Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and trouble with Indians. |
06-13-1773 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Eguia, Francisco, Lomban, Juan, and others |
Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and trouble with Indians. |
06-13-1773 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo, Eguia, Francisco, Lomban, Juan, and others |
Arredondo illegally names his own auditor de guerra and argues for necessity of the same in comandancias de Provincias Internas de oriente y de occidente. |
08-13-1820 |
Perez, Juan Joseph, Arredondo, Joaquin de, Linar, Pascual de, and others |
Arredondo illegally names his own auditor de guerra and argues for necessity of the same in comandancias de Provincias Internas de oriente y de occidente. |
08-13-1820 |
Perez, Juan Joseph, Arredondo, Joaquin de, Linar, Pascual de, and others |
Letter from Crespo for virrey requesting him recommendation letters to show them to the king when he was serving in Sonora. |
00-00-1772 |
Crespo, Francisco Antonio (Coronel), Losada, Peramas, Melchor de |
Conflict concerning whether presidio captain Lumbreras should collect full final month of salary. |
03-06-1779 |
Lumbreras, Juan Jose (Capitan), Croix, Cavallero de (Comandante General) |
Castillo y Llata requests two-month leave in order to go to capital. |
04-30-1807 |
Garcia Rebollo, Ignacio, Lanos, Joseph Maria de |
Service records, biographies, and status of invalids of soldiers and cavos of primera and segunda companias Volantes de Nueva Santander. |
12-31-1805 |
Llanos, Juan Jose, Vidal de Lorca, Joaquin, Calleja, Felix, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of four soldiers of the primera compania Volante de Huajoquilla and of one soldier of the compania de caballeria de Carrizal. |
10-31-1817 |
Perez, Ignacio de, Lomban, Juan |
Request of retirement by Arvisu and regulations concerninf retirement of military officers. |
10-31-1816 |
Villaescusas, Francisco, Gonzales, Simon Elias, Linan, Pascual de, and others |
Request of retirement by Arvisu and regulations concerninf retirement of military officers. |
10-31-1816 |
Villaescusas, Francisco, Gonzales, Simon Elias, Linan, Pascual de, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors awarded to five members of the compania presidial de San Buenaventura. |
06-24-1818 |
Arze, Jose de, Lomban, Juan |
Service records and biographies, and honors of five members of the compania presidial del principe. |
06-06-1818 |
Ruano, Manuel, Lomban, Juan, Hernandez, Jose, and others |
Service records, biographies, and honors of three members of the quarta compania Volante de San Pablo. |
06-30-1818 |
Lomban, Juan, Ruano, Manuel, Arzate, Jose, and others |
1818 a 1820. P.i. de oriente. Don Tomas Saucedo. |
04-03-1818 |
Linan, Pascual de, Saucedo, Tomas (Sargento) |
Retirement status granted to capitan d. Valentin Moreno, of the compania presidial de principe, in Nueva Vizcaya. |
05-01-1818 |
Lomban, Juan (Sargento), Navarro, Jose Maria (Medico), Moreno, Valentin (Capitan), and others |
diligencias practicadas sobre falta de respeto a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria por la tropa del quartel de San Antonio, la noche del dia 8 de enero de dicho ano. |
01-10-1817 |
Roldan, Francisco del Pascual, Cano, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Lopez, Fabian (Alcalde de Barrio), and others |
diligencias practicadas sobre falta de respeto a la jurisdiccion real ordinaria por la tropa del quartel de San Antonio, la noche del dia 8 de enero de dicho ano. |
01-10-1817 |
Roldan, Francisco del Pascual, Cano, Jose Maria (Alcalde), Lopez, Fabian (Alcalde de Barrio), and others |
Concerns request by Velarde for status of invalid. |
10-17-1802 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Leon, Manuel de(Teniente) |
Lopez requests retirement from company of Durango due to his suffering from consumption. Lopez' service record and role in killing of various gandules mentioned. |
05-27-1816 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Murga, Laureano de, Lopez, Jose, and others |
Lopez requests retirement from company of Durango due to his suffering from consumption. Lopez' service record and role in killing of various gandules mentioned. |
05-27-1816 |
Bonavia, Bernardo, Murga, Laureano de, Lopez, Jose, and others |
Letters from Garcia Alexo to the virrey on the state of the provincias. Other matters related to military retirement. |
07-31-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Bernal, Francisco Joseph, Lopez, Carlos, and others |
Letters from Garcia Alexo to the virrey on the state of the provincias. Other matters related to military retirement. |
07-31-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Bernal, Francisco Joseph, Lopez, Carlos, and others |
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the Apaches attack and other matters. |
01-17-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Velasco, Francisco, Lomban, Juan, and others |
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the Apaches attack and other matters. |
01-17-1820 |
Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Velasco, Francisco, Lomban, Juan, and others |
Correspondence concerning tobacco trade in Nuevo Santander. |
12-12-1816 |
Arredando, Joaquin, Llano, Rafael de, Gonzales, Rafael, and others |
Concern request by Rodriguez Hucha to return to Spain. |
02-28-1797 |
Lopez Murto, Antonio (Fray), Rodriguez Hucha, Rafael (Fray), Gorozon, Miguel (Fray), and others |
Concerns colonization of San Miguel, wages of N.A. and I.P. Santiago y Castillo. |
06-04-1761 |
Gorraes, Joseph de, Lopez Portillo, Alonso, Santiago y Castillo, Ignacio Phelis del (Teniente), and others |
Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting permission to leave New Spain. |
10-20-1764 |
Escandon, Joseph (Coronel), Leon, Juan Guadalupe de (Cura), Boix, Gaspar (Fray), and others |
Statements from Naxera about Escandon's behavior. Accusations from Lasio against Escandon |
10-13-1766 |
Alegre y Capetillo, Joseph Ignacio Maria (Fray), Lasio, Carlos de, Naxera, Manuel de (Fray) |
Copies of documents concerning taxation dispositions in Guadalaxara and Zacatecas. |
06-22-1774 |
Perez de la Barreda, Ignacio, Lopez Padilla, Nicolas |
Informes from Lumbreras to Bucareli concerning discovery of silver mines at sierra de San Marcial. |
02-01-1779 |
Lumbreras, Juan Josef, Bauptista de Anza, Juan (Capitan) |
Copies of documents dealing with tax issues between Guadalaxara's real hacienda and province of Culiacan. |
05-23-1779 |
Oregel, Jose Prudencio de, Lopez Padilla, Nicolas, Garraez, Jose |
Correspondence re: military salaries and retirement of Lumbreras, Mascaro and Rocha. |
03-29-1779 |
Lumbreras, Juan Josef (Capitan), Croix, Cavallero de, and others Lumbreras, Mascaro and Rocha. |
Documents concerning death of Sastre. |
03-17-1773 |
Arembar, Miguel Joseph de (Juez Ecclesiastico), Azuela, Manuel de la (Teniente), Lopes de Aro, Bernardo Antonio, and others |
Documents concerning death of Sastre. |
03-17-1773 |
Arembar, Miguel Joseph de (Juez Ecclesiastico), Azuela, Manuel de la (Teniente), Lopes de Aro, Bernardo Antonio, and others |
El estado de las provincias pertenezientes a la governaciones de Sinaloa , y Nueva Vizcaya . . . . |
10-29-1763 |
Lizassoain, Ignacio (S.J.)(Padre), Gonzales, Miguel Elias (Capellan) |
Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificacion de dicha compania en agasajo de indios que la han visitado de paz. |
12-31-1802 |
Bujamos, Manuel, Lorca, Joaquin Vidal de (Comandante), Perea, Ramon (Alferez), and others |
Pacification of Indians (coras) in Nayarit. |
04-01-1724 |
Garzia, Andres, Partida, Salbador, Leon y Mendoza, Fernando de, and others |
Pacification of Indians (coras) in Nayarit. |
04-01-1724 |
Garzia, Andres, Partida, Salbador, Leon y Mendoza, Fernando de, and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito, various matters, from January to May 1821. |
01-10-1821 |
Real Alencaster, Joachin del (Coronel), Linan, Pascual de, Navarro, Jose Maria (Cirujano), and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1820, mostly concerning military retirements. |
12-31-1819 |
Moretes, Jose de Jesus, Cespedes, Jose (Capitan), Llano, Ignacio de, and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from 1820, mostly concerning military retirements. |
12-31-1819 |
Moretes, Jose de Jesus, Cespedes, Jose (Capitan), Llano, Ignacio de, and others |
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from April to July 1820, concerns mostly military regulation. |
04-15-1820 |
Pardo, Manuel (Gobernador), Linan, Pascual de, Ugarte, Juan Carlos de (Alferez), and others |
Service records of Navarro y Torres. |
04-29-1820 |
Navarro y Torres, Jose Maria (Coronel), Linan, Pascual de, Arango, Alejandro Maria (Teniente Coronel), and others |
Concerning retirement of Barrera; travel license for Villamil; fiscal affairs of Gutierrez. |
05-24-1815 |
Madera, Pedro Antonio (Coronel), Linan, Pascual de, Arredondo, Joaquin de, and others |
Concerning military restationing and promotions. |
12-05-1817 |
Linan, Pascual de, Arredondo, Joaquin de |
Documents concerning Sambrano in charge of counter-revolution against Hidalgo and insurgentes. |
12-17-1814 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Martinez, Juan Maria, Lemus, Pedro, and others |
Documents concerning Sambrano in charge of counter-revolution against Hidalgo and insurgentes. |
12-17-1814 |
Arredondo, Joaquin de, Martinez, Juan Maria, Lemus, Pedro, and others |
Report on payments to soldiers of second compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya |
02-28-1818 |
Moreno, Jose, Lomban, Juan |