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Person Last Name Title Date
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. 10-20-1766
Cuellar, Croix, Alegria, Velarde, Beserril, Galves, Rubi, Gonzales de Novoa, Fernandez de San Salvador, Cadrecha, Jugo, Almoina, Arechavala, Marino, Cavallero, Beltran del Rio, Valle Correspondence with Cuellar for months of January and February 1768. 01-05-1768
Cuellar, Croix, Lbezerri, Tamaron, Villaverde, Borbolla, Ybarra, Munos, Barrandegui, Gonzales de Novoa, Velarde, Campo, Marinelarena, Eliozondo, Gutierrez Castillo, Aguezo Correspondence with Cuellar mainly regarding military matters and war with Indians. Year 1767. 01-18-1767
Cuellar, Croix, Lbezerri, Tamaron, Villaverde, Borbolla, Ybarra, Munos, Barrandegui, Gonzales de Novoa, Velarde, Campo, Marinelarena, Eliozondo, Gutierrez Castillo, Aguezo Correspondence with Cuellar mainly regarding military matters and war with Indians. Year 1767. 01-18-1767
Junon, Carrillo, Cuellar, Croix, Carrillo, Velazquez, Ibarra, Bezerril, Echevate, Leyua, Maestre Administrative correspondence from Junon, to the virrey 1770-1771. 04-27-1770
Cuellar, Croix, Ibarra, Galvez, Velazquez, Bezerril, Machado Correspondence from velazquez to the viceroy, concerning his appointment for the arrest of Cuellar and to settle down problems among Jesuits personnel. 04-06-1770
Cuellar, Cuellar, Ibarra, Carrillo, Velazquez, Galvez, Croix, Bezerril, Junon, Vildosola, Cruz, Fayni, Valera, Bencomo, Garrido, Lopez, Montiel, Estrada, Contreras, Diaz, Gonzales Administrative correspondence between Velazquez and viceroy for year 1770. 02-09-1770
Galvez, Corvalan, Croix, Marin, Gucipo del Llano, Dias, O, Ansa, Velazquez, Oconor, Leizaola Correspondence between Galvez and virrey on 1771 expeditions in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora and Chihuahua. 06-08-1771
Galvez, Cuellar, Croix, Cruz, Dias, Velazquez, Gil, Arriaga, Fainy, Munoz Correspondence with the arms commander of the Chihuahua expedition Bernardo de Galvez with the viceroy, 1770. 04-26-1769
Galvez y Gallardo, Croix, Gil, Velazquez, Munoz, Cantuma, Diaz, Marin, Gomez de la Torre Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of expedition against Indian rebels. Chihuahua 1771. 01-07-1771
Galvez y Gallardo, Croix, Gil, Velazquez, Munoz, Cantuma, Diaz, Marin, Gomez de la Torre Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the commander of expedition against Indian rebels. Chihuahua 1771. 01-07-1771
Leizaola, Munoz, Tenorio, Chacon, Torres, Garcia Lazcano, Madrid, Barba, Montes, Martinez, Medrano, Galvez, Truxillo Report on military campaign against Apache Indians, made by Leizaola under the command of Galvez. 04-23-1771
Leizaola, Munoz, Tenorio, Chacon, Torres, Garcia Lazcano, Madrid, Barba, Montes, Martinez, Medrano, Galvez, Truxillo Report on military campaign against Apache Indians, made by Leizaola under the command of Galvez. 04-23-1771
Leizaola, Munoz, Tenorio, Chacon, Torres, Garcia Lazcano, Madrid, Barba, Montes, Martinez, Medrano, Galvez, Truxillo Report on military campaign against Apache Indians, made by Leizaola under the command of Galvez. 04-23-1771
Leizaola, Munoz, Tenorio, Chacon, Torres, Garcia Lazcano, Madrid, Barba, Montes, Martinez, Medrano, Galvez, Truxillo Report on military campaign against Apache Indians, made by Leizaola under the command of Galvez. 04-23-1771
Leizaola, Munoz, Tenorio, Chacon, Torres, Garcia Lazcano, Madrid, Barba, Montes, Martinez, Medrano, Galvez, Truxillo Report on military campaign against Apache Indians, made by Leizaola under the command of Galvez. 04-23-1771
Bolado, Antelo y Bermudez, Garces, Erach, Bucareli y Ursua, Urrea, Yriarte, Padilla, Castillo, Urrea, Arriaga, Galvez, Echeagaray, Corvalan, Munoz, O'Conor Administrative correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1776. 05-19-1776
Lopez, Bolado Bustillo, Antelo, Garces, Bucareli y Ursua, O'Conor, Lumbreras, Luzero, Antelo y Bermudez, Yriarte, Arguellez, Ocanelan, Aragon, Martinez, Crespo, Ezquerr, Campo, Serna, Fortilla, Algorri, Cossio, Salido Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy dealing with some issues and affairs of province (official title). 10-10-1715
Bolado de Bustamante, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Urrea, Cerrano, Nicolas, Michelene, Antelo y Bermudez, Maquez, Aragon, Carlos Tercero, Castillo, Luzero del Muro Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... 03-13-1776
Bolado de Bustamante, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Urrea, Cerrano, Nicolas, Michelene, Antelo y Bermudez, Maquez, Aragon, Carlos Tercero, Castillo, Luzero del Muro Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... 03-13-1776
Oliva, Tovar, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Villegas, Yriarte, Moraga, Ansa, Urrea, Castillo, Urrea, Villaescusa Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey for 1775 05-21-1775
Ansa, Crespo, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Fueros, Urrea, Barreto, Michelensa, Lumbreras, Canita, Frigalde, Velderrain, Canito, Cavinat, Azuela, Trespalacios Documents concerning Indian affairs and military campaigns against Indians enemies. 07-02-1775
Bonilla, Gutierrez de San Juan, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Cazony, Vildosola, Vildosola, O'Conor, Anza, Jacome, Mazon, Lumbreras, Corvalan Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs 04-21-1773
Martinez, Vidal, Lujan, Crespo, Lumbreras, Ansa, Bonilla, O'Conor, Bucareli y Ursua, Fueros Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. 06-18-1774
Morales, Bucareli y Ursua, Lopez, Urrea Bernardo de Cason, Lumbreras, Azcarate, Ansa, Carvalan, Canedo, Galvez, Revilla Gigedo, Crespo Correspondence between virrey and governor of Sonora 1774, dealing with administrative issues such as postal services and mistreatment of Indians, agriculture, mining and Indians attacks. 02-29-1774
Barrios, Arrizcorreta, Rodriguez Camargo, Meave, Ugarte y Loyola Reimbursed bond money to meave. Petition to governor to extend a certificate of good conduct. 07-22-1778
Crespo, Carvalan, Bucareli y Ursua, Casoni, Nanos, Bautista de Anza, Tarabal, Palma, Urrea, Garces, Fueros, Gortari, Goycoechea, Maitorena, Michelena, Crespo, Mugarrieta, Beregana, Guzarnotegui Correspondence with Sonora's governor Francisco Crespo 1774 01-23-1774
Crespo, Carvalan, Bucareli y Ursua, Casoni, Nanos, Bautista de Anza, Tarabal, Palma, Urrea, Garces, Fueros, Gortari, Goycoechea, Maitorena, Michelena, Crespo, Mugarrieta, Beregana, Guzarnotegui Correspondence with Sonora's governor Francisco Crespo 1774 01-23-1774
Crespo, Carvalan, Bucareli y Ursua, Casoni, Nanos, Bautista de Anza, Tarabal, Palma, Urrea, Garces, Fueros, Gortari, Goycoechea, Maitorena, Michelena, Crespo, Mugarrieta, Beregana, Guzarnotegui Correspondence with Sonora's governor Francisco Crespo 1774 01-23-1774
Bustamante y Tagle, Cruillas, Berroteran, Aguero, Ronquillo, Gomez de la Torre, Morales, Trujillo, Mendoza, Asquece y Armendariz, Ibargoien de la Zarca, Campo y Larria, Gonzalez de Rueda, Gonzalez de Rueda, Rubi, Croix, Cuellar Routine administrative correspondence between Bustamante, captain of presidio of Guajoquilla, and virrey. 01-01-1761
Bustamante y Tagle, Cruillas, Berroteran, Aguero, Ronquillo, Gomez de la Torre, Morales, Trujillo, Mendoza, Asquece y Armendariz, Ibargoien de la Zarca, Campo y Larria, Gonzalez de Rueda, Gonzalez de Rueda, Rubi, Croix, Cuellar Routine administrative correspondence between Bustamante, captain of presidio of Guajoquilla, and virrey. 01-01-1761
Munoz, Cruillas, Gil de Ruesga, Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Escorza Correspondence between Munoz, virrey re: administration of presidios of Junta de los Rios, Julimes. 02-15-1763
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. 02-14-1756
Torija y Leri, Carlos, Campo, Calzado y Therreros, Escorza, Mello, San Juan de Piedras Alvas, Trespalacios y Escandon, Aranda, Corcuera, Marino Cover letter and copy of real cedula re: Torija's residencia sent by Campo to virrey. 04-16-1766
Torija y Leri, Carlos, Campo, Calzado y Therreros, Escorza, Mello, San Juan de Piedras Alvas, Trespalacios y Escandon, Aranda, Corcuera, Marino Cover letter and copy of real cedula re: Torija's residencia sent by Campo to virrey. 04-16-1766
Ortiz de Landazuri, Croix, Mata, Soto, Sanchez Manzanera, Diaz y Alcantara, Marquez y Soria Correspondence between Cabildo de Durango, virrey concerning dispute over delivery of funds. 07-11-1769
Ortiz de Landazuri, Croix, Mata, Soto, Sanchez Manzanera, Diaz y Alcantara, Marquez y Soria Correspondence between Cabildo de Durango, virrey concerning dispute over delivery of funds. 07-11-1769
Gonzalez de Noboa, Cuellar, Gutierrez Castillo, Marinelarena, Borbolla, Martinez, Galvez, Croix Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey, visitador 01-07-1768
Gonzalez de Noboa, Cuellar, Gutierrez Castillo, Marinelarena, Borbolla, Martinez, Galvez, Croix Letter from ayuntamiento de Chihuahua to virrey, visitador 01-07-1768
Fuente, Mozo y Echeverria, Lopez Lozano, Aranda, Gijon, Croix Correspondence between oficiales reales de Parral, virrey re: nomination of new teniente tesorero. 10-29-1769