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Person Last Name Title Date
Croix, Garcia Navarro, Portugues, Mayorga, Mesia, Carrillo, Reyes Obispo of Sonora requests adjustment of sueldo to meet various expenses. 10-05-1782
Croix, Garcia Navarro, Portugues, Mayorga, Mesia, Carrillo, Reyes Obispo of Sonora requests adjustment of sueldo to meet various expenses. 10-05-1782
Corvalan, Ortiz de Rosas, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Croix, Mayorga, Galvez, Bonilla, Corvalan, Corres Corvalan appointed to position of oficial real propietario, to replace Corres, also promoted. 04-12-1780
Corvalan, Ortiz de Rosas, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Croix, Mayorga, Galvez, Bonilla, Corvalan, Corres Corvalan appointed to position of oficial real propietario, to replace Corres, also promoted. 04-12-1780
Corvalan, Ortiz de Rosas, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Croix, Mayorga, Galvez, Bonilla, Corvalan, Corres Corvalan appointed to position of oficial real propietario, to replace Corres, also promoted. 04-12-1780
Corvalan, Ortiz de Rosas, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Croix, Mayorga, Galvez, Bonilla, Corvalan, Corres Corvalan appointed to position of oficial real propietario, to replace Corres, also promoted. 04-12-1780
Corvalan, Ortiz de Rosas, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Croix, Mayorga, Galvez, Bonilla, Corvalan, Corres Corvalan appointed to position of oficial real propietario, to replace Corres, also promoted. 04-12-1780
Crespo, Mayorga, Peramas, Bucarely y Ursua, Oconor Ugo, Bautista de Ansa, Losada, Corvalan, Barrios Letter from Crespo for virrey requesting him recommendation letters to show them to the king when he was serving in Sonora. 00-00-1772
Crespo, Mayorga, Peramas, Bucarely y Ursua, Oconor Ugo, Bautista de Ansa, Losada, Corvalan, Barrios Letter from Crespo for virrey requesting him recommendation letters to show them to the king when he was serving in Sonora. 00-00-1772
Croix, Campo Marin, Guerrero y Fagle, Corvalan, Tovar, Garcia, Mayorga Croix informs virrey that defunct capitan's possessions sold at 'almoneda' (public auction), proceeds deposited in pagaduria by Corvalan. 12-15-1781
Croix, Campo Marin, Guerrero y Fagle, Corvalan, Tovar, Garcia, Mayorga Croix informs virrey that defunct capitan's possessions sold at 'almoneda' (public auction), proceeds deposited in pagaduria by Corvalan. 12-15-1781
Croix, Campo Marin, Guerrero y Fagle, Corvalan, Tovar, Garcia, Mayorga Croix informs virrey that defunct capitan's possessions sold at 'almoneda' (public auction), proceeds deposited in pagaduria by Corvalan. 12-15-1781
Croix, Garibay, Mayorga Croix recommends Garibay for promotion, including increased salary and inclusion in 'plana mayor de Mexico.' 03-10-1780
Croix, Prestamero, Mayorga Croix requests return of 'expedientes' dealing with establishment of 'caxas reales' and 'tributos.' 07-00-1773
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. 08-18-1780
Prestamero, Croix, Marquez, Buenaventura Solis, Bonilla, Corvalan, Mayorga, Escovoza, Fajez, Merino, Jordan, Fundidor, Mesia, Sales Carrillo, Ramirez, Valls, Velasco Campo, Garrigos, Lopez Murto, Toysegua, Aguirre, Gonzales Calderon Series of letters in which fray Prestamero informs virrey that Croix holds 'religiosos' in low esteem, missions suffering because insufficient funds received by sindicos. 08-18-1780
Croix, Posada, Mayorga, Prestamero, Carrillo, Mesia, Campo Marin, Trebuesta, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Valle, Lopez Murto, Fernandez Carrera, Cerecedo, Avabza Croix defends actions and decisions related to mission administration in Sonora. 09-00-1770
Croix, Posada, Mayorga, Prestamero, Carrillo, Mesia, Campo Marin, Trebuesta, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Valle, Lopez Murto, Fernandez Carrera, Cerecedo, Avabza Croix defends actions and decisions related to mission administration in Sonora. 09-00-1770
Croix, Posada, Mayorga, Prestamero, Carrillo, Mesia, Campo Marin, Trebuesta, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Valle, Lopez Murto, Fernandez Carrera, Cerecedo, Avabza Croix defends actions and decisions related to mission administration in Sonora. 09-00-1770
Croix, Posada, Mayorga, Prestamero, Carrillo, Mesia, Campo Marin, Trebuesta, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Valle, Lopez Murto, Fernandez Carrera, Cerecedo, Avabza Croix defends actions and decisions related to mission administration in Sonora. 09-00-1770
Fages, Mayorga, Croix Consulta regarding 2000 pesos given to Fages for guiding Catalan families to Sonora. 06-22-1780
Lumbreras, Bonilla, Croix, Mayorga Conflict concerning whether presidio captain Lumbreras should collect full final month of salary. 03-06-1779
Croix, Mayorga, Campo Marin, Escorza Croix repays 'caxas de los Alamos' money lent to 'tercera compania Volante de Sonora.' 02-17-1780
Croix, Mayorga, Campo Marin, Escorza Croix repays 'caxas de los Alamos' money lent to 'tercera compania Volante de Sonora.' 02-17-1780
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. 08-27-1778
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. 08-27-1778
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. 08-27-1778
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. 08-27-1778
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. 08-27-1778
Manxon, Puyol y Masmitja, Galvez, Pujol, Pujol, Villa, Villa, Basolo, Linarios, Linarios, Vivet, Puig y Trilla, Martinez, Rubira, Vives, Orra, Veyas, Giral, Puig Vidal, Puig, Marxuach, Franco, Lozano, Cardo, Faxas, Basedas, Navarro, Merino, Mejia, Carrillo, Puche, Torres, Croix, Plana, Goycoechea, Llampallaz, Yturria, Callis, Alberni, Frechas, Mieras, Fages, Cardenas, Estrada, Corvalan, Galindo Navarro, Mayorga Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. 08-27-1778
Garzes, Croix, Galindo Navarro, Bonilla, Mayorga, Ybanes, Palma, Bucareli y Ursua, Villaurrutia, Madrid, Gamboa, Algarin, Azedo, Guevara, Merino, Beserra, Luyando, Bautista de Arisa, Diaz, Martinez Chaves, Dongo Fray Garzes requests financial assistance for establishment of new mission among Yuma, per order of Croix. 08-22-1776
Carenci, Trevino, Gonzales, Gonzales de Santianes, Covarrubias, Garcia, Garcia Davila, Garza, Romeu, Herrera, Garcia, Garcia Retirement requested varios individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Governing of alta and baja California. 05-06-1806
Carenci, Trevino, Gonzales, Gonzales de Santianes, Covarrubias, Garcia, Garcia Davila, Garza, Romeu, Herrera, Garcia, Garcia Retirement requested varios individuals of milicias provinciales de Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Governing of alta and baja California. 05-06-1806
Calleja, Barragan Barragan requests that cuerpo de cavalleria de frontera is granted use of military insignia and standards as reward for loyal service. Geographic, demographic, and economic portrait of zone of Nuevo Santander. 08-14-1805
Cresencio de Enderica, Morales, Barrera, Enderica, Gutierrez, Reyes Calleja notes granting of licencias y ascensos to various members of milicias provinciales of Nuevo Santander. 08-21-1807
Ballesteros, Revillagigedo, Calleja, Gorytizas, Trelles, Hebia, Zuniga, Carlos, Iturrigaray, Aparice, Villanueve, Perez Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders division of provinces of Nayarit, Colotlan, and Bolanos into twelve subdelegaciones. 00-00-1806
Ballesteros, Revillagigedo, Calleja, Gorytizas, Trelles, Hebia, Zuniga, Carlos, Iturrigaray, Aparice, Villanueve, Perez Ballesteros informs that the post of governor and ayudante of cuerpo de milicias of Colotlan remain vacant. 1806 real cedula orders division of provinces of Nayarit, Colotlan, and Bolanos into twelve subdelegaciones. 00-00-1806
Castillo y Llata, Garcia Rebollo, Tello Castillo y Llata requests two-month leave in order to go to capital. 04-30-1807
Cordero, Vedia y Pinto, Covarrubias, Garza, Flores, Gomez de Castro, Mascorro Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807
Cordero, Vedia y Pinto, Covarrubias, Garza, Flores, Gomez de Castro, Mascorro Vedia y Pinto and Gomez de Castro request military retirement because of illnesses suffered. 08-11-1807
Calleja, Larumbe, Montes Ajuste de cuentas made by cuerpos milicianos of Nuevo Santander and Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 08-12-1807
Rodriguez Gomez, Pena, Calleja Retirement granted to Rodriguez Gomez with right of fuero militar and use of uniform. 05-20-1807
Herrera, Cordero, Quintero, Sada Copies of instancias written by Herrera requesting advance of money to buy horses and mules for auxiliary troops of Texas. 03-00-1807
Calleja List of vacant posts of compania milicianad del Nuevo Reyno de Leon and list of individuals recommended to fill said posts. 04-21-1807
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
Calleja, Espriella, Ruiz, Bibiano Charles, Ramirez, Cerbantes, Puga, Cortina Gonzales, Cisneros, Guillen, Guillen, Cerna, Gonzales de Paredes, Paredes, Cerna, Cardona, Perez, Castillo, Santa Cruz, Garcia, Gutierrez, Fernandez, Pineda, Ximenez, Rodrigues, Alcala, Santos Gonzales de Paredes, Gutierrez, Fernandes, Olvera, Ruiz, Saldana, Saldana, Saenz, Parra, Trevino, Flores, Pirana, Montero, Barreda, Velarde, Lerma, Amador, Garza, Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807