Medical doctor?
See: Buehman, Estelle M. Old Tucson; a hop, skip and jump history from 1539 Indian settlement to new and greater Tucson. Tucson, Ariz., State Consolidated Publishing Co., 1911, page 50: “The First Baptist Church of Tucson was organized at the residence of Mr. E. S. Dodge, April 7th, 1881, with six members, besides the pastor, who was Rev. Uriah Gregory. Charles D. Poston and Benjamin Goodrich were members of the board of trustees. In May a lot was purchased for the church and parsonage, consisting of one hundred feet on Stone Avenue and sixty-six feet on 8th, now called Council Street. On May 15th, recognition services were held in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. W. Osborn of Nebraska preached before the council at 11 a. m., and Dr. O. C. Wheeler, Moderator, made the evening address, and three new members were added by letter. The new chapel was dedicated in January, 1882.”
See: Buehman, Estelle M. Old Tucson; a hop, skip and jump history from 1539 Indian settlement to new and greater Tucson. Tucson, Ariz., State Consolidated Publishing Co., 1911, page 50: “The First Baptist Church of Tucson was organized at the residence of Mr. E. S. Dodge, April 7th, 1881, with six members, besides the pastor, who was Rev. Uriah Gregory. Charles D. Poston and Benjamin Goodrich were members of the board of trustees. In May a lot was purchased for the church and parsonage, consisting of one hundred feet on Stone Avenue and sixty-six feet on 8th, now called Council Street. On May 15th, recognition services were held in the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. W. Osborn of Nebraska preached before the council at 11 a. m., and Dr. O. C. Wheeler, Moderator, made the evening address, and three new members were added by letter. The new chapel was dedicated in January, 1882.”
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