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Title Date Author(s)
Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766 Salinas, Jose (Teniente), Pardo, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Arredondo, Joaquin de (Comandante General), and others
Letters from Cachupin to virrey Cruillas re: need for polvora; submission list of equipment and minitions in armory, co-signed by Portillo. 02-04-1762 Velez Cachupin, Thomas (Gobernador), Portillo Urrisola, Manuel (Gobernador Interino)
Letters from Portillo re: state of presidio at time of Marin del Valle's resignation. 06-10-1761 Portillo Urrisola, Manuel (Gobernador)
Correspondence from Paez, Velarde, Fuente re: campaign against Apaches. 10-07-1765 Paez, Joseph (Fray), Velarde, Francisco Antonio (Teniente Capitan), Fuente, Pedro de la (Capitan)
Officers salaries. 00-00-0000 Paidin, Francisco Xabier
Legal documents concerning payments of interest rates on loans. 05-14-1757 Leon, Diego de, Paz, Francisco Antonio de, Mendoza, Antonio Alejo de, Montalvan, Miguel de
Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, Indian depredations and English traders. 09-13-1773 Ripperda, Baron de, Virrey(?), Pilliens, Baltharard
Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, Indian depredations and English traders. 09-13-1773 Ripperda, Baron de, Virrey(?), Pilliens, Baltharard
Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June, 1771. 02-05-1771 Tovar, Francisco, Ripperda, Baron de, Pacheco Martinez, Rafael
Documents concerning crime of desertion, extorsion and fraud. 08-08-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Pimentel, Blas de
Documents concerning crime of desertion, extorsion and fraud. 08-08-1767 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Pimentel, Blas de
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning arrest of pimentel for desertion and money given for his maintenance. 07-26-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Pimentel, Blas
Correspondence between Croix and Cuellar concerning arrest of pimentel for desertion and money given for his maintenance. 07-26-1768 Cuellar, Lope de, Virrey (?), Pimentel, Blas
Letter from Padilla to virrey concerning lack of militia in Topago. 08-23-1758 Padilla, Diego (Justicia)
Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. 04-29-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?), Pol, Antonio de, and others
Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. 04-29-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?), Pol, Antonio de, and others
Corbalan's correspondence re: gold discoveries; troop food supplies; Yaqui subsistance. 04-29-1771 Corbalan, Pedro, Virrey (?), Pol, Antonio de, and others
Pineda to Croix letter concerning Alcabala. 01-14-1768 Pineda, Juan de, Croix, Marques de
Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. 11-13-1780 Croix, Cavallero de, Posada (Fiscal), Miranda y Rubio, Maria Teresa de (Viuda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio, and others
Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783 Diaz, Domingo (Capitan Retirado), Galvez, Joseph de, Posada (Fiscal de Real Hacienda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783 Diaz, Domingo (Capitan Retirado), Galvez, Joseph de, Posada (Fiscal de Real Hacienda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779 Perez, Felipe Ramon (Cura), Hijosa, Francisco (Comisario), and others
Index of the expedientes and documents delivered to brigadier Croix. 03-31-1777 Peramas, Melchor de
Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning Indian raids. 02-18-1764 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey)
Letters from Pineda, Vildosola, and others to viceroy concerning vandos, condition of presidios, and Apaches. 06-20-1764 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Vildosola, Gabriel Antonio de (Capitan), and others
Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, the viceroy, and others concerning military appointments. 00-00-1758 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), and others
Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning rosario's troops. 02-12-1762 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey)
Correspondence between Urrea, Pineda, and Cruillas concerning numerous Indian raids. 12-31-1762 Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador)
Correspondence between Pineda, Urrea, and Cruillas concerning Pineda's arrival to Sonora, and appointments for presidio's officials. 04-02-1763 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Urrea, Bernardo de (Capitan), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey), and others.
Letters from Pineda to Cruillas concerning presidio of Buena Vista, and several Indian raids. 03-21-1765 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Oliba, Juan Maria de
Correspondence between Pineda and Cruillas concerning new soldiers for Cancio. 12-20-1765 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Cruillas, Marques de (Virrey)
Informe from Puig to virrey concerning finding of human bones in Nayarit cave. 05-06-1785 Puig, Juan (Comandante), Antonio (Fray) (Obispo de Guadalaxara)
Documents relating to request by Navarro to cajas de Guadalaxara for payment of synods and provisioning of corn for cultivation by Indians. 02-16-1787 Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Posada, Ramon de (Fiscal), Corvalan, Pedro de (Gobernador Intendiente), and others
Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. 04-01-1779 Prestamero, Juan (Fray), Navarro, Josef Antonio (Fray), Cuebas, Antonio (Fray), and others
Series of complaints to virrey concerning Oca's mistreatment of soldiers and contempt for local missionaries. 11-13-1764 Villalobos, Pedro (Soldado), Polo, Antonio Thomas (Capellan), Valcarcel, Jose, and others
Letters on military activity in Sonora, Tepic and California. 01-12-1771 Pieran, Diego, Croix (Marques), and others
Juan de Pineda, Domingo Elizondo. Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion de Sonora contra los yndios rebeldes del cerro Prieto. 03-01-1770 Pineda, Juan de, Elizondo, Domingo
Letter from Plo y Alduan to Rengel complaining of low salary; high cost of living. Requests that Rengel notify virrey. 12-27-1785 Rengel, Joseph Antonio, Plo y Alduan, Pedro (Contador)
Petition for promotion by teniente Azuela. 09-24-1770 Azuela Velasco, Manuel de la (Teniente), Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador)
Letters about pacification offered to various rebel groups. 07-17-1769 Lopez, Juan Gregorio, Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador)
Ultimatum to all rebel Indians to surrender 05-15-1769 Galvez, Joseph de (Visitador General), Pineda, Juan (Gobernador)
Letters to viceroy about campaigns against Pimas and Apaches in Sonora. 12-06-1768 Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Croix, Carlos Francisco de (Virrey)
Cuentas for supplies to Apaches de paz and prisioneros; Taraumara auxiliaries at Chihuahua. 06-25-1791 Portto, Ventura Do, Cordero, Antonio, Borica, Diego de (Ayudante Inspector), and others
Libramentos de Provincias Internas 04-18-1796 Arce, Francisco Manuel de (Ministro Tesorero), Palacio, Jose de, Arnaldo, Antonio (Teniente), and others
Military review of segunda compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, diarios and military rolls, 1796. 01-01-1796 Blanco, Jose (Capitan), Puga, Antonio Favian de (Teniente), Bujanos, Manuel (Alferez Primero)
Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796 Ramon, Juan Ygnacio (Primer Teniente), Herrera, Simon de (Gobernador), Perez, Francisco Xavier, and others
Military correspondence between virrey, Herrera and various presidial officers regarding Indian hostilities in Nuevo Leon. 03-27-1796 Ramon, Juan Ygnacio (Primer Teniente), Herrera, Simon de (Gobernador), Perez, Francisco Xavier, and others
Correspondence with virrey concerning granting of sick leave to Vidal de Lorca. 03-01-1795 Sierra Gorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Vidal de Lorca, Jose Joaquin (Alferez), Pason, Maria Francesca, and others
Correspondence with virrey concerning granting of sick leave to Vidal de Lorca. 03-01-1795 Sierra Gorda, Conde de la (Gobernador), Vidal de Lorca, Jose Joaquin (Alferez), Pason, Maria Francesca, and others
Series of letters relating to Emparan's replacement by acting governor Gutierrez de la Cueva. 08-27-1791 Emparan, Miguel Jose de (Gobernador), Pena, Pedro de (Alcalde), Battaller (Auditor de Guerra)