Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Concha Concha, Fernando de la. A bando prohibiting the holding of dances and other such public events without prior knowledge of the government. 12-25-1787
Nava, Concha, Palafox y Mendoza Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmittal of royal cedula allowing offerings towards beautification of Juan de Palafox y Mendoza. 12-27-1787
Rengel, Concha, Gutierrez, Palomares Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter concerning the disposition of the property of the deceased soldier, Phelipe Gutierrez. 12-10-1787
Rengel, Concha Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter acknowledging the arrival of the visitas de revista and ojas de servicio and instructions for preparations of diarios de las Campanas. 12-20-1787
Nava, Concha Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmittal of royal cedula defining the jurisdiction of cases of concubinage. 12-21-1787
Rengel, Concha Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter concerning the need for an annual inspection of the Santa Fe presidio company. 10-16-1787
Ortiz, Concha, Garcia de la Mora, Anza, Sanberio Ortiz, Jose Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la. A petition by Jose Ortiz protesting his replacement as sargento of the second militia company of Rio Arriva. 11-08-1787
Rengel, Concha Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmission of a royal decree concerning the punishment and incorporation into the colonial military of deserters from the Spanish military. 12-08-1787
Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Garrido y Duran Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter concerning the authority of the governor of New Mexico as vice-patron of the church-copy of related ordinance enclosed. 10-01-1787
Rengel, Concha, Delgado Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. A letter concerning the appointment of Manuel Delgado as captain of San Buenaventura presidio. 10-16-1787
Maynez, Concha Maynez, Alberto to Concha, Fernando de la. A cover letter for a diario de novedades and a padron (census) being sent to the governor of New Mexico. 09-14-1787
Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Galvez, Flores Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmission of a royal order approving Bernardo de Galvez's defense policy, and giving the viceroy authority over the Provincias Internas. 09-17-1787
Concha, Baptista de Anza, Visente, Troncoso, Romero, Ortis, Maria, Bial, Serra, Pineda, Villarpando, Romero, Fernandez, Maldonado, Bartolo, Paris, Pineda, Rendon Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Relation formed and signed by the governor of the disbursements divided in gratification of the allies comanches yutas xicarillas and navajoes. 08-28-1787
Ugarte y Loyola, Concha Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Transmission of a bando reinforcing a prohibition against gambling. 09-10-1787
Rengel, Canuelas, Tapia, Ortega, Uranga, Rengel, Rodallega Rengel, Joseph Antonio. Service records of lieutenants of presidios in Nueva Vizcaya. 08-13-1787
Romero, Ortega, Urban, Ortis, Hortiz, Ortiz, Baca, Zael, Ortiz, Concha, Anza, Romero, Baca, Abrego, Delgado, Santiesteban, Martines, Romero, Rael, Troncoso, Ortiz, Villarpando, Guerrero, Sandoval, Garsia, Bueno, Baca, Armijo, Bustos, Sanches, Romero, Roibal, Garcia de la Mora, Sisneros, Garcia, Pacheco, Begil, Mestas, Madrid, Pablo, Montoya, Armijo Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. 08-22-1787
Rengel, Anza, Guerrero, General Carlos, Concha Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Anza, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning military affairs. 08-10-1787
Padilla, Garzia, Padilla, Maldonado, Garcia, Sandoval, Sisneros, Gonzales, Romero, Garcia, Chaves, Anza, Arteaga, Lopez, Pena, Guevara, Rodriguez, Concha, Muniz Padilla, Maria rita. A legal action begun by Maria Padilla to recover a mule. 06-26-1787
Padilla, Garzia, Padilla, Maldonado, Garcia, Sandoval, Sisneros, Gonzales, Romero, Garcia, Chaves, Anza, Arteaga, Lopez, Pena, Guevara, Rodriguez, Concha, Muniz Padilla, Maria rita. A legal action begun by Maria Padilla to recover a mule. 06-26-1787
Lobera, Flores, Portiyo, Saroyo, Renos, Garcia, Fresquis, Ortiz, Mascarenas, Anza, Peres Serrano, Lorranaga, Ortiz, Fernandes, Pena, Munos, Bustos, Fresques, Baldes, Carenas, Baca, Sisneros, Jurado, Garcia Lobera, Francisco. Legal action taken against Cristoval Mascarenas on charges that he showed a lack of respect for Francisco Lobera. 06-23-1787
Carlos III, Valdes, Garrido y Duran, Rengel Carlos III. A royal decree concerning the pay of officers in the navy and army on leave from their duties. 02-17-1787
Concha, Gigedo, Uranga Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador) to Uranga, Francisco Xavier de (teniente gobernador). Relay of order from virrey to conduct census. 00-00-1787
Nava, Alvarez, Chacon Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Enlistments. 10-22-1786
Ugarte y Loyola, Revilla Gigedo, Concha Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Forwarding of discussion on New Mexico commerce by Revilla Gigedo (virrey). 07-20-1786
Anza, Ugarte y Loyola, Neve, Galvez, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Armenta, Montoya, Candelaria, Aragon, Lobera, Candelaria, Guerra, Duran, Lopez Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the Provincias Internas. 08-14-1786
Anza, Ugarte y Loyola, Neve, Galvez, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Armenta, Montoya, Candelaria, Aragon, Lobera, Candelaria, Guerra, Duran, Lopez Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the Provincias Internas. 08-14-1786
Ansa, Galvez, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Lovato, Ortis, Armenta, Montoya, Aragon, Lobera, Fernandez, Candelaria, Guerra, Duran, Lopez Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando limiting the amount of tobacco that passengers can take on board of ships during voyages. 08-19-1786
Arze, Canuelas, Romojuillo, Mesa Arze, Juan Antonio. Census of the flying company of Namiquipa (Nueva Vizcaya) - number of soldiers and duties. 12-31-1785
Armijo, Nava, Concha, Anza, Troncoso Armijo, Antonio to Nava, Pedro de. Petition of old soldier (Antonio Armijo) for pension for his service, especially in establishing peace with cumanches. 00-00-1786
Nava, Binolas, Vaca, Vaca, Abreu, Garcia, Froncoso, Chacon, Pena, Tapia, Delgado, Abrego, Tenorio, Santisteban, Ortiz, Veitia, Truxillo, Sandoval, Manrrique, Alario, Ahumada Rafael de Ahumada. Treasurer's report for cavalry company of Santa Fe presidio. 09-21-1785
Ansa, Manujo, Tatoya, Calles, Peres Serrano, Griego, Morquecho, Bacca, Trujillo, Martin, Paseno, Abalos, Guadalupe Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Criminal charge against Josef Antonio Manujo for assaulting a woman. 12-05-1785
Ansa, Arteaga, Montoya, Armenta, Campo Redondo, Vejil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order prohibiting the arrest of officials working for the real hacienda without preparing an inventory of their personal property. 08-27-1785
Ansa, Arteaga, Montoya, Armenta, Campo Redondo, Vejil, Fernandez Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal order. 08-27-1785
Ansa, Arteaga, Montoya, Armenta, Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order concerning the publication of the bula de cruzada and its implementation or support. 08-27-1785
Campo Redondo, Mansanares, Garcia, Sandobal, Salasar, Garcia de la Mora, Garcia Noriega, Anza, Pacheco, Peres Serrano, Troncoso Campo Redondo, Joseph. Criminal action against Vicente Garcia, Miguel Sandobal and Christoval Salazar for illegal trade with utes. Each fined twelve pesos. 04-10-1785
Campo Redondo, Salazar, Lucero, Balberde, Garcia de la Mora, Fernandez, Garcia, Larranaga, Ansa, Romero, Truxillo, Peres Serrano, Troncoso Campo Redondo, Jose. A criminal action taken against Salvador Salasar, Santiago Lucero, and Francisco Balberde for having traded with the utes. Each fined twelve pesos. 04-22-1785
Martin, Serna, Garsia, Martin, Serda, Martin, Lugan, Campo Redondo, Ansa, Garsia, Zerda, Sisneros, Troncoso, Peres Serrano Martin, Joseph. A criminal action taken against a party led by Juan Garsia which illegally traded with the utes. 03-21-1785
Anton, Rengel, Anza, Campos Redondo Anton, Sebastian. A letter written by Anton in reply to charges, that he was absent from his mission of Picuris. 03-03-1785
Rengel, Ansa, Anton, Campos Redondo Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the case of Sevastian Anton charged by the alcalde mayor of la Canada with having been absent from his mission. 03-03-1785
Tatoya, Martin, Griegos, Montoya, Baldes, Chabes, Jaramillo, Mestas, Trujillo, Chabon, Samora, Garcia, Martin, Munoz Jarado, Anza, Mora, Salasar, Moling, Molino, Trujiyo, Salasar, Romero, Sarraino, Peres Serrano . Vecinos and Indians of Abiquiu petition to build a bridge across the Rio Chama. Permission granted. 12-23-1784
Tatoya, Martin, Griegos, Montoya, Baldes, Chabes, Jaramillo, Mestas, Trujillo, Chabon, Samora, Garcia, Martin, Munoz Jarado, Anza, Mora, Salasar, Moling, Molino, Trujiyo, Salasar, Romero, Sarraino, Peres Serrano . Vecinos and Indians of Abiquiu petition to build a bridge across the Rio Chama. Permission granted. 12-23-1784
Ansa, Renge, Galvez, Maria, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Vigil, Fernandez, Miranda, Candelaria, Hernandez, Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order announcing the birth of a son to an unnamed princess. The child was named Fernando Maria. 10-16-1784
Ansa, Renge, Galvez, Maria, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Vigil, Fernandez, Miranda, Candelaria, Hernandez, Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order announcing the birth of a son to an unnamed princess. The child was named Fernando Maria. 10-16-1784
Ansa, Renge, Galvez, Maria, Troncoso, Peres Serrano, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Vigil, Fernandez, Miranda, Candelaria, Hernandez, Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order announcing the birth of a son to an unnamed princess. The child was named Fernando Maria. 10-16-1784
Caballero, Hava, Chacon Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Precedence. 06-00-1784
Caballero, Hava, Chacon Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Precedence. 06-00-1784
Chacon, Nava Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Officials & regular army officers. 06-15-1784
Gayego, Segura, Gonsales, Silba, Molina, Martin, Bayejos, Cristobal, Carlos, Sandoval, Sanches, Misra, Montoya, Pisro Gayego, Anselmo. Last will and testament of Anselmo Gayego. 04-23-1784
Gayego, Segura, Gonsales, Silba, Molina, Martin, Bayejos, Cristobal, Carlos, Sandoval, Sanches, Misra, Montoya, Pisro Gayego, Anselmo. Last will and testament of Anselmo Gayego. 04-23-1784
Ansa, Rengel, Galvez, Peres Serrano, Troncoso, Ortiz, Campo Redondo, Vigil, Mora, Candelario, Hernandez, Candelario, Montolla, Lopez, Nunez Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the establishment of the banco nacional de San Carlos. 04-30-1784