Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli acknowledging receipt of bandos ordering rearrangement of correos. |
12-21-1771 |
Clemente, Bucareli y Ursua, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning birth of Carlos Clemente. |
02-15-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Oconor |
Letters from virrey(?) to Mendinuta concerning change of virrey of New Spain; Indian hostilities. |
05-11-1771 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Madrid, Croix, Esquibel, Ravanno, Cruillas |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix concerning inspection report of presidio Santa Fee of 1771. |
12-13-1771 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix concerning Indian hostilities of 1771. |
09-05-1771 |
Barrio, Croix, Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinueta to Bucareli re: Indian hostilities. |
00-00-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Esquibel, Barrio, Gutierrez |
Letters from Mendinuta to Croix concerning Indian hostilities between December 1770 and May 1771. |
12-21-1770 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix concerning distribution of Spanish-speaking natives to each alcalde. |
10-10-1770 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix concerning Apache and cumanche hostilities between May and July 1771. |
05-11-1771 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Velez Gachupin, Esquibel |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix over military rolls and service record of Esquibel. |
12-31-1770 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning Mendinuta's promotion to rank of capitan general de los Reales Estos. |
01-16-1771 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Gomez Cayuela, Vano, Ynojosa |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix. |
10-30-1770 |
Fajoya, Fernandez, Abarca, Sanchez, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter to Mendinuta from Croix concerning vecino complaints about proceedings of Fajoya and Fernandez. |
05-19-1770 |
Fajoya, Fernandez, Abarca, Sanchez, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter to Mendinuta from Croix concerning vecino complaints about proceedings of Fajoya and Fernandez. |
05-19-1770 |
Fajoya, Fernandez, Abarca, Sanchez, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter to Mendinuta from Croix concerning vecino complaints about proceedings of Fajoya and Fernandez. |
05-19-1770 |
Croix, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning Indian hostilities and unrest. |
08-04-1770 |
Moya, Moya, Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix asking for action on autos criminales against Moya brothers. |
12-26-1767 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Esquibel, Velez Gachupin |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix praising Esquibel; contains Esquibel's service record and itemized inspection report of Santa Fee presidio. |
12-31-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix over Indian hostilities of 1770. |
12-30-1769 |
Ferra, Torre, Moreno, Ybanez, Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix concerning arrest of Ferra for forgery. |
07-17-1770 |
Ferra, Torre, Moreno, Ybanez, Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix concerning arrest of Ferra for forgery. |
07-17-1770 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Naranxo, Cuellan |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix over dubious circumstances of Naranxo's death. |
07-06-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix complaining of necessity to always have troops mobilized for defense/offense against Indians. |
06-17-1768 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Madrid, Ortiz |
Letter to Croix concerning Indian hostilities, intertribal relations, Indian unity. |
07-06-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Madrid, Esquibel, Maese |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix about resignations and promotions of military officers. |
09-09-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letter from Mendinuta confirming receipt and/or execution of bandos previously sent by Croix. |
03-31-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter praising Mendinuta's avoidance of cumanches. |
12-16-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter to Mendinuta announcing that no changes will be made in rights of governors. |
12-09-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Ferra, Torre |
Letter to Mendinuta ordering arrest and imprisonment of Ferra without explanation. |
11-15-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Ferra, Torre |
Letter to Mendinuta ordering arrest and imprisonment of Ferra without explanation. |
11-15-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter to Mendinuta expressing concern for Apache depredations. |
07-15-1769 |
Madrid, Esquibel, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter from Mendinuta thanking Croix for payment of salaries; suggests that salary difference between ranks is not indicative of rank. |
07-13-1769 |
Portillo Urriosola, Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Cuellar |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning cumanche depredations at Ojo Caliente. |
11-09-1768 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Sena, Croix |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix over cumanche hostilities and campaign in area of Rio Napeste. |
09-17-1768 |
Gonzalez Calderon, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey concerning payment of soldiers in goods. |
09-15-1768 |
Antonio Naranjo, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter to Mendinuta asking for clarification about population of Genizaros. |
07-19-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Piechiquito, Liye, Croix |
Letters between virrey and Mendinuta concerning instability of peace with Apaches. |
01-16-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Madrid, Portillo, Velez Gachupin, Esquibel |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning military lists of 1769 at Santa Fee. |
01-13-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Rubi |
Letter from Mendinuta to virrey acknowledging letters of 3/17/1767 and 6/15/1767 |
3/17/1767 - 6/15/1767 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix over hostilities, deceit, and lifestyles of Indians. |
11-15-1767 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Gonzalez Calderon |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix asking for money and horses to quarter troops. |
01-14-1769 |
Croix, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter from Croix in response to Mendinuta's letter of May 19. 1767 |
10-02-1767 |
Gonzalez Calderon, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter from Croix in response to Mendinuta's letter of March 17, 1767 |
05-22-1767 |
Guerrero, Croix, Maldonado, Fermin de Mendinueta, Fernandez de la Pedrera, Phelipe de Rivera, Penannedonda, Lorenz, Pael de Aguilar, Alazi |
Testimonio from Guerrero concerning installment of Mendinuta as gobernador of Nuebo Mexico |
03-00-1767 |
Guerrero, Croix, Maldonado, Fermin de Mendinueta, Fernandez de la Pedrera, Phelipe de Rivera, Penannedonda, Lorenz, Pael de Aguilar, Alazi |
Testimonio from Guerrero concerning installment of Mendinuta as gobernador of Nuebo Mexico |
03-00-1767 |
Croix, Fermin de Mendinueta, Velez Gachupin, Ruvi |
Letters between Mendinuta and Croix concerning activities of Indians in Santa Fee. |
03-17-1767 |
Rubi, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter from Mendinuta to Croix about transfer of presidio El Paso |
11-14-1767 |
Velez Cachupin, Croix, Rubi, Fermin de Mendinueta, Montoya |
Report of Cachupin's visita of El Paso wherein he suggests presidio be moved to Robledo; related letters. |
10-24-1766 |
Sierra, San Juan, Bustamente, Fuente, Gusman |
Letters between virrey (?) and Cachupin (?) re: replacement for San Juan. |
03-17-1764 |
Marin del Valle, Portillo Urrisola, Guerrero, Miera y Pacheco, Garzia Pareja, Botas, Sena, Zamora, Ortiz, Thenorio, Fragoso, Mares, Sanchez |
Letters from Portillo re: state of presidio at time of Marin del Valle's resignation. |
06-10-1761 |