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Title Date Author(s)
Concerns compensation for members of Nuevo Mexico military. 08-04-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo, Hernandez de Allende, Pedro, Blanco, Gregerio, Others
Concerns compensation for members of Nuevo Mexico military. 08-04-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo, Hernandez de Allende, Pedro, Blanco, Gregerio, Others
Garay requests retirement from quarta compania de milicias Voluntarios de caballeria de Nueva Vizcaya. Garay's role against rebels and contra Hidalgo mentioned. 11-05-1817 Bonavia, Bernardo, Velasco, Francisco, Muns, Cayetano (Medico), and others
Candidates recommended for vacant post of teniente in septima compania de milicias Voluntarios de caballeria de Nueva Vizcaya. 08-21-1817 Bonavia, Bernardo, Mijares Golorzano, Joaquin
Ruiz de Larramendi requests retirement from compania presidial de San Elceario and permission to reside in Spain. 09-01-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo, Ruiz de Larramendi, Pedro (Capitan), Muns, Cayetano (Cirujano), and others
Lopez requests retirement from company of Durango due to his suffering from consumption. Lopez' service record and role in killing of various gandules mentioned. 05-27-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo, Murga, Laureano de, Lopez, Jose, and others
Instancia written by Castaneda mentioning unspecified agrabios of military career. Granting of retirement to Leon, capitan de naturales de opatas de Babispe. 02-08-1815 Castaneda, Juan de (Teniente), Bonavia, Bernardo
Hernandez requests retirement from tercera compania del cuerpo Volante de Durango. Status of invalid also requested. 08-09-1816 Bonavia, Bernardo, Texada, Antonio Garcia de, Velasco, Francisco, and others
Navarro requests retirement from compania de milicias de San Sebastian. 10-05-1813 Torres, Manuel (Medico), Navarro, Martin Jose (Capitan), Bonavia, Bernardo, and others
Navarro requests retirement from compania de milicias de San Sebastian. 10-05-1813 Torres, Manuel (Medico), Navarro, Martin Jose (Capitan), Bonavia, Bernardo, and others
Letters from Garcia Alexo to the virrey on the state of the provincias. Other matters related to military retirement. 07-31-1820 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Bernal, Francisco Joseph, Lopez, Carlos, and others
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Ronquilla, Jose (Capitan), Barela, Jose, and others
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820 Garcia Conde, Alexo (Comandante), Ronquilla, Jose (Capitan), Barela, Jose, and others
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the advances in the negotiations with the Apaches. 11-22-1819 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Velasco, Francisco, Barraza, Juan Vicente (Cura), and others
Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the advances in the negotiations with the Apaches. 11-22-1819 Garcia Conde, Alexo, Velasco, Francisco, Barraza, Juan Vicente (Cura), and others
Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. 11-20-1789 Boullosa, Manuel de la Soledad (Fray), Carral, Joseph (Fray), Rada, Miguel Jesus de Maria (Fray), and others
Concerning condition of Nuevo Santander after massive flood; supply of gunpowder to troops. 10-31-1756 Escandon, Joseph de, Valcarce, Domingo, Balbuena, Joachin de, and others
Concerning condition of Nuevo Santander after massive flood; supply of gunpowder to troops. 10-31-1756 Escandon, Joseph de, Valcarce, Domingo, Balbuena, Joachin de, and others
Proposal for salary increase for J.F. Barbarena, 05-10-1751 Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel), Buenavista de la Barrera, Antonio, Barbarena, Juan Francisco de (Capitan), and others
Proposal for salary increase for J.F. Barbarena, 05-10-1751 Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel), Buenavista de la Barrera, Antonio, Barbarena, Juan Francisco de (Capitan), and others
Proposal for salary increase for J.F. Barbarena, 05-10-1751 Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel), Buenavista de la Barrera, Antonio, Barbarena, Juan Francisco de (Capitan), and others
Geographic defense-plan reports from Bazquez Borrego (elder) to Escandon. 07-26-1750 Basquez Borrega, Joseph (Elder)(Capitan), Escandon, Joseph de (Coronel), Gorraez, Joseph de, and others
Echagarray testifies to real tribunal de cuentas having delivered lost expedientes to villegas puente who testifies that he never received them. 00-00-1731 Echegarray, Thomas Joseph de, Villegas Puente, Manuel Angel de, Balbuena, Juan de (Escrivano), and others
Echagarray testifies to real tribunal de cuentas having delivered lost expedientes to villegas puente who testifies that he never received them. 00-00-1731 Echegarray, Thomas Joseph de, Villegas Puente, Manuel Angel de, Balbuena, Juan de (Escrivano), and others
Order from the king to the Franciscans to follow statutes. 12-15-1787 Boix, Gaspar (Fray), Mier Trespalacios, Cosme, Flores, Manuel Antonio (Virrey), and others
Salamanca's correspondence re: defense of Havana and request for military assistance. 08-04-1661 Ortega, Geronimo de, Banos, Marques Conde de, Salamanca, Juan de
Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting permission to leave New Spain. 10-20-1764 Escandon, Joseph (Coronel), Leon, Juan Guadalupe de (Cura), Boix, Gaspar (Fray), and others
Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting permission to leave New Spain. 10-20-1764 Escandon, Joseph (Coronel), Leon, Juan Guadalupe de (Cura), Boix, Gaspar (Fray), and others
Autos formed against Basquez accused of theft of cattle from Sanchez. 07-24-1767 Sanchez, Thomas (Capitan), Basquez Borrego, Joseph (Capitan), Martinez de Sotomayor, Joseph (Capitan), and others
Interrogations from bishop of Guadalaxara made in his visit of Santa Maria de Los Angeles. Autos formed against Escandon. 11-10-1766 Roca, Salvador (Clerigo), Berroa, Antonio de, Sanchez de Lara, Joseph
Autos formed by bishop of Guadalaxara in rancho Dolores in 1759 accusing Escandon of negligence in the matters of religion. 11-10-1766 Roca, Salvador (Clerigo), Sanchez de Lara, Joseph Antonio (notario), Berroa, Antonio
Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764 Balbuena, Joachin de, Escandon y Llera, Manuel de (Capitan), Escandon, Joseph (Coronel), and others
Informes from Lumbreras to Bucareli concerning discovery of silver mines at sierra de San Marcial. 02-01-1779 Lumbreras, Juan Josef, Bauptista de Anza, Juan (Capitan)
Letters from Corbalan concerning petitions of tax exemption for the Indians. Letters from Barco concerning tax collection in Buliacan. Indian pacification and tax payments. 06-27-1779 Bentura Belena, Eusebio Corbalan, Pedro de, Barco, Gallardo, Rafael
Letters from Corbalan concerning petitions of tax exemption for the Indians. Letters from Barco concerning tax collection in Buliacan. Indian pacification and tax payments. 06-27-1779 Bentura Belena, Eusebio Corbalan, Pedro de, Barco, Gallardo, Rafael
Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given Corbalan, Pedro (Subintendente), Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Bringas de Manzaneda, Pedro, and others
Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given Corbalan, Pedro (Subintendente), Pineda, Juan de (Gobernador), Bringas de Manzaneda, Pedro, and others
Concerning reorganization of Ostimuri, Sonora after death of Sastre. 10-04-1772 Cassimiro de Esparza, Antonio (Gobernador), Areches, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray), and others
Concerning reorganization of Ostimuri, Sonora after death of Sastre. 10-04-1772 Cassimiro de Esparza, Antonio (Gobernador), Areches, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray), and others
Concerning reorganization of Ostimuri, Sonora after death of Sastre. 10-04-1772 Cassimiro de Esparza, Antonio (Gobernador), Areches, Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (Fray), and others
Cuenta de las cantidades suplidas por el fondo de gratificacion de dicha compania en agasajo de indios que la han visitado de paz. 12-31-1802 Bujamos, Manuel, Lorca, Joaquin Vidal de (Comandante), Perea, Ramon (Alferez), and others
Reports of milicia activities near vieja Tamaulipa sierra. 12-14-1789 Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Sierragorda, Conde de la, Buedo, Francisco (Fray), and others
Reports of milicia activities near vieja Tamaulipa sierra. 12-14-1789 Munoz, Manuel (Teniente Coronel), Sierragorda, Conde de la, Buedo, Francisco (Fray), and others
General documents concerning missionization, presidio payrolls of Nayarit. 11-13-1723 Flores de San Pedro, Juan (Gobernador), Minxares, Diego de, Balderrama, Juan Thomas de, and others
General documents concerning missionization, presidio payrolls of Nayarit. 11-13-1723 Flores de San Pedro, Juan (Gobernador), Minxares, Diego de, Balderrama, Juan Thomas de, and others
Concerning founding new villas, reduccion of Indians in Nayarit 08-09-1722 Flores de la Thorre y San Pedro, Juan (Gobernador), Sanches de Santa Anna, Francisco, Beytia, Antonio de, and others
Concerning founding new villas, reduccion of Indians in Nayarit 08-09-1722 Flores de la Thorre y San Pedro, Juan (Gobernador), Sanches de Santa Anna, Francisco, Beytia, Antonio de, and others
Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from spring 1820, various matters. 02-10-1820 Pardo, Manuel (Gobernador), Boeta y Salazar, Jose Antonio, Quintero, Cayetano (Coronel), and others
Letter from Bonavia temporarily appointing Rivera as segundo subteniente of compania de artilleria provincial de Durango. 09-13-1817 Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), Caballero, Jose
Letters concerning payment of salary to Molano, chaplain of Monclova presidio. 12-31-1813 Bonavia, Bernardo (Comandante General), and others