Legal proceedings in murder of Agustin, a pame Indian. |
04-30-1801 |
Gomez del Barrio, Eugenio (Capitan), Ruiz, Jose Manuel (Sargento) |
Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde |
05-13-1726 |
Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Olivan Rebolledo, Juan de, and others |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of November. |
11-04-1778 |
Ruiz, Joseph Faustino |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of December. |
12-19-1778 |
Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Correspondence between Ruiz and virrey re: salaries of naval personnel, month of August. |
08-19-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?) Personnel, Month of August. |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of August. |
08-19-1778 |
Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for months of September and October. |
09-19-1778 |
Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and Virrey. |
06-19-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of July. |
06-19-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of April. |
04-20-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Administrative correspondence between Ruiz and virrey for month of May. |
04-25-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario Interino) |
Correspondence with Ruiz de: shipping of supplies to San Diego, San Francisco and Monterrey. |
02-28-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, and others San Francisco and Monterrey. |
Correspondence between virrey and Ruiz re: various administrative matters. |
03-20-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Administrative Matters. |
Consultation by Ruiz with virrey on various civil and naval matters. |
02-20-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino, Virrey(?) |
Correspondence related to arrival of Fragata nuestra senora de los remedios. |
02-24-1778 |
Ruiz, Joseph Faustino, Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de la (Teniente de Navio), and others |
Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. |
06-27-1767 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario), Ayllon, Juan Francisco de (Contador), Lopez de Toledo, Antonia Joseph (Tesorero) |
Correspondence from Ruiz de Huidobro re: shipping of supplies to California. |
02-20-1778 |
Ruiz, Josef Faustino (Comisario), Cavanas, Josef (Comisario), Compoi, Antonio, and others To California. |
Informes from Rivera, Pedro de, Perez de Almazan, and others to viceroy concerning Indian affairs and colonists in Texas. |
12-01-1731 |
Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Perez de Almazan, Juan Antonio, and others |
Request for land titles, mines and permission to settle town on Indian land. Indian unrest. Refusal to send soldiers. |
02-04-1730 |
Rodriguez, Joseph Antonio (Fray), Garza Falcon, Clemente de la (Governador), Monzon, Domingo (Governador), Garcia de Pruneda, Jua (Governador). |
Letters concerning shortage of military supplies in Coahuila |
04-12-1706 |
Rodrigues, Juan (Miembro del Cabildo de Monclova), Alarcon, Martin de (Gobernador) |
Letter concerning military campaign in Coahuila |
07-21-1705 |
Ramon, Diego (Capitan) |
Sobre la fundacion del pueblo y mision de San Francisco Solano en el nuevo valle de la circuncision |
03-01-1700 |
Ramon Diego (Sargento Maior), Cuerbo y Valdes, Francisco (Gobernador) |
Appointment Potau de Portugal as intendent of Durango |
10-24-1791 |
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, Potau de Portugal, Francisco |
Coahuila, ano de 1765. Ortiz Parrilla, gobernador interino. |
03-07-1765 |
Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel |
Coahuila, ano de 1765. Ortiz Parrilla, gobernador interino. |
03-07-1765 |
Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel |
Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. |
01-15-1766 |
Barrios y Jauregui, Jacinto (Gobernador), Rivera, Pedro de |
Correspondencia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. |
07-07-1764 |
Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel, Barrios, Manuel, Martos y Navarrete, Angel, Cruillas, (Marques de)(Virrey), Cancio, Lorenzo |
Correspondencia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. |
07-07-1764 |
Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel, Barrios, Manuel, Martos y Navarrete, Angel, Cruillas, (Marques de)(Virrey), Cancio, Lorenzo |
Correspondencia de Coahuila. Ano de 1764. |
07-07-1764 |
Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (Gobernador), Rabago y Theran, Phelipe (Capitan), Rodriguez, Manuel, Barrios, Manuel, Martos y Navarrete, Angel, Cruillas, (Marques de)(Virrey), Cancio, Lorenzo |
Letters of governor Guitierrez to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo, with draft responses and related petition |
12-09-1792 |
Guiterrez de la Cueva, Juan, Rodriguez, Francisco Xavier, Revilla Gigedo (Conde) |
Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo, draft responses and related documents |
03-17-1792 |
Emparan, Miguel Jose, Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Losse(?), Martin |
Letter of governor Guiterrez to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo and draft response |
03-01-1793 |
Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Guitierrez de la Cueva, Juan |
Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo and draft responses |
10-14-1790 |
Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Emparan, Miguel Jose |
Letters of guitierrez and Emparan to Revilla Gigedo and draft response |
02-08-1790 |
Emparan, Miguel Jose, Revilla Gigedo (Conde), Guitierrez de la Cueva, Juan |
Letters of governor Ugarte and captain Rodriguez on Indian depredations directed to Bucareli and draft response |
12-03-1776 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Frey), Rodriguez, Vicente |
Diarios of Coahuila commanders in O'Conor's general campaign of 1775/1776 |
03-09-1775 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Garza Falcon, Alexo (Theniente y Havilitado), Rodriguez, Bicente |
Letters from ship magallanes; commander of port of San Blas to governor of alta California |
05-29-1816 |
Ruiz, Pablo Javier, Cruz, Josef de la |
Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches |
05-24-1773 |
Martinez Pacheco, Rafael (Theniente Inspector), Perez, Joseph Antonio (Alferez), Ripperda, Juan Maria de (Baron)(Gobernador), Rodriguez, Bisente, and others |
Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches |
05-24-1773 |
Martinez Pacheco, Rafael (Theniente Inspector), Perez, Joseph Antonio (Alferez), Ripperda, Juan Maria de (Baron)(Gobernador), Rodriguez, Bisente, and others |
Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations |
03-17-1768 |
Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), Menchaca, Luis Antonio (Capitan), Alderete, Bizente de, Rodriguez, Vicente (Comandante), and others |
Letters from various military officials to governor Cancio |
09-16-1762 |
Rodriguez, Bisente, Ecai y Muzquiz, Joseph Joaquin, Rodriguez, Manuel |
Letters from various military officials to governor Cancio |
09-16-1762 |
Rodriguez, Bisente, Ecai y Muzquiz, Joseph Joaquin, Rodriguez, Manuel |
Letters from various military officials to governor Cancio |
09-16-1762 |
Rodriguez, Bisente, Ecai y Muzquiz, Joseph Joaquin, Rodriguez, Manuel |
Letters concerning transfer of Cos to San Juan Bautista from Santa Rosa de Sacramento |
10-02-1756 |
Cos, Manuel de (Teniente), Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), Garcia, Diego Martin (Fray) |
Letters from Rodriguez to viceroy concerning presidial affairs |
12-03-1755 |
Rodriguez, Manuel (Capitan), and others |
Administrative papers from captain of San Juan Bautista |
11-29-1767 |
Rodriguez, Vicente (Capitan), and others |
Reintegro de faltas que hubo en las memorias del presidio de San Diego respectivo al ano de 1800 |
11-10-1800 |
Carrazco, Juan (Piloto)(Contador), Rodriguez, Manual Antonio (Comandante), Borbon, Francisco Xavier (Fiscal), Murphy, Jacobo (Comandante), Bermudez, Francisco de Paula, Garcia, Felipe (Alferez), and others |
El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo ano de 1810 pidiendo havilitacion y embrio. Memorias y sinados de la baja California respectivo al ano de 1810. |
09-03-1809 |
Garcia, Jose, Velazquez de Leon, Borbon, Rodriquez, Manuel, Valles, Ygnacio, Beltran, Goycoechea, Felipe, Arnaiz, Iturride, Monici (?), Cuadoboll (?), and others |
El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo ano de 1810 pidiendo havilitacion y embrio. Memorias y sinados de la baja California respectivo al ano de 1810. |
09-03-1809 |
Garcia, Jose, Velazquez de Leon, Borbon, Rodriquez, Manuel, Valles, Ygnacio, Beltran, Goycoechea, Felipe, Arnaiz, Iturride, Monici (?), Cuadoboll (?), and others |
El gobernador de la baja California? de 3 de noviembre, ano 1809 acompana las memorias que se necesitan en aquella provincia en el proximo ano de 1810 pidiendo havilitacion y embrio. Memorias y sinados de la baja California respectivo al ano de 1810. |
09-03-1809 |
Garcia, Jose, Velazquez de Leon, Borbon, Rodriquez, Manuel, Valles, Ygnacio, Beltran, Goycoechea, Felipe, Arnaiz, Iturride, Monici (?), Cuadoboll (?), and others |