Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning suspension of establishment of fort at Robledo. |
11-17-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey concerning Mendinuta's service in campaigns; Indian hostilities. |
10-16-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua, Borica |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli about Mendinuta's illness, Borica's promotion to teniente general. |
10-16-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua, Borica |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli about Mendinuta's illness, Borica's promotion to teniente general. |
10-16-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Peramas, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letters from Mendinuta to Bucareli and Peramas concerning Peramas' promotion to secretario de camara. |
04-28-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua, Oconor |
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey concerning Indian hostilities, drought and famine. |
10-16-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua, Oconor, Croix |
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey concerning Indian hostilities and change in presidio placement rules. |
09-10-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli about Apache and cumanche hostilities. |
07-23-1773 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning receipt of bandos and transport of cotton cloth. |
12-15-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letters between Mendinuta and Bucareli concerning Indian hostilities. |
01-16-1773 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Madrid, Esquibel, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letters from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning military rolls of presidio Santa Fee during 1772. |
12-31-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua, Rubi |
Letters between Mendinuta and virrey Bucareli concerning Indian murders and thefts. |
09-30-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letters from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning Indian hostilities in 1772. |
03-30-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning abolishment of sales tax on haciendas owned by regulares. |
04-15-1772 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli acknowledging receipt of bandos ordering rearrangement of correos. |
12-21-1771 |
Clemente, Bucareli y Ursua, Fermin de Mendinueta |
Letter from Mendinuta to Bucareli concerning birth of Carlos Clemente. |
02-15-1772 |
Barrio, Croix, Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinueta to Bucareli re: Indian hostilities. |
00-00-1769 |
Barrio, Croix, Fermin de Mendinueta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Mendinueta to Bucareli re: Indian hostilities. |
00-00-1769 |
Fermin de Mendinueta, Croix, Esquibel, Barrio, Gutierrez |
Letters from Mendinuta to Croix concerning Indian hostilities between December 1770 and May 1771. |
12-21-1770 |
Velez Cachupin, Rubi, Lafora, Bustamante, Villaberde |
Letter from Gachupin to virrey Croix concerning need of cooperation between presidios for defense. |
04-20-1768 |
Velez Cachupin, Marin del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Vaca, Ortiz, Saenz de Garbizu, Ribera, Esquibel, Martin, Madrid, Lobato, Luzero, Sena, Moreno, Barreras, Barreras, Montes Vegil |
Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. |
08-12-1754 |
Velez Cachupin, Marin del Valle, Revilla Gigedo, Vaca, Ortiz, Saenz de Garbizu, Ribera, Esquibel, Martin, Madrid, Lobato, Luzero, Sena, Moreno, Barreras, Barreras, Montes Vegil |
Copia de ynstruccion que dejo Velez Cachupin gobernador del Nuevo Mexico a su sucesor don Francisco Marin del Valle. |
08-12-1754 |
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas, Esquivel, Codallos, Madrid, Bustamente, Rubi |
Letter from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas including military roll of cavalleria, libretas de vita y moribus of Madrid and Esquibel review of troops by Rubi. |
01-02-1766 |
Sierra, San Juan, Bustamente, Fuente, Gusman |
Letters between virrey (?) and Cachupin (?) re: replacement for San Juan. |
03-17-1764 |
Velez Cachupin, Cruillas, Sierra, San Juan, Bustamente, Velarde, Luzero |
Letter from Cachupin to virrey (?), virrey's response re: appointment of teniente and Alferez. |
04-02-1764 |
Armijo, Portillo, Velez Cachupin, Marin del Valle, Cruillas, Esquine, Maldonado, Garcia, Portillo Urrisola, Onacama, Codallos y Rabal, Biriato, Valdes |
Correspondence between Cachupin, Cruillas and others re: Portillo's attack on cumanche; establishment of peace. |
03-23-1762 |
Marin del Valle, Portillo Urrisola, Guerrero, Miera y Pacheco, Garzia Pareja, Botas, Sena, Zamora, Ortiz, Thenorio, Fragoso, Mares, Sanchez |
Letters from Portillo re: state of presidio at time of Marin del Valle's resignation. |
06-10-1761 |
Marin del Valle, Amarillas, Portillo Urrizola, Velez Chachupin, Fernandez, Fernandez, Madrid, Esquibal, Benavides, Cruillas |
Letter from Marin del Valle Cruillas re: submission of testimony, Indian hostilities. |
05-12-1761 |
Botas, Baptista, Christoval, Marin del Valle |
Letter to Marin del Valle re: decision in matter of complaints of Indians Botas and Baptista of various offenses they have suffered. |
12-02-1756 |
Botas, Baptista, Christoval, Marin del Valle |
Letter to Marin del Valle re: decision in matter of complaints of Indians Botas and Baptista of various offenses they have suffered. |
12-02-1756 |
Chachon, Branciforte |
Notification sent to Chacon of promotion to governor. Letters between Chacon and Branciforte congratulating each other on promotions to governor and virrey respectively. |
12-17-1793 |
Daroca, Bucareli, Arrieta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: deteriorating health, other matters. |
06-08-1774 |
Daroca, Bucareli, Arrieta, Bucareli y Ursua |
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: deteriorating health, other matters. |
06-08-1774 |
Daroca, Bucareli y Ursua, Queipo de Llano, Barrio, Moradillos, Machio, Colarte, Madrid |
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: providing assistance to Barrio. |
09-24-1774 |
Daroca, Bucareli y Ursua, Queipo de Llano, Barrio, Moradillos, Machio, Colarte, Madrid |
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: providing assistance to Barrio. |
09-24-1774 |
Queypo de Llano, Barrio |
Letter to lieutenant governor of El Paso del Rio del norte re: transfer of Queypo, money for expenses. |
07-20-1774 |
Pedro del Barrio, Munos, Marcos, Theran, Balerio, Canoso, Frijol, Juanico, Cuernitos, Arrieta, Masalteco, Gertrudis, Juana Antonia, Gil, Daroca |
Letter from Daroca re: arrival at presidio del norte, revista of local population, encounters with Apaches. |
10-24-1773 |
Daroca, Bucareli y Ursua, Assilona |
Letter fro Daroca to virrey Bucareli and response re: arrival at Paso del norte and request for money. |
06-12-1773 |
Cuellas, Mendinueta, Vellez Cachupin, Croix, Barrio Junco y Espriella, Padilla, Velarde, Luzero |
Testimony from Barrio, Cuellas ordered by virrey Croix re: Cuellas' war on Apaches. |
04-14-1768 |
Mendinueta, Barrio Junco y Espriella, Esquibel, Mendinueta, Pael de Aguilar, Unanue, Quaron |
Letters from Barrio and Esquibel re: transmission of pleigo. |
05-19-1770 |
Barrio, Galvez |
Letter from Barrio re: control of Apaches and Sumas. |
01-15-1771 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Cuellas |
Letters from Barrio to virrey re: cooperation with Cuellas. |
04-10-1769 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Croix |
Letter from Barrio to virrey Croix re: pacification of Indians. |
02-13-1769 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Escalante |
Letter from Barrio to virrey re: sentence of Escalante. |
12-02-1768 |
Cuellas, Barrio Junco y Espriella, Cordnide |
Letter from Barrio (?) re: peace with local Indians, and staff of presidio. |
02-13-1769 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Croix |
Letter from Barrio to virrey re: occurrences at presidio del Paso. |
01-06-1769 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella |
Letter from Barrio to virrey re: payment of credit of presidio. |
06-06-1768 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Croix, Velarde, Luzero |
Letters between virrey Croix and Barrio re: salary payment. |
04-14-1768 |
Barrio Junco y Espriella, Cuellas |
Letter from Barrio to virrey requesting assistance for Cuellas. |
09-03-1768 |
Alles, Barrio Junco y Espriella, Croix |
Letter from Barrio to virrey Croix re: payment to alles. |
01-07-1768 |