Picax-Ande-Ynstinsle de Ugalde, Apodo de Calvo, Concha, Diaz, Natage, Patule, Quemado, Zapato Tuerto, Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Menchaca, Valdes, Cortes, Florez Maldonado Martinez de Angulo y Bodquin, Cordova, Ugalde |
Correspondence between authors re: peace with lipiyan capitan, incl. diary. |
05-02-1788 |
Diaz, Ugalde, Ugarte Loyola, Florez, Cortez, Juan, Patule, Muzquis, Muniz, Herrera, Francejito, Guadiana, Nandin, Sanchez, Prado, Avendario, Musquiz, Madrazo |
Correspondence between authors re: peace with mescaleros. |
04-13-1788 |
Denojeant, Bringas, Loredo, Bonilla, Croix, Corbalan, Galvez, Neve, Corvalan, Ugarte y Loyola, Medrano, Garcia |
Correspondence between Bonilla, Ugarte, and other government officials concerning appointment of Denojeant. |
10-19-1781 |
Ortiz de Landazuri, Croix, Mata, Soto, Sanchez Manzanera, Diaz y Alcantara, Marquez y Soria |
Correspondence between Cabildo de Durango, virrey concerning dispute over delivery of funds. |
07-11-1769 |
Cancio, Cruillas, Villajson, Pineda, Anza, Amarillas, Felix, Leiba Carrillo, Llenes, Algarin, Roxas, Elias Gonzales, Diaz del Carpo |
Correspondence between Cancio, Cruillas, and others concerning establishment of Buenavista. |
12-07-1759 |
Amangual, Pereyra, Muniz, Castro, Dias del Castillo, Cortez, Dias de Bustamante, Campo de Alange, Ygnacio Ramon, Guevara, Flores, Echegaray, Falcon, Martinez Abas, Sierragorda, Navas, Ravago, Rodriguez |
Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. |
04-06-1791 |
Amangual, Pereyra, Muniz, Castro, Dias del Castillo, Cortez, Dias de Bustamante, Campo de Alange, Ygnacio Ramon, Guevara, Flores, Echegaray, Falcon, Martinez Abas, Sierragorda, Navas, Ravago, Rodriguez |
Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. |
04-06-1791 |
Tovar, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, Canoso, Lombrana, Elquezabal, San Miguel, Rosas, Carrasco, Farias, Garza, Damasio, Ugarte y Loyola, Baldes, Ecay Musquiz, Menchaca, Saenz, Hernandez, Rosas |
Correspondence between Castro, Tovar, and viceroy concerning battle against Lipanes. |
04-11-1792 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Guemes Pacheco y de Padilla, Biruega, Gorostiza, Mata, Comulsa Bereyama, Lasso de la Vega, Flores, Yarto, Ontuno, Carrera, Solorzano, Merino, Hinojos, Gassiot, Cabrera, Matamoros, Diaz de Solorzano, Inojas, Garrido y Duran, Troncoso, Arellanes |
Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. |
04-28-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Revillagigedo, Merino, Vega, Tovar, Elguezava, Padilla, Brena, Lincosa, Valenzuela, Diaz, Cordero, Montes, Manrique, Riva, Villa, Riano, Villa, Torre, Gandiola, Sierra, Sanchez |
Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy about military appointments. |
08-13-1790 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Guemes Pacheco y de Padilla, Marquez, Tonavi, Bargas, Reyes, Hidalgo, Marquez, Fitzgerald, Richmond, Galves, Valdes, Carrasco, Olguin, Ronquillo, Varela, Islas, Do Porto, Limon, Gastambia, Landa, Tarto, Ugarte, Flores, Ortuno, Cordero, Izco, Villareal |
Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. |
03-13-1790 |
Borica, Rangel, Urrea, Ugarte y Loyola, Revillagigedo, Galvez, Flores, Rodriguez, Denojeant, Leyba, Urrea, Franco, Arce, Marrujo, Uranga, Quintana, Rabago, Flores, Riano, Menchacu, Ugalde, Valenzuela, Legana, Grijalva, Barri, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Nava, Laraga, Sartorio, Lacomba, Echegaray, Guijas |
Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. |
06-16-1785 |
Sierra Gorda, Branciforte, Calleja, Diaz de Bustamante, Galvez, Elguezabal, Emparan, Diaz, Moreno |
Correspondence between Conde de la Sierra Gorda and Diaz de Bustamante concerning mescalero raids on presidio of Laredo. |
07-24-1795 |
Sierra Gorda, Branciforte, Calleja, Diaz de Bustamante, Galvez, Elguezabal, Emparan, Diaz, Moreno |
Correspondence between Conde de la Sierra Gorda and Diaz de Bustamante concerning mescalero raids on presidio of Laredo. |
07-24-1795 |
Corbalan, Croix, Belena, Echeverte, Aguirre, Belena, Trigo, Duen, Piniella, Copala, Trillo, Valenzuela, Gaxiola |
Correspondence between Corbalan and Croix re: vandos, silver production, food supplies and flooding, and expedition expenses. |
08-22-1770 |
Cuellar, Croix, Aguero, Campo, Martinez, Gutierrez Castillo, Escorza, Borbolla, Gozales de Noboa, Marino, Barrandegui, Garcia Valdes, Gradilla Orejon, Echaguirivel, Marinelanera, Beltran del Rio, Vranga, Arispe, Arispe, Blanco, Porras, Blanco, Porras, Coronado, Melendez, Ortega, Nieto, Mata, Therrazas, Cruz, Alvarez, Carrasco, Estrada, Moradillos, Colomo, Montero de Aguilar, Ascue y Armendariz, Marquez de Ayala, Montero de Aguilar, Candelaria, Verdugo, Gomez Salazar, Fuente, Baeza, Escorza, Curo, Calo, Ruiz, Arechavala, Tribarren, Urquid, Doporto, Gutierrex Velarde, Guarunzeagan, Orduna, Ybarro, Sandoval, Mendez, Silva, Ponze, Garcia de Villegas, Lombera, Velasco, Ibargoyen, Munoz, Velasco |
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning war against Apaches. Copies of extensive series of documents and testimonies from ayuntamiento of Chihuahua included. |
10-20-1766 |
Escorra, Trebol Navarro, Fragoso, Gonzales, Ugarte, Mayorga, Croix, Croix, Aviles, Laso, Alvares Osario, Santos Alduan, Diaz de Salcedo, Barri, Rivera, Bucarreli Estavillo, Casorla |
Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. |
12-07-1779 |
Truxillo, Corres, Ortiz, Bucarely, Croix, Cruzado, Mayorga, Ansa, Gorrages, Croix, Esconsa, Neve, Goya, Cabello, Demecieres, Rusi, Galvez, Bucareli, Bentricat, Aviles |
Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. |
04-12-1780 |
Santos Alduan, Diaz Salcedo, Mayorga, Croix, Croix, Estavillo, Parilla, Colza y Borbolla, Valle, Cabrera y Postigo, Galvez, Lacomba, Mata Binals, Calauche, Mangino, Garcia, Corvalan |
Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: civil administration; personnel; treasury transactions; salaries; use of funds inporting mission livestock. |
08-14-1777 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Neve, Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Peru, Barry, Rengel, Martinez de Escudero, Vega y Canseco, Loyas, Sanchez, Lorenzo |
Correspondence between Diaz and several justicia mayores concerning Indian raids and town abandonments. |
03-01-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Arcan, Barrasa, Martinez, Perica, Olguin, Siloria |
Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Apache raids in Guanacevi and real del Oro. |
01-11-1790 |
Diaz de Ortega, Revilla Gigedo, Moreno, Armenta, Valle, Chaves, Pena, Lucia, Yribarren, Laoya |
Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Indian attacks in Santa Barbara, Chihuahua and Olivos. |
12-31-1789 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Florez |
Correspondence between Diaz and viceroy concerning separation between civil and military offices in Durango. |
10-14-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Valdez, Flores, Diaz de Hortega, Martinez, Olvera, Loya, Diaz, Casanova |
Correspondence between Diaz de Hortega and viceroy regarding concerns that Apaches are destroying haciendas property without punishment. Presidio officials are labeled incompetent |
08-12-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Valdez, Flores, Diaz de Hortega, Martinez, Olvera, Loya, Diaz, Casanova |
Correspondence between Diaz de Hortega and viceroy regarding concerns that Apaches are destroying haciendas property without punishment. Presidio officials are labeled incompetent |
08-12-1788 |
Diaz de Hortega, Florez, Moya, Ugarte y Loyola, Fueros, Vermudez Barela, Carrion, Espinoza, Padilla, Olvera, Galvez, Rengel, Ugalde, Santibanez y Zeballos, Mata, Mangino, Gutierrez, Barrios, Aragon, Bracho, Mazorca, Montes, Fernandez, Abrego, Campuzano, Plo y Alduan, Yrazabal, Garrido y Duran, Gallarreta, Arzave, Cavallero, Bagues y Marco, Riano |
Correspondence between Diaz, Fueros, viceroy, and others government officials concerning separation of Nueva Vizcaya from Coahuila. |
05-21-1785 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Matos, Borica |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military attack against Indians in Organos. |
10-14-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Matos, Trujillo |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military expedition against Indians in Candela. |
11-18-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Rivero, Saenz, Cordero, Carrasco, Zario, Gutierrez, Apodaca, Maynes, Muniz, Beltran, Villalba, Basquez, Aguilera, Urias, Pereyra, Zencienos, Corral, Martinez, Valle, Diaz de Bustamante, Munos, Loya, Tapia |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. |
11-30-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Rivero, Saenz, Cordero, Carrasco, Zario, Gutierrez, Apodaca, Maynes, Muniz, Beltran, Villalba, Basquez, Aguilera, Urias, Pereyra, Zencienos, Corral, Martinez, Valle, Diaz de Bustamante, Munos, Loya, Tapia |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. |
11-30-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Apodaca, Maynes, Loyas, Pereyra, Borica, Montero |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during October. |
10-29-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Matos, Borica, Montero, Apodaca, Maynes, Almansa, Alfaro, Ronquillo, Plo y Alduan, Diaz de Bustamante, Villega, Saenz, Riva, Salcido, Dominguez, Gutierrez |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during September. |
09-00-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Matos, Borica, Montero, Apodaca, Maynes, Almansa, Alfaro, Ronquillo, Plo y Alduan, Diaz de Bustamante, Villega, Saenz, Riva, Salcido, Dominguez, Gutierrez |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during September. |
09-00-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Matos, Borica, Montero, Apodaca, Maynes, Almansa, Alfaro, Ronquillo, Plo y Alduan, Diaz de Bustamante, Villega, Saenz, Riva, Salcido, Dominguez, Gutierrez |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during September. |
09-00-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Calvo y Muro, Percinas, Bonilla, Bautista, Diaz de Bustamante, Bejarano, Soto, Fernandez, Martinez, Servando, Munoz, Tobar |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Julimes, Guanacebi, and Conchos. |
02-01-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Calvo y Muro, Percinas, Bonilla, Bautista, Diaz de Bustamante, Bejarano, Soto, Fernandez, Martinez, Servando, Munoz, Tobar |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Julimes, Guanacebi, and Conchos. |
02-01-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Gonzales, Tellez, Munoz, Matos, Martinez, Martinez |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in San Buenaventura, Papasquiano, and Chihuahua. |
02-22-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Terrasas, Aguilar, Dias, Acosta |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids during October. |
11-11-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Terrasas, Aguilar, Dias, Acosta |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids during October. |
11-11-1790 |
Diaz de Hortega, Revilla Gigedo, Valle, Tarango, Saenz, Tarango, Beltran, Biesca, Sanchez |
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids in district of Chihuahua in September. |
10-12-1790 |
Elizondo, Croix, Ximenez, Langlasse, Portola, Medina, Lumbreras, Bellido, Navarro, Aguirre, Lasp, Navarro, Gallo, Moreno, Blanco, Allen, Torres, Viana, Bargas, Peyran, Bellencourt, Salablanca, Pol, Perea, Ximenez, Sola, Daroca, Martinez, Constanzo, Fersen, Torrecillas, Siro, Castellanos, Estorgo, Azevedo, Guirola, Paisan |
Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding expedition to Sonora. |
04-08-1767 |
Elizondo, Croix, Peiran, Portolla, Medina, Gallo, Moreno, Calles, Poll, Wellancours, Bellido, Lumbrera, Allande, Blanco, Faxes, Pereira, Ximenez, Salablanca, Laso, Navarro, Biana, Bargas, Villaviseca, Alberni, Sola, Munoz, Torres, Aguirre, Abarca, Fernandez, Baeza, Six, Laporte, Prost, Salas, Ubina, Portola, Aguirre, Daroca, Luque, Constanzo, Rivera, Villegas, Urrea, Anza, Pineda, Galvez, Vipisy, Langlace, Mendoza, Fersem, Garcia |
Correspondence between Elizondo and viceroy regarding state of readiness of troops for Sonora expedition. |
08-21-1768 |
Rio Teran, Diaz Maldonado, Oyarvide, Barverena, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Moctezuma, Sanchez, Moctezuma, Fernandez de Acuna, Escafadillo, Ortega, Pereda Torres, Cotillo, Solar, Telles Giron, Perez, Toca Herrera, Zuazua y Muxica, Barreda, Ortes de Velasco, Avila |
Correspondence between Escandon and Marques de Altamira concerning the preparation of the colonization of the seno Mexicano |
06-07-1748 |
Fueros, Barry, Pilar Barry, Paliza y Corona, Paliza, Gil Corona, Gutierrez, Corral, Texeda, Fernandez de Saura, Barri, Camacho, Apresa, Campeon, Goicochea, Neve, Munguia, Martinez de Vargas, Heros, Dominguez, Nunes de Villa Vicencio, Ortega, Pico y Palacio, Salcedo, Montes de Oca |
Correspondence between Fueros, Texeda, and other government officials concerning marriage of Barry with Paliza. |
05-01-1760 |
Galvez, Corvalan, Croix, Marin, Gucipo del Llano, Dias, O, Ansa, Velazquez, Oconor, Leizaola |
Correspondence between Galvez and virrey on 1771 expeditions in Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora and Chihuahua. |
06-08-1771 |
Sierra Gorda, Mayorga, Penasco, Santiago El Chico, Garza, Sanchez, Puga, Gomez, Quintanilla, Fernandez, Santiago El Grande, Chivato, Mezquite, Albarez de Nava, Sanchez Cassahonda, Anoceto y Garres, Lorca y Villena, Escandon y Llera, Cordoba, Quixano, Guaxarde, Medina, Melendez, Gamboa, Echeagaray, Carrera, Sanchez Zainora, Bucareli y Ursua, Gonzales de Paredes, Leon, Valdes, Garza, Flores, Cantun, Munoz, Ramos, Guerra, Quijas, Maldonado, Fernandez, Perez, Serna, Guzman, Delgado, Soto, Lorenzo, Salas, Paz, Oyarvide, Jose Guadalupe, Corral, Mancebo |
Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. |
01-04-1780 |
Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Arranvide, Rodriguez, Vital de Lorca, Ugarte y Loyola, Gutierrez, Corral, Gomez, Diaz de Hortega, Beregana, Cortes, Castro |
Correspondence between Gorostiza, Revilla Gigedo, Nava and other government officials concerning punishing soldiers by transferring them. |
10-06-1790 |
Sandoval, Bustillos y Zevallos, Urrutia, Curbelo, Angulo, Cortinas, Nunez, Lopez, Benites Franquis de Lugo, Hernandez, Ecay, Perez, Galban, Delgado, Acuna, Vizarron y Eguiarreta |
Correspondence between governor Sandoval and viceroy Acuna concerning military desobedience and rebellion. |
12-06-1735 |
Munoz, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Dupont, Ugarte, Nogalde, Diaz de Salcedo, Lopez, Rodas, Ugarte |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |
Munoz, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Dupont, Ugarte, Nogalde, Diaz de Salcedo, Lopez, Rodas, Ugarte |
Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 |
02-00-1790 |