Mentioned in the 11/12/1946 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. First name mentioned in the 151-04-05-02 minutes. Arizona Medical Board record: Willard L. Strode MD; license date: 10/5/1946; medical school: BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, Houston, Texas; graduation date: 06/03/1940.
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1950; 143: 1221: PREMENSTRUAL SYMPTOMS. To the Editor: -- A healthy married woman aged 23 gives a history of the onset of symptoms of an acute cold, which invariably occur about one week prior to menstruation. At the onset of her period the symptoms are dramatically relieved. Her periods have always been regular but excessive, there being a heavy flow for two or three days and moderate flow for the following five or six days. The only significant thing in her history is seasonal hay fever, and the symptoms that occur prior to her menses are identical with the symptoms of hay fever. Advice will be appreciated. Willard L. Strode, M.D., Tucson, Ariz.
JAMA, Feb 1964; 187: 554: Strode, Willard Lee; Escondido, Calif; Baylor University College of Medicine, Dallas, 1940; veteran of World War II; on the staff of the Palomar Memorial Hospital, where he died Nov 8, aged 47, of pulmonary embolism.
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1950; 143: 1221: PREMENSTRUAL SYMPTOMS. To the Editor: -- A healthy married woman aged 23 gives a history of the onset of symptoms of an acute cold, which invariably occur about one week prior to menstruation. At the onset of her period the symptoms are dramatically relieved. Her periods have always been regular but excessive, there being a heavy flow for two or three days and moderate flow for the following five or six days. The only significant thing in her history is seasonal hay fever, and the symptoms that occur prior to her menses are identical with the symptoms of hay fever. Advice will be appreciated. Willard L. Strode, M.D., Tucson, Ariz.
JAMA, Feb 1964; 187: 554: Strode, Willard Lee; Escondido, Calif; Baylor University College of Medicine, Dallas, 1940; veteran of World War II; on the staff of the Palomar Memorial Hospital, where he died Nov 8, aged 47, of pulmonary embolism.
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