Family name appears as “Welsh” in the 12/1/1952 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. Engle reported for the Building Committee, that Mr. Homer Boyd (recently defeated for reelection to the Board of Supervisors) felt that under the circumstances it would not do any good for him to appear now for the Society. Dr. Engle said that a meeting for next Wednesday night has been arranged with representatives from Tucson Medical Center, probably Colonel Welsh [Welch] and Harry Cameron, and at least two doctors, Dr. Bean, who will bring drawings, Dr. Sanger and the new President, a couple of doctors from County Hospital and a couple representing the Pima County Medical Society: Mr. Kautenberger, Mr. Lamb and Mr. Boyd will also attend.”
Col. C.H. Welch / Clare H. Welch was President of the Tucson Medical Center’s Board of Trustees for 1952-1954 (see Grubb, vol II, p. 63).
Col. C.H. Welch / Clare H. Welch was President of the Tucson Medical Center’s Board of Trustees for 1952-1954 (see Grubb, vol II, p. 63).
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