Wright, Frederick (“Fred”) Thompson

From Orville Harry Brown, M.D. collections, v. 6, p. 590-591 & v. 10, p. 227 [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]: Medical degree: University of Michigan, 1899. Received his Arizona medical license on May 23, 1903 (#68) at the age of 38. Married Martha Caldwell of Battle Creek, Michigan in 1920. Died November 8, 1940 in La Jolla, California. See newspaper articles describing his role in the founding of the hospital in Douglas. Wrote a book (privately distributed): From the Bosporus to Bagdad and Beyond. Volume 10, page 227 probably refers to this person.
In Quebbeman (pages 280, 381) name appears as “Fred C.” and “Fred T.”
See also: Hayostek, Cindy. Douglas' First Physicians. Haystack Publications, Douglas, Arizona, 2011, pages 22-24: “Fredrick.” See also entry for Adamson, Edward William.

Official List of Officers of Officers' Reserve Corps of the Army of the United States. Volume VI. August 31, 1919, p. 45: Arizona. ... Medical Department. Medical Section. ... Major. ... Wright, Frederick Thompson ... 636 Tenth Street, Douglas ... Date of birth: Mar. 15, 1865.
Source: http://books.google.com/books?id=d8RBAAAAIAAJ

Frederick T. Wright. A Case of Traumatic Rupture of the Intestine. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, July 18 [1901].
Henry M. Joy and Frederick T. Wright. Leucocytosis as a Point of Prognosis in Appendicitis. Medical News (N. Y.), April 5, [1902]. The value of the leucocyte count as a point of prognosis in appendicitis is insisted upon by Joy and Wright. They do not depend on it for diagnosis, but as a symptom of the severity of the disease....
F. T. Wright, Douglas, Ariz. Anomaly in Location of Terminal Ileum; Report of Case. Southwestern Medicine, El Paso, Texas, February, 1918, 2, No. 2, p. 17ff. In a man who had died following an operation for what had been diagnosed as chronic appendicitis, the following arrangement of the cecum and terminal portion of the ileum was found by Wright....
F. T. Wright, Douglas, Ariz. Twenty-Five Years of Fractures. Southwestern Medicine, Phoenix, Ariz., 9:(Aug.) 1925, p. 300ff.
Southwestern Medicine, Dec 1926; X(12), page 544: ... The discussion of this group of papers was opened by Dr. F.T. Wright, of Douglas.

A New Remedy for Whooping Cough [letter]. J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1900; XXXV: 894 - 895. Calumet, Mich., Sept. 24, 1900. | To the Editor:In the Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift for Dec. 11, 1899, appeared an article by Dr. Max Heim, of Dusseldorf,in which he recounted such successful results in the treatment of pertussis with a new remedy, "antitussin," that I was impelled to obtain a small amount of the remedy for trial. ... While my limited experience Avith the remedy does not warrant my making any too extravagant statements concerning it, I do feel justified in expressing the belief that it is of great value in pertussis, and well worthy of a trial by any who are called on to treat this disease. Frederick T. Wright, M.D.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1902; XXXIX: 847: Michigan. Dr. Frederick T. Wright, Calumet, has resigned from the staff of the Calumet and Hecla Hospital and has taken charge of the medical work at the Calumet and Arizona smelters at Douglas, Ariz.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1905; XLIV: 1469: Arizona. Cochise and Graham Counties Medical Society. -- The physicians of these counties met at Bisbee, March 18, and organized a medical society for Cochise and Graham counties. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. Allen R. Hickman, Douglas, Cochise County; vice-president, Dr. Harris W. Horn, Clifton, Graham County; secretary, Dr. Bledsoe, Bisbee, Cochise County; treasurer, Dr. John E. Bacon, Tombstone, Cochise County, and censors, Drs. Francis E. Shine, Bisbee, Cochise County; Charles L. Caven, Bisbee, Cochise County, and Frederick T. Wright, Douglas, Cochise County.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1905; XLIV: 1615: New Instrument. A NEW CHLOROFORM INHALER. FREDERICK T. WRIGHT. DOUGLAS, ARIZ. I have devised a "one-handed" chloroform inhaler, a sketch of which is given herewith, for use especially in obstetrical practice....
J Am Med Assoc, May 1907; XLVIII: 1622: List of new members of the American Medical Association for the month of April, 1907: Arizona. Wright, F. T., Douglas.
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1907; XLIX: 76: List of Members and Guests Who Registered at the [AMA] Atlantic City Session, June, 1907. Practice of Medicine. Wright, Frederick T., Douglas, Ariz.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1907; XLVIII: 2200: Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Appointment. Dr. Frederick T. Wright, appointed acting asst.-surgeon, for duty at Douglas, Ariz., June 14, 1907.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1907; XLIX: 1642: NEW PATENTS. Recent patents of interest to physicians : ... 866995. Surgical instrument. Frederick T. Wright, Douglas, Ariz. Ter.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1916; LXVI: 1556: The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Arizona Medical Association was held in Phoenix, April 26 and 27, under the presidency of Dr. John W. Flinn, Prescott. The following officers were elected: president, Dr. Robert Ferguson, Bisbee; vice presidents, Drs. W. Warner Watkins, Phoenix; Arthur C. Carlson, Jerome, and Frederick T. Wright, Douglas; secretary, Dr. Clarence E. Yount, Prescott (reelected) ; treasurer, Dr. Roderick D. Kennedy, Globe, and delegate to the American Medical Association, Dr. John J. McLoone, Phoenix.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1918; 70: 855: Arizona. To Washington, D. C, Aviation Section, Signal Corps, Capt. FREDERICK T. WRIGHT, Douglas.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1918; 70: 1009: ORDERS TO OFFICERS OF THE MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. Arizona. To Washington, D. C. for temporary duty, from Washington, Capt. FREDERICK T. WRIGHT, Douglas.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1647: A SURVEY INCLUDING THE NAMES OF CIVILIAN PHYSICIANS IN MILITARY SERVICE... Arizona. Cochise County. DOUGLAS -- W. A. Christensen ; Jerome McKain Leonard ; Adolphus A. McDaniel ; Wm. Mann Randolph ; Frederick Thompson Wright. JOHNSON -- George Conrad Snyder.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1924; 82: 1802: To the Editor: -- Kindly give me some information about the "Registration Area," or refer me to where I can find out. From the enclosed clipping (from the New York Times) it appears that Chicago and St. Louis are not in the "area," which seems incredible. F. T. Wright, M.D., Douglas, Ariz.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1926; 87: 1308: Dr. Wright Resigns. -- After a continuous service of twenty-four years as surgeon at the smelter of the Calumet and Arizona Mining Company at Douglas, Dr. Frederick T. Wright resigned, September 30, and will retire from practice. Dr. Wright came to Douglas in 1902 from Michigan, and for the first ten years did the medical work at the smelter alone ; Dr. Carl H. Lund, who, since 1912, has been his associate, is also leaving the hospital to engage in private practice. The Calumet Hospital will hereafter be operated as a part of the milling organization. Dr. Edward W. Adamson, who will assume the management, will be assisted by Dr. Hugh M. Helm, formerly of Nacazario, Mexico.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1927; 88: 588: LAXATIVE CONSTITUENTS OF GRAPE JUICE. To the Editor: -- We are all aware that grape juice has a mild cathartic effect, but I do not remember to have seen a statement or analysis which would indicate what the laxative constituents may be. Frederick T. Wright, M.D., Douglas, Ariz.
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1941; 116: 245: Frederick Thompson Wright, La Jolla, Calif. ; University of Michigan Department of Medicine and Surgery, Ann Arbor, 1899 ; member of the Arizona State Medical Association ; past president of the state board of medical examiners of Arizona ; aged 75; died, Nov. 8, 1940.
Master pnID
Src1 DP
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 6, page(s) 590,591; volume 10, page(s) 227
OHB Checked
Calumet MI