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Title Date Author(s)
puestos en esta real caxa de mi cargo nueve mil quatrocientos pesos; los ocho mil seis cientos y cincuenta pesos por don Francisco Xavier Fernandez de esta vecindad; 08-14-1788 Bergana, Domingo de (Tesorero), Olvera, Jose Antonio de, Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, and others
Administrative correspondence between the governor of provincias de Oriente and the viceroy. 11-07-1792 Castro, Ramon de, Diaz de Bustamante, Joseph Ramon, nolasco Carrasco, Pedro and others
segun me ha representado el sr. Auditor de guerra en oficio del 26 de enero ultimo no le permiten los quebrantos... 02-04-1794 Davalos, Pedro, Rodriguez Biedma, Tomas, and others
Letters from Ugarte, and others to viceroy concerning Apache raids in Chihuahua and Durango. 06-17-1788 Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (Comandante General), Sanchez, Joseph, Diaz, Domingo (Capitan)
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military expedition against Indians in Candela. 11-18-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Matos, Jose de (Justicia)
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids during October. 11-11-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Valle, Francisco del, and others
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during November. 11-30-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Rivero, Jose Antonio, and others
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during October. 10-29-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Apodaca, Gabriel de (Justicia), and others
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Valle concerning Indian raids in district of Chihuahua in September. 10-12-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Valle, Francisco del (Justicia)
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids during September. 09-00-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Matos, Jose de (Justicia), and others
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and Matos concerning military attack against Indians in Organos. 10-14-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Matos, Jose de (Justicia)
Correspondence between Diaz and several justicia mayores concerning Indian raids and town abandonments. 03-01-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador Intendente), Neve, Phelipe de, Loyas, Jose Antonio, and others
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in San Buenaventura, Papasquiano, and Chihuahua. 02-22-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Valle, Francisco del (Justicia), and others
Correspondence between Diaz, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Julimes, Guanacebi, and Conchos. 02-01-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), Valle, Francisco del (Justicia), and others
Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Apache raids in Guanacevi and real del Oro. 01-11-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others
Correspondence between Diaz and the viceroy concerning Indian attacks in Santa Barbara, Chihuahua and Olivos. 12-31-1789 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey), and others
Correspondence between Diaz and viceroy concerning separation between civil and military offices in Durango. 10-14-1787 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador Intendente), Revilla Gigedo, Conde de (Virrey)
Series of documents on military services given to the king, by soldiers of soledad, jurisdiction of Colotlan. 03-24-1724 Victoriano, Sebastian Antonio, Davila Maldonado, Andres, Flores de San Pedro, Juan
Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768 Palacios, Antonio (Telesforo), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe (Gobernador Intendente)
Letters between Diaz de Hortega and Ugalde about complaint in unequal military funding; purchase of military livestock. 12-31-1786 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Ugalde, Juan de
Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787 Diaz de Ortega, Phelipe (Gobernador, Intendente), Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), Campo, Francisco Xavier de (Corregidor), and others
Correspondence between Diaz de Hortega and viceroy regarding concerns that Apaches are destroying haciendas property without punishment. Presidio officials are labeled incompetent 08-12-1788 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe
Series of documents concerning military organization to counterattack Indians who have been successful in destroying Spaniards' property in provincias del Poniente. 08-20-1788 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Diaz, Domingo (Capitan), Ugarte y Loyola Jacobo (Comandante)
Series of documents concerning military organization to counterattack Indians who have been successful in destroying Spaniards' property in provincias del Poniente. 08-20-1788 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Diaz, Domingo (Capitan), Ugarte y Loyola Jacobo (Comandante)
Correspondence dealing with alleged negligence of military officials who have permitted the Indians to inflict terror on ranchos and pueblos. 07-05-1788 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe, Rodriguez, Manuel, Valenzuela, Francisco Javier
Series of reports detailing robberies committed by Indians. Military officials are blamed for not being able to stop these crimes 07-30-1788 Diaz Hortega, Phelipe, Rivero, Jose Antonio, Armendariz, Pedro Manuel
Letter certifying loss of military items in battle against Apaches. 02-08-1790 Diaz de Hortega, Phelipe
Letters by gumely and Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military and Indian affairs. 12-23-1788 Dufay, Guillermo (Alferes), Echegaray, Juan de (Capitan)
N. R. de Leon subalternos 87, 88 y 89. 09-21-1787 Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General), Guemelli, Gregorio (Alferez), Dufay, Guillermo (Alferez) and others
N. Reino de Leon destacamento de Linares 87 y 88, letters from Juan Domingo Echegaray and Dufay to Ugalde concerning Provincias Internas division, receipt of diaries and search for capitancillos Montes and Joseph. 08-26-1786 Echegaray, Juan Domingo, Dufay, Guillermo
Series of letters to Francisco de Ugalde concerning Indian raids around Linares, Nuevo Reino de Leon 12-01-1786 Ugalde, Francisco de (Comandante General), Echegaray, Juan Dominguez (Alferez), Dufay, Guillermo (Alferez)
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. 01-01-1773 Dios Muniz, Juan de (Capitan Comandante)(Teniente Gobernador), Baruerena, Juan Francisco de, Salazar, Sebastian de, and others
1776. Cuenta y documentos de los caudales que ha recibido y distribuido el governador de la colonia del Nuevo Santander en el ano de 1775. 01-00-1774 Sanches, Thomas (Capitan Justicia), Gonzales de Paredes, Manuel (Sargento), Damasio de las Casas, Joseph (Teniente Justicia), and others
1776. Cuenta y documentos de los caudales que ha recibido y distribuido el governador de la colonia del Nuevo Santander en el ano de 1775. 01-00-1774 Sanches, Thomas (Capitan Justicia), Gonzales de Paredes, Manuel (Sargento), Damasio de las Casas, Joseph (Teniente Justicia), and others
Quaderno 5. -- ordenes al intendente de San Luis Potosi, y sus contextaciones sobre auxilios que pidio . . . 08-12-1788 Diaz de Salcedo, Bruno, Corvalan, Christoval, Gutierrez, Luis, and others
Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Ugante y Layola, Jacobo (Comandante General Interino), Diaz, Domingo (Capitan), and others
Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787 Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante Inspector), Ugante y Layola, Jacobo (Comandante General Interino), Diaz, Domingo (Capitan), and others
Daroca requests reassignment in any place other than El Paso where he is currently serving. Remits details of service and experience. 10-15-1774 Daroca, Antonio Maria
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: deteriorating health, other matters. 06-08-1774 Daroca, Antonio Maria de
Letter from Daroca to virrey Bucareli re: providing assistance to Barrio. 09-24-1774 Daroca, Antonio Maria
Letter from Daroca asking permission to marry. 02-16-1774 Daroca, Antonio Maria de (Teniente Gobernador)
Letter fro Daroca to virrey Bucareli and response re: arrival at Paso del norte and request for money. 06-12-1773 Daroca, Antonio Maria (Teniente Gobernador)
Letter from Daroca and attached note from Oconor re: Daroca's requset for retirement following injury. 01-18-1774 Daroca, Antonio Maria de (Teniente Gobernador), Oconor, Hugo
Letter from Rubi to virrey re: deplorable state of affiars in Nueva Vizcaya. 07-05-1766 Rubi, Marques de (Mariscal de Campo), Diego Padilla, Escobar, Manuel, and others
Diaz to Corbalan letter concerning difficulties Indian ration program. 07-02-1771 Diaz, Juan (Fray), Corbalan, Pedro
Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783 Diaz, Domingo (Capitan Retirado), Galvez, Joseph de, Posada (Fiscal de Real Hacienda), Rengel, Joseph Antonio (Comandante General Interino), and others
Discussion of Vicarra's prison sentence for charges of treason and murder; copy of real cedula. 05-21-1785 Navarro, Galindo, Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo, Diaz y Ortega, Phelipe and others
Letter of padre Diaz to viceroy Bucareli. 03-21-1775 Diaz, Juan (Padre), Bucareli y Urusua, Antonio Maria (Virrey)
Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769 Urrea, Bernardo (Capitan), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Diaz, Juan (Padre), and others
Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769 Urrea, Bernardo (Capitan), Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria, Diaz, Juan (Padre), and others