Arze, Zeiba, Gonzalez, Salaises |
Jose Maria de Arze. Report to governor of rumors that anglo- americans are conspiring with panana Indians. Has sent out patrol to check truth of rumors. |
11-23-1808 |
Manrrique, Arbin |
Joseph mannrique (gobernador). note to comandante of Taos informing him that detachment of troops from there has safely arrived in Santa Fe. |
11-25-1808 |
Ribera, Almanza, Tapia, Sanchez, Torres, Romero, Sanchez, Vendavides, Armijo, Villanueva, Baca |
Josef Tapia. Report to governor listing men of squadron and the horses each has. |
11-27-1808 |
Ribera, Almanza, Tapia, Sanchez, Torres, Romero, Sanchez, Vendavides, Armijo, Villanueva, Baca |
Josef Tapia. Report to governor listing men of squadron and the horses each has. |
11-27-1808 |
Bera, Arze, Pacheco |
Jose Maria de Arze. Request to fray Jose Bera to conduct burial services for Jose Pancheco. |
11-18-1808 |
Arze, Pacheco |
Jose Maria de Arze. notice to governor of death by natural causes of Jose Pancheco at 7am on 17th of month. |
11-19-1808 |
Arze, Manrrique |
Jose Maria de Arze. note to governor that agent to inspect possible areas of entrance into province by foreigners has arrived and been provided with a horse. |
11-10-1808 |
Luera, Manrrique, Aguirre, Cortes |
Felipe de Luera. Informal note to governor requesting licence to petition comandante general for transfer to Namiquipa; and efforts to purchase horses. |
11-11-1808 |
Manrrique, Arze, Palanes |
Jose Maria de Arze. note to governor Mannrique that he has sent Jose Palanes and nine men to Santa Fe. |
11-01-1808 |
Arze, Manrrique |
Joseph Manrrique (gobernador). Instructions to commander of Taos detachment Jose Maria de Arze to sent survey team out to search for foreigners on the frontier. |
11-02-1808 |
Salaires, Arze, Manrrique |
Joseph Manrrique (gobernador). notice to Jose Maria de Arze that detachment of troops has arrived in Sante Fe. |
11-05-1808 |
Manrrique, Martin, Guadalupe, Arce |
Jose Manrrique (gobernador). Draft of note to comandante general forwarding specifics of case against two Indians of San Lorenzo de picuries for murder of a panana Indian. |
10-12-1808 |
Manrrique, Arce |
Josef Manrrique (gobernador). Order to Jose Manuel de Arce to send detachment of nine men to Santa Fe, and that local authorities should raise replacement. |
10-24-1808 |
Maynez, Baca, Arce, Vial, Ortiz |
Jose Baca. Receipt of funds for payment of Indians of Santa Cruz who accompanied expedition of Pedro Vial. |
09-25-1808 |
Chavez, Otero, Sedillo, Silva, Garcia, Varela, Varela, Valencia, Trujillo, Torres, Torres, Sedillo, Sanchez, Samora, Padilla, Ortega, Navarro, Montano, Jaramillo, Gutierrez, Griego, Salvador, Garcia, Gallego, Chavez, Candelaria, Bayejos, Baca, Armijo, Armijo, Arias, Aragon, Aragon, Torres, Tafoya, Sedilla, Sanchez |
Enlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents. |
09-17-1808 |
Chavez, Otero, Sedillo, Silva, Garcia, Varela, Varela, Valencia, Trujillo, Torres, Torres, Sedillo, Sanchez, Samora, Padilla, Ortega, Navarro, Montano, Jaramillo, Gutierrez, Griego, Salvador, Garcia, Gallego, Chavez, Candelaria, Bayejos, Baca, Armijo, Armijo, Arias, Aragon, Aragon, Torres, Tafoya, Sedilla, Sanchez |
Enlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents. |
09-17-1808 |
Chavez, Otero, Sedillo, Silva, Garcia, Varela, Varela, Valencia, Trujillo, Torres, Torres, Sedillo, Sanchez, Samora, Padilla, Ortega, Navarro, Montano, Jaramillo, Gutierrez, Griego, Salvador, Garcia, Gallego, Chavez, Candelaria, Bayejos, Baca, Armijo, Armijo, Arias, Aragon, Aragon, Torres, Tafoya, Sedilla, Sanchez |
Enlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents. |
09-17-1808 |
Chavez, Otero, Sedillo, Silva, Garcia, Varela, Varela, Valencia, Trujillo, Torres, Torres, Sedillo, Sanchez, Samora, Padilla, Ortega, Navarro, Montano, Jaramillo, Gutierrez, Griego, Salvador, Garcia, Gallego, Chavez, Candelaria, Bayejos, Baca, Armijo, Armijo, Arias, Aragon, Aragon, Torres, Tafoya, Sedilla, Sanchez |
Enlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents. |
09-17-1808 |
Chavez, Otero, Sedillo, Silva, Garcia, Varela, Varela, Valencia, Trujillo, Torres, Torres, Sedillo, Sanchez, Samora, Padilla, Ortega, Navarro, Montano, Jaramillo, Gutierrez, Griego, Salvador, Garcia, Gallego, Chavez, Candelaria, Bayejos, Baca, Armijo, Armijo, Arias, Aragon, Aragon, Torres, Tafoya, Sedilla, Sanchez |
Enlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents. |
09-17-1808 |
Aguilar, Lucero, Lurra, Chavez, Martin, Romero, Fernandez Lucero, Armijo, Baca, Lobato, Lucero, Lopez, Sanchez, Montoya, Gutierrez, Gallego, Salazar, Aragon, Gutierrez, Sena, Gutierrez, Nieto, Gonzalez, Armijo, Montoya, Salazar, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Montoya, Archibeque, Cordoba, Rojo, Garcia, Silva, Gonzalez, Perea, Gallego, Ortega, Montoya, Montoya, Gallego, Romero, Ortiz, Montoya, Crispin, Ribera, Bacas, Martinez, Crispin, Padilla |
Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. |
09-14-1808 |
Aguilar, Lucero, Lurra, Chavez, Martin, Romero, Fernandez Lucero, Armijo, Baca, Lobato, Lucero, Lopez, Sanchez, Montoya, Gutierrez, Gallego, Salazar, Aragon, Gutierrez, Sena, Gutierrez, Nieto, Gonzalez, Armijo, Montoya, Salazar, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Montoya, Archibeque, Cordoba, Rojo, Garcia, Silva, Gonzalez, Perea, Gallego, Ortega, Montoya, Montoya, Gallego, Romero, Ortiz, Montoya, Crispin, Ribera, Bacas, Martinez, Crispin, Padilla |
Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. |
09-14-1808 |
Aguilar, Lucero, Lurra, Chavez, Martin, Romero, Fernandez Lucero, Armijo, Baca, Lobato, Lucero, Lopez, Sanchez, Montoya, Gutierrez, Gallego, Salazar, Aragon, Gutierrez, Sena, Gutierrez, Nieto, Gonzalez, Armijo, Montoya, Salazar, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Montoya, Archibeque, Cordoba, Rojo, Garcia, Silva, Gonzalez, Perea, Gallego, Ortega, Montoya, Montoya, Gallego, Romero, Ortiz, Montoya, Crispin, Ribera, Bacas, Martinez, Crispin, Padilla |
Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. |
09-14-1808 |
Aguilar, Lucero, Lurra, Chavez, Martin, Romero, Fernandez Lucero, Armijo, Baca, Lobato, Lucero, Lopez, Sanchez, Montoya, Gutierrez, Gallego, Salazar, Aragon, Gutierrez, Sena, Gutierrez, Nieto, Gonzalez, Armijo, Montoya, Salazar, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Montoya, Archibeque, Cordoba, Rojo, Garcia, Silva, Gonzalez, Perea, Gallego, Ortega, Montoya, Montoya, Gallego, Romero, Ortiz, Montoya, Crispin, Ribera, Bacas, Martinez, Crispin, Padilla |
Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. |
09-14-1808 |
Aguilar, Lucero, Lurra, Chavez, Martin, Romero, Fernandez Lucero, Armijo, Baca, Lobato, Lucero, Lopez, Sanchez, Montoya, Gutierrez, Gallego, Salazar, Aragon, Gutierrez, Sena, Gutierrez, Nieto, Gonzalez, Armijo, Montoya, Salazar, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Montoya, Archibeque, Cordoba, Rojo, Garcia, Silva, Gonzalez, Perea, Gallego, Ortega, Montoya, Montoya, Gallego, Romero, Ortiz, Montoya, Crispin, Ribera, Bacas, Martinez, Crispin, Padilla |
Inlistment papers of individuals in Santa Fe militia cavalry company including name, age, religion, description, parents names. |
09-14-1808 |
Almanza, Lucero |
Nicolas de Almanza. Letter to governor that diary of military events for month of July is being forwarded, that utas Indians have clashed with comanches, and a school has been opened. |
08-31-1808 |
Garcia Cano, Garcia Cano, Ortiz, Delgado, Armendariz |
Jose Garcia Cano. Petition to governor for leniency in case against his son who has stolen some pistols. |
08-27-1808 |
Aragon, Gutierrez, Pino, Pacheco, Ortiz, Tuiz Crespo, Ortiz, Maynez |
Alberto Maynez (gobernador). Receipt and distribution to pueblos of description of criminal Juan Ruiz Crespo, wanted by government for robbery. |
07-16-1808 |
Maynez, Arze, Salcedo |
Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico ordering Alferez Jose Antonio Arze to remain in New Mexico. |
07-17-1808 |
Salcedo, Sotelo, Armendaris, Valle, Amangual, Oritz |
Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Seven notes of comandante general to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of diary of events for June + July... |
07-23-1808 |
Salcedo, Sotelo, Armendaris, Valle, Amangual, Oritz |
Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Seven notes of comandante general to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of diary of events for June + July... |
07-23-1808 |
Amador |
Gregoria Amador. Statement on number of troops of Bexar detachment and assignment. |
06-20-1808 |
Maynez, Amangual |
Alberto Maynez (gobernador). Letter to Francisco Anamgual relaying orders of comandante general that complete report of Amangual's expedition from Bexar be submitted. |
06-20-1808 |
Amangual |
Francisco Amangual. note to governor acknowledging receipt of order from comandante general to submit report on expedition. |
06-21-1808 |
Montano, Mora, Anchuleto |
Vincent Montano. Report to governor of Indian raids and effort to locate the enemy. Brief report, few details. |
06-30-1808 |
Valle, Real Alencaste, Gutierrez, Quintero, Aroz, Almansada |
Brief annotations of events in province of New Mexico from July through 13 September, primarily military operations. |
07-00-1808 |
Valle, Real Alencaste, Gutierrez, Quintero, Aroz, Almansada |
Brief annotations of events in province of New Mexico from July through 13 September, primarily military operations. |
07-00-1808 |
Amador |
Gregorio Amador. note to governor listing time spent for expedition from Bexar to Santa Fe, totaling 82 days. |
06-19-1808 |
Martinez, Martinez, Roibal, Fernando, Garcia, Ortiz, Gutierrez, Aragon, Pino |
Alberto Maynez (gobernador interino). Brief notes on reassignment of soldiers, names of interpreters and names of alcaldes of Santa Fe pueblos. |
06-15-1808 |
Amangual |
Francisco Amangual. note to governor reporting that he has completed his expedition to Texas. |
06-16-1808 |
Salcedo, Amangual |
Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Two notes to governor of New Mexico informing him that capitan Francisco Amangual, upon arriving in Santa Fee from Texas... |
05-17-1808 |
Armijo, Real Alencaster |
Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Letter to comandante general noting that petition of Antonio Armijo has been forwarded. |
04-01-1808 |
Alcina, Real Alencaster |
Theodoro Alcina (fray). note to governor sending copies of documents received from the office of inquisition and governor's note acknowledging receipt of such. |
04-09-1808 |
Arse |
Jose Maria de Arse (?). Summary report of census and assignments of Coahuila troops in Santa Fe. |
05-02-1808 |
Amangual, Salcedo |
Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico ordering an expedition of two hundred troops to Texas to reinforce that company until new troops can be recruited. |
03-05-1808 |
Armendariz |
Pedro Armendariz. List of arms and gunpowder in Santa Fe company. |
03-04-1808 |
Real Alencaster, Bernal, Gallego, Ortega, Cavallero, Ortiz, Almanzo, Andres, Garcia, Gutierrez, Granado, Lujan, Pino |
Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Reports to comandante general on those soldiers now eligible for bonus pay and lengthy reports on Indian affairs including navajo and Apache raids and rivalrys between Indian tribes. |
11-20-1807 |
Real Alencaster, Bernal, Gallego, Ortega, Cavallero, Ortiz, Almanzo, Andres, Garcia, Gutierrez, Granado, Lujan, Pino |
Joaquin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Reports to comandante general on those soldiers now eligible for bonus pay and lengthy reports on Indian affairs including navajo and Apache raids and rivalrys between Indian tribes. |
11-20-1807 |
Almanzo |
Nicolas de Almanzo. Instructions for organization and administration of horse guard for company of Santa Fe. |
11-01-1807 |
Real Alencaster, Abalos, Ydoyaga, Garcia |
Joaqin del Real Alencaster (gobernador). Two letters to lieutenant governor in El Paso, acknowledging receipt of documents for crminial cases. |
11-20-1807 |
Salcedo, Abreu, Real Alencaster |
Nemesio Salcedo (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico royal assessors' report in detail of irregularities in accounts for Santa Fe company and order for governor to cooperate in any investigation. |
08-16-1807 |