Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Rivero, Florez, Ugarte y Loyola, Merino, Beregana, Gutierrez, Dias de Hortega, Santa Maria, Llano y Valdes, Oronoz, Reynozo, Castro, Bonilla, Gilavert, Herrera, Flores, Campo Marin, Alegria, Rodriguez, Gutierrez del Mazo, Martinez de Vargas, Zamora Cuenta de gastos de conduccion de Apaches a Mexico, hecha por el cadete del presidio del Pitic, don Jose Maria del Rivero. 00-00-1772
Rivero, Florez, Ugarte y Loyola, Merino, Beregana, Gutierrez, Dias de Hortega, Santa Maria, Llano y Valdes, Oronoz, Reynozo, Castro, Bonilla, Gilavert, Herrera, Flores, Campo Marin, Alegria, Rodriguez, Gutierrez del Mazo, Martinez de Vargas, Zamora Cuenta de gastos de conduccion de Apaches a Mexico, hecha por el cadete del presidio del Pitic, don Jose Maria del Rivero. 00-00-1772
Vecino, Galvez, Posada, Gonzaga y Ybarrola, Guevara, Belena, Anda, Munoz, Gutierrez, Rodriguez, Carrillo, Talabartero, Aroneros, Flores, Martinez de Vargas, Bataller, Villa Urrutia, Maldonado, Keating, Sales Carrillo, del Mazo, Martinez del Campo, Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Posada, Valdes, Aranda, Vortiz, Urizar, Gorchs, Rafadel Representacion de don Antonio Vecino sobre pago de cantidad de pesos de numero de carabinas de seis recamaras ... 11-07-1786
Aguirre Morales, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, Flores, Ugalde, Pena, Bonilla, Herrera, Campo Marin, Negrete y de la Torre, Galves, Ugarte y Loyola, Mendinueta, Nava, Croix, Oconor, Posada, Gutierrez del Mazo, Sandobal Representaciones del senor comandante general de las Provincias Internas del oriente don Ramon de Castro sobre establecimiento de secretaria. 09-10-1772
Mezieres, Cabello, Navarro, Bonilla, Poreyra de Castro, Fernandez, Trevol, Ugarte, Escorza, Galvez, Galbes, Merino Croix grants 'gratificacion' to Mezieres to cover expenses incurred during military service, particularly due to efforts to pacify 'naciones del norte.' 10-09-1779
Beregana, Florez, Dias de Salcedo, Banfi, Corvalan, Galvez, Bonilla, Garcia Galindo, Moreno Surto y Anclado, Mangino, Ugalde, Zozaya, Merino, Herrera, Revilla Gigedo, Baron, Gutierrez del Mazo, Posada, Rafadel, Croix, Loyola, Dias de Ortega, Garredo y Duran, Medina, Corras, Garcia, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Ugarte y Loyola, Nava Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. 04-22-1785
Ugalde, Dias de Salcedo, Menchaca, Croix, Neve, Bonilla, Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Posada, Garzia, Banfi, Corvalan, Fueros, Lozaya, Revilla Gigedo Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Ugalde, Dias de Salcedo, Menchaca, Croix, Neve, Bonilla, Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Posada, Garzia, Banfi, Corvalan, Fueros, Lozaya, Revilla Gigedo Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Dias de Hortega, Beregana, Rengel, Ugarte y Loyola, Merino, Croix, Neve, Galvez, Galvez, Florez, Possada, Rafadel, Corbalan, Amar, Gutierrez, Sales Carrillo, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Mata Binolas, Diaz de Salcedo Concerning shipment of arms to Nueva Vizcaya. 10-20-1783
Bonavia, Garcia Conde, Potau, Apartado, Aguayo, Fagoaga, Gutierrez de los Rios, Chavez, Fernandez de Cordova, Branciforte, Herrera, Fuente, Nava Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. 07-16-1793
Bonavia, Garcia Conde, Potau, Apartado, Aguayo, Fagoaga, Gutierrez de los Rios, Chavez, Fernandez de Cordova, Branciforte, Herrera, Fuente, Nava Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. 07-16-1793
Bonavia, Garcia Conde, Potau, Apartado, Aguayo, Fagoaga, Gutierrez de los Rios, Chavez, Fernandez de Cordova, Branciforte, Herrera, Fuente, Nava Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. 07-16-1793
Sevilla y Olmedo, Marino, Nava, Branciforte, Forcada y la Plaza Request for 'agua fuerte' in order to assay minerals, particularly gold. 01-00-1793
Mangino, Vidal de Lorca, Posada, Bonilla, Campomarin, Valenzuela, Gutierrez, Ugalde, Serna, Galves, Mayorga, Yermo, Navarro, Diaz de Salcedo, Flores, Larranaga, Riva, Hierro, Revilla Gigedo, Banfi, Corvalan Correspondence concerning civil-military fiscal matters. 00-00-1767
Diaz de Salcedo, Navarro, Flores, Vidal de Lorca, Revilla Gigedo, Larranaga, Ugalde, Munoz, Serna, Vidal de Lorca, Zozaia, Hierro, Corbalan Correspondence concerning collection and use of 'rentas' and 'alcavalas.' 00-00-1787
Hierro, Risa, Barrera, Florez, Yermo, Croix, Ugalde, Bonilla, Diaz de Salcedo, Banfi, Corvalan, Rengel, Martinez Pacheco, Berger, Mayorga, Galvez Proposal by military to overcome financial problems by paying soldiers in 'cigarros,' not money. 09-30-1772
Ugalde, Yermo, Mayorga, Galvez, Serna, Florez, Vidal de Lorca, Echeagaray, Gonzales de Santianes, Bonilla, Hierro, Vermudez, Cavallero y Basave, Herrera, Navarro, Posada, Arrese, Mier, Riva, Sonora, Mangino, Diaz de Salcedo, Croix, Echalecu Correspondence concerning military fiscal affairs. 12-12-1767
Cerna, Rodriguez Balda, Leal, Lasaga, Fuente Instancia from procurador de indios regarding return of items stolen from pintos. 09-23-1783
Bisuete, Fuentes, Sierra Gorda, Revilla Gigedo, Bucareli, Noparan, Jose, Rubio, Manuel, Chibato, Mayorga, Posada, Garcia, Guemes de Horcasitas, Perales, Castello, Aranda, Medina, Rodriguez, Zubia y Martinez Correspondence concerning 'reduccion' of pintos to 'mision del Helguera.' 00-00-1768
Leal, Sierra Gorda, Perales, Pilar, Serna, Foralla, Rafael, Tomas, Serna, Agustin, Capistran, Sabalsa, Thoraya, Garcia, Mascorro, Garsia, Medina, Nolasco, Segovia, Mancha, Escandon, Hernandes, Fuentes, Galves, Urizar, Mirafuentes, Belena, Mier, Anda, Bataller, Maldonado, Lasaga, Serna Instancia of several pinto Indians stating that serna destroyed mission, deprived them of cattle, other goods. 09-26-1783
Leal, Sierra Gorda, Perales, Pilar, Serna, Foralla, Rafael, Tomas, Serna, Agustin, Capistran, Sabalsa, Thoraya, Garcia, Mascorro, Garsia, Medina, Nolasco, Segovia, Mancha, Escandon, Hernandes, Fuentes, Galves, Urizar, Mirafuentes, Belena, Mier, Anda, Bataller, Maldonado, Lasaga, Serna Instancia of several pinto Indians stating that serna destroyed mission, deprived them of cattle, other goods. 09-26-1783
Blanco, Ruiz de Aguirre, Herrera, Garibay, Columna, Aranza, Fernandez de Alva Letters and index concerning the establishment and funding of an account to distribute gratifications to Indians in the Provincias Internas de oriente. 06-13-1799
Conde de Sierragorda, Borrego, Gonzales, Lorenzo Leal, Ugalde, Montanez Pacheco, Bial, Munoz, Castro, Fernandez, Bustillo y Caballos, Amangual, Nava, Cortes Indexes and letters that concern primarily military matters in the province of Texas, subject matter ranges from military misconduct to Indian gratifications. 08-19-1793
Montes, Moron, Azanza, Diaz de Bustamente, Dovalina, Calleja, Fermino, Trevino, Batalles de Aguirres Indexes or minutes of correspondence dealing with primarily military personnel matters in various areas of the Provincias Internas. 06-07-1799
Ponce Borrego, Lacumba, Branciforte, Sierragorda, Cordero, Castro, Vidal de Lorca, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Larrinaga, Vidal de Lorca, Farias, Ytugarray, Castillo, Garcia, Mosquera, Ixart Indexes of correspondence and minutes that deal with primarily military personnel matters as well as various cases formed against those accused of military misconduct. 02-11-1795
Iturbe, Fernandez, Yturrigaray, Balli, Garca, Hinojosa, Baron, Cristo A series of indexes primarily originating in Nuevo Santander which for the most part discuss gratifications to Indians and cases brought against various people in the area including military personnel. 09-28-1804
Cabo Franco, Fernandez de Cordova, Monterey, Ugarte y Loyola, Diaz de Salcedo, Ugalde, Arispe, Nava, Cortes, Castro, Flores, Garza, Ruiz de Cuadra, Aquilar, Farias, Fernandez, Munoz Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790, transmittal of the quadernos in which relevant information is included. 08-04-1792
Cabo Franco, Fernandez de Cordova, Monterey, Ugarte y Loyola, Diaz de Salcedo, Ugalde, Arispe, Nava, Cortes, Castro, Flores, Garza, Ruiz de Cuadra, Aquilar, Farias, Fernandez, Munoz Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790, transmittal of the quadernos in which relevant information is included. 08-04-1792
Cabo Franco, Fernandez de Cordova, Monterey, Ugarte y Loyola, Diaz de Salcedo, Ugalde, Arispe, Nava, Cortes, Castro, Flores, Garza, Ruiz de Cuadra, Aquilar, Farias, Fernandez, Munoz Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790, transmittal of the quadernos in which relevant information is included. 08-04-1792
Cabo Franco, Fernandez de Cordova, Monterey, Ugarte y Loyola, Diaz de Salcedo, Ugalde, Arispe, Nava, Cortes, Castro, Flores, Garza, Ruiz de Cuadra, Aquilar, Farias, Fernandez, Munoz Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790, transmittal of the quadernos in which relevant information is included. 08-04-1792
Cortes, Flores, Emparan, Ugarte y Loyola, Gonzales, Garza, Farias Document that examines entries into the account paz y guerra from 1787-1789 and also surplus of this account deposited into account at the presidio of Monclova, also gives details of how accounts were reconciled. 08-11-1792
Cortes, Flores, Emparan, Ugarte y Loyola, Gonzales, Garza, Farias Document that examines entries into the account paz y guerra from 1787-1789 and also surplus of this account deposited into account at the presidio of Monclova, also gives details of how accounts were reconciled. 08-11-1792
Bonilla, Fermo, Cavello, Flores, Ugalde, Mangino, Salcedo, Lozaya, Cortes, Pena, Yermo, Sandoval Letters from various people in Provincias Internas concerning Ugalde and the sums set aside for pacifying the Indians, payment of contracted help, and other matters. 04-22-1789
Bonilla, Fermo, Cavello, Flores, Ugalde, Mangino, Salcedo, Lozaya, Cortes, Pena, Yermo, Sandoval Letters from various people in Provincias Internas concerning Ugalde and the sums set aside for pacifying the Indians, payment of contracted help, and other matters. 04-22-1789
Corte, Mangino, Valenzuela, Bonilla, Pena, Ugalde, Flores Letters from Salcedo and Flores to each other concerning the resolution of funding of military salaries to employees of Ugalde in the effort of pacification of certain Indian groups in Provincias Internas. 09-01-1789
Revilla Gigedo, Cavo Franco, Alegria, Barrio Nuevo, Ugalde, Flores, Alva, Herrera, Emparan, Salcedo, Pena, Ugarte y Loyola, Gutierres de la Cueva Letters written by various authors that concern the accounting procedures for gratification sum as it relates to surplus and salaries paid out from the same and also redirecting sum once hostility with Indian groups commence. 06-12-1790
Flores, Margino, Ugalde, Fermo, Sanchez Pareja, Posada Cavallero, Frebuento, Sales Corrillo, Cortes Letters from Ugalde and others concerning the approval of annual gratificacion sum of 6.000 pesos in order to pacify the lipanes, mescaleros and lipiyanes. 10-10-1787
Flores, Margino, Ugalde, Fermo, Sanchez Pareja, Posada Cavallero, Frebuento, Sales Corrillo, Cortes Letters from Ugalde and others concerning the approval of annual gratificacion sum of 6.000 pesos in order to pacify the lipanes, mescaleros and lipiyanes. 10-10-1787
Flores, Margino, Ugalde, Fermo, Sanchez Pareja, Posada Cavallero, Frebuento, Sales Corrillo, Cortes Letters from Ugalde and others concerning the approval of annual gratificacion sum of 6.000 pesos in order to pacify the lipanes, mescaleros and lipiyanes. 10-10-1787
Simon del Campo, Fernando, Fermin D Juanicotena, Garza, Quintero, Chabarri, Barverena, Lopez, Arredondo, Quintero, Echeandia Letters and documents concerning troop strength and military supplies in Nuevo Santander. 11-13-1815
Simon del Campo, Fernando, Fermin D Juanicotena, Garza, Quintero, Chabarri, Barverena, Lopez, Arredondo, Quintero, Echeandia Letters and documents concerning troop strength and military supplies in Nuevo Santander. 11-13-1815
Feliciano Marin, Ysidro Campos, Ugarte Domingo de, Hombre, Arredondo, Simon del Campos, Barragan, Calleja, Quilas Letters from Arredondo and others concerning the collection and shipment of amount levied against last will and testaments. 02-20-1816
Quijano, Beltzan, Gutierrez del Llazo, Arredondo, Calleja, Fernandez, Gomez del Campo, Moreno y Davis, Merino, Gonzales de Velasco, Bonavia, Garcia Conde, Rodal, Miyares y Mancebo Letters to Calleja and Arredondo from various intendentes of Provincias Internas concerning the accounting for gunpowder, bullets, and tobaco, since the revolution. 01-21-1810
Trigo, Corbalan, Croix, Rivera, Elizondo, Piniella, Galvez, Fueros, Bergosa, Galvez, Martinez, Lumbreras, Rivera, Vildasola, Santo Isla, Belena, Mesia Correspondence between Corbalan, Mesia, and Croix re: Indian depredations, prohibition of alcolhol, supplies for expedition; additions to Alamos treasury instruccion, and card and tobacco taxes. 00-00-1730
Corbalan, Marques de Croix, Galvez, Hijosa, Balena, Pineon, Guaymas, Trigo, Trillo, Armona, Toledo, Fueros Correspondence between Croix and Corbalan re: receipt of troop inspections; military salaries; and military affairs. 00-00-1769
Corbalan, Daroca, Pineda, Fersen, Elizondo, Belena, Armona, Bergosa, Vildosola, Bringas, Galvez, Hijosa, Langase, Martinez, Lumbreras, Blanco, Fueros, Mesia, Rivera, Croix Consiguiente a lo que dixe a v.m. en carta de 7 de este mes y habiendo examinado los antecedentes las juntas de generales... 01-18-1770
Corbalan, Daroca, Pineda, Fersen, Elizondo, Belena, Armona, Bergosa, Vildosola, Bringas, Galvez, Hijosa, Langase, Martinez, Lumbreras, Blanco, Fueros, Mesia, Rivera, Croix Consiguiente a lo que dixe a v.m. en carta de 7 de este mes y habiendo examinado los antecedentes las juntas de generales... 01-18-1770
Corbalan, Croix, Galvez, Bringas, Mexias, Daroca, Fersen, Echeveste, Belena, Elizondo Correspondencia con los comisarios dela expedicion de Sonora dn Pedro Fueros y dn Francisco Mexias. Ano de 1767. 12-11-1769
Corbalan, Croix, Hixosa, Fueros, Galvez, Armona A efecto de dar el devido cumplimiento ala orn. Que v.e. fue servido comunicar en 19 de agosto proximo pasado... 12-11-1769
Elizondo, Croix, Navarro, Portola, Medina, Gallo, Moreno, Callis, Pol, Wallencort, Vellido, Lumbreras, Allande, Blanco, Fajes, Pereira, Ximenez, Salablanca, Laso, Navarro, Viana, Bargas, Villaseca, Alberni, Sola He comunicado a dn Andres Navarro la orden de v.e. para que se restituya a su regimento a exercer el empleo de ayudante... 08-21-1770