Del padre visitador general Joseph Xavier de Molina al padre rector Phelipe Segesser. Pido a vuestra reverencia me informe lo que supiere del padre Ventura Echavarria. |
02-19-1741 |
Molina, Joseph Xavier de (Visitador General, S.J.), Segesser, Phelipe (Rector, S.J.) |
Del padre Joseph Xavier de Molina al padre visitador Luis Maria Marciano. Porque yo no podia empezar en la visita. |
11-16-1740 |
Molina, Joseph Xavier de (Visitador General, S.J.), Marciano, Luis Maria (Visitador, S.J.) |
Del padre Joseph Xavier de Molina al padre visitador Luis Maria Marciano. Porque yo no podia empezar en la visita. |
11-16-1740 |
Molina, Joseph Xavier de (Visitador General, S.J.), Marciano, Luis Maria (Visitador, S.J.) |
Torivio Rodrigues de Solis, Joseph de Miranda. Copies of letters in defense of missionaries. |
03-13-1713 |
Solis, Torivio Rodrigues de, Morrillo de Arivaca, Ignacio (Alcalde Mayor de Rio Chico) |
Padre Daniel Angelo Marras/padre Luis del Canto. Informe sobre el poner de un presidio en el valle de Teuricatzi. |
01-03-1687 |
Marras, Daniel Angelo (Padre), Canto, Luis del (Padre) |
Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. |
02-26-1761 |
Virnuega, Juan de (Capitan), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Merino, Manuel, and others |
Concerns the management of the segunda compania de Voluntarios de Cataluna. |
02-26-1761 |
Virnuega, Juan de (Capitan), Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Merino, Manuel, and others |
Concerns the replacement of men within the regimiento de dragones de Espana detached in Mexico. |
02-02-1767 |
Mendinueta, Pedro, Velasquez, Juan (Teniente Coronel), Lasso de la Vega, Pedro Maria (Capitan), and others |
Concerns the retirement of Periques and the choosing of his replacement. |
10-16-1768 |
Periques, Miguel (Subteniente), Mendinueta, Pedro, and others |
Documents required to obtain marriage license for Ignacio Garisuain, Josefa Martinez. |
05-14-1782 |
Garisuain, Ignacio (Alferez), Martinez, Pedro, Parras, Pedro (Fray), and others |
Hojas de servicio for various places and military units in Mexico. |
03-02-1767 |
Yturbe E Yraeta, Manuel (Comandante), Mazoleni, Juan (Comandante) |
Hojas de servicio for various men. |
12-12-1773 |
Medina, Francisco (Capitan), Sanchez Cortina, Lorenzo (Comandante) |
Consideration of increasing the pay of the interventor of rentas in Chihuahua. |
09-17-1790 |
Nava, Pedro de, Menino, Manuel, Others |
Proposal to name Martinez de villagua as interventor of rentas in Los Alamos. |
01-15-1800 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Milan y Solis, Eugenio Maria de, Others |
Martre suggested as administrator of rentas in Sinaloa . |
04-11-1799 |
Nava, Pedro de (Comandante General), Martre, Diego Domingo, Lugo, Santiago de, Others |
Informes regarding merits and services of Hocio and recommendations by Melgares and Garcia Conde that he be retired (age 68) from Santa Fe chaplaincy. |
10-30-1816 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Hocio, Francisco de, Melgarges, Facundo, and others |
Informes regarding merits and services of Hocio and recommendations by Melgares and Garcia Conde that he be retired (age 68) from Santa Fe chaplaincy. |
10-30-1816 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Hocio, Francisco de, Melgarges, Facundo, and others |
Chaplain Hocio is granted retirement with salary. |
08-30-1760 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Hocio, Francisco de, Melgares, Facundo, and others |
Chaplain Hocio is granted retirement with salary. |
08-30-1760 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Hocio, Francisco de, Melgares, Facundo, and others |
Velez Cossio is discharged for health (cardiac) reasons; includes medical symptoms. |
11-02-1817 |
Maynez, Alberto, Garcia Conde, Alejo, Velez Cossio, Pedro |
Informes regarding sick leave for brigadier Garcia Conde. |
08-04-1818 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Momer, Jose, Batres, Antonio |
Brigadier Cordero submits financial information regarding Durango treasury, customs, and tobacco factory. Request of sketch of Guaymas port for defense purposes. |
None Given |
Cordero, Antonio, Martinez Araujo, Pedro, and others |
Provision of auditors for comandancias generales de Provincias Internas de oriente y occidente. |
12-10-1817 |
Rendon, Nicolas Maria (Virrey), Moran, Antonio, Venadito, Conde de, and others |
Munoz de Teran files complaint about his suspension from work due to his arrest by Arredondo. |
05-02-1819 |
Perez, Juan Joseph, Arredondo, Joaquin de, Munoz de Teran, Jose Joaquin, and others |
Munoz de Teran files complaint about his suspension from work due to his arrest by Arredondo. |
05-02-1819 |
Perez, Juan Joseph, Arredondo, Joaquin de, Munoz de Teran, Jose Joaquin, and others |
don Jose Miguel Martinez capellan de la compania presidial de La Bahia pidiendo su retiro. |
10-22-1815 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Royuela, Manuel, Martinez, Jose Miguel, and others |
don Jose Miguel Martinez capellan de la compania presidial de La Bahia pidiendo su retiro. |
10-22-1815 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Royuela, Manuel, Martinez, Jose Miguel, and others |
Glossary of expenses incurred during pacification and settlement of colonia del Nuevo Santander. |
08-01-1752 |
Monterde, Manuel de, Uruena, Joseph de, Guerrero, Joachin Anttonio, and others |
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. |
06-16-1716 |
Quintana, Manuela Maria, Gonzales, Florian, Mendoza y Villalobos, Francisco de (Capitan), and others |
Concerns decision, much delayed by death of havilitado, to descontar from captain's salary money owed to regimientos and presidio. |
08-07-1781 |
Garibay, Pedro (Sargento), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Messia, Francisco, and others |
Concerns decision, much delayed by death of havilitado, to descontar from captain's salary money owed to regimientos and presidio. |
08-07-1781 |
Garibay, Pedro (Sargento), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Messia, Francisco, and others |
Concerns widow's efforts to collect pension for husband who served 40 years in military but died in action before establishment of Monte Pio militar. |
06-16-1716 |
Quintana, Manuela Maria, Gonzales, Florian, Mendoza y Villalobos, Francisco de (Capitan), and others |
Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga concerning construction of mint in Arispe. |
12-21-1748 |
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Mascaro, Manuel Agustin (Ingeniero), Corvalan, Christoval, and others |
Concerns construction of casas de moneda in Guatemala and Arispe. |
06-02-1739 |
Martinez de Soria, Juan, Fossio, Pedro Antonio de, and others |
Real tribunal de cuentas returns money to Mugarrieta previously placed in treasury of Arispe. |
09-19-1783 |
Mugarrieta, Juan Felipe de, Campo Marin, Corvalan, Pedro, and others |
Letter from Croix to virrey recommending that captain receive salary while waiting for new post assignment. |
01-06-1782 |
Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General), Mesia, Galvez, Joseph de, and others |
Pujol leads group of Catalan families to Sonora to work in newly discovered mines, but is replaced by Fages following complaints of malicious behavior and mismanagement of funds. |
08-27-1778 |
Manxon, Francisco, Puyol y Masmitja, Juan (Sargento), Fages, Pedro (Teniente Coronel), and others |
Mazcorro requests retirement from milicias provinciales of Nuevo Santander. |
09-26-1806 |
Iturbe E Yraeta, Manuel, Mazcorro, Jose Gregorio (Teniente), Calleja, Felix |
Morelos requests retirement with right of fuero militar. |
05-05-1806 |
Calleja, Felix, Morelos, Ignacio de |
Domingo Antonio Galdames of segunda compania de patriotas de San Juan del rio requests retirement with fuero militar. |
10-04-1819 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Galdames, Domingo Antonio de (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others |
Domingo Antonio Galdames of segunda compania de patriotas de San Juan del rio requests retirement with fuero militar. |
10-04-1819 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Galdames, Domingo Antonio de (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. |
08-31-1818 |
Moreno, Jose, Cordero, Antonio, Moreno, Jose, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. |
08-31-1818 |
Moreno, Jose, Cordero, Antonio, Moreno, Jose, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of six individuals of the segunda compania Volante de Namiquipa. |
08-31-1818 |
Moreno, Jose, Cordero, Antonio, Moreno, Jose, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of two soldiers of the compania caballeria de Carrizal and two soldiers from the segunda compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya. |
11-30-1817 |
Ortiz, Miguel de, Moreno, Jose de |
Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the compania presidial de Santa Fe. |
08-18-1818 |
Villaescusa, Francisco de (Teniente, Melgares, Facundo, Arce, Antonio de, and others |
List of time of service and biographies of soldiers and officials awarded honors in company of San Buenaventura. |
12-31-1817 |
Manrriques, Jose (Capitan), Arze, Jose Antonio de, Moreno, Jose |
List of time of service and biographies of soldiers and officials awarded honors in company of San Buenaventura. |
12-31-1817 |
Manrriques, Jose (Capitan), Arze, Jose Antonio de, Moreno, Jose |
Retirement status granted to capitan d. Valentin Moreno, of the compania presidial de principe, in Nueva Vizcaya. |
05-01-1818 |
Lomban, Juan (Sargento), Navarro, Jose Maria (Medico), Moreno, Valentin (Capitan), and others |
Retirement status granted to capitan d. Valentin Moreno, of the compania presidial de principe, in Nueva Vizcaya. |
05-01-1818 |
Lomban, Juan (Sargento), Navarro, Jose Maria (Medico), Moreno, Valentin (Capitan), and others |