Possibly Euclid Clarence Wills (q.v.) [?]
Mentioned in the 2/10/1925 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. S.H. Watson in charge of the scientific program for the evening, presented Dr. J.F. [J.L. ?] McKnight of the US Veterans Hospital No. 51. The subject of Dr. McKnight’s address was The X-Ray as an Aid to Diagnosis and a beautiful series of plates was shown illustration of various points made. Drs. Butler, Callender, Wills, McFaul and Watson participated in an appreciative discussion.”
Mentioned in the 2/10/1925 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. S.H. Watson in charge of the scientific program for the evening, presented Dr. J.F. [J.L. ?] McKnight of the US Veterans Hospital No. 51. The subject of Dr. McKnight’s address was The X-Ray as an Aid to Diagnosis and a beautiful series of plates was shown illustration of various points made. Drs. Butler, Callender, Wills, McFaul and Watson participated in an appreciative discussion.”
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