and negotiations with Apache Indians concerning robbery of cattle and horses and capture of young boy. 06-16-1715