Ventura Moreno, Rivera, Croix, Goya, Mayorga, Morfi, Rocha, Croix, Faxes, Medina, Rubio, Parilla, Canaveral, Gonzales Calderon, Pangua, Aldasaro, Viana, Faini, Piyol, Fernandez, Barrio Junco y Espriella |
Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: military personnel military supplies; military salaries; and use of funds. |
10-27-1773 |
Marini, Croix, Mayorga, Croix, Escorza, Gregori, Rusi, Servando Ram, Neve, Prestamero, Ortiz de Rozas, Sanches Casahonda, Corbalan, Gorraez, Anoceto y Garre, Yriarte, Flores |
Croix's correspondence re: military personnel; fiscal affairs in Chihuahua and funds for California arms; and Alamos treasury testimony. |
04-02-1781 |
Rivera y Moncada, Croix, Juan Pasqual, Mayorga, Lugando, Gregori, Ramon de Goya, Fages, Corbalan, Miranda, Rubio, Escorza, Galvez, Croix, Augier, Ventura Moreno, Hurtado de Mendez, Neve |
Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: receipt of correspondence; personnel; funds for missionaries; transport to Californias; pensions; and publishing of vandos. |
10-27-1773 |
Faini, Sastre, Gorraez, Bucareli y Ursua, Rivera, Bonilla, Croix, Mayorga, Galindo Navarro, Corvalan, Casafuerte, Aviles, Huidobro, Garivay, Croix |
Croix's correspondence re: request by inhabitants of Arrieros to be under jurisdiction of Sonora y Sinaloa. |
03-00-1732 |
Croix, Neve, Trillo Bermudez, Mayorga, Croix, Dia Salcedo, Galvez, Muniz, Marchan, Sola, Avellaneda, Perez, Carande, Callis, Quiroga, Velasquez, Asturias, Lopez Canedo, Ugarte y Loyola, Vinolas Mata, Garcia Rebollo, Cisneros, Prestameno, Davila |
Croix's correspondence re: San Blas shipbuilding; Alamos treasury; arms shipment; military personnel. |
06-23-1781 |
Croix, Neve, Trillo Bermudez, Mayorga, Croix, Dia Salcedo, Galvez, Muniz, Marchan, Sola, Avellaneda, Perez, Carande, Callis, Quiroga, Velasquez, Asturias, Lopez Canedo, Ugarte y Loyola, Vinolas Mata, Garcia Rebollo, Cisneros, Prestameno, Davila |
Croix's correspondence re: San Blas shipbuilding; Alamos treasury; arms shipment; military personnel. |
06-23-1781 |
Croix, Mayorga, Neve, Croix, Hurtado de Mendoza, Lugardo, Juan Pasqual, Juan Domingo, Ansa, Vengara, Trebol Navarro, Davila |
Correspondence betwene Croix and Mayorga re: postal service; Durango tobacco factoria; lottery; military administrative matters. |
08-01-1781 |
Escorra, Trebol Navarro, Fragoso, Gonzales, Ugarte, Mayorga, Croix, Croix, Aviles, Laso, Alvares Osario, Santos Alduan, Diaz de Salcedo, Barri, Rivera, Bucarreli Estavillo, Casorla |
Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. |
12-07-1779 |
Escorra, Trebol Navarro, Fragoso, Gonzales, Ugarte, Mayorga, Croix, Croix, Aviles, Laso, Alvares Osario, Santos Alduan, Diaz de Salcedo, Barri, Rivera, Bucarreli Estavillo, Casorla |
Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. |
12-07-1779 |
Croix, Echeverte, Corvalan, Croix, Mayorga, Fages, Bentucat, Aviles, Panes, Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Mesias, Fueros, Soler, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Garcia, Subiran, Allande, Bl, ORera, Gregori, Bonilla, Cordero, Arias |
Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce armour. |
00-00-1730 |
Croix, Echeverte, Corvalan, Croix, Mayorga, Fages, Bentucat, Aviles, Panes, Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Mesias, Fueros, Soler, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Garcia, Subiran, Allande, Bl, ORera, Gregori, Bonilla, Cordero, Arias |
Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce armour. |
00-00-1730 |
Croix, Echeverte, Corvalan, Croix, Mayorga, Fages, Bentucat, Aviles, Panes, Cazorla, Bucareli y Ursua, Mesias, Fueros, Soler, Gutierrez de la Cueva, Garcia, Subiran, Allande, Bl, ORera, Gregori, Bonilla, Cordero, Arias |
Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce armour. |
00-00-1730 |
Truxillo, Corres, Ortiz, Bucarely, Croix, Cruzado, Mayorga, Ansa, Gorrages, Croix, Esconsa, Neve, Goya, Cabello, Demecieres, Rusi, Galvez, Bucareli, Bentricat, Aviles |
Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. |
04-12-1780 |
Truxillo, Corres, Ortiz, Bucarely, Croix, Cruzado, Mayorga, Ansa, Gorrages, Croix, Esconsa, Neve, Goya, Cabello, Demecieres, Rusi, Galvez, Bucareli, Bentricat, Aviles |
Correspondence between Croix and virrey re: civil administration of personnel, armour, and expenditures. |
04-12-1780 |
Croix, Mayorga, Croix, Cisneros, Cozorla, Mesia, Gutierrez, Munoz, Joseph, Mario, Escorza, Neve, Gregori, Rusi Davalos, Fages, Puyde, Aragon, Saes, Ventura Moreno, Vargas, Beben |
Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: military personnel and treasuries of Chihuahua and Alamos. |
00-00-1778 |
Gonsalez, Croix, Mayorga, Croix, Alderete, Casorla, Medina, Oconor, Bucareli, Alvares Osorio, Estrada, Monclova, Garibay, Garibay, Corbalan, Moreno y Canro, Ugarte, Hoz, Aranda, Galvez, Bonilla |
Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. |
07-11-1776 |
Gonsalez, Croix, Mayorga, Croix, Alderete, Casorla, Medina, Oconor, Bucareli, Alvares Osorio, Estrada, Monclova, Garibay, Garibay, Corbalan, Moreno y Canro, Ugarte, Hoz, Aranda, Galvez, Bonilla |
Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. |
07-11-1776 |
Gonsalez, Croix, Mayorga, Croix, Alderete, Casorla, Medina, Oconor, Bucareli, Alvares Osorio, Estrada, Monclova, Garibay, Garibay, Corbalan, Moreno y Canro, Ugarte, Hoz, Aranda, Galvez, Bonilla |
Caballero de Croix's correspondence re: civil administation, orders and commerce. |
07-11-1776 |
Neve, Galvez, Goya, Serrano, Saens, Cosio, Galvez, Mayorga, Barri, Velasquez, Trebol Navarro, Mesia, Croix, Gil Samaniego, Guerrero y Fagle, Ugarte y Loyola, Ibarrola, Romero, Saens Rico, Lopez, Lopez, Villa Real, Faxes, Fernandez Loredo, Rodriguez, Garcia, Li, Gutierrez, Panes, Garcia, Gachi, Diaz Martinez, Rengel, Rodriguez de Vargas, Soler, Mena, Loredo, Martinez Caveson, Ximenez de Arenal, Elias, Magarrieta, Corvalan, Arebuesto |
Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. |
02-28-1781 |
Croix, Mayorga, Hughes, Garibay, Cruillas, Espriella, Earvalan, Ledon y Aguayo, Solis, Oca, Galindo, Carillo, Rubi, Gatuno y Lemus, Briseno, Padilla y Arnao, Ribas, Elias Gomez, Sanchez, Montesinos de Lara, Vildosola, Mendoza, Cagigal, Hortiz, Leysaola, Prudhom, Neyden, Cuerbo, Vermudez, Albarado |
Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. |
10-06-1771 |
Croix, Certons, Mata Binolas, Gutierrez, Mayorga, Gregorio, Cisneros, Moza, Hoz, Saenz de la Fuente, Carlos III, Gasiot, Merino y Moreno, Galvez, Corvalan, Cabrera, Cazorla, Ugarte, Barri, Ugarte, Galindo Navarro, Barron, Bonilla, Garcia, Potes, Neve, Pedro y Gil, Moraga, Miranda, Rubio, Fages, Garcia, Gorraes, Sola, Florida-Blanca, Demecieres, Aranda, Villete, Beregana, Vildosola, Meave, Anza, Fato, Encinas, Bringas de Manzaneda, Sal, Velterrona, Pobrete, Fernz, Lain |
Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. |
08-19-1773 |
Croix, Certons, Mata Binolas, Gutierrez, Mayorga, Gregorio, Cisneros, Moza, Hoz, Saenz de la Fuente, Carlos III, Gasiot, Merino y Moreno, Galvez, Corvalan, Cabrera, Cazorla, Ugarte, Barri, Ugarte, Galindo Navarro, Barron, Bonilla, Garcia, Potes, Neve, Pedro y Gil, Moraga, Miranda, Rubio, Fages, Garcia, Gorraes, Sola, Florida-Blanca, Demecieres, Aranda, Villete, Beregana, Vildosola, Meave, Anza, Fato, Encinas, Bringas de Manzaneda, Sal, Velterrona, Pobrete, Fernz, Lain |
Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. |
08-19-1773 |
Galindo Navarro, Croix, Galvez, Mangino, Carlos III, Valcarcel, Ugarte y Loyala, Panes, Romero, Barri, Galvez, Gasiot, Merino, Bucareli, Mayorga, Rusi, Cisneros, Bernal, Fages, Goya, Velasquez, Cabello, Curbelo, Padilla, Bonilla, Ansa |
Correspondence of Croix concerning fiscal, military and administrative matters of the Provincias Internas, January - May, 1783. |
05-03-1768 |
Mayorga, Galvez, Corvalan, Galvez, Carlos III, Galindo y Navarro, Casafuerte, Croix, Gorraes, Aviles, Huidobro, Sastre, Bucareli, Raim, Estavillo, Bonilla, Pereyra, Gutierrez, Barri, Velazquez, Davalos y Patron, Rivera y Moncada, Neve, Soler, Estrada, Alvarez Osorio, Fueros, Canete, Reyes, Banegas, Arzate, Ortiz, Escorza |
Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. |
03-14-1732 |
Mayorga, Galvez, Corvalan, Galvez, Carlos III, Galindo y Navarro, Casafuerte, Croix, Gorraes, Aviles, Huidobro, Sastre, Bucareli, Raim, Estavillo, Bonilla, Pereyra, Gutierrez, Barri, Velazquez, Davalos y Patron, Rivera y Moncada, Neve, Soler, Estrada, Alvarez Osorio, Fueros, Canete, Reyes, Banegas, Arzate, Ortiz, Escorza |
Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. |
03-14-1732 |
Mayorga, Galvez, Corvalan, Galvez, Carlos III, Galindo y Navarro, Casafuerte, Croix, Gorraes, Aviles, Huidobro, Sastre, Bucareli, Raim, Estavillo, Bonilla, Pereyra, Gutierrez, Barri, Velazquez, Davalos y Patron, Rivera y Moncada, Neve, Soler, Estrada, Alvarez Osorio, Fueros, Canete, Reyes, Banegas, Arzate, Ortiz, Escorza |
Correspondence of Croix, primarily with viceroy Galvez, for June-December 1783. |
03-14-1732 |
Croix, Mayorga, Santisteban, Neve, Galvez, Viana, Echagaray, Muniz, Escorza, Lain Herrero, Gutierrez, Bonilla, Lucas de Lozaga, Aldasoro, Cordero, Aviles, Vermudez, Tovar, Gache, Soler, Diaz de Campo, Granillo, Trillo Vermudez, Pedro de Gil, Castro, Marchan, Moreno y Castro, Rodriguez Campomanes, Dongo, Duparquet, Panon, Galvez, Fersen, Miranda, Rubio |
Drafts and official correspondence between Croix and viceroy Mayorga Jan.-October 1782. |
01-00-1782 |
Croix, Mayorga, Santisteban, Neve, Galvez, Viana, Echagaray, Muniz, Escorza, Lain Herrero, Gutierrez, Bonilla, Lucas de Lozaga, Aldasoro, Cordero, Aviles, Vermudez, Tovar, Gache, Soler, Diaz de Campo, Granillo, Trillo Vermudez, Pedro de Gil, Castro, Marchan, Moreno y Castro, Rodriguez Campomanes, Dongo, Duparquet, Panon, Galvez, Fersen, Miranda, Rubio |
Drafts and official correspondence between Croix and viceroy Mayorga Jan.-October 1782. |
01-00-1782 |
Gijon y Valdez, Croix, Gonzales de Montes, Jaquez, Padilla, Montes, Munoz, Gutierrez, Henriquez de Solega, Machado, Croix, Perez de Buizan, Bernal, Alegria, Martinez, Aragon y Abollado, Fernandez, Leyba y Ocon, Moza, Pena, Rosillo, Gomez Camacho, Rodriguez Carreno, Herrera, Medina, Lopez de Garayo, Velez de Barreda, Gutierrez, Saenz de Vidaurre, Rendon, Salas Montreal, Martinez de Arenal, Vallejo, Paez, Mayoraga, Fernandez |
Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. |
11-00-1776 |
Gijon y Valdez, Croix, Gonzales de Montes, Jaquez, Padilla, Montes, Munoz, Gutierrez, Henriquez de Solega, Machado, Croix, Perez de Buizan, Bernal, Alegria, Martinez, Aragon y Abollado, Fernandez, Leyba y Ocon, Moza, Pena, Rosillo, Gomez Camacho, Rodriguez Carreno, Herrera, Medina, Lopez de Garayo, Velez de Barreda, Gutierrez, Saenz de Vidaurre, Rendon, Salas Montreal, Martinez de Arenal, Vallejo, Paez, Mayoraga, Fernandez |
Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. |
11-00-1776 |
Aguayo, Lucas de Lasaga, Croix, Corbalan, Hoz, Gasiot, Gregori, Lain Herrero, Escobedo, Galvez, Bonilla, Cordero, Echeagaray |
Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. |
05-14-1782 |
Calo, Beregana, Ugarte y Loyola, Rengel, Galvez, Ullate, Morales, Carranque, Matamoros y Molina, Comaduran, Arriola, Rengel, Rivero |
Correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various financial, legal and military matters. |
04-10-1786 |
Rengel, Saenz Rico, Ullate, Loredo, Mendinueta, Sola, Alberni, Neve, Pereyra, Dongo, Ugarte y Loyola, Dominguez, Ordonez, Borica, Juangorena, Neve, Galvez, Fages, Croix, Arce, Galvez |
Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. |
03-17-1786 |
Rengel, Saenz Rico, Ullate, Loredo, Mendinueta, Sola, Alberni, Neve, Pereyra, Dongo, Ugarte y Loyola, Dominguez, Ordonez, Borica, Juangorena, Neve, Galvez, Fages, Croix, Arce, Galvez |
Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. |
03-17-1786 |
Garrido y Duran, Rengel, Galvez, Arriola |
Letter from Garrido, Arriola to Rengel requesting that Garrido be permitted to winter in banos de penon to improve health. |
03-24-1786 |
Rengel, Garrido y Duran, Galvez, Granados, Juarez, Tovar, Ortega, Peru, Romero, Echeagaray, Casanova, Arriero, Galvez, Culebras |
Correspondence between comandancia and Virreynato concerning drought in provinces and intensified war with Apaches. |
08-06-1785 |
Rengel, Arrillaga, Estrada |
Letter from Arrillaga to Rengel complaining about shortage of supplies and inconsistencies of suppliers. |
09-30-1785 |
Galvez, Rengel, Fages, Callis, Calo, Beregana, Croix, Arteaga, Ponze, Galvez, Cano y Mar, Aduna, Mundarriz |
Correspondence between Virreynato and Rengel concerning certain financial, military and territorial matters. |
10-12-1785 |
Galvez, Rengel, Fages, Callis, Calo, Beregana, Croix, Arteaga, Ponze, Galvez, Cano y Mar, Aduna, Mundarriz |
Correspondence between Virreynato and Rengel concerning certain financial, military and territorial matters. |
10-12-1785 |
Rengel, Galvez, Arrillaga |
Rengel informs virrey update on survey of borders to be sent soon; requests criteria and funds for payment of soldiers. |
12-03-1785 |
Arriola, Rengel |
Rengel informs real audiencia that surgeon Arriola's salary is agreed on but he needs further funding for trip. |
07-22-1785 |
Galvez, Callis, Fages, Rengel, Arriola, Moreno, Herrera y Rivero, Gonzales Calderon, Neve, Varela, Garibay |
Correspondence between Rengel and real audencia gobernadora concerning various administrative and financial matters. |
05-06-1785 |
Arriola, Rengel |
Letters to Rengel from real audencia gobernadora concerning various financial matters. |
06-08-1785 |
Rengel, Avana, Munarriz, Aldasoro |
Letter to Rengel about certain deserter now pretending to be member of another military company |
12-07-1784 |
Rengel, Avana, Munarriz, Aldasoro |
Letter to Rengel about certain deserter now pretending to be member of another military company |
12-07-1784 |
Corvalan, Agaba de Ayala, Ramon, Trevino, Rodriguez, Rodriguez, Garcia, Galvez |
Virrey Matias de Galvez is consulted on establishment of taxes; war with Apaches; punishment of Indian prisoners in internal provinces. |
05-21-1784 |
Croix, Croix, Galvez, Garcia Mayoral, Lam de Casafonda, Santos Dominguez, Barbon, Querejazu, Ortiz de Landazuri, Cerain, Vega, Bucarely y Ursua, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Nunez de Villavicencio, Anozero y Garre, Corbalan, Corres, Corvalan, Ugarte y Loyola, Neve, Galvez, Bonilla, Ansa, Ugalde, Rengel, Mendinueta, Flores, Medina, Baldez, Arco |
Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. |
06-15-1776 |
Croix, Croix, Galvez, Garcia Mayoral, Lam de Casafonda, Santos Dominguez, Barbon, Querejazu, Ortiz de Landazuri, Cerain, Vega, Bucarely y Ursua, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Nunez de Villavicencio, Anozero y Garre, Corbalan, Corres, Corvalan, Ugarte y Loyola, Neve, Galvez, Bonilla, Ansa, Ugalde, Rengel, Mendinueta, Flores, Medina, Baldez, Arco |
Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. |
06-15-1776 |
Croix, Croix, Galvez, Garcia Mayoral, Lam de Casafonda, Santos Dominguez, Barbon, Querejazu, Ortiz de Landazuri, Cerain, Vega, Bucarely y Ursua, Trebuesto, Campo Marin, Nunez de Villavicencio, Anozero y Garre, Corbalan, Corres, Corvalan, Ugarte y Loyola, Neve, Galvez, Bonilla, Ansa, Ugalde, Rengel, Mendinueta, Flores, Medina, Baldez, Arco |
Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. |
06-15-1776 |
Echeagaray, Anza, Ugarte y Loyola, Florez, Gonzales, Bergara, Galvez, Gonzales |
Letters to virrey re: war with Indians. |
12-01-1788 |