Browse by name

Person Last Name Title Date
Bonavida Bonavia, Bernardo. Bando: Re: supression of tribunals of the inquisition. 12-16-1813
Bonavia, Chaves, Sanchez Bonavia, Bernardo. Advises that, due to error in placing Sanchez as primer alferes, Chaves should act and be considered primer alferes. 10-26-1816
Bonavia, Allande, Real Alencaster Bonavia, Bernardo. Advisement of indians' failure to finance maintenance of churches and convents; also, discussion of case of Real Alencaster. 01-15-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Acknowledges receipt of oficios 25-52. 08-12-1816
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo. Acknowledgement of receipt of official documents # 1129-1136. 02-13-1816
Bonavia, Maynes, Gonzales, Corderi Bonavia, Bernardo to Maynez, Alberto. Acknowledging of receipt of proceedings in case of horse theft of comanches by two vezinos of Alburquerque order to bring to justice. 06-29-1814
Bonavia, Chacon Bonavia, Bernardo to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Royal cedula annuling exemptions from tithe payments. 12-24-1796
Bonavia, Allande Bonavia, Bernardo to Allande, Pedro Maria de. Transmittal of royal order regarding treatment of deserters. 10-24-1817
Bonavia, Allande Bonavia, Bernardo to Allande, Pedro Maria de. Acknowledgement of receipt of military reports. 09-16-1817
Bonavia Bonavia, Bernardo (comandante general). Request to governor of New Mexico to conduct census reports for all towns with ayuntamientos. 09-28-1814
Bonavia y Zapata Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Royal decree authorizing establishment of currency mint in Chihuahua to enhance commerce. 09-03-1814
Bonavia y Zapata, Ponce de Leon, Sotero Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Proclamation of comandante general denouncing rebel representatives to so called national congress and ordering their arrest. 07-26-1815
Bonavia y Zapata Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico informing him that six bandos ordering the establishment of schools of agriculture and economic societies of friends up the country are being sent for circulation. 08-17-1814
Bonavia y Zapata, Allande Bonavia y Zapata, Bernardo (comandante general). Banning dancing. 02-01-1817
Bonavia, Garcia Conde, Potau, Apartado, Aguayo, Fagoaga, Gutierrez de los Rios, Chavez, Fernandez de Cordova, Branciforte, Herrera, Fuente, Nava Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. 07-16-1793
Bonavia, Garcia Conde, Potau, Apartado, Aguayo, Fagoaga, Gutierrez de los Rios, Chavez, Fernandez de Cordova, Branciforte, Herrera, Fuente, Nava Bonavia elected to position of 'intendencia' of governor of Durango. 07-16-1793
Onis, Bonavia Bonavia corresponds regarding defense of provincias del oriente bordering with Luisiana against possible U.S. aggression. 07-11-1810
Quiroz, Arteaga, Davalos, Castillo, Esparza, Munana, Ruiz de Texada, Ribera, Morentin, Osorio, Ferrin, Villalobos, Ruiz, Martinez, Carlon, Portua de Raza, Bodega y Quadra Bodega y Quadra to virrey concerning agave (pita) commerce. 05-11-1780
Blasques, Pinto, Flores Mogollon, Padilla Blasques, Joseph. Petition to governor for return of runaway Indian servant who is claimed by Diego Padilla and governor's response to interview Padilla on matter. 07-27-1713
Tapis, Briones, Iledillo, Quij Blas Serrate, obispo de Durango. Al rey. Informe. 10-08-1713
Blanco, Guarduno Blanco, Gregorio. Letter discussing batism of Jose Maria Guarduno. 06-07-1815
Blanc, Vial, Martin, Ugarte y Loyola, Concha, Sandenis Blanc, Luis de. Cover letter and document it introduces. Letter concerns trading with Indians, opening of road. 01-26-1789
Galves, Gutierrez de Gandarilla, Belena, Crespo, Belena Biographic and ethnographic letter to viceroy Galvez by Gondorilla. 10-06-1785
Galves, Gutierrez de Gandarilla, Belena, Crespo, Belena Biographic and ethnographic letter to viceroy Galvez by Gondorilla. 10-06-1785
Bijil, Lujan, Fuente, Guerrero, Cachupin, Bijil, Zanchez, Bijil Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to recover. 09-26-1766
Bijil, Lujan, Fuente, Guerrero, Cachupin, Bijil, Zanchez, Bijil Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to recover. 09-26-1766
Bijil, Lujan, Fuente, Guerrero, Cachupin, Bijil, Zanchez, Bijil Bijil, Juan (heirs of). Lujan had been debtor of Bijil, paid debt later charged forty-two pesos more, which having paid he sought to recover. 09-26-1766
Lopez, Barreda, Belda, Borica, Lizana y Beaumont, Revilla Gigedo, Azanza, Herr, Arteaga, Vidal, Villapuente, Balazco, Luyando, Pena, la, Foraneo y Castiense, Cuyando, Cavallero, Gentil Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. 04-29-1799
Lopez, Barreda, Belda, Borica, Lizana y Beaumont, Revilla Gigedo, Azanza, Herr, Arteaga, Vidal, Villapuente, Balazco, Luyando, Pena, la, Foraneo y Castiense, Cuyando, Cavallero, Gentil Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. 04-29-1799
Lopez, Barreda, Belda, Borica, Lizana y Beaumont, Revilla Gigedo, Azanza, Herr, Arteaga, Vidal, Villapuente, Balazco, Luyando, Pena, la, Foraneo y Castiense, Cuyando, Cavallero, Gentil Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. 04-29-1799
Lopez, Barreda, Belda, Borica, Lizana y Beaumont, Revilla Gigedo, Azanza, Herr, Arteaga, Vidal, Villapuente, Balazco, Luyando, Pena, la, Foraneo y Castiense, Cuyando, Cavallero, Gentil Biennial reports of Dominican missions in baja California, noticias de las misiones que ocupan los religiosos de ____. notas. 04-29-1799
Bezerra Nietto, Valverde y Cossio, Galves, Martines, Bustamante, Anguiz, Velarde Bezerra Nietto, Antonio (capitan - juez de residencia). Certification of residencia of gobernador Antonio Valverde y Cossio. 04-26-1723
Bezerra Nietto, Valverde y Cossio, Galves, Martines, Bustamante, Anguiz, Velarde Bezerra Nietto, Antonio (capitan - juez de residencia). Certification of residencia of gobernador Antonio Valverde y Cossio. 04-26-1723
Beytia, Mendinueta, Gutierres, Roibal, Trebol Navarro Beytia, Juan Antonio. Legal action against Clemente Gutierres for pesos owed as part of dowery payments to Beytia. 10-31-1767
Barrena, Urena, Gonzalez Calderon, Ascue y Amendariz, Cayetan Bernardo Jose de Urena to Manuel Ascue y Amendariz. Venta de esclavo. 04-25-1777
Velez Cachupin, Bustamante Tagle, Catua, Catua, Petaca, Martin, Dominguez Bernardo de Bustamante Table. Legal dispute over an Indians inheritence. 06-09-1750
Baca, Bazquez Barrego, Martinez, Rubin de Zelis, Bustamente y Tagle, Gonzalez, Codallos y Roybal Bernardo Bustamente y Tagle. Lawsuit over possession of cattle. 12-14-1745
Baca, Bazquez Barrego, Martinez, Rubin de Zelis, Bustamente y Tagle, Gonzalez, Codallos y Roybal Bernardo Bustamente y Tagle. Lawsuit over possession of cattle. 12-14-1745
Baca, Bazquez Barrego, Martinez, Rubin de Zelis, Bustamente y Tagle, Gonzalez, Codallos y Roybal Bernardo Bustamente y Tagle. Lawsuit over possession of cattle. 12-14-1745
Brivino Bernardo Brivino. Index of royal cedulas. 10-28-1746
Bonivas Bernardo Bonivas al ayuntamiento del Parral. Sobre la enfermedad que se padece en essa poblacion. 05-12-1796
Bonavia Bernardo Bonavia. Sobre escuela. 05-00-1796
Bonavia Bernardo Bonavia al ayuntamiento del real del Parral. Relativo a la aplicacion que devia darse al producto de la plaza de toros. 08-01-1796
Bernalde Pinadero Bernardo Bernalde Pinadero to king. Asking for a little help in his old age, as he lists his services to crown. 11-20-1666
Bernal, Chacon, Lujan, Montoya Bernal, Yldefonso to Chacon, Fernando. Request for a passport for Rosalia to join her husband at Santa Cruz presidio in Sonora. 02-20-1804
Bernal, Chaco, Chaves Bernal, Mariano/Cacho, Antonio (fray). Receipt for grain contributed for the relief of Zuni pueblo and a report on the distribution of the grain. 03-05-1820
Bernal, Chacon, Cordova, Garcia de la Mora, Rubio, Aumatelli, Medina Bernal, Juan Antonio. Criminal case against Juan Antonio Bernal for abuse of his wife Juliana Cordova. Governor Chacon orders that if abuse is reported one more time Bernal is to be arrested and sent to the presidio. 07-08-1795
Bernal, Uranga, Concha Bernal, Francisco Xavier (capitan del militar) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). notice of departure of Francisco Xavier de Uranga for Chihuahua and assumption of command by Francisco Xavier Bernal and local conditions. 05-30-1791
Beregana, Gonzalez, Trujillo, Concha, Canuelas, Troncoso, Guerrero, Sandoval Beregana, Domingo. Treasury account sheet of wages and salaries paid for Santa Fe presidio. 02-28-1793
Beregana, Nava, Merino, Concha, Ugarte y Loyola, Lobereria, Saldivar, Villanueva, Vera, Sanchez Vergara, Sanchez, Martinez, Patero, Merino, Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792