Sandoval, Bustillo y Zevallos, Ramirez de la Piszina, Bueno de Roxas, Hoyos, Morin, Ibiricu, Arocha, Perez, Leal Goraz, Santos, Rodriguez, Travieso, Lorenzo, Olivares, Joseph, Delgado, Anttonio, Padron, Lorenzo, Costales, Galvan, Casafuerte, Perez, Rodriguez, San Miguel, Lazaro, Valdez de Arcona, Hidalgo, Gabriel, Salvador, Quinones |
Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). |
07-08-1733 |
Sandoval, Bustillo y Zevallos, Ramirez de la Piszina, Bueno de Roxas, Hoyos, Morin, Ibiricu, Arocha, Perez, Leal Goraz, Santos, Rodriguez, Travieso, Lorenzo, Olivares, Joseph, Delgado, Anttonio, Padron, Lorenzo, Costales, Galvan, Casafuerte, Perez, Rodriguez, San Miguel, Lazaro, Valdez de Arcona, Hidalgo, Gabriel, Salvador, Quinones |
Juan Anttonio Busttillo y Zevallos. Residencia proceedings of Busttillo y Zevallos conducted by Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). |
07-08-1733 |
Vizarron y Eguiarretta, Anzyrez, Albarez Travieso, San Miguel de Aguayo, Casafuerte, Perez de Almazan, Cos, Ximenez Caro, Ruyz, Sandoval, Delgado, Avilez, Urrutia, Ximenez, Perez, Santos, Leal Goras |
Justice, Cabildo and settlers of San Fernando vs. Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Proceedings concerning failure to comply with regulation concerning land and water rights. |
10-00-1732 |
Vizarron y Eguiarretta, Anzyrez, Albarez Travieso, San Miguel de Aguayo, Casafuerte, Perez de Almazan, Cos, Ximenez Caro, Ruyz, Sandoval, Delgado, Avilez, Urrutia, Ximenez, Perez, Santos, Leal Goras |
Justice, Cabildo and settlers of San Fernando vs. Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Proceedings concerning failure to comply with regulation concerning land and water rights. |
10-00-1732 |
Perez de Almazan, Bustillo y Zevallos, Rodriguez, Leal Albarez, Albarez, Leal Goraz, Curbelo, Niz |
Canary islanders vs. Juan Antonio Perez de Almazan (capitan). A request that documents concerning canary islanders be left at municipal council. |
10-15-1732 |
Casafuerte, Vergara, Rivera, Sevillano de Paredes, Leon, Linares, Theran de los Rios, San Miguel de Aguayo, Bustillo y Zevallos, Olivan de Rebolledo |
Marques de Casafuerte. Documents concerning military escorts for missionaries in Texas. |
07-01-1730 |
Casafuerte, Vergara, Perez de Almazan |
Marques de Casa Fuerte al padre Vergara. Letter concerning apportionment of water of San Antonio river. |
12-25-1731 |
Casafuerte, Rivera, Perez de Almazan, Gutier Morillo, Aviles, Santos, Arocha, Alvarez Travieso, Padron, Delgado, Rodriguez |
Documents pertaining to delivery of horses to canary island families at San Fernando. |
01-09-1732 |
Santoja, Valdes, Mecieres, Urrutia, Urrutia, Ugarte y Loyola, Cabello |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Military vacancies at La Bahia. |
00-00-0000 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Cabello |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Domingo Cabello. Use of gunpowder shipped to Bexar. |
00-00-0000 |
Cabello, Neve |
Phelipe de Neve to Domingo Cabello. Discussion of a fund for payment of ransom of captives. |
04-28-0000 |
De Croix, Cabello, Fernandez |
Teodoro de Croix. Publication proceedings concerning Croix's dispatch ordering the observance of laws regulating the possession of gold and the collection of duty on gold. |
00-00-0000 |
Cabello |
Domingo Cabello. Report of sum raised for ransoming captives among the Indians. |
00-00-0000 |
Cabello, Uriegas, Fuentes, Mencharca |
Francisco Menchaca. Father Pedro Fuentes' letters requisitorial to the governor of Texas upon governor's unwarranted imprisonment of Francisco Menchaca, charged with breach of promise of marriage. |
00-00-0000 |
Gil y Barbo, Cabello |
Domingo Cabello to de Croix. Acknowledges receipt of notice concerning de Croix's promotion to field marshall and reports on efforts to secure buffalo for the king. |
00-00-0000 |
Croix, Cabello, Gil Ybarro |
Domingo Cabello. Yearly roster for payment of troops. |
00-00-0000 |
Croix, Cabello, Gil Ybarro |
Domingo Cabello. Yearly roster for payment of troops. |
00-00-0000 |
Cabello, Zepeda |
Requesting change of rules and enforcement so that everyone aids in cleaning and maintaining irrigation canals. |
00-00-0000 |
Martos y Navarrete, Soto Bermudez, Caravantes, Barrios |
Manuel de Soto Bermudez. Carta sobre restitucion de Manual de Soto Bermudez de los cargos contra el. |
00-00-0000 |
Martos y Navarrete, Cyasiquiche, Trevino, Calahorra, Sierra |
Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. |
00-00-0000 |
Martos y Navarrete, Cyasiquiche, Trevino, Calahorra, Sierra |
Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. |
00-00-0000 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Cordero, Bergara, Echeagaray, Medrano, Peru, Diaz, Carrasco |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Communications concerning frontier military affairs, especially Apache campaigns, 1788. |
00-00-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Cordero, Bergara, Echeagaray, Medrano, Peru, Diaz, Carrasco |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Communications concerning frontier military affairs, especially Apache campaigns, 1788. |
00-00-1788 |
Cordero, Ugarte y Loyola |
Antonio Cordero a Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola, communications concerning frontier military affairs, especially Apache campaigns. |
00-00-1788 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Gergara, Ignacio, Miguel, Luis, Arce, Marrujo, Cordero, Peru |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola a Antonio Cordero, Juan Bautista Perul letters concerning frontier military affairs. |
08-00-1787 |
Mata Binolas, Cordero |
Pedro de Mata Binolas a Antonio Cordero. Letters concerning detachment of 30 opatas. |
08-00-1787 |
Denojeant, Cordero, Brena |
Antonio Denojeant a Antonio Cordero. 2 letters describing Apache attacks. |
04-11-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Tapia, Marrujo, Munoz, Arce, Ignacio, Bergara, Juan Juarez, Peru, Mata, Cordero, Carrasco, Peru |
Unsigned (many by Juan Bautista Peru). Copies of letters, communications to Jacobo Ugarte de Loyola, 1787, unsigned. |
00-00-1787 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Tapia, Marrujo, Munoz, Arce, Ignacio, Bergara, Juan Juarez, Peru, Mata, Cordero, Carrasco, Peru |
Unsigned (many by Juan Bautista Peru). Copies of letters, communications to Jacobo Ugarte de Loyola, 1787, unsigned. |
00-00-1787 |
Rengel, Montoya, Mainez, Cordero, Arce |
Jose Antonio Rengel. Rengel's letters/instructions to Cordero, Peru and others concerning frontier military affairs. |
00-00-1787 |
Cordero, Tapia, Juarez, Peru, Munoz, Sargento, Dos Porto, Barela |
Various authors. Miscellaneous documents concerning frontier military affairs, 1787. |
00-00-1787 |
Peru, Cordero, Tapia, Juarez, Lizardy, Peru, Munoz, Peru, Torres, Ramirez, Madrid, Arneros |
Juan Bautista Peru. Monthly revistas de tropas, Janos presidio, 1786; assorted documents. |
00-00-1786 |
Rengel, Borica, Delgado, Tapia, Gutierrez, Casanova |
Diego de Borica, Jose Antonio Rengel, and others. Copies of letters concerning frontier military affairs 1785. |
00-00-1785 |
Peru, Carrasco |
Juan Bautista Peru, Joseph Manuel Carrasco. Revista de Janos presidio, manifiesta de fuerza de San Buenaventura presidio. |
04-01-1784 |
Croix, Neve, Vildosola, Vergara, Martinez, Pachateju, Carrasco, Gil, Peru |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Croix's 1783 letters to Peru concerning frontier military affairs. |
01-00-1783 |
Croix, Neve, Vildosola, Vergara, Martinez, Pachateju, Carrasco, Gil, Peru |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Croix's 1783 letters to Peru concerning frontier military affairs. |
01-00-1783 |
Croix, Peru, Galaz, Tapia, Francisquillo, Delgado, Gonzales, Gonzales, Cayetano, Gonzales, Martinez, Munoz, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Diaz, Borica, Neve |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Croix's letters to Peru concerning presidial affairs, Apache campaign, Apache attack on Cucurpe. |
00-00-1782 |
Croix, Peru, Galaz, Tapia, Francisquillo, Delgado, Gonzales, Gonzales, Cayetano, Gonzales, Martinez, Munoz, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Diaz, Borica, Neve |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Croix's letters to Peru concerning presidial affairs, Apache campaign, Apache attack on Cucurpe. |
00-00-1782 |
Anza, Cordoba, O'Conor, Borica, Martinez, Villaverde, Croix, Peru |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Letters concerning presidial affairs, Apache peace proposals. |
00-00-1780 |
Anza, Cordoba, O'Conor, Borica, Martinez, Villaverde, Croix, Peru |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Letters concerning presidial affairs, Apache peace proposals. |
00-00-1780 |
Croix, Peru, Bonilla, Gil, Martinez, Borica, Yepache, Teran |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru, and Peru's replies. Letters concerning presidial affairs. |
02-00-1780 |
Croix, Villaverde |
Teodoro de Croix a Alonso Villaverde. Letters concerning financial affairs Janos presisio. |
01-00-1779 |
Gil, Croix, Peru, Saenz, Bustamante y Teran, Martinez, Borica, Villaverde |
Teodoro de Croix a Juan Bautista Peru. Letters concerning presidial affairs. |
02-00-1779 |
Peru, Orozco, Villaverde, Rubio, Croix, Tapia, Borica |
Inspector interino de presidios Diego de Borica to various people. Borica's letters concerning presidial affairs. |
00-00-1779 |
Borica, Peru, Anza, Gil, Croix, Villaverde |
Diego de Borica al Juan Peru. Letters from Borica to Peru, including Borica's investigation of Peru. |
06-01-1778 |
Croix, Peru, Villaverde |
Teodoro de Croix al Juan Peru, Alonso Villaverde, and others. Series of letters by Croix concerning frontier. |
06-12-1778 |
Muniz, Arrieta, Garcia, Apodaca, Garcia Noriega, Rubio, Chajalote, Jose Maria, Tobar |
Joseph Antonio de Arrieta a Narciso Muniz; Muniz' replies. Cartas escriptas por el theniente de gobernador del Paso, al capitan don Narciso Muniz. Sobre pazes. |
01-17-1778 |
Tapia, Peru, Ribera, Miranda, Nataneju, Pachatiju, Surdo, Guerra, O'Conor, Crespo |
Narciso Tapia; Narciso Muniz' reply. Exchange of prisoners between Apaches, Spaniards. |
01-19-1778 |
Villaverde, Peru, Chacon |
Alonso Villaverde, Juan Bautista Peru. Concerns presidial finances. Roster Janos presidio. |
01-00-1778 |
Medina, Muniz, Tapia, Casanova, Caravajal, Ballesteros, Rubio |
Roque de Medina a Narciso Muniz; Muniz' replies, documents concerning Apache hostilities, including Medina's diario. |
12-16-1777 |