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Title Date Author(s)
Legal proceedings in murder of Agustin, a pame Indian. 04-30-1801 Gomez del Barrio, Eugenio (Capitan), Ruiz, Jose Manuel (Sargento)
Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726 Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Olivan Rebolledo, Juan de, and others
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of November. 11-04-1778 Ruiz, Joseph Faustino
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of December. 12-19-1778 Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Virrey(?)
Correspondence between Ruiz and virrey re: salaries of naval personnel, month of August. 08-19-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?) Personnel, Month of August.
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of August. 08-19-1778 Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Virrey(?)
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for months of September and October. 09-19-1778 Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Virrey(?)
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and Virrey. 06-19-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?)
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of July. 06-19-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?)
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of April. 04-20-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?)
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of May. 04-25-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario Interino)
Correspondence with Ruiz de: shipping of supplies to San Diego, San Francisco and Monterrey. 02-28-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, and others San Francisco and Monterrey.
Correspondence between virrey and Ruiz re: various administrative matters. 03-20-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Administrative Matters.
Consultation by Ruiz with virrey on various civil and naval matters. 02-20-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?)
Correspondence related to arrival of Fragata nuestra senora de los remedios. 02-24-1778 Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de la (Teniente de Navio), and others
Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. 06-27-1767 Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario), Ayllon, Juan Francisco de (Contador), Lopez de Toledo, Antonia Joseph (Tesorero)
Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. 02-20-1778 Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario), Cavanas, Josef (Comisario), Compoi, Antonio, and others To California.
Informes from Rivera, Pedro de, Perez de Almazan, and others to viceroy concerning Indian affairs and colonists in Texas. 12-01-1731 Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Perez de Almazan, Juan Antonio, and others
Request for land titles, mines and permission to settle town on Indian land. Indian unrest. Refusal to send soldiers. 02-04-1730 Rodriguez, Joseph Antonio (Fray), Garza Falcon, Clemente de la (Governador), Monzon, Domingo (Governador), Garcia de Pruneda, Jua (Governador).
Letters concerning shortage of military supplies in Coahuila 04-12-1706 Rodrigues, Juan (Miembro del Cabildo de Monclova), Alarcon, Martin de (Gobernador)
Letter concerning military campaign in Coahuila 07-21-1705 Ramon, Diego (Capitan)
Sobre la fundacion del pueblo y mision de San Francisco Solano en el nuevo valle de la circuncision 03-01-1700 Ramon Diego (Sargento Maior), Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (Gobernador)
Appointment Potau de Portugal as intendent of Durango 10-24-1791 Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, Potau de Portugal, Francisco
Coahuila, ano de 1765. Ortiz Parrilla, gobernador interino. 03-07-1765 Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel
Coahuila, ano de 1765. Ortiz Parrilla, gobernador interino. 03-07-1765 Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel
Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. 01-15-1766 Barrios y Jauregui, Jacinto (Gobernador), Rivera, Pedro de
Correspondencia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. 07-07-1764 Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel, Barrios, Manuel, Martos y Navarrete, Angel, Cruillas, (Marques de)(Virrey), Cancio, Lorenzo
Correspondencia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. 07-07-1764 Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel, Barrios, Manuel, Martos y Navarrete, Angel, Cruillas, (Marques de)(Virrey), Cancio, Lorenzo
Correspondencia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. 07-07-1764 Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel, Barrios, Manuel, Martos y Navarrete, Angel, Cruillas, (Marques de)(Virrey), Cancio, Lorenzo
Letters of governor Guitierrez to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo, with draft responses and related petition 12-09-1792 Guiterrez de la Cueva, Juan, Rodriguez, Francisco Xavier, Revilla Gigedo (Conde)
Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo, draft responses and related documents 03-17-1792 Emparan, Miguel Jose, Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Losse(?), Martin
Letter of governor Guiterrez to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo and draft response 03-01-1793 Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Guitierrez de la Cueva, Juan
Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo and draft responses 10-14-1790 Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Emparan, Miguel Jose
Letters of guitierrez and Emparan to Revilla Gigedo and draft response 02-08-1790 Emparan, Miguel Jose, Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Guitierrez de la Cueva, Juan
Letters of governor Ugarte and captain Rodriguez on Indian depredations directed to Bucareli and draft response 12-03-1776 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Frey), Rodriguez, Vicente
Diarios of Coahuila commanders in O'Conor's general campaign of 1775/1776 03-09-1775 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Garza Falcon, Alexo (Theniente y Havilitado), Rodriguez, Bicente
Letters from ship magallanes; commander of port of San Blas to governor of alta California 05-29-1816 Ruiz, Pablo Javier, Cruz, Josef de la
Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches 05-24-1773 Martinez Pacheco, Rafael (Theniente Inspector), Perez, Joseph Antonio (Alferez), Ripperda, Juan Maria de (Baron)(Gobernador), Rodriguez, Bisente, and others
Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches 05-24-1773 Martinez Pacheco, Rafael (Theniente Inspector), Perez, Joseph Antonio (Alferez), Ripperda, Juan Maria de (Baron)(Gobernador), Rodriguez, Bisente, and others
Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768 Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), Menchaca, Luis Antonio (Capitan), Alderete, Bizente de, Rodriguez, Vicente (Comandante), and others
Letters from various military officials to governor Cancio 09-16-1762 Rodriguez, Bisente, Ecai y Muzquiz, Joseph Joaquin, Rodriguez, Manuel
Letters from various military officials to governor Cancio 09-16-1762 Rodriguez, Bisente, Ecai y Muzquiz, Joseph Joaquin, Rodriguez, Manuel
Letters from various military officials to governor Cancio 09-16-1762 Rodriguez, Bisente, Ecai y Muzquiz, Joseph Joaquin, Rodriguez, Manuel
Letters concerning transfer of Cos to San Juan Bautista from Santa Rosa de Sacramento 10-02-1756 Cos, Manuel de (Teniente), Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), Garcia, Diego Martin (Fray)
Letters from Rodriguez to viceroy concerning presidial affairs 12-03-1755 Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), and others
Administrative papers from captain of San Juan Bautista 11-29-1767 Rodriguez, Vicente (Capitan), and others
Reintegro de faltas que hubo en las memorias del presidio de San Diego respectivo al ano de 1800 11-10-1800 Carrazco, Juan (Piloto)(Contador), Rodriguez, Manual Antonio (Comandante), Borbon, Francisco Xavier (Fiscal), Murphy, Jacobo (Comandante), Bermudez, Francisco de Paula, Garcia, Felipe (Alferez), and others
El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo ano de 1810 pidiendo havilitacion y embrio. Memorias y sinados de la baja California respectivo al ano de 1810. 09-03-1809 Garcia, Jose, Velazquez de Leon, Borbon, Rodriquez, Manuel, Valles, Ygnacio, Beltran, Goycoechea, Felipe, Arnaiz, Iturride, Monici (?), Cuadoboll (?), and others
El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo ano de 1810 pidiendo havilitacion y embrio. Memorias y sinados de la baja California respectivo al ano de 1810. 09-03-1809 Garcia, Jose, Velazquez de Leon, Borbon, Rodriquez, Manuel, Valles, Ygnacio, Beltran, Goycoechea, Felipe, Arnaiz, Iturride, Monici (?), Cuadoboll (?), and others
El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo ano de 1810 pidiendo havilitacion y embrio. Memorias y sinados de la baja California respectivo al ano de 1810. 09-03-1809 Garcia, Jose, Velazquez de Leon, Borbon, Rodriquez, Manuel, Valles, Ygnacio, Beltran, Goycoechea, Felipe, Arnaiz, Iturride, Monici (?), Cuadoboll (?), and others