Croix, Cancio |
Letter to Cancio in regard to attack on Cerro Prieto. |
02-14-1767 |
Croix, Cancio |
Letter to Cancio in regard to attack on Cerro Prieto. |
02-14-1767 |
Cancio, Croix, Pineda |
Letter from Cancio regarding loss of mules due to negligence of soldiers. |
12-16-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Pineda |
Letter from Cancio regarding loss of mules due to negligence of soldiers. |
12-16-1766 |
Monserrat, Cancio, Visarraga, Gaona, Pineda |
Correspondence between viceroy and capitan Cancio regarding appointments and issue of military supplies for province. |
01-10-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Casa Fuerte, Cruillas, Gonzales Calderon |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy requesting monies overdue to pay troops and buy supplies. |
12-19-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Casa Fuerte, Cruillas, Gonzales Calderon |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy requesting monies overdue to pay troops and buy supplies. |
12-19-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Casa Fuerte, Cruillas, Gonzales Calderon |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy requesting monies overdue to pay troops and buy supplies. |
12-19-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Casa Fuerte, Cruillas, Gonzales Calderon |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy requesting monies overdue to pay troops and buy supplies. |
12-19-1766 |
Cancio, Cruillas |
Letters between Cancio and viceroy regarding lack of military supplies to newly recruited personnel for new presidio. |
09-19-1769 |
Cancio, Cruillas |
Letters between Cancio and viceroy regarding lack of military supplies to newly recruited personnel for new presidio. |
09-19-1769 |
Cancio, Croix, Gonzales Calderon |
Letter to Cancio regarding lack of war material for presidio troops in Sinaloa . |
02-19-1767 |
Cancio, Croix, Gonzales Calderon |
Letter to Cancio regarding lack of war material for presidio troops in Sinaloa . |
02-19-1767 |
Cancio, Croix |
Letter to viceroy relating Indian attacks to presidios in Sinaloa . |
12-16-1766 |
Cancio, Croix |
Letter to viceroy relating Indian attacks to presidios in Sinaloa . |
12-16-1766 |
Cancio, Croix |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy giving complete report of relations between military and Indian nations in Sonora; military strength of presidios. |
10-28-1766 |
Cancio, Croix |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy giving complete report of relations between military and Indian nations in Sonora; military strength of presidios. |
10-28-1766 |
Cancio, Croix |
Letter from capitan Cancio to viceroy re: account of impact of Indian policy on various groups in Sonora. |
11-20-1766 |
Cancio, Croix |
Letter from capitan Cancio to viceroy re: account of impact of Indian policy on various groups in Sonora. |
11-20-1766 |
Cancio, Cruillas |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy about rebellion of suvbapas and requesting more troops to put down rebellion. |
06-17-1766 |
Cancio, Cruillas |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy about rebellion of suvbapas and requesting more troops to put down rebellion. |
06-17-1766 |
Cancio, Mendoza, Cruillas, Vildosola |
Correspondence between Cancio and viceroy regarding uprising of subvapas and cooperation of other Indian nations. |
07-21-1766 |
Cancio, Mendoza, Cruillas, Vildosola |
Correspondence between Cancio and viceroy regarding uprising of subvapas and cooperation of other Indian nations. |
07-21-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Pineda, Cruillas |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy Croix congratulating him on appointment and information about state of affairs in province. |
09-20-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Pineda, Cruillas |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy Croix congratulating him on appointment and information about state of affairs in province. |
09-20-1766 |
Cancio, Croix, Pineda, Cruillas |
Letter from Cancio to viceroy Croix congratulating him on appointment and information about state of affairs in province. |
09-20-1766 |
Elizondo, Gallo, Bergosa, Medina, Ximenes, Croix, Mendoza, Pineda |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian attacks and campaigns against them. |
11-18-1768 |
Croix, Pineda, Bergosa, Anza, Blanco, Cuellar, Elizondo, Conejo, Urrea, Calderon Gonzales |
Letters from Croix to Pineda acknowledging receipt of correspondence of 1768 re: Indian raids. |
02-12-1768 |
Croix, Pineda, Bergosa, Anza, Blanco, Cuellar, Elizondo, Conejo, Urrea, Calderon Gonzales |
Letters from Croix to Pineda acknowledging receipt of correspondence of 1768 re: Indian raids. |
02-12-1768 |
Croix, Pineda, Bergosa, Anza, Blanco, Cuellar, Elizondo, Conejo, Urrea, Calderon Gonzales |
Letters from Croix to Pineda acknowledging receipt of correspondence of 1768 re: Indian raids. |
02-12-1768 |
Croix, Pineda, Bergosa, Anza, Blanco, Cuellar, Elizondo, Conejo, Urrea, Calderon Gonzales |
Letters from Croix to Pineda acknowledging receipt of correspondence of 1768 re: Indian raids. |
02-12-1768 |
Cancio, Pineda, Cruillas |
Correspondence between Cancio and viceroy concerning conditions in Sonora. |
02-23-1766 |
Cancio, Pineda, Cruillas |
Correspondence between Cancio and viceroy concerning conditions in Sonora. |
02-23-1766 |
Pineda, Galvez, Elizondo, Croix, Conejo, Cancio, Fersen, Anza, Bergosa, Bringas, Lumbreras |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids, and needs of soldiers. |
05-26-1768 |
Pineda, Galvez, Elizondo, Croix, Conejo, Cancio, Fersen, Anza, Bergosa, Bringas, Lumbreras |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids, and needs of soldiers. |
05-26-1768 |
Pineda, Galvez, Elizondo, Croix, Conejo, Cancio, Fersen, Anza, Bergosa, Bringas, Lumbreras |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids, and needs of soldiers. |
05-26-1768 |
Pineda, Croix |
Letter from Pineda to Croix concerning law of July 31. |
10-18-1768 |
Albarado, Portuguez, Galvez, Perez de Lafuente, Pineda, Urrea, Bergoza, Anza, Elizondo, Blanco, Bizipi, Croix, Fueros |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids, tax matters. |
01-14-1768 |
Olibas, Elizondo, Anza, Pineda, Croix, Corbalan, Leron, Bergoza, Vildosola, Meave, Calderon Gonzalez, Cancio, Palomino |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian attacks, arrival of priest, and soldier's subsistence needs. |
03-07-1768 |
Olibas, Elizondo, Anza, Pineda, Croix, Corbalan, Leron, Bergoza, Vildosola, Meave, Calderon Gonzalez, Cancio, Palomino |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian attacks, arrival of priest, and soldier's subsistence needs. |
03-07-1768 |
Olibas, Elizondo, Anza, Pineda, Croix, Corbalan, Leron, Bergoza, Vildosola, Meave, Calderon Gonzalez, Cancio, Palomino |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian attacks, arrival of priest, and soldier's subsistence needs. |
03-07-1768 |
Olibas, Elizondo, Anza, Pineda, Croix, Corbalan, Leron, Bergoza, Vildosola, Meave, Calderon Gonzalez, Cancio, Palomino |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian attacks, arrival of priest, and soldier's subsistence needs. |
03-07-1768 |
Pineda, Croix, Castaneda, Bergoza, Cancio, Corbalan, Vildosola, Salgado, Vildo, Anza, Blanco, Gonzales, Limon, Urrea, Villalba, Azuela, Rodriguez, Urrea, Bringa, Rubi |
Letters between Pineda and Croix concerning Indian attacks, preparations for incoming troops, and Jesuit expulsions. |
04-12-1767 |
Pineda, Croix, Castaneda, Bergoza, Cancio, Corbalan, Vildosola, Salgado, Vildo, Anza, Blanco, Gonzales, Limon, Urrea, Villalba, Azuela, Rodriguez, Urrea, Bringa, Rubi |
Letters between Pineda and Croix concerning Indian attacks, preparations for incoming troops, and Jesuit expulsions. |
04-12-1767 |
Pineda, Croix, Castaneda, Bergoza, Cancio, Corbalan, Vildosola, Salgado, Vildo, Anza, Blanco, Gonzales, Limon, Urrea, Villalba, Azuela, Rodriguez, Urrea, Bringa, Rubi |
Letters between Pineda and Croix concerning Indian attacks, preparations for incoming troops, and Jesuit expulsions. |
04-12-1767 |
Pineda, Croix, Castaneda, Bergoza, Cancio, Corbalan, Vildosola, Salgado, Vildo, Anza, Blanco, Gonzales, Limon, Urrea, Villalba, Azuela, Rodriguez, Urrea, Bringa, Rubi |
Letters between Pineda and Croix concerning Indian attacks, preparations for incoming troops, and Jesuit expulsions. |
04-12-1767 |
Urrea, Parrilla Ortis, Arse y Arrollo, Mendoza, Tienda de Cuervo, Urrea, Urrea, Vildosola, Pineda, Palomino, Cancio, Nsansinuga, Anza, Oliba, Huandurraga, Gonzales, Diaz del Carpio, Montoya, Moraga, Limon, Arguelles |
Correspondence between Pineda and captains concerning presidial personnel. |
00-00-1784 |
Corbalan, Pineda, Croix, Gomez, Esparza, Collantes, Figueroa, Silva, Coronado |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids. |
03-12-1767 |
Corbalan, Pineda, Croix, Gomez, Esparza, Collantes, Figueroa, Silva, Coronado |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids. |
03-12-1767 |
Corbalan, Pineda, Croix, Gomez, Esparza, Collantes, Figueroa, Silva, Coronado |
Letters from Pineda to Croix concerning Indian raids. |
03-12-1767 |