Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Garcia Conde, Velasco, Iturbide Garcia Conde, Alejo. On swearing support for Iturbide's independence plan. 08-27-1821
Garcia Condes, Velasco Garcia Condes, Alejo. Proclamation to soldiers of Provincias Internas occidentales to support independence and iturbide. 08-26-1821
Hermanos, Iturbide, Guerrero, Alquirira, Brabo, Herrera, Miranda, Bustamante, Barragon, Lopez Santana, Quintanar, Chavarri, Fernandez, Negrete, Filisola Hermanos, Troncoso. Blow by blow account of progress of war for independence and important people involved. 08-09-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares, Zubiria Garcia Conde, Diego to Melgares, Facundo. Authorizing the use of funds collected to send Pino to the 1820 - 1823 Cortes and not used for the 1822 - 1823 deputy. 07-10-1821
Melgares, Garcia Conde Melgares, Facundo to Garcia Conde, Alejo. notice of swearing allegiance to new independent government. 07-11-1821
Melgares, Bernal, Baca, Sanches, Salaices, Garcia, Armijo, Tapia, Ortis Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of sergeants and corporals. 06-30-1821
Jaramillo, Melgares, Rivera, Gonsales, Lopes, Benavides, Escaxeda, Martines, Escovedo, Barba, Duran, Domingues, Cospaz, Domingues Jaramillo, Manuel. Receipt for supplies provided to soldiers from carrizal presidio company. 06-19-1821
Cavallero, Riucle, Gallego, Gallego, Gallego, Rivera, Lopes, Romo, Venavides, Roybal, Telles, Sandoval, Abrego, Salaises, Lusero, Sandoval Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Cavallero, Riucle, Gallego, Gallego, Gallego, Rivera, Lopes, Romo, Venavides, Roybal, Telles, Sandoval, Abrego, Salaises, Lusero, Sandoval Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Cavallero, Riucle, Gallego, Gallego, Gallego, Rivera, Lopes, Romo, Venavides, Roybal, Telles, Sandoval, Abrego, Salaises, Lusero, Sandoval Cavallero, Jose. List of soldiers named to an expedition (partido). 04-26-1821
Melgares, Alario, Ribera, Valenzuela, Garcia Conde Melgares, Facundo. Report on two soldiers eligible for service premiums. 04-01-1821
Cabesa de Vaca, Melgares, Juaquin, Garcia, Pino Cabesa de Baca, Juan Antonio to Melgares, Facundo. Report on Indian relations. 03-08-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Exempting Melgares from having to go to El Paso for the junta electoral because of poor health. 03-16-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmitting bando and royal order concerning military officers settled in communities and their obligations. 02-23-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledging receipt of a report on soldiers to be discharged because of disabilities. 02-23-1821
Melgares, Carlos, Sandoval, Gutierres Melgares, Facundo to alcalde of Alameda. 02-17-1821
Reyes, Marquez, Guerrero, Noriega, Posadas, Gutierres Reyes, Jose Francisco to Marquez y Melo, Manuel. Commenting on problems of collecting debts, state of livestock, and on local elections. 01-04-1821
Reyes, Marquez, Guerrero, Noriega, Posadas, Gutierres Reyes, Jose Francisco to Marquez y Melo, Manuel. Commenting on problems of collecting debts, state of livestock, and on local elections. 01-04-1821
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Concerning the appointment of a lieutenant of San Buenaventura presidio. 01-18-1821
Melgares, Ordas, Caballero, Griego, Sarananez, Alario Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of the officers of the Santa Fee presidio company. 01-01-1821
Melgares, Garcia, Gallego, Benavides, Armenta, Aragon, Benavides, Dominguez, Armijo, Telles, Aragon, Campos, Baca, Baca, Salaises, Pacheco, Arce Melgares, Facundo. Report on soldiers eligible for service premiums. 01-01-1821
Melgares, Garcia, Gallego, Benavides, Armenta, Aragon, Benavides, Dominguez, Armijo, Telles, Aragon, Campos, Baca, Baca, Salaises, Pacheco, Arce Melgares, Facundo. Report on soldiers eligible for service premiums. 01-01-1821
Salasar, Romero, Melgares, Montes, Delgado, Baca, Sandoval, Rodrigues, Gomes Salasar, Francisco. Service records of officers of Santa Fee militia company. 12-31-1820
Iturbide, Quevedo y Villanueva, Lemus, Echavarri, Martinez, Ibarra, Ceballos Arredondo, Rosas, Valero, Valdes, Gonzalez, Ceballos, Moral, Turincio, Fernandez . Pamphlet dealing with the history of the revolution in Monterey. 00-00-1821
Melgares, Arze, Caballero, Griego, Alario Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of officers of the Santa Fee presidio company. 12-31-1820
Melgares, Alario, Bernal, Baca, Sanchez, Salaices, Garcia, Tapia, Ortiz, Armijo, Silba, Baca, Ribera, Tajolla, Baca, Torres Melgares, Facundo. Summary of the service records of the sergeants, corporal, and carabineros of the Santa Fee presidio company. 12-31-1820
Sanches Vergara, Trujillo, Lucero, Montano, Lucero, Sanches, Baldes, Sisneros, Pacheco, Sanches, Sanches, Sanches, Armijo, Nerisnros, Baca, Lucero, Martin, Erera, Sanches, Martin, Sanches, Beita, Garcia . Report on local election for representatives to the district electoral junta to be held in la Canada. 12-03-1820
Lucero, Trujillo, Suaso, Lovato, Fernandes, Duran, Lucero, Trujillo, Sanches. Antonio, Jaramillo, Martin, Sandoval, Bejil, Fernandes, Romero, Lucero, Marquez, Bejil, Cordova, Lucero, Martin, Mondragon, Trujillo, Bejil, Medina, Torres, Lucero, Duran, Cordova, Abila, Suazo, Sanches, Sandoval, Gonsales, Montoya, Lucero, Melgares, Gallegos, Fernandes Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Lucero, Trujillo, Suaso, Lovato, Fernandes, Duran, Lucero, Trujillo, Sanches. Antonio, Jaramillo, Martin, Sandoval, Bejil, Fernandes, Romero, Lucero, Marquez, Bejil, Cordova, Lucero, Martin, Mondragon, Trujillo, Bejil, Medina, Torres, Lucero, Duran, Cordova, Abila, Suazo, Sanches, Sandoval, Gonsales, Montoya, Lucero, Melgares, Gallegos, Fernandes Lucero, Pablo. Report on local elections for representatives to a district electoral junta to be held at Taos and on district election. 12-03-1820
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Transmittal of a viceroyal circular prohibiting certain class of people from the army. 11-17-1820
Garcia Conde, Porcel, Fernando VII, Garcia Herreros Garcia Conde, Alejo. Royal order concerning clerics and ordinary justice. 10-25-1820
Garcia Conde, Porcel, Fernando VII, Garcia Herreros Garcia Conde, Alejo. Royal order concerning clerics and ordinary justice. 10-25-1820
Baca, Griego, Mestas, Chaves, Melgares Baca, Manuel. Account of expenditures of funds to support indios de paz. 10-31-1820
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Cover letter transmitting copies of a royal order prohibiting the use of whipping as a form of punishment. 10-21-1820
Garcia Conde, Velasco Garcia Conde, Alejo. Bando transmitting a royal order mandating improvements in the condition of prisons. 10-23-1820
Garcia Conde, Melgares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Acknowledgement of receipt of results of election for representation to Cortes. 10-18-1820
Chavez, Salazar, Gonzalez, Archuleta Chavez, Francisco Antonio. Civil claim against Vicente Gonzalez for sheep owed to him. Alcalde finds in favor of Chavez and orders Gonzalez to pay up. 10-10-1820
Rubi de Celis, Melgares, Alcina, Rocio, Gonzalez Rubi de Celis, Jose Pedro to Melgares, Facundo. Letter concerning administrative changes in mission of Abiquiu. 10-12-1820
Alcina, Tamaron, Crespo, Olguin, Martin, Garcia, Salasar, Martines . Citizens of Ojo Caliente complain of high religious fees. 10-01-1820
Ordas, Caballero, Griego, Alari, Bernal, Baca, Baca . Summary of the service records of the officers and sergeants assigned to the Santa Fee presidio company. 10-01-1820
Garcia Conde, Velasco, Fernando VII, Garcia Herreros Garcia Conde, Alejo. Bando publishing a law passed by the Spanish Cortes abolishing entailed estates. 09-27-1820
Garcia Conde, Velasco, Fernando VII, Garcia Herreros Garcia Conde, Alejo. Bando publishing a law passed by the Spanish Cortes abolishing entailed estates. 09-27-1820
Garcia Conde, Melares Garcia Conde, Alejo to Melgares, Facundo. Cover letter for a circula transmitting a royal order requiring reports on the installation of ayuntamientos. 09-30-1820
Montoya, Melgares, Baca, Sanchis, Gutierres, Casados, Chaves, Chaves, Garcia, Chaves, Ortis, Ortis, Montoya, Baca, Martin, Balberde, Montoya, Garcia de Noriega, Montoya Montoya, Salbador. Criminal case for theft. 09-26-1820
Montoya, Melgares, Baca, Sanchis, Gutierres, Casados, Chaves, Chaves, Garcia, Chaves, Ortis, Ortis, Montoya, Baca, Martin, Balberde, Montoya, Garcia de Noriega, Montoya Montoya, Salbador. Criminal case for theft. 09-26-1820
Montoya, Melgares, Baca, Sanchis, Gutierres, Casados, Chaves, Chaves, Garcia, Chaves, Ortis, Ortis, Montoya, Baca, Martin, Balberde, Montoya, Garcia de Noriega, Montoya Montoya, Salbador. Criminal case for theft. 09-26-1820
Garcia, Rubi de Celis, Salasar, Alcina Garcia, Mateo to Salazar, Santiago. Petition by people of Abiquiu to replace fray Teodoro Alcina for absent and insatisfactory work. Fray Rubis de Celis recommends transfer. 09-03-1820
Ruiz de Apodaca y Eliza, Negreros y Soria, Garcia Conde Ruiz de Apodaca y Eliza, Juan. Printed bando announcing the king's oath in Cadiz to the 1812 constitution. 08-29-1820
Melgares, Griego Melgares, Facundo. Report on the members of the Santa Fee presidio company and their assignments. 08-01-1820
Garcia de la Mora, Melgares Garcia de la Mora, Jose to Melgares, Facundo. Request for information on the ecclesiastical status of Abiquiu. Reply from Melgares. 07-21-1820