Lopez, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Ugarte y Loyola, Munoz, Arocha, Navarro, Sacedo |
Copy book of correspondence of governor of Texas, captain of La Bahia and comandante general concerning political affairs and Indian activity. |
03-06-1791 |
Santa, Bueno, Amodariayn, Bernamendi, Fuentes, Granados, Munoz |
Juan Jose de la Santa and Francisco Bueno. Proceedings of Juan Jose de la Santa and Francisco Bueno arguing claim to estate of Fernando Benamendi- includes inventory of the estate. |
10-18-1790 |
Gil Ybarvo, Cordoba, Mora, Cordova, Andila |
Antonio Gil Ybarvo (lieutenant governor). Proceedings against muleteer Joaquin de Cordoba for transporting contraband goods to Bexar in Texas. |
09-22-1790 |
Arocha, Martinez Pacheco |
Simon de Arocha (capitan). Report by captain of militia of arms provided the militia by the governor of the province, Rafael Martinez Pacheco. |
08-13-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Lopez, Amondarain |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Detailed report by governor Martinez Pacheco on relations with lipan Indians and peace negotiations in particular. |
07-03-1790 |
Armas, Pieredonda, Iglesia |
Collection of documents and letters concerning regulation of public cockfights. |
05-12-1790 |
Flores, Bustillo y Zevallos, Amondarayn |
Juan Flores. Inventory of the goods of the late Juan Flores, citizen of San Fernando and Bexar. |
04-10-1790 |
Amondarian, Martinez Pacheco, Fuentes, Cuesta |
Pedro Fuentes (fray). Detailed review of the complaints of the republicanos and citizens of San Fernando against the governor and his actions and policies and an appeal to all groups to negotiate differences and settle dispute. |
03-05-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Arocha, Navarro, Zepeda, Urena, Perez, Flores, Santa, Amondarain |
Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment of Cabildo elections and critically reviewing his administration. |
01-01-1790 |
Martinez Pacheco, Arocha, Navarro, Zepeda, Urena, Perez, Flores, Santa, Amondarain |
Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment of Cabildo elections and critically reviewing his administration. |
01-01-1790 |
Amangual |
Francisco Amangual (armero). List of weapons and prices for Bexar presidio. |
06-15-1789 |
Martinez Pacheco, Arocha, Zepeda, Saucedo |
Ayuntamiento at San Fernando to comandante general letter concerning presidial supplies. |
05-22-1789 |
Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Arriola |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report to comandante general that Marcelino Arreola was killed near Colorado river by attack from taguayaces Indians. |
10-07-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte, Ugalde, Valdes, Flores, Arocha |
Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). nofitication that the interior provinces anre being divided into two districts of command, one under Ugarte the other under Ugalde. |
09-19-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Counbiere, Amangual |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Brief account of raid on local mission by band of four taguayases Indians. |
05-29-1788 |
Zuniga, Martinez Pacheco, Barrera, Arocha, Amondarain |
Santiago de Zuniga. Documents of case Zuniga brings against Simon de Arocha for pesos promised. |
05-14-1788 |
Zuniga, Martinez Pacheco, Barrera, Arocha, Amondarain |
Santiago de Zuniga. Documents of case Zuniga brings against Simon de Arocha for pesos promised. |
05-14-1788 |
Amangual |
Francisco Amangual. Memoria de los efectos enviado al presidio de Bexar. |
04-14-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Santa, Arocha, Amondaran |
Cuenta que se forma de lo que ha proveido en dicho provincia el derecho impuesto por el senor comandante general. |
02-24-1788 |
Martinez Pacheco, Santa, Arocha, Amondaran |
Cuenta que se forma de lo que ha proveido en dicho provincia el derecho impuesto por el senor comandante general. |
02-24-1788 |
Cabello, Menchaca, Fernandes, Valdes, Amangual, Peres |
Domingo Cabello. Monthly report of the cavalry division at Bexar. |
02-28-1788 |
Equis, Arman, Martinez Pacheco, Gil Ybarbo |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Antonio Gil Ybarbo. Discussion of traders amongst Indians. |
02-06-1788 |
Aga, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Acknowledges receipt of instructions concerning stolen horses. |
01-07-1788 |
Cazorla, Aga, Urrutia, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports on steps taken to investigate lipanes. |
12-21-1787 |
Aga, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses Indian relations and question of horses captured during the fighting. |
12-22-1787 |
Aga, Menchaca, Valdes, Urrutia, Canoso, Cibolo, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Reports arrival of lipan chief Aga, the completion of orders concerning treatment of Aga, and attacks by comanches against lipanes. |
12-09-1787 |
Santiago, Matias, Arocha, Jose Maria, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of Cazorla's report on relations with coastal tribes. |
11-26-1787 |
Jose Maria, Matias, Santiago, Arocha, Martinez Pacheco, Cazorla |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of relations with coastal tribes. |
11-22-1787 |
Equis, Gil Ybarvo, Martinez Pacheco, Aman |
Antonio Gil Ybarvo to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Reports trouble with the tancaques. |
11-12-1787 |
Amangual, Ugarte y Loyala, Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reports departure of tancagues from Bexar. |
11-11-1787 |
Anglino, Jose Maria, Santiago, Santiago, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discusses seduction of coastal Indians. |
11-10-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Jose Maria, Ugalde, Martinez Pacheco, Revilla Gigedo, Munoz, Fernandez, Menchaca |
Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of map and accounts of Anglino's expedition to the San Bernardo coast. |
10-27-1787 |
Amangual, Jose Maria, Martinez Pacheco, Ugarte y Loyola |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting management of affairs in Texas. |
10-12-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Ugalde, Jose Maria, Anglino, Cazorla |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Discussion of map, diary and Indian relations during Anglino's expedition to the coast. |
09-29-1787 |
Anglino, Perez, Flete, Perez, Marcelino, Martinez Pacheco, Bustillo y Zevallos, Courbiere |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto hecho de la resulta de la yda a la costa con los diez indios de la nacion carancahuez. |
09-15-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Perez, Jose Maria, Anglino |
Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Transmission of military reports, includes notice of death of sargento Perez during escort of Jose Maria. |
09-15-1787 |
Ardila, Vazques, Gomez, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of cattle exportation. |
07-03-1787 |
Arocha, Bueno, Cazorla, Martinez Pacheco |
Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of measures taken to punish Indians for horse theft. |
06-20-1787 |
Sonora, Galvez, Ugalde, De Croix, Alonso, Ugarte y Loyola |
Alonso (arzobispo de Mexico). Transmitting royal decision in case of Ugalde vs. de Croix. |
05-09-1787 |
Martinez Pacheco, Galbes, Leal, Arocha, Sambrano, Menchaca, Delgado, Menchaca, Flores, Seguin, Bueno, Flores, Sambrano, Lopes, Gonzales, Norma, Cardenas, Oliba |
Cabildo of San Fernando. Agreement to allow missions to capture and brand cattle in their summer pastures. |
01-08-1787 |
Cabello, Amangual, Ugarte y Loyola, Valdes, Santoja |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte Loyola. Confirmation of Jose Santoja's retirement and Marcelo Valdes appointment. |
11-18-1786 |
Anza, Cabello, Ugarte y Loyola |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Discrepancies in reports concerning comanches. |
11-18-1786 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Anza, Cabello, Vial, Apodaca |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Domingo Cabello. Announcing Vial's plans to establish a direct route between Bexar and Santa Fe. |
10-26-1786 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Anza, Cabello, Vial, Apodaca |
Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Domingo Cabello. Announcing Vial's plans to establish a direct route between Bexar and Santa Fe. |
10-26-1786 |
Cabello, Ugarte y Loyola, Cota de Malla, Vial, Chaves, Anza |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Discusses relationship of yamberica chiefs with comanches. |
10-09-1786 |
Cabello, Ugarte y Loyola, Vial, Chabes, Gil Ybarbo, Apodaca |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Payments to Chabes and Vial for work on comanches peace negotiations, and payments to Gil y Barbo for freight on Indian presents. |
09-24-1786 |
Gil y Barbo, Tecier, Esperanza, Baca, Antoya, Cabello, Llario de Cordova |
Cristoval Llario de Cordova to Domingo Cabello. Report of murder by Frenchmen with Spanish captive. |
08-26-1786 |
Flores, Cabello, Menchaca, Arocha, Arocha, Cabillo, Leal, Delgado, Rodriguez |
Petitions to export cattle to Coahuila. |
09-00-1786 |
Flores, Cabello, Menchaca, Arocha, Arocha, Cabillo, Leal, Delgado, Rodriguez |
Petitions to export cattle to Coahuila. |
09-00-1786 |
Cabello, Ugarte y Loyola, Valdes, Amangual |
Domingo Cabello to Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Marcelo Valdes' to retire from service, recommendation of Amangual to succeed Valdes. |
08-24-1786 |