Sloan, Richard E. History of Arizona. Phoenix, Record Pub. Co., 1930, volume 4 (Arizona biography), pages 366, 367 [portrait], 369: Dr. Arthur Tongeland who was for a number of years very successful in the practice of dentistry in Yuma is also the owner of much valuable property in this city and is highly regarded by his fellowmen. He was born in Humboldt County, Iowa, about twenty four miles from Algon, on December 9, 1884 and is a son of O.N. and Anna (Garness) Tongeland,both of whom were natives of Norway. The father came to the U.S. at the age of sixteen years and he settled on a farm in Iowa to the operation of which he devoted his attention up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1912. He was an active member of the Lutheran Church. The mother is now residing at Bellingham, Washington. In the public schools of the latter place Arthur Tongeland received his elementary education and graduated from high school at Toledo, Oregon. He then entered Philomath College from which he graduated in 1906. For a number of years he was engaged in various lines of business, chiefly real estate and automobiles and then in 1916 he entered the North Pacific Dental College at Portland Oregon from which he graduated in 1919. Dr. Tongeland entered his practice at Florence Arizona but later located in Ray, this state, where he remained about six months. From there he went to Humboldt, and a couple of years later [to] Phoenix where he remained until January 1924, when he came to Yuma. Here he has a well-equipped office and has built up a large practice. Dr. Tongeland was married to Mrs. Marion Pattee of Phoenix and they are the parents of a daughter, Evelyn, now ten years of age.
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Ray, Humboldt