Autos and decreto by Mena, Jover, Ossio and others regarding mining and livestock matters in Santa Rosalia ranch vecinity. |
11-19-1753 |
Mena, Antonio Ignacio de (Teniente de Coronel), Ossio, Antonio de, Jover, Jose, and others |
Extractos de la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander por los capitanes justicias de los pueblos. |
09-00-1777 |
Butron, Sabastian (Justicia), Astigarraga, Josef Maria, Olvera, Francisco Angel, and others |
Extractos de la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander por los capitanes justicias de los pueblos. |
09-00-1777 |
Butron, Sabastian (Justicia), Astigarraga, Josef Maria, Olvera, Francisco Angel, and others |
Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo to virrey concerning Indian affairs, tax collection, other issues in 1768. |
00-00-1756 |
Palacio, Juan Fernando de (Mariscal de Campo), Ossorio, Joseph (Licenciado) |
Letters from Palacio, Ossorio, Rubio to virrey. |
12-11-1767 |
Ossorio, Joseph, Palacio, Juan Fernando de (Mariscal de Campo), Rubio, Joseph, and others |
Correspondence between Mariscal de Campo and Marques de Croix concerning mines, tax collection, other issues. |
00-00-1765 |
Palacio, Juan Fernando de (Mariscal de Campo), Osorio y Llamas, Joseph (Abogado) |
Correspondence from gobernador to virrey, 1762, and testimony regarding correo. |
02-15-1762 |
Velasco, Carlos de (Gobernador), Obiedo, Miguel Domingo de (Administrador), noriega, Salvador Dias de, and others |
Letter from Daroca and attached note from Oconor re: Daroca's requset for retirement following injury. |
01-18-1774 |
Daroca, Antonio Maria de (Teniente Gobernador), Oconor, Hugo |
Ripperda's letters re: account books. |
05-02-1770 |
Croix, Oconor, Hugo, Ripperda, Baron de, and others |
Ripperda's letters re: account books. |
05-02-1770 |
Croix, Oconor, Hugo, Ripperda, Baron de, and others |
Correspondence concerning transference of men for protection of Bexar against indians |
06-11-1770 |
Oca, Manuel Antonio de, Rivas, Antonio de, Virrey (?) |
Documents related to court cases of various prisoners. |
08-12-1776 |
Olaondo, Antonio Joseph, Gomez de la Guerra, Francisco Juan, and |
Discussion of desire to settle cases of various prisoners who are currently imprisoned in real carcel of Durango. |
12-24-1778 |
Olaondo, Antonio Joseph, Croix, Cavallero de, and others |
Correspondence re: Ocio y Mena's request for employment in contaduria de marina in San Blas |
09-25-1794 |
Osio y Mena, Jose Antonio de, and others |
Correspondence of viceroy Bucareli and O'conor |
02-14-1774 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Fray) |
Correspondence of Fayni, viceroy Bucareli and O'Conor on supply in Nueva Vizcaya |
03-03-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Fray), Fayni, Josef |
Correspondence and tables submitted by O'Conor and Medina to viceroy Bucareli |
09-17-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Frey), Medina, Roque |
Letters and related certification of new presidio sites, from comandant O'Conor to viceroy Bucareli; includes response. |
08-20-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (Fray) |
Correspondence of viceroy Bucareli and comandant O'conor. |
09-17-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (Fray) |
Correspondence and related plan de operaciones of O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli |
04-05-1776 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Fray), O'conor, Hugo |
Correspondence of comandant O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli with a copy of a letter from O'Conor to Ugarte |
06-31-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray) |
Correspondence of O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli |
06-07-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria |
Correspondence related to O'conor's diario of general campaign of 1775. |
12-01-1775 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria |
Correspondence of O'Conor and Bucareli |
05-10-1775 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, O'conor, Hugo |
Oconor to virrey on military visitas |
12-17-1774 |
Oconor, Hugo (Comandante), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Crespo, Francisco Antonio, and others |
Letters from Pineda to Cruillas concerning presidio of Buena Vista, and several Indian raids. |
03-21-1765 |
Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Oliba, Juan Maria de |
Documents concerning destruction of adolatorios in Nayarit. |
12-03-1730 |
Ortega, Joseph de (Fray), Covarrubias, Urbano de (Fray), Garcia, Joseph Xavier (Capitan) |
Letters from Ortega and Rivera to virrey concerning state of missionary program in Nayarit. |
03-22-1730 |
Rivera, Pedro de (Brigadier), Ortega, Joseph de (Fray) |
Croix's correspondence re: military personnel; fiscal affairs in Chihuahua and funds for California arms; and Alamos treasury testimony. |
04-02-1781 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Virrey (?), Ortiz de Rozas, Juan Chihuahua |
Croix's correspondence re: military personnel; fiscal affairs in Chihuahua and funds for California arms; and Alamos treasury testimony. |
04-02-1781 |
Croix, Cavallero de, Virrey (?), Ortiz de Rozas, Juan Chihuahua |
Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. |
12-18-1776 |
Oconor, Hugo, Croix, Cavallero de, Escorza, Manuel Antonio, and others |
O'conor submits recommendations for commanders of his expeditionary force in Chihuahua |
05-26-1772 |
O'conor, Hugo, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio |
Account of thirty tercios of tobacco sent to Belena by Galvez to acquire monies for expedition to Californias. |
12-20-1769 |
Ortega, Bartholome de (Escribano), Bentura Belena, Eusebio (Subdelegado) |
Relacion and informes concerning pacification of comanches and yutas. |
02-20-1779 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Garrido y Duran, Pedro, Ortiz, Francisco Xavier |
Correspondence between various officials concerning purchase of horses |
12-02-1775 |
Larrauri, Juan Agustin, Oconor, Hugo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, and others |
Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. |
06-04-1789 |
Nava, Pedro de, Revilla Gigedo, Ortega, Joseph Francisco (Teniente), and others |
Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. |
06-04-1789 |
Nava, Pedro de, Revilla Gigedo, Ortega, Joseph Francisco (Teniente), and others |
Nava's correspondence re: Grimarest's illness; Fourth company paymaster request for funds; military retirement and invalids. |
06-04-1789 |
Nava, Pedro de, Revilla Gigedo, Ortega, Joseph Francisco (Teniente), and others |
Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. |
00-00-1750 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Oconor, Hugo de (Teniente Coronel), and others |
Correspondence between Bucareli, Ugarte, Oconor, and others concerning relocation of presidios. |
00-00-1750 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Oconor, Hugo de (Teniente Coronel), and others |
Correspondence between Oca, Bucareli, and other government officials concerning Oca's request to go to Spain. |
05-22-1769 |
Oca, Manuel Antonio de (Teniente Coronel), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), and others |
Correspondence between Ugarte, Oconor, Areche and other government officials concerning salary raise for Ugarte. |
09-10-1772 |
Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Gobernador), Oconor, Hugo (Comandante Inspector), Areche, Joseph Antonio de, and others |
Letters between various officials and viceroy concerning status of royal treasuries |
01-09-1788 |
Ochoa, Pablo de, Arrequi, Francisco de, Yrigoyen, Pedro Ygnacio de, and others |
Administration of renta de tabaco, polvora y naipes. |
01-03-1777 |
Otermin, Miguel de, Croix, Cavallero de, Arangoyte, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio (Virrey), and others |
Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. |
10-30-1794 |
Oliden, Ygnacio, Bonilla, Berangana, Domingo de, Branciforte, Marques de (Virrey), and others |
Correspondence of governor Fayni and viceroy Bucareli and related letter by commandant inspector O'conor |
10-01-1775 |
Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Fayni, Josef, O'conor, Hugo |
Letter of governor to viceroy with related citizen reports. |
06-02-1773 |
Fayni, Josef, Fierro, Josef Francisco, Ortez de Sanchez, Francisco |
Letters by Fayni and Oxinaga concerning economy and military condition of Valle de San Bartholome. |
11-19-1772 |
Fayni, Josef, Oxinaga, Domingo de (Justicia Mayor) |
Promotions of military personnel. |
05-00-1784 |
Marrufo, Ramon, Carrasco, Joseph Manuel (Comandante Interino), Ortega, Vicente (Teniente) |
Promotions of military personnel. |
05-00-1784 |
Marrufo, Ramon, Carrasco, Joseph Manuel (Comandante Interino), Ortega, Vicente (Teniente) |