Tobar, Ripperda, Garza, Pacheco, Flores de Agrego, Arocha, Menchaca, Beramendi, Damasio de Aguilar, Benitez, Croix, Llanos de Vergara, Gomez, Gomez |
Correspondence between Tobar and virrey, year 1771. Includes copies of correspondence between Tobar and Ripperda. |
02-02-1771 |
Tobar, Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Riperda, Cevillalba, Criox, Garibay, Salinas, Lazo, Diaz, Bucareli y Ursua |
Correspondence with Bucareli concerning Tobar's resignation and Cazorla's new post as captain of Bahia in year 1772. |
03-03-1772 |
Tovar, Banitez, Lazo, Bergara, Alzazya, Arramend, Trevino, Oconor, Ripperda, Soto Bermudez, Orrely, Oqueda, Hernandez, Ramirez, Gomez |
Letters from virrey to Tovar, and summary of letters sent by Tovar to virrey. Year 1770. |
01-20-1770 |
Tovar, Venitez, Ripperda, Pacheco Martinez, Oconor, Lazo, Gumiel, Croix, Hernandez, Afan de Rivera, Rusi, Flores, Remigio, Llanos de Vergara, Piceros, Miranda, Reyes, Menchaca, Damacio de Aguilar, Garza, Beramendi, Maldonado, Aldape, Zeballo, Gomez |
Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June, 1771. |
02-05-1771 |
Tovar, Venitez, Ripperda, Pacheco Martinez, Oconor, Lazo, Gumiel, Croix, Hernandez, Afan de Rivera, Rusi, Flores, Remigio, Llanos de Vergara, Piceros, Miranda, Reyes, Menchaca, Damacio de Aguilar, Garza, Beramendi, Maldonado, Aldape, Zeballo, Gomez |
Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June, 1771. |
02-05-1771 |
Tovar, Croix, Cazorla, Pacheco, Ripperda, Oconor, Ribera, Oreli, Escobosa, Llanos de Vergara, Ecave, Gomez, Hernandez |
Administrative correspondence between Tovar and Croix of months of May, September, October and December 1770. |
05-22-1770 |
Munoz, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Dupont, Ugarte, Nogalde, Diaz de Salcedo, Lopez, Rodas, Ugarte |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Munoz, Revilla Gigedo, Solorzano, Urava, Ugarte y Loyola, Castro, Ugarte, Santa Maria, Lexena, Chaves, Croix, Florez, Cabello |
Correspondence between Munoz and Revilla Gigedo, year 1791 |
02-04-1791 |
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Ramos, Galvez, Cazorla, Oconor, Llanos de Bergara, Echeverte, Bidal, Ramirez, Arriaga, Cavello, Santos |
Letters and extracts from Ripperda received by Bucareli on September 2, 1776. |
05-20-1776 |
Ripperda, Bucreli y Ursua, Vidal, Beramendi, Barrenas, Oheale, Bustillos, Gil y Barvo, Vizente, Grande Perito, Marin, Zepeda, Choza, Cordova, Villapuertas, Christobal, Mezieres, Ramos, Cazorla, Santos, Llanos de Vergara, Echeverte, Oconor |
Extracts and correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli for months of Jan.-February, August-December 1775, and January 1777. |
01-00-1776 |
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Buirino, Mee, Gil y Barvo, Luis, Mecieres, Oconor |
Correspondence between Ripperda and Bucareli concerning comanche raids and their war with other Indians. |
08-05-1775 |
Ripperda, Bucareli y Ursua, Limme, Mecieres |
Letter from Ripperda to Bucareli concerning comanche raids, includes letter from Lemme about the English. |
01-30-1775 |
Cuellar, Croix, Rodriquez, Aguero, Barrio, Bezerril, Galvez, Sierra Blanca, Tunon, Faini, Gomez, Torres, Rodriguez, Ballesteros, Ramirez, Barel, Parra, Paulin Martinez, Leon, Leizaola, Vildosola, Queipo de Llano |
Documents concerning Cuellar's military expedition, election of new governor of Nueva Vizcaya and complaints about Cuellar's situation. |
06-07-1769 |
Cuellar, Croix, Rodriquez, Aguero, Barrio, Bezerril, Galvez, Sierra Blanca, Tunon, Faini, Gomez, Torres, Rodriguez, Ballesteros, Ramirez, Barel, Parra, Paulin Martinez, Leon, Leizaola, Vildosola, Queipo de Llano |
Documents concerning Cuellar's military expedition, election of new governor of Nueva Vizcaya and complaints about Cuellar's situation. |
06-07-1769 |
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Lascano, Xijon, Valerio, Yarto, Gastamuide, Echeveste, Gueypo de Llano, Galvez, Larreguera, Martinez Clemente, Sateuo, Iuarri, Zueco, Alvares |
Correspondence related to Cuellar's new expedition against Indians. |
02-23-1769 |
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Lascano, Xijon, Valerio, Yarto, Gastamuide, Echeveste, Gueypo de Llano, Galvez, Larreguera, Martinez Clemente, Sateuo, Iuarri, Zueco, Alvares |
Correspondence related to Cuellar's new expedition against Indians. |
02-23-1769 |
Cuellar, Croix, Barrio, Cadaval, Sottomayor, Casay, Munoz, Galvez, Bezerril, Aldezete, Frijoles, Cavedes, Landin |
Correspondence concerning military matters related to one of Cuellar's expeditions against Indians. |
03-15-1769 |
Cuellar, Croix, Echeverte, Lasaga, Cadaval, Gonzales de Novoa, Gutierrez Castillo, Duro, Campo, Martinez, Borvolla, Urquide, Gradilla Orejon, Fernandez de San Salvador, Cadrech, Torre Chrisanto de la, Santa Cruz, Villela, Galvez, Tunon |
Correspondence related to Cuellar's expedition against Indians. |
01-03-1769 |
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco |
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. |
10-20-1766 |
Cuellar, Croix, Lbezerri, Tamaron, Villaverde, Borbolla, Ybarra, Munos, Barrandegui, Gonzales de Novoa, Velarde, Campo, Marinelarena, Eliozondo, Gutierrez Castillo, Aguezo |
Correspondence with Cuellar mainly regarding military matters and war with Indians. Year 1767. |
01-18-1767 |
Junon, Carrillo, Cuellar, Croix, Carrillo, Velazquez, Ibarra, Bezerril, Echevate, Leyua, Maestre |
Administrative correspondence from Junon, to the virrey 1770-1771. |
04-27-1770 |
Cuellar, Cuellar, Ibarra, Carrillo, Velazquez, Galvez, Croix, Bezerril, Junon, Vildosola, Cruz, Fayni, Valera, Bencomo, Garrido, Lopez, Montiel, Estrada, Contreras, Diaz, Gonzales |
Administrative correspondence between Velazquez and viceroy for year 1770. |
02-09-1770 |
Gil, Diaz, Galvez y Gallardo, Elizondo, Corvalan, Leizaola |
Diary and report of the highlights on the second expedition against Apaches, carried out by Galvez. 1771. |
02-26-1771 |
Galvez, Corvalan, Croix, Marin, Gucipo del Llano, Dias, O, Ansa, Velazquez, Oconor, Leizaola |
Correspondence between Galvez and virrey on 1771 expeditions in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora and Chihuahua. |
06-08-1771 |
Cuellar, Croix, Lao, Bezerril |
Administrative correspondence between Bezerril and the viceroy, concerning the organization and dispatch of troops for military expeditions. |
01-26-1770 |
Leizaola, Munoz, Tenorio, Chacon, Torres, Garcia Lazcano, Madrid, Barba, Montes, Martinez, Medrano, Galvez, Truxillo |
Report on military campaign against Apache Indians, made by Leizaola under the command of Galvez. |
04-23-1771 |
Antelo, Crespo, Lumbreras, Fueros, Bucareli y Ursua |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy 1775. Indian affairs. |
08-21-1775 |
Lopez, Bolado Bustillo, Antelo, Garces, Bucareli y Ursua, O'Conor, Lumbreras, Luzero, Antelo y Bermudez, Yriarte, Arguellez, Ocanelan, Aragon, Martinez, Crespo, Ezquerr, Campo, Serna, Fortilla, Algorri, Cossio, Salido |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy dealing with some issues and affairs of province (official title). |
10-10-1715 |
Lopez, Bolado Bustillo, Antelo, Garces, Bucareli y Ursua, O'Conor, Lumbreras, Luzero, Antelo y Bermudez, Yriarte, Arguellez, Ocanelan, Aragon, Martinez, Crespo, Ezquerr, Campo, Serna, Fortilla, Algorri, Cossio, Salido |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy dealing with some issues and affairs of province (official title). |
10-10-1715 |
Lopez, Bolado Bustillo, Antelo, Garces, Bucareli y Ursua, O'Conor, Lumbreras, Luzero, Antelo y Bermudez, Yriarte, Arguellez, Ocanelan, Aragon, Martinez, Crespo, Ezquerr, Campo, Serna, Fortilla, Algorri, Cossio, Salido |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and viceroy dealing with some issues and affairs of province (official title). |
10-10-1715 |
Bolado de Bustamante, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Urrea, Cerrano, Nicolas, Michelene, Antelo y Bermudez, Maquez, Aragon, Carlos Tercero, Castillo, Luzero del Muro |
Series of documents concerning investigation of some seditious Indians... |
03-13-1776 |
Ansa, Crespo, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Fueros, Urrea, Barreto, Michelensa, Lumbreras, Canita, Frigalde, Velderrain, Canito, Cavinat, Azuela, Trespalacios |
Documents concerning Indian affairs and military campaigns against Indians enemies. |
07-02-1775 |
Bonilla, Gutierrez de San Juan, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Cazony, Vildosola, Vildosola, O'Conor, Anza, Jacome, Mazon, Lumbreras, Corvalan |
Series of documents concerning military administration and Indian affairs |
04-21-1773 |
Lumbreras, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Bonilla, Vildosola, Sartre, Tovar, O'Conor, Urrea, Vildosola, Casafuerte |
Litigation on arrest of military official from Terrenate. |
04-29-1774 |
O'Conor, Bonilla, Bauptista de Ansa, Crespo, Bucareli y Ursua, Palma, Corvalan, Carony, Bernardo, Fronteras, Vildosola, Lopez, Fueros, Topazay |
Correspondence about administrative issues, between governor and virrey 1774. Mostly military issues. |
03-30-1774 |
Martinez, Vidal, Lujan, Crespo, Lumbreras, Ansa, Bonilla, O'Conor, Bucareli y Ursua, Fueros |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. |
06-18-1774 |
Martinez, Vidal, Lujan, Crespo, Lumbreras, Ansa, Bonilla, O'Conor, Bucareli y Ursua, Fueros |
Correspondence between governor of Sonora and virrey 1774. |
06-18-1774 |
Morales, Bucareli y Ursua, Lopez, Urrea Bernardo de Cason, Lumbreras, Azcarate, Ansa, Carvalan, Canedo, Galvez, Revilla Gigedo, Crespo |
Correspondence between virrey and governor of Sonora 1774, dealing with administrative issues such as postal services and mistreatment of Indians, agriculture, mining and Indians attacks. |
02-29-1774 |
Morales, Bucareli y Ursua, Lopez, Urrea Bernardo de Cason, Lumbreras, Azcarate, Ansa, Carvalan, Canedo, Galvez, Revilla Gigedo, Crespo |
Correspondence between virrey and governor of Sonora 1774, dealing with administrative issues such as postal services and mistreatment of Indians, agriculture, mining and Indians attacks. |
02-29-1774 |
Ximenez, Crespo, Rivera, Vildosola, Bucareli y Ursua, Lopez, Bernardo, Lumbreras, Corvalan, Ansa |
Correspondence between governor and virrey on various administrative issues. 1774 |
02-25-1774 |
Ximenez, Crespo, Rivera, Vildosola, Bucareli y Ursua, Lopez, Bernardo, Lumbreras, Corvalan, Ansa |
Correspondence between governor and virrey on various administrative issues. 1774 |
02-25-1774 |
Fueros, Garces, Orantes, Crespo, Corvalan, Luzero, Otelo y Bermudez, Orantes, Bucareli y Ursua, Font |
Index of issues contained in documents sent from governor of Sonora, to virrey. |
02-09-1777 |
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi |
Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. |
02-14-1756 |
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi |
Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. |
02-14-1756 |
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi |
Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. |
02-14-1756 |
Mendoza, Munoz, Ruiz de Ael, Velarde, Gonzales Calderon, Meave, Leizaola, Chacon, Bohorques, Carbajal, Ruis de Roxas, Venavides, Hierro, Villaverde, Bear y Miera, Cruillas, Pineda, Dias del Carpio, Griego, Elias, Victores Rubin de Celis, Varela, Ronquillo, Bustamante, Bustamante Tagle, Vildosola, Gomes de la Torre, Bohorques, Gonzales, Hierro, Lopes, Montano, Pacheco, Moreno, Duran, Laines Martines, Severino, Leizaola, Escudero, Bizarron y Eguiarreta, Fonclara, Torre Campo, Quinto, Cagigal, Idoyaga, Vidaurri, Noriega, Garcia de Noriega, Gomez del Castillo, Ramires, Ramires, Moreno, Grixalva, Grixalva, Romero, Torres, Gil de Ruesga, Ruvi |
Correspondence between virrey, captains of presidios of Junta de los Rios and Janos. |
02-14-1756 |
Fuente, Mozo y Echeverria, Lopez Lozano, Aranda, Gijon, Croix |
Correspondence between oficiales reales de Parral, virrey re: nomination of new teniente tesorero. |
10-29-1769 |
Cuellar, Galvez, Velarde, Barrandegui, Gonzalez, Croix, Marinelarena, Marino Cadaval, Gorraez, Altamira, Berrotaran, Puerta y Barrera, Sanchez Campillo, Sambrano, Idoyaga, Leysaola, Gutierrez Castillo, Valle, Diaz de la Serna, Gutierrez de Noriega, Bustamante Tagle, Mendoza, Cuenca, Barcarcel, Dias de Carpio, Miera, Fernandes, Felix Sanchez, Gonzales de Noboa, Torija y Leri, Cruillas, Zevallos, Munoz, Campo, Ugarte, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguibel |
[untitled] |
01-01-1748 |
Lardin, Cuellar, Sabedra, Caviedes |
Letters from virrey to Sabedra, Lardin re: recovery of funds. |
05-27-1769 |
Salazar, Neyra, Lanzas, Gutierrez Castillo, Croix |
Letter from Gutierrez Castillo to virrey concerning inventory of blackpowder. |
03-14-1767 |