Duran de Armijo, Mendinueta, Baca, Bastardo, Tafoya, Fernandez, Sanchez |
Duran de Armijo, Antonio. Documentation of legal struggle of Antonio Duran de Armijo against Baca to recover debt for sheep owed to Armijo. |
09-03-1767 |
Mendinueta, Guerrero, Garcia, Pena, Fernandez, Saenz, Moya, Moya, Archibeque, Sandobal, Ortiz, Armijo |
Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Criminal case against Pedro and Manuel Moya for robbery of presidio warehouse. |
10-05-1767 |
Venitez, Fragoso, Vejil, Luja |
Venitez, Manuel. Criminal charge brought by Manuel Venitez against soldier Francisco Xavier Fragoso for stealing a gold religious relic. |
05-20-1767 |
Garcia, Serrano, Velazquez, Mendinueta, Fernandez, Griego, Apodaca |
Garcia, Salbador. Criminal case against Nicolas Serrano for debt owed for sale of sheep and for slander against Garcia's wife. |
07-08-1767 |
Caro, Solano, Guerrero, Velez Cachupin, Fernandes, Arrmijo, Gallego, Esquivel |
Caro, Joseph Andres. Proceedings in robbery case - Caro convicted and told never to return to that province. |
10-20-1766 |
Bijil, Lujan, Fuente, Guerrero, Cachupin, Bijil, Zanchez, Bijil |
Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to recover. |
09-26-1766 |
Casados, Guerrero, Sena, Sena, Sena, Sena, Velez Cachupin, Fernandes, Gasia, Salazar |
Casados, Polonia. Petition for control of goods inherited by daughter, charges that the girl's grandfather is too busy to handle the case effectively, control stays with grandfather. |
06-03-1766 |
Martin, Garcia Pareja, Funquera, Velez Cachupin, Garcia, Lujan, Sandobal, Begil, Garcia |
Martin, Manuel. Proceedings stemming from charges off incest brought against Martin - testimony of daughter taken, compared with fathers- Martin acquitted. |
02-06-1766 |
Guerrero, Bernal, Lobato, Velez Cachupin, Fernandez |
Roque Lobato vs. Cristobal Bernal. Men fought, Lobato had called Bernal a bum and a thief- lawsuit that resulted, Bernal sent to jail. |
04-23-1765 |
Guerrero, Velez Cachupin, Sandobal Fernandes de la Pedrera, Fernandes de la Pedrera |
Phelipe de Sandobal. Phelipe de Sandobal renounces goods he received from his mother's estate that his sisters might divide those goods amongst them. |
01-24-1765 |
Garzia Jurado, Garzia de Norrega, Sanchez, Balverde, Garzia, Reano, Garzia, Tafoya, Moreno, Fernandez, Pena, Borrego, Padilla, Velez Cachupin |
Barbara Garzia Jusado. Attempt to collect debts owed estate of her deceased husband. |
02-04-1763 |
Fernandez, Dios, Pino, Atienci |
Juan de Dios. Attempt to recover goods stolen from house of Francisca Atienci that belong to Pino. |
10-18-1762 |
Lujan, Gomes del Castillo, Fernandez, Gomes del Castillo, Trujillo, Gomes del Castillo |
Juana Lujan Inventory and settlement of Juana Lujan estate. |
07-15-1762 |
Atienza, Fernandez, Ventura, Velez Cachupin, Atensio, Dios, Tafoya, Dominques |
Miguel Ventura. Pedro Atienza brings charges to recover a macho (mule). |
08-04-1762 |
Velis Cachupin, Leiba, Gallego, Flores, Chaves, Flores, Sandoval, Ortis, Tasajo, Coris, Banavides, Coris, Coris, Trujillo, Gonzales, Rodrigues, Arhuleta, Seguar, Segura |
Miguel el Tasajo. Proceedings against Miguel (reano) el Tasajo for cattle theft. |
06-12-1762 |
Velis Cachupin, Leiba, Gallego, Flores, Chaves, Flores, Sandoval, Ortis, Tasajo, Coris, Banavides, Coris, Coris, Trujillo, Gonzales, Rodrigues, Arhuleta, Seguar, Segura |
Miguel el Tasajo. Proceedings against Miguel (reano) el Tasajo for cattle theft. |
06-12-1762 |
Cordova, Garduno, Fernandez, Velez Cachupin |
Lazaro Cordova. Felipe Garduno brings charges against his father-in-law, Cordova, for animals owed him. |
04-22-1762 |
Velez Cachupin, Romero, Madrid, Sandoval, Truxillo, Romero, Duran, Barbero, Fernandez |
Julio Antonio Duran. Duran petitions for the return of his horse taken by Pedro Antonio Truxillo. |
03-08-1762 |
Fresques, Martin, Naranjo, Ortiz, Tafoya, Velez Cachupin |
Pedro Martin. Concerns return of mule to Fresques by Diego Naranjo. |
02-27-1762 |
Benavides, Marquez, Truxillo, Fernandez, Marin del Valle, Alari, Lobalo, Gallegos, Moreno, Samora, Guerrero, Gonzales, Luzero |
Juan Benavides Diego Antonio Marquez. Benavides and Marques escaped from prison, Fernandez sent after them. |
05-00-1757 |
Fernandez, Ron y Thobar, Marin del Valle |
Carlos Fernandez. Fernandez submits for appointment as teniente of Santa Fe. |
05-11-1757 |
Rodriguez, Fernandez, Fernandez, Ortiz, Marin del Valle |
Petition that Esteban Rodriquez be returned to duty as the drummer for the company. |
05-16-1757 |
Rodriguez, Fernandez, Fernandez, Ortiz, Marin del Valle |
Petition that Esteban Rodriquez be returned to duty as the drummer for the company. |
05-16-1757 |
Marin del Valle, Thenorio, Coca, Guerrero, Sandoval, Fernandez, Probenzo |
Francisco Guerrero. Guerrero brings charges against Miguel Thenorio documents deal with testimony of those involved. |
08-22-1757 |
Ron y Thobar, Fernandez, Ortiz, Macre, Sanchez, Apodaca, Gonzales, Truxillo, Gonzales, Lovato, Ortega, Casillas |
Vizente Ginzo Ron y Thobar. Complaint brought about by soldiers scandalous conduct, bad living and slovenly appearance. |
04-17-1757 |
Tatoya, Lujan, Xaramillo, Ortiz, Roybal, Esquibel, Marin del Valle, Tatoya, Sanchez, Arroniz, Fragoso |
Domingo Luxan. Una petizion presentada ante el senor vicario y juez eclesiastico por Domingo Luxan, soldado de este real presidio. |
08-09-1755 |
Miera y Pacheco, Gallegos, Fresquis, Velez Cachupin, Lovato, Martinez |
Joseph Fresquis. Litigation over 18 peso debt-Joseph Fresquis s contra Antonio Gallegos sobre el complimento de un trato. |
04-28-1753 |
Fernando VII, Ensenada, Arias |
. Outlawing petitions by troops, outlines punishments. |
11-11-1752 |
Fernandez, Velez Cachupin, Moreno, Padilla, Jaques, Larga, Romero, Romero, Romero, Martin |
Autos obrados por el theniente del pueblo de Taos sobre una junta de guerra celebrada en aquel pueblo. |
12-29-1749 |
Velez Cachupin, Bustamante, Souter, Fierro, Miguel, Miguel |
Velez Cachupin, Tomas (gobernador). Lengthy report by governor of New Mexico presenting testimony of three captured Frenchmen who admit to and detail efforts of French to make allies of comanche Indians. |
04-12-1749 |
Ventura, Codallos y Rabal, Guerrero, Unanue, Mestas, Fernandez, Alire, Martin, Romo de Vera, Hortiz, Garduno |
Ventura indio. Description of navajos by Ventura, a genizaro Indian, who lived with the navajos for more than a year. |
07-20-1748 |
Fernando, Guemes y Horcasitas, Naranjo, Buiz Cano, Codallos y Rabal, Romo de Vera, Unanues |
Fernando, rey de Espana. Royal appointment of Joseph Naranja as Santa Fe militia captain. |
03-13-1747 |
Salasar, Balerio, Veytia, Quintana, Sanchez, Archulita, Fernandes, Gilcon, Thorre, Baldes, Codallos y Rabal, Romo de Vera, Aramburu |
Juan Antonio Salazar. Causa criminal, a pedimento de Juan Antonio Salazsar, contra Manuel Valerio. |
07-31-1745 |
Garcia Conde, Fernando VII, Toreno, Subrie, Lopez, Arguelles, Velasco |
Garcia Conde, Alejo. Legal decrees pertaining to vagrants and gypsies. |
04-30-1745 |
Belo, Codallos y Rabal, Fuenclara, Gorraez Beaumont, Rivera, Unanues, Alire |
Dilixencias judiziales-la alberiquazion de la persona de Santiago Belo, nazion franzes. |
06-10-1744 |
Mendoza, Terreos, Bustamante, Lovatto, Garcia, Fuente, Alba, Ortiz, Chaves, Gallegos, Mesa, Sanz de Garsuiu, Guerrero, Alvares de Castillo |
Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza. General order to alcaldes mayores concerning vigilance of Indian problems. |
02-20-1742 |
Roybal, Mendoza, Martin, Roybal, Martin, Paez Hurtado, Sanz de Garuizu, Terreos, Pena, Chirinos, Cordova, Martin, Martin, Ferros, Garzia de la Vega |
Bernardo Roybal-to-Gaspar Domingo de Mendoza. Criminal case against Manuel Martin, adultery and assault. |
06-07-1741 |
Garzia de Mora, Jimenez, Trujillo, Martin, Quintana, Mestas, Fernandez, Lataya, Herrera, Trujillo, Beytia, Ortiz, Mendoza, Cardenas, Valdez, Archuleta, Duran, Lovatto, Quintana, Bustamante, Terreos, Felis Sanches, Garduno |
Luis Quintana. Causa criminal contra Luis Quintana, Apache. |
07-08-1741 |
Garzia de Mora, Jimenez, Trujillo, Martin, Quintana, Mestas, Fernandez, Lataya, Herrera, Trujillo, Beytia, Ortiz, Mendoza, Cardenas, Valdez, Archuleta, Duran, Lovatto, Quintana, Bustamante, Terreos, Felis Sanches, Garduno |
Luis Quintana. Causa criminal contra Luis Quintana, Apache. |
07-08-1741 |
Truxillo, Francisco, Marques, Martin, Martin, Garsia de Mora, Mendoza |
Truxillo, Pablo to Garsia de Mora, Juan. Proceedings in complaint of Pablo Truxillo against Francisco (half-breed) for assault. |
07-11-1740 |
Gonzales Bas, Xaramillo, Fernandes, Sanches, Dichabes, Hurtado, Marselino |
Gonsales Bas, Juan. Proceedings in case against Jacinto Sanches for wounding Bartolome Fernandez. |
09-23-1733 |
Sandoval Martinez, Bustamante, Gonzalez, Peres Velarde, Serrano, Bargas, Gonzalez, Lopez, Luis, Aguero, Duran, Gomez, Valdes, Cuervo, Benavides, Mirabal, Arias de Quiros, Moreno, Vigil, Tafoya, Martin, Mondragon, Romero, Aguero, Romero, Armijo, Romero, Armijo, Thenorio, Garzia, Gonzalez, Cruzat y Gongora, Leparia, Flores Mogollon, Romero |
Romero, Francisco Xavier/Sandoval Martinez, Antonio. Continuation in sodomy proceedings and counter accusations of calumny. |
07-27-1728 |
Acuna, Garcia de las Rivas, Paiba, Flores Mogollon, Rivera, Martinez, Casados, Galvez, Sandoval, Baca, Espinosa de los Monteros, Bustamante |
Casa Fuerte, Marques de (virrey). Viceregal auto regarding election of members of Cabildo of Santa Fe. |
12-15-1724 |
Bustamante, Casa Fuerte, Luis I, Felipe V, Enrriquez Jiron y Cabrera, Casados, Montoya, Plaza, Miranda |
Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general). Order for publication of real cedula announcing resumption of throne by Felipe V upon death of Luis I. |
09-30-1724 |
Bustamante, Felipe V, Luis Fernando I, Acuna, Grimardo, Miranda Moran, Moro, Santiesteban, Garduno |
Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general) to Santiesteban, Salvador de (capitan-alcalde mayor). Bando ordering publication of royal cedula announcing abdication of king Felipe V in favor of his son, Luis I. |
01-10-1724 |
Bustamante, Felipe V, Acuna, Grimardo, Miranda Moran, Garcia |
Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general) to Garcia, Alonso (alcalde mayor). Bando ordering publication of royal cedula announcing abdication of king Felipe V in favor of his son, Luis I. |
01-10-1724 |
Bustamante, Felipe V, Luis Fernando I, Acuna, Grimardo, Miranda Moran, Enrriquez Jiron Cabrera |
Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general) to Enrriquez Jiron y Cabrera, Miguel (capitan-alcalde mayor). Bando ordering publication of royal cedula announcing abdication of king Felipe V in favor of his son, Luis I. |
01-10-1724 |
Bustamante, Felipe V, Luis Fernando I, Acuna, Grimardo, Miranda Moran, Montoya |
Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general) to Montoya, Antonio (capitan - alcalde mayor). Bando ordering publication of royal cedula announcing abdication of king Felipe V in favor of his son, Luis I. |
01-10-1724 |
Martines, Paez Hurtado, Flores Mogollon, Valverde, Garcia, Martines, Bezerra Nieto, Valdes Lavandera, Bustamante, Gomez de Silba, Anguiz |
Martines, Felix (gobernador y capitan general). Residencia de Felix Martines. (summary and sentencia). |
08-16-1723 |
Trujillo, Bustamante, Bueno, Fernandez, Tapia, Tapia, Gonzalez, Chephepullas, Bueno de Bohorques y Corcuera |
Balthasar, Trujillo (capitan). Petition to governor for justice against Apache Indians for stealing his cattle. |
05-17-1722 |